Star Odyssey

Chapter 4078: Ontology

Lu Yin didn't waste any time and directly threw the cause and effect at Jiang Qi. The result was the same as before, the cause and effect deviated directly, as if Jiang Qi was a person who was not touched by the cause and effect.

How could there be such a person?

Back in Linghua Universe, he had seen some strange physiques, especially Qingyun's physique that he couldn't understand.

It is like the state after being burned by fire. The explanation of cause and effect means that there is effect first, and then there is cause.

Lu Yin didn't understand until he saw the mural of Qinglian Shangyu.

Qingyun was separated, and she practiced some kind of clone method. With the help of Qinglian Shangyu's power of cause and effect, she divided her body into two types, one is the body of cause and the other is the body of effect.

Because of the body, the fire burns in the body, but it will not die.

The fruit body, the body is moving towards death, but there is no flame.

If Qingyun had not been separated, her physique would have turned her into ashes, but Qinglian Lord separated her physique and allowed her to live until now.

It's one thing to understand it, but another thing to be able to do it.

Lu Yin asked himself that he couldn't do it. He couldn't separate a person's physique by cause and effect. Qinglian Shangyu's path of cause and effect was completely different from his, and it was much stronger.

He understood Qingyun's physique, but Jiang Qi still didn't understand.

No matter how Lu Yin used cause and effect, he couldn't see through General Qi even with the help of the celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.


It's like a person who studies gourmet food can spend time restoring every delicacy, but when he encounters a piece of wood, it is not gourmet at all. No matter how long he spends, he can't make a piece of wood out of gourmet food.

Jiang Qi is like a piece of wood, a piece of wood that has nothing to do with cause and effect.

But this piece of wood is important.

Man is born in the universe, and it is impossible for him to be born without cause and effect.

Jiang Qi waited anxiously, and after a while, Lu Yin asked the Second Night King to send him back.

"What's going on with this person?" Long Xi was curious.

Lu Yin said: "This is because people are very strange and can avoid cause and effect."

Long Xi was surprised: "Avoiding cause and effect? ​​Is there such a person?"

Even Long Xi, a person who didn't understand cause and effect, was surprised. You can imagine how strange Jiang Qi was.

Lu Yin asked Long Xi not to tell anyone. He still couldn't find the reason why Jiang Qi could avoid the cause and effect. Was it his physical constitution? But there's nothing wrong with his physique.

The reason why Jiang Qi was so scared that he hid under the quilt was because he could see the wall of cause and effect.

What would a person think when he lives under a huge city wall all day long and the sky is covered by a funnel?

He will also become like this.

Shochi is pitiful.

Chenzu is still looking for Master Qingcao, and like this, another half a year has passed.

On this day, Lu Yin arrived at Taikoo City after leaving the Mirage Domain's Timeless River. He wanted to talk to his master, but he was afraid of disturbing his master.

Taikoo City, the place where Tianyuan Universe’s final battle took place.

Here, humans defeated the Eternals. If not for the attack of the spiritual universe, the Tianyuan Universe would have been stable, and there would be no need to turn back time.

Thirty-seven years of time have been turned back, and so many lives have been saved.

Nowadays, there are still many experts in Taikoo City. Most of the strong men who once guarded Taikoo City are still here as long as they survive.

If those strong men returned to their respective time and space, they would all be at the ancestor level, but they would no longer have a sense of belonging in their respective time and space.

On the contrary, I have a strong sense of belonging to Taikoo Shing.

Lu Yin heard a burst of laughter, coming from the ancestor of the super giant. Such a large size was really conspicuous.

They are drinking.

"It's a pity that Lao Zhongtou and the others can't see what's happening now. We will enter the mirage realm to practice and achieve a breakthrough that we never dared to imagine before."

"Babar, Jian An, Bai Mu, etc., eh---"

"A drink to the old brothers."

"Respect them..."

Lu Yin looked calm. He had little contact with Bai Mu and others, but he was worthy of respect for guarding the Taikoo City.

"Be honest, if you dare to move, your master will be gone." The ancestor of the super giant slapped the ground on the ground, causing Taikoo City to shake.

The prisoner was dissatisfied: "Old guy, be gentle, Taikoo City is fragile now, don't damage it."

The ancestor of the super giant snorted coldly: "Teach this little guy a lesson, so as not to cause more trouble." After saying that, he raised his hand, and there was a piece of black cloth under his palm, which was twisting constantly, looking very spiritual.

The people around me were no longer surprised by this piece of black cloth.

This black cloth belongs to a guy named Qi from the Eternal Tribe. He participated in the Eternal Tribe's God's Choice War and came to the battlefield of Taikoo City. He was captured by the ancestor of the super giant as soon as he arrived. He has not been released until now and is often slapped.

"The Eternals are all gone, this guy should be honest."

"If you don't behave honestly, I'll tear it up. Old guy, why are you still keeping it?"

The ancestor of the super giant grinned: "Be a foot wipe."

As soon as these words came out, several people around him felt sick and avoided the black cloth in disgust.

"Hahahaha, look at what you guys dislike. Ancestor, I even think it's dirty. I just keep it for fun. It's strange that a piece of cloth can still have spirituality."

"That's true."

"Then have you understood the research?"

"show me."

The ancestor of the super giant threw it away, whoever wanted to see it didn't matter.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. He turned around and saw Lu Yin with a strange look in his eyes.

Several people around him stood up quickly: "Master Lu."

"I've met Lord Lu."

The ancestor of the super giant saluted: "Lord Lord."

Lu Yin nodded and looked at Hei Bu: "Qi, do you still remember me?"

The black cloth twisted, vibrated, and then turned into a human form. The whole person was wrapped in black cloth. Facing Lu Yin, he bowed deeply: "I have met Lord Lu."

Of course it remembered Lu Yin, who disguised himself as a night moorer and entered the Eternal Realm to participate in the Battle of God's Choice. Although they had not communicated with him, they left a deep impression on him.

Especially in the Battle of Taikoo City, it saw with its own eyes how Lu Yin decided the outcome of the battlefield and faced off against the only true god. The scenes shocked it.

Now Lu Yin is the master of the Tianyuan Universe. It is said that he can also compete with the Immortal Realm. That is a height that the only true god has not reached. This person is too terrifying.

"Where are you from?" Lu Yin asked because he actually noticed the eternal substance in Qi's body.


Lu Yin was surprised, shroud? I remember correctly, there was a guy in the True God Guard whose talent was the shroud. I didn't expect that the shroud would actually give birth to life.

Qi didn't dare to hide it. Now that the Eternals are gone, all it can do is survive as much as possible.

It fully explains its origins.

And its origin made Lu Yin go to the second calamity realm of the Eternals and come to the place where Qi once lived.

"It's right here, why is it gone? Could it be that it was taken away by the one true god? Or was it taken away by her?" Qi was puzzled.

Here, there should have been a corpse, not a human, but very similar in shape to a human, and Kai was the shroud of this corpse.

In its words, this corpse must have been very strong during its lifetime, terrifyingly strong. After all, a shroud can have spirituality, and one can imagine the corpse itself.

Lu Yin used causal penetration to see the past scenes and the corpse.

It is indeed not a human being who can make a shroud spiritual. To put it bluntly, now that he is dead, it is difficult for the shroud to have spirituality.

Looking at it this way, this corpse is most likely to be in the realm of immortality.

But how come the Eternals have immortal corpses? It shouldn’t be. It is extremely difficult to die in the Immortal Realm. If there are corpses in the Immortal Realm, it means that this Immortal Realm has been visited. Qinglian Shangyu and the others should not know about it.

Suddenly, Lu Yin saw a person in Qi's past scene, Bai Qian.

Bai Qian actually came and touched the body.

"What's wrong with this woman?"

Qi Gong replied: "In order to participate in the Battle of God's Choice, I left here and went to the Xujin residence to practice. This woman came for unknown reasons, touched the corpse, and then stayed here."

"When I came back and saw her, I wanted to shoot her to death, but I couldn't."

"This woman seemed to be guarded by an invisible force. I tried several times but couldn't kill her. It happened that the battle of God's Choice started at that time, so I left and stayed in Taikoo City. I don't know what happened after that. ."

Lu Yin was surprised, it turned out that this was the reason why Bai Qian was able to leave the Era alive.

When Bai Qian disappeared, he was captured and brought to the Eternal Realm. From this point of view, he was in the second Eternal Realm. The situation where he thought he would die was changed because he came into contact with this corpse, and he had the possibility of living.

Then why didn't she show up when the second calamity realm was destroyed?

I really can’t explain such things as chance.

"She came into contact with the body, why didn't you report it?" Lu Yin asked.

Qi said: "I'm afraid it will affect the battle of God's Choice."

Lu Yin nodded: "Does Yongheng know about this corpse?"

"I know, the only true god has come here, but not often. He doesn't seem to care much. But Xu Jin comes often, and I don't know why."

Lu Yin suddenly remembered something and looked towards the location where Xu Jin once lived.

The ruins are gone, and the awareness of life is gone.

The end of the moon is the life of thinking.

Could it be?

He took Qi back to the ancient city again, handed Qi to the ancestor of the super giant, and went to the earth to find Bai Xue.

Lu Yin asked Bai Xue for a drop of blood.

Bai Xue didn't know what Lu Yin wanted her blood for, but she didn't refuse.

What Lu Yin wants to do is to use Bai Xue's blood to find Bai Qian.

If his guess was true, the body might be of use to him.

Grasping the void, the strings of the sequence trembled, Lu Yin used cause and effect to penetrate the blood to find Bai Qian, causing the stars to roar.

In Taikoo City, the God of Desolation was speechless. Ever since Lu Yin returned, the string of the sequence seemed to be unstable. He wouldn't have stretched the string of sequence too hard one day. He couldn't catch it.

The heaven and earth roared, and cause and effect kept shuttling back and forth, trying to find Bai Qian.

However, it could not be found.

Lu Yin had a headache. He couldn't find the person who plotted against him because there was a mystery behind it. But why couldn't Bai Qian find him?

It seemed that her guess was true. The corpse she came into contact with was in the realm of immortality, and was most likely the owner of Yue Ya's thinking body and Xu Jin's consciousness body.

The realm of immortality dies in human civilization, so thoughts and consciousness are emitted, forming the ends of the moon and the end of the ruins.

Otherwise, if he died outside human civilization, how would Yueya appear?

The birth of Yue Ya itself requires death in the realm of immortality.

However, this corpse is of no use to eternity. The mind and consciousness are gone, there is only a corpse, and they may not be able to glean anything from the corpse.

But Bai Qian can.

Or maybe Bai Qian is too small?

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