Star Odyssey

Chapter 4084 See you again

When Wujiang first arrived in Linghua Universe, he caused a lot of trouble. Zhan Hua negotiated with Wujiang on behalf of the Zhan family and wanted to take away Zhan Yan. He was disrespectful and threatened Lu Yin, and was eventually kicked out by Lu Yin.

Since then, although he has never seen Lu Yin, he has always remembered the incident and thought about taking revenge one day.

But as Lu Yin's reputation grew and he did one shocking thing after another, his desire for revenge faded away. Especially when Lu Yin won a battle with Wuhuang, which shocked the entire spiritual universe, he completely gave up. Thoughts.

Afterwards, Emperor Wu died and the legal realms proclaimed themselves, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The outside world is too dangerous, but home is still safe.

Now after experiencing the war between civilizations, and even hearing about Lu Yin's legendary experience in the Jiuxiao Universe, the entire Zhan family was dumbfounded. They did not expect that Lu Yin would not only do well in the Linghua Universe, but also do even better in the Jiuxiao Universe.

Now that Lu Yin is here, he feels like he is facing the Supreme Being.

Zhan Ming was also shocked, but he was much better than Zhan Hua. Lu Yin did not come in directly, but asked someone to inform him, which meant that this person had no intention of doing anything to the Zhan family, so that was fine.

"I will greet you personally."

The Great Master looked outside the Dharma Territory and saw that Lu Yin had also arrived. The Zhan family had some interesting stories with him.

She won't leave, just watch here.

"Senior Great Master, what about me?"

"Go ahead."

Outside the realm of laws, Lu Yin stood tall in the starry sky, his gaze sweeping across the realm of laws.

Here, he didn't need to notify him if he wanted to enter, and based on the original relationship with the Zhan family, they were neither enemies nor friends. The Zhan family had plotted against him, and there was no need to notify him. It was good that he didn't cause any trouble to them.

But now that I stand tall, I don't care about some small grudges. Moreover, the Zhan family guards the gate for Qinglian Shangyu and them. There is no credit but hard work.

Especially when he took Yi Shang away before, Zhan Ming did not stop him, was polite in his words, and let Fa Ye and others go. This was the reason why Lu Yin did not cause trouble for them.

Zhan Ming came out, followed by Zhan Hua and a group of Zhan family practitioners, including Zhan Qian Gu Hou.

"Zhan Ming brought everyone from the Zhan family to see Mr. Lu."

"See Mr. Lu."

"See Mr. Lu..."

All the Zhan family members saluted with extreme respect, which could even be said to be fearful. After all, the Zhan family and Lu Yin were not very friendly before.

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back and looked at Zhan Ming with a smile: "Long time no see, Zhan Ming Sangtian."

Zhan Ming bowed deeply and didn't dare to raise his head when facing Lu Yin: "Mr. Lu is so broken. In front of Mr. Lu, Sang Tian is just a little old man guarding the door."

Lu Yin laughed: "Don't remind me, I know you are guarding the door, but the person guarding the door does not have to be named Zhan."

Zhan Ming was shocked.

Zhan Hua and others' expressions changed greatly, and their heads bowed even further.

"Of course, the surname Zhan is not bad. I am a relatively traditional person." Lu Yin said. After speaking, he looked at Zhan Ming: "Won't you invite me in to sit down?"

Zhan Ming breathed a sigh of relief and turned pale: "Mr. Lu, please."

Lu Yin's status in Zhan Ming's heart was completely different from that of Lu Yin before.

Lu Yin used to be the quasi-enemy of Tianyuan Universe and Sangtian of the Spiritual Universe, scheming and fighting with each other.

Now, Lu Yin is Mr. Lu who is respected by the entire Jiuxiao Universe. His status is comparable to that of the Eternal Emperor, and he is invincible within the universe. The past grudges have disappeared, and they have no right to mention the past with the Lu Yin in front of them.

What keys, what Yi Shang, what Zhan Yan, gone, gone.

Zhan Ming just hoped that Lu Yin wouldn't mention it either.

Lu Yin entered the realm of laws under the guidance of Zhan Ming.

This was his first time entering the realm of laws, and he had taken Yi Shang away in the Xuyuan before.

"On behalf of Master Fa and the others, I would like to thank Zhan Mingsangtian for his generosity." Lu Yin said.

Zhan Ming said respectfully: "It should be, it should be."

He was glad that he let Fa Ye and the others go, otherwise the Zhan family would be gone now.

Lu Yin glanced at the Xuyuan. He had disguised his identity and joined Fa Ye's team in order to enter the Xuyuan and catch Yi Shang at close range. Now that he thought about it, even though the time had not been long, he felt like he was in another world.

Zhan Ming, who once had the same status as him, did not dare to raise his head when facing him.

I don’t know what happened to Fa Ye and the others.

Seventeen, not bad.

Entering the realm of laws, you can see the great master sitting there carelessly.

"Hey, here we come." The master greeted.

Lu Yin nodded: "I didn't expect that the final wheel could trap Luo Chan."

"I just remembered it," the Lord said. She looked at Lu Yin: "How does it feel to fight against the Immortal Realm?"

Lu Yin said: "Tired, hard to kill."

"Nonsense, you can kill in the immortal realm, why don't you go to heaven?" The master rolled his eyes.

The two of them were talking, and no one else dared to interrupt.

Zhan Ming personally served them tea.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" the master asked.

Lu Yin said bluntly: "I want to see that door."

Zhan Ming's heart sank. The door was guarded by the Zhan family. It was ancestral precepts and could not be seen by outsiders. But with the strength of Lu Yin and the Lord, no one could stop them if they wanted to do something.

The master smiled: "I'm here to see the door too." After saying that, he looked at Zhan Ming.

Lu Yin also looked at Zhan Ming: "Please lead the way."

Zhan Ming hesitated.

The Great Master said: "What's there to think about? This Mr. Lu is on an equal footing with the Immortal Realm. He really wants to see it. Unless the God of Control stops him, no one can stop him. His coming here means that he is accepted by default." ”

"And with Mr. Lu's strength, it's already great to be able to say hello to you. Do you think he can't see it?"

Lu Yin didn't refute, that was the fact.

If Qinglian Shangyu and the others didn't trust him, they wouldn't let him come to the Dharma Realm.

Zhan Ming took a deep breath: "Yes, two adults, please."

Soon, Zhan Ming led Lu Yin and the Great Master to see the Gate of All Dharmas.

The Gate of All Dharmas is a legend about the spiritualized universe. Since ancient times, countless people have been speculating on what is behind the Gate of All Dharmas.

Some people say it is the ultimate place of retreat.

Some people say it can lead to eternal life.

Some people say it is the land of the abyss and so on.

Countless legends have created a Zhan family, giving the Zhan family a special status in the spiritual universe. Even Yu Sangtian, Yu Lao and Master Qingcao will not do anything to them.

They are just gatekeepers, but this gate is so special.

Saw this door again.

This door is far less big than the Jingmen, and it even looks a bit ordinary, but it is this door that makes me feel sad the moment I see it.

The lines on it depict not individual creatures, but destroyed civilizations.

Uncontrollable sadness made Lu Yin fall into silence.

The master was also silent and watched quietly.

Zhan Ming was not far away. He had seen this door too many times, but he still felt sad. He didn't know the reason, and he really wanted Lu Yin to tell him.

Lu Yin looked deeply at every pattern on it, wanting to remember those extinct creatures. He didn't know why he wanted to remember. It is obvious that human civilization is also exterminating other civilizations. No matter how noble the reason, extinction is extinction.

There is actually no essential difference between them and the unknowable.

Looking at this door, Lu Yin thought of Master Qingcao. In fact, there was nothing wrong with him protecting the spiritual universe. No matter what method he chose, his purpose was to protect the spiritual universe.

Master Qingcao's life may not be easier than his own. He was born in the Linghua Universe and experienced the oppression of many practitioners in the Jiuxiao Universe. He was still unable to resist. Even as his cultivation status increased, he had to protect the practitioners of the Jiuxiao Universe at that time. .

I watched with my own eyes the people of Jiuxiao Universe suppressing the people of Linghua Universe, and watched the resources of Linghua Universe being plundered.

The more you see the distance, the more you know that one day, the Linghua Universe will die for the Jiuxiao Universe.

To him, this was unacceptable.

If the Linghua universe was replaced by the Tianyuan universe, Lu Yin asked himself whether he would do better than him, and he didn't know what he would choose in the end.

Cooperate with the agnostic to preserve spirituality? Or should he take the overall situation into consideration, fight against the unknown for the entire human civilization, and strive for a future, and this future may be bleak in his eyes, and he cannot see the future.

Lu Yin experienced the Lu family being exiled, climbed up step by step from a small person on earth, cultivated, experienced life and death, fought against the Eternals, and finally went on an expedition to the spiritual universe to bring life to the Tianyuan universe.

There is no essential difference between him and Master Qingcao.

They are all fighting for their own universe.

Master Qingcao's feelings for Linghua Universe may not be less than his feelings for Tianyuan Universe.

He is lucky and has been recognized by Jiuxiao Universe, but Master Qingcao is unlucky. Even if he is in the immortal realm, he cannot change the pattern of Jiuxiao Universe and Linghua Universe.

Lu Yin's hatred for Master Qingcao stems from the war between Linghua Universe and Tianyuan Universe, from the destruction of Tianshang Sect, and from the weakened future scale.

But this is just hatred from a standpoint.

If you look at it from Master Qingcao's point of view, if he confirms that the agnostic is absolutely invincible and that human civilization is hopeless, then his approach may not be wrong.

That's why he kept letting himself see the universe clearly, and he hoped that he could also see the situation clearly.

If you can really see the situation clearly and confirm your unknowable and absolute invincibility, then what choice will you make?

Of course, the basic conjecture of all this comes from Master Qingcao's understanding of the unknowable.

Master Qingcao has his own knowledge, but Qinglian Shangyu and the others don’t have their own knowledge?

Since Qinglian Shangyu and the others have been playing games with the unknown, it means that they have the will to continue fighting and the desire to win. On this basis, Master Qingcao is wrong.

Many people cannot tell the difference between right and wrong because everyone stands in their own position.

But there is no right or wrong position, but there is right or wrong in the outcome of the matter.

A few years later, if Wu Zhi loses, everything Master Qing Cao does will be wrong.

If it were the other way around, everything he did was right.

So talents want to see the future.

Lu Yin also wanted to see the future, to see if the unknown could be defeated.

Right and wrong exist, and so do positions. There is only one thing that cannot be hesitated - war, human will, and the spirit of never giving up must not be given up.

If human beings lose their backbone, civilization loses its inheritance. Is this kind of human civilization still human civilization?

"You let me see the universe clearly. Even if I can see it clearly, I will still choose this path to go on. Even if human civilization is extinct, it is better than living without spine."

"You have your choice, and I have mine."

"It may leave a ridiculous mark in the unknown history, but so what, this is human beings, the human spirit, and the human will cannot be shaken."

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