Star Odyssey

Chapter 4068: Collection

The reason why I had been sitting idle for two years before was to follow the methods of the lost tribe, but now that the card doesn't know what is good and what is bad, I have to change my method.

Countless lost tribesmen stared blankly at the card being grasped by Lu Yin, shaking constantly and wanting to escape.

There was no one to stop them, Ka was on one side and Lu Yin was on the other. They didn't know who to help.

In their hearts, they recognized Lu Yin more than the single Gobi card. After all, they had no impression of the third barrier, and their self-awareness was in the Tianyuan Universe.

Lu Yin is the master of Tianyuan Universe, and everything in Tianyuan Universe belongs to Lu Yin.

Only the Great Elder Shan Gu was in a complicated mood, but he also did not stop him.

They respect and fear the cards, but they also resent them.

It is obviously a third barrier card, but it does not recognize anyone in the third barrier. Lu Yin is right. If this card recognizes the emperor, even if the third barrier eventually dies, no one will be blamed, and the Hive Civilization will be able to bear even greater losses. price.

Moreover, as long as the Immortal Master does not take action, perhaps the Emperor may escape.

Of course, it's also possible that if the card is used, they won't be able to escape and they will all be wiped out.

Any possibility is possible, but they would rather the emperor fight to the death with a single hand in Gobi than escape with this card.

Now that Lu Yin is taking strong action, he hopes to control the card.

Lu Yin clings to the single Gobi card, no matter how you shake it, he can't get rid of it.

So what if it corresponds to the Immortal Realm? No matter how powerful the card is, it is still a card. Without the control of a strong person in the Immortal Realm, it is meaningless to Lu Yin.

The sky shook, the stars of the Lost Tribe trembled, and all the cards of the Lost Tribe were vibrating.

"Belonging to the lost clan." Great Elder Shan Gu's voice spread across the starry sky: "Respect the Lord of the Land, take it."




Countless voices gathered together, resounding through the stars and shaking the heaven and earth.

For a moment, the card suddenly stopped vibrating, as if being overwhelmed by countless people from the Lost Tribe.

Lu Yin grabbed the card and looked at it. This card was not much different from the Eternal Darkness, Aurora, etc. he had seen. The only thing was that the feeling was different. It was not a feeling of power, but a feeling of recognition.

Just like Lu Yin faced Jiang Feng's power, faced the ancestor's righteous method, and faced Mr. Mu's power of time.

That unique feeling, that unique rhythm.

It is not immortal matter, nor is it the breath of life, but it has that unique feeling, which means.

He took out the eternal matter and touched the card, and the eternal matter was smoothly integrated into the card.

Sure enough, this card can be integrated into eternal matter, which is equivalent to the eternal life in the card.

What Lu Yin is looking forward to most now is its trap.

Laying the card flat, the card did not disappear. The moment it stopped vibrating, it recognized Lu Yin. It was not only Lu Yin, but also the wish of the entire Lost Clan. At this moment, it was so calmly suspended in the void.

Lu Yin entered the card and saw nothing. The card world was completely white, which was completely opposite to Eternal Darkness.

He closed his eyes and felt quietly.

Not long after, he opened his eyes and saw a phalanx appearing all around. Lu Yin looked at the phalanx on all sides, flicked his fingers, and attacked one side with force, hitting the phalanx and causing ripples, but it was ineffective.

Next, Lu Yin took action again, this time with stronger power.

Still unable to break the phalanx.

He took action again and again, testing the bottom line of the phalanx, and was surprised to find that the phalanx could withstand the power of his attack on the monsters in the Immortal Realm.

This endurance alone is enough to compete with ordinary immortality.

The real ability of the phalanx is the infinite loop attack.

Lu Yin relied on the phalanx to attack. Any strength he exerted could be recycled and reused. He could attack again and again. In theory, he could attack an unlimited number of times.

Lu Yin has seen many methods of recycling and reuse, especially Biluo Heavenly Palace, but this square array can truly resist the immortality realm's all methods. Even if it cannot hurt the immortality realm, it can still consume the eternal matter of the immortality realm. .

Combined with its defensive capabilities, ordinary immortals can definitely be trapped.

And this is just the state of the single Gobi card after the first level is unblocked.

That's right, it's the first level of unblocking.

This card has more than one trap and needs to be unblocked in one level. No wonder it is so arrogant and no one looks down on it. The first level of unblocking alone is enough to fight against the ordinary immortal realm.

The water droplet and the humanoid Qingxian are trapped in the card, and it is definitely not easy to get out. If the one who controls the card is Jingmen Shangyu, they will probably stay here.

Lu Yin was looking forward to it unlocking the second seal.

But it took time. Lu Yin felt that he should go to the Mirage Realm, not for anything else but for this card. He wanted to see how many seals this card had.

The third barrier’s understanding of it is still shallow.

After landing on the earth, the time and space of the Lost Clan returned to calm, and countless Lost Clan members looked at Lu Yin expectantly and anxiously.

They were worried that the most powerful card that protected their race was gone, but they also hoped that it would shine brightly in Lu Yin's hands, allowing their race to go higher and further.

Lu Yin landed in front of Elder Shan Gu and Emperor Mie Wu, and spread his hands for them to see.

He knew that Elder Shan Gu was eager to get his hands on this card.

When I escaped from the third barrier, I had no intention of observing this card.

In front of him, Great Elder Shan Gu stared blankly at Shan Gebi in Lu Yin's palm, and swallowed excitedly: "This, this is the super ancient card?"

Emperor Mie Wu also looked at Shan Gebi. It seemed that there was nothing special about him.

The Shan Gobi at this moment is just as ordinary as the other cards, and cannot be connected with the super ancient card that just covered the sky.

"This is Shan Gobi. Senior Shan Gu, would you like to go in and feel the trap?" Lu Yin said with a smile.

Great Elder Shan Gu looked forward to Lu Yin: "Okay?"

Lu Yin nodded and sucked Shan Gu into the card, along with Emperor Mie Wu.

Emperor Miewu was shocked: "It has nothing to do with me." His voice became smaller and smaller and disappeared in an instant.

Lu Yin also entered the card.

In the center of the white space, Great Elder Shan Gu looked around confusedly. When Emperor Wu saw Lu Yin coming in, he quickly went over: "Lu, Master Lu, I'm not interested in this, let me out."

Lu Yin ignored him and activated the phalanx, letting Great Elder Shan Gu and Mie Wuhuang feel what an endless offensive was.

He took action with the smallest amount of power. This power originally could not threaten Great Elder Shan Gu and Mie Wuhuang, but the most disgusting thing was that it was endless. There was no consumption like the Biluo Heavenly Palace, and every time the power returned was the same as Coincidences are generally exploited by the entire phalanx and struck out again and again.

Emperor Mie Wu tried to defeat the phalanx, but to no avail.

Even Lu Yin was amazed at the defensive power of the phalanx, let alone him.

Finally, when the two of them came out, they had an amazing understanding of Shan Gebi.

It’s just that Great Elder Shan Gu looked confused and wanted to say something.

"Do you think it's not powerful enough?" Lu Yin looked at him.

Elder Shan Gu nodded: "The endless offensive and the defense that even amazed the land master are enough, but I always feel that something is missing."

"It's a little different from your third barrier legend." Lu Yin said, then smiled: "Because it has a second seal."

Elder Shan Gu's eyes widened with excitement: "Is there a second trap?"

Lu Yin nodded.

Great Elder Shan Gu was relieved. Indeed, if it was just a trap that was far from the legend, the emperor should not be able to control it. It would be reasonable to have a second trap.

There have been cards with sealed traps in the history of the third barrier, and Shan Xiao’s imperial card is one of them.

The owner of the Emperor Card is the Emperor. Only the Emperor knows the secret of the Emperor Card. Everyone else thinks that there is only one Emperor Card.

Indeed, in the third barrier, you only need to use the Emperor's Card. There are no enemies that are qualified for the Emperor to use two Emperor Cards. It was not until the last battle, when Shan Xiao betrayed, that the power of the Emperor's Card fully exploded and became the third barrier. One of the underlying forces, but still failed.

The first trap performed by Shan Gobi is somewhat unsatisfactory, and it is only reasonable to have the second trap.

"Once the land master unlocks the second seal, he may be able to exchange the internal and external world." Great Elder Shan Gu said excitedly.

Lu Yin thought so too, and this was in line with the level of the third barrier legend.

He looked at Mie Wuhuang and said, "You have contributed to being able to lure Shan Gebi this time. You haven't told me what you want."

Before, Emperor Miewu asked how to move towards the realm of immortality, but Lu Yin himself understood it, and the path given to Emperor Miewu was more like a test.

Everyone's journey towards the Immortal Realm is a trial, because there are too few people in human history who can step into the Immortal Realm, including Lu Yin himself.

Emperor Mie Wu thought for a while: "How about letting me go?"

Lu Yin smiled and said, "You can go wherever you want."

"I could have gone back to spiritualization before, but I was stopped." Emperor Mie Wu said.

Lu Yin said calmly: "It was your Supreme Being who blocked it, not me. And do you really want to go back to spiritualize the universe?"

The Emperor of Destruction did not expect that it was the Supreme Being who blocked the people of Linghua Universe from going back. He didn't know why. However, compared to Lu Yin, the Supreme Being definitely cared about them more. Of course, it was also possible that they were plotted by this Lu Yin. .

During his years in Tianyuan Universe, he had heard a lot about Lu Yin. The biggest thing he knew about Lu Yin now was that he was ruthless and counterattacked with evil brains.

He didn't get to where he is today just by relying on force.

"Then, the power of absolute freedom?" Emperor Mie Wu suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Why, someone is restricting your freedom?"

Emperor Mie Wu didn't answer. He used to be a group of shady guys from Tianshang Sect, but now that Lu Yin is back, he feels that his life is getting darker and darker.

Lu Yin agreed.

Mie Wuhuang breathed a sigh of relief, freedom was good, resources and so on seemed unable to help him move towards immortality, otherwise Yu Sangtian would have been a strong person in the immortality realm.

"Where did your blow come from?" Lu Yin asked, his eyes falling on the index finger of Emperor Mie Wu's right hand.

Great Elder Shan Gu also looked.

This problem troubled everyone, but the war with the Insect Nest Civilization had just ended, and everyone was busy with their own affairs, so they had no time to ask Emperor Mie Wu for clarification.

That was an air sword that defeated an attack from the Immortal Realm. It was extremely powerful. Looking at today's human civilization, except for the strong ones in the Immortal Realm, perhaps only Lu Yin could withstand that sword, and the rest, not even Jiang Feng could catch it.

That sword was more powerful than the blue water drop.

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