Star Odyssey

Chapter 4092 Accident

Lu Yin was surprised: "How long has it been since Wangzhi knew that Qixu died? It's less than twenty years, only twenty years. Even if Wangzhi found this civilization, how did he bring it near us?"

"Our human civilization knows to prevent the gate from being activated. If this biological civilization is stronger than us, it should be stopped. They cannot be controlled by the unknown."

"If it weren't for the door." He suddenly thought of something and looked at Qinglian Shangyu: "The universe can move."

Qinglian Shangyu and Lu Yin looked at each other: "There are some things I can't give you answers to, because we don't know."

"Many things are fruitless based on common sense. All we can do now is to deal with the next civilized war."

"What do you need me to do?" Lu Yin asked.

Qinglian Shangyu said: "No need for the time being. I am just telling you to prepare yourself mentally. I always feel that human civilization is becoming more and more dangerous."

It takes a year to go from Jiuxiao Universe to Tianyuan Universe by riding the One-leaf Green Lotus, and it takes almost the same amount of time to go from Jiuxiao Universe to the location of the giant snail.

The Tianyuan universe is close to the boundary of the cause-and-effect cosmic phenomenon, which means that the cause-and-effect cosmic phenomenon is centered on the Jiuxiao universe and spreads to the surrounding areas.

More than a year later, with the arrival of a green lotus leaf, human civilization and foreign civilization started a battle.

In the first battle, Lu Yin also looked through the celestial phenomena of cause and effect, and he saw the strangeness of this foreign civilization.

He saw many practitioners being shot by transparent glass-like substances from those giant snails.

Each giant snail has an astonishing defense, at least equivalent to the human ancestral realm. Among them, there are many giant snails that have reached the level of sequence rules. However, there are no sequence particles, but a use of glass-like substances that can be used as weapons. It can be used as a shield to push across the starry sky.

In the most exaggerated case, dozens of giant snails combined with glass-like substances crushed many practitioners to death. Among those practitioners were masters of the Nirvana Tree Technique.

On top of that, those giant snails seem to be able to neutralize the force.

Lu Yin couldn't understand how they did it. It seemed like, eating?

There are many practitioners who are famous for their strength, but all attacks based on strength are ineffective.

As for the shell on the back of the snail, it is the most terrifying thing. It can emit a black vortex that swallows everything and sweep the void at will. Even the snail with the strength of the ancestral realm can drag in the cultivators of the sequence rule level. Once dragged into the shell, Lu It has disappeared and reappeared.

What really makes practitioners despair is the energy of life. Those giant snails actually possess the energy of life. Although it is very thin, it has become a power that transcends the level of life.

A leaf of green lotus brought many human cultivators. After a war, the death of the giant snail came from top masters such as Qing Xing and the Great Master. The damage caused by the other cultivators to them was extremely limited, but the casualties on the human side were much greater.

Much more than the war with the Hive Civilization.

This also caused the first war to start and end faster.

Humanity's first war was lost.

Lu Yin quietly looked at those giant snails. From a distance, they formed circular black forests, stretching endlessly and giving off a chilling air.

His heart was heavy.

In the war with the insect nest civilization, although there are many bugs, as long as the Qingxian is eliminated, the other bugs will not cause too many casualties to the more powerful cultivators.

But these snails are different. Each individual is very powerful and has various means. Often three to five practitioners of the same combat strength can deal with a huge snail.

However, the number of giant snails is not much less than the number of human cultivators.

After a war, humans saw clearly the fighting power of these giant snails, but they had to accept the fact of defeat.

These giant snails are like the green immortals of the insect nest civilization.

Jiuxiao Universe has restarted its layout, and the greatest characteristic of human beings is wisdom.

As long as you can see the enemy clearly, there are ways to deal with it, unless the gap is too large.

The second war soon appeared. This time, Master Kudeng still faced off against the giant snail in the Immortal Realm, but he used the power of the abyss to disperse the giant snail group. The human cultivators continued to form various square formations, as if they had gone on an expedition to the conscious universe. Generally speaking, battles are fought in phalanxes, and there is a top master in the middle of each phalanx to support them. It is the Great Master, Qing Xing, Xingfan and the others.

Make up for each other, rescue each other.

This war brought many casualties to the giant snail civilization, forcing the giant snail to develop its third ability, thunder.

Seeing the roaring thunder, Master Kudeng immediately took everyone away from the battlefield. He didn't expect these giant snails to have such killing methods.

"Dear powerful civilization, our tribe has no intention of being your enemy. Please allow us to establish a foothold here. We will never take the initiative to start a war with you." The giant snail in the Immortal Realm spoke, and the voice was heard in the Karma Sky.

Qinglian Shangyu looked at the huge snail in the distance. These words made his face look even heavier.

He didn't know if what the giant snail said was true, but he hoped it wasn't.

If it is true, it means that it may not be the giant snails that really want to attack human civilization. These giant snails are just bait, bait to attract another more powerful civilization.

Obviously this giant snail civilization is already very strong. Putting aside the realm of immortality, Jiuxiao Universe may not be able to win a decisive battle with these giant snails. No, it can even be said that the level of defeat is huge.

These giant snails actually have life energy. Although it is very thin and definitely not cultivated by themselves, as long as it exists, it means transformation.

Not to mention their other abilities.

The shell on its back is related to space and is extremely difficult to deal with.

It is completely possible to regard all giant snails as green immortals of the insect nest civilization.

If this civilization had more realms of immortality, it would be able to decisively defeat human civilization.

"How did you appear here?" Qinglian Shang Yurang Master Kudeng asked.

The giant snail in the Immortal Realm said: "Migrating, we encountered a crisis of extinction."

"But you came too fast."

"Eternal life cannot see all the distance, you just don't see us."

"What's behind you?"

The giant snail in the Immortal Realm made a confused voice: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Master Kudeng looked deeply at the giant snail in the Immortal Realm: "Behind you is a blue sword."

The giant snail in the immortal realm is silent, is it cause and effect? Being seen is a problem.

Their arrival is indeed related to the unknown, but one thing it did not lie is that it does not intend to start a war with human civilization. It just wants to stay quietly outside the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect and attract the civilization that should be attracted. It is that simple. .

But he didn't expect to be discovered in advance.

"I encountered a blue sword, so what? Our civilization will not go to war with your human civilization, absolutely not." The giant snail in the immortal realm promised.

Master Kudeng said: "I feel your sincerity. Then, as the eternal life of our civilization, I formally invite you to come in and discuss the matter of assisting in defense."

"I will not enter your civilization."

"Are you wary of us?"

"Isn't your civilization wary of me?"

Qinglian Shangyu's gaze was profound, and he sent a message to Master Kudeng through the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect: "Kill, destroy all these creatures, otherwise we will be in real danger."

Master Kudeng also thought of it and took action immediately.

The third war begins.

Life is withering, each other does not understand the other's civilization, and they don't even know what the other's civilization is called. The war just keeps starting.

This is the universe, and civilization and civilization cannot coexist.

The agnostic method is simple and clear, it only needs to make a civilization close to human civilization.

If you want to survive in the universe, you can only ensure that no other civilization discovers you. The greatest trust in a small distance is no trust.

In Tianyuan Universe, Lu Yin looked away, but he couldn't find Yi Tianque.

For the war between Jiuxiao Universe and foreign civilizations, he is the most suitable to take action. He not only has the immortality realm combat power, but also has no restrictions, which is enough to cause a devastating blow to those giant snails.

But he can't leave.

Anonymous understands human civilization. Once he leaves, the Tianyuan Universe will no longer have the immortal realm to guard it. Master Qingcao cannot be trusted, and the insect nest civilization may appear at any time, although this possibility is unlikely.

Lu Yin couldn't take this risk and couldn't let Tianyuan Universe fall into crisis.

Some mistakes cannot be undone.

The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect roared, Lu Yin released the heavenly law of cause and effect and entered the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

"You have seen the strength of foreign creatures. You are the most suitable to deal with them. As for Tianyuan Universe, let Jingmen guard it for you." Qinglian Shangyu said.

Lu Yin did not hesitate: "Okay."

This is a way, as long as Tianyuan Universe is protected by the Immortal Realm.

He believed in Qinglian Shangyu and also believed in Jingmen Shangyu.

In the Jiuxiao Universe, Jingmen Shangyu stepped out, disappeared, and headed to the Tianyuan Universe.

It's really frustrating. If he hadn't broken through eternal life, there would be no need to rely on Lu Yin's power in this battle.

The people in Qingxing used the Nirvana Tree method to increase their combat power, which is equivalent to the strength of the four insect masters of the Hive Civilization. However, there are too many giant snails, and there are also strong men with similar combat power among them, and those snails also have many methods.

At present, Qinglian Shangyu is very convinced that those giant snails are luring a more powerful civilization to come, and it is an unknown conspiracy.

The most important thing now is to deal with those giant snails. If not, he would not ask Lu Yin to take action.

The sooner those giant snails are dealt with, the better it will be for human civilization.

Jingmen Shangyu came to the farthest place where the portal opened, climbed on a green lotus leaf and headed towards Tianyuan Universe.

Before they had gone far, a leaf of green lotus suddenly stopped, and the leader of the green lotus said in a deep voice: "If something unexpected happens, support Kudeng immediately."

At the same time, Lu Yin from Tianyuan Universe also saw something change. He saw a familiar figure appearing outside the battlefield of causality - the water-drop-shaped Qingxian.

That figure is hard to forget.

Especially eternal life.

The giant snail Eternal Life and the Bitter Lamp both stopped and looked at the drop-shaped creature, full of vigilance.

Kudeng's face was heavy, and he had seen the water drop-shaped eternal life. He had just broken through the immortal realm, and the first target was it. He never expected that the immortal immortal would appear on this battlefield.

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