Star Odyssey

Chapter 4120 Where there is a cause, there is an effect

After a pause, Qinglian Shangyu continued: "Actually, within a small distance, it is normal to move the distance in decades or hundreds of years. This is still based on the moving speed of eternal life. If it is changed to the eternal life, the time It will be extended ten thousand times or even more. If not, neighboring civilizations would have started fighting long ago. Although many civilizations are very close to another civilization, even if it only takes a year at the speed of a green lotus leaf, they will never come into contact. "

Lu Yin responded: "Just like Tianyuan, Linghua and Jiuxiao."

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Jiuxiao, Tianyuan, and Linghua are too close to each other. Looking at the distance, there are few civilizations that are so close. At the very least, they should be the Full Sense Universe, Zangtian Universe, etc. The distance of Jiuxiao is considered normal, but that distance can only be reached in a few years at the speed of a green lotus leaf."

"In fact, distance is what truly protects civilization. It is also the gentleness given to civilization by the universe."

"Any means of crossing the distance is burying oneself, and the same is true for us. However, once we have reached this point, there is no retreat."

"If the current distance is widened several times, it may not be so easy to encounter fishing civilization..."

More than half a month later, a green lotus leaf stopped in the starry sky, and they arrived.

But for more than half a month, this civilization was really very close to the door.

"If there was no eternal life, I would not be able to allow such a close civilization to exist. But this civilization cannot even get within a square inch, so there is no threat." Qinglian said to the emperor.

Lu Yin looked at the civilization ahead and saw countless creatures. There are so many lives born in a universe, and the one who can really decide this civilization is a reptile creature with a unique way of cultivation and culture. In the universe, the mother tree stands, rooted in the void. It should have been full of vitality, but the mother tree was withering, the branches were withered, and the bark on the surface was pitted and pitted.

"This civilization regards the mother tree as the source of evil and is proud of being able to destroy the mother tree. Many of their fighting methods are also related to the destruction of the mother tree. That's why I brought you here. Compared to continuing to be destroyed and destroyed, burning this mother tree may not be a bad idea. It's a good thing, if it has a spirit, it will be suffering all the time." Qinglian went up to Yudao.

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Why is this happening?"

"Actually, we can't blame those creatures. This universe has encountered disasters and came from foreign civilizations. If the foreign civilizations themselves were not strong and retreated after the fight, they would have become extinct long ago. What remained after the foreign civilization left There are many texts, one of which is that the reason they were able to find this civilization was because of the mother tree."

"That disaster caused this civilization to lose too much. Even though this kind of creature is ugly, in fact, there is family affection in their civilization cognition, and there are things that need to be protected. They look at us like insects, because of that disaster The hatred brought by the disaster was eventually transferred to the mother tree, and they hoped to destroy the mother tree and cover up civilization." Qinglian went up to the imperial road.

Lu Yin understood: "Although he has no awareness of the distance, he instinctively wants to hide himself. This is the self-preservation characteristic of living things."

Qinglian snorted: "Every living thing has instinct. Their instinct tells them that their civilization will not be safe unless the mother tree is destroyed."

"If they destroyed the mother tree in the beginning because they wanted to protect and hide their own civilization, as time goes by, their obsession with destroying the mother tree has been engraved in their bones, so sooner or later the mother tree will be destroyed by them, or maybe before it is destroyed It is possible to attract other civilizations and completely restart this universe."

Lu Yin asked: "Can I take the mother tree away?"

Qinglian Shangyu looked deeply at Lu Yin: "The mother tree is the origin of civilization, but it also exposes civilization. Human civilization cannot withstand any more exposure. Although it has not been verified, the more mother trees there are, the more civilization it may bring. The more we try, the more we can’t try even if it’s just a guess, we can’t afford the price.”

Lu Yin apologized: "This junior didn't think well."

Qinglian Shangyu smiled and shook his head: "No need to apologize, I also thought about taking the mother tree away, it's normal."

"Send it away. It is a good thing for it. The death of life is just another beginning." At this point, Qinglian Shangyu looked solemn: "Although it is a self-comfort, it actually makes sense, isn't it?"

Lu Yin's figure disappeared and reappeared, already under the withered mother tree.

There were creatures crawling around, but no one could see him.

Raising his hand and placing it on the mother tree, Lu Yin murmured: "It's hard work living in this universe."

The strong wind blew and swayed the mother tree. The withered branches swayed in the wind, causing the reptiles to roar angrily, as if the movement of the mother tree would attract others' attention.

Lu Yin looked up and said, "Don't worry, I'll send you away right now. Ashes to dust, dust to dust."


There was a soft sound, and the mother tree shook. The cracks in the rooted earth continued to spread, causing the crawling creatures to panic and hurriedly hide.

The mother tree connects the sky and the earth, and its vibrations cause the entire space and time to tremble.

Huge reptiles emerged from the ground one after another, rushing towards the mother tree and roaring, as if communicating.

Lu Yin had no interest in listening to what they said. There was another vibration, and the mother tree turned into ashes in an instant.

The sky and the earth were cleared, and those huge reptiles looked blankly. Is that huge source of evil gone?

All reptiles and other creatures living in this universe were dumbfounded. Looking at the empty starry sky, they were gone. All of a sudden, they were gone.

Lu Yin's whole body was surrounded by flying ash. He released the starry sky at his heart. The next moment, green light points poured in, coming from the mother tree.

When all the green light spots entered his body, Lu Yin looked around and saw the blank expressions of the crawling creatures with mixed emotions.

Is their ignorance not their own ignorance in the first place?

If the Linghua Universe hadn't come to kill them and take the Borderless Expedition, it would have been difficult to get out of the Tianyuan Universe in this life. When the Insect Hive Civilization attacked Tianyuan, everything would have disappeared.

Lu Yin left the universe and came to Fangcundi.

Qinglian Shangyu was surprised: "I can't see it either."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Senior, can't you see that green light?"

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head.

This is strange. When Lan Universe was restarted for the first time, he turned the mother tree into fly ash and a green light appeared. Gu Duanke and the others couldn't see it. They thought it was the same as cause and effect, and they could see it in the immortal realm, but they didn't. Thinking that even Qinglian Shangyu couldn't see it.

That was Qinglian Shangyu.

Qinglian Shangyu praised: "There is a world of eternal life in the eternal realm. The frightened gates are empty and the heart lamp of bitter lamp is also difficult for me to see if it is not manifested. It is normal. Each eternal life has its own power. This Maybe it’s your unique power.”

"Then why can the immortal realm be seen?"

"Causation, time, and space are everywhere. They are not unique powers. Perhaps one day, some of the enemies we encounter will also understand cause and effect."

Lu Yin hates the cold, so it would be troublesome.

How much trouble he has brought to others through his karma, others' experiences may also become his.

It's scary just thinking about it.

"Look how happy they are." Qinglian Shangyu looked at the universe in front of him.

Lu Yin looked around and saw that those reptiles had experienced confusion and anxiety, but now they had all turned into happiness and excitement. The mother tree was gone. This had been their goal for so many years.

Now that it has finally happened, they think they are safe.

They also celebrated in a form that Lu Yin and others couldn't understand, coming from their culture.

"Is it really safe?"

"At least it's much better than before. The mother tree is often one of the factors that determines whether a civilization exists."

"So the Black Mother Tree made Death Universe think that Jiuxiao Universe had been destroyed?"

"This is just one of the conditions. For the fishing civilization, they can take action or not. If a civilization is willing to destroy the mother tree in order to hide, then there is no value in the eyes of the fishing civilization. It is worse than an eternal life that understands cause and effect. .”

I don’t know if this is a blessing or a sadness. It is clear that human civilization still has several eternal lives, but it dare not compete with the dead universe and is willing to destroy a mother tree.

The death universe can make Qinglian Shangyu have a death crisis. That is the real fishing civilization.

Not sure how the unknowable compares to the dead universe.

A leaf of green lotus went in another direction.

On the way, Qinglian asked the emperor: "Have you ever thought about restarting the universe just now?"

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Restart? Why?"

"You seem to have special feelings for the mother tree."

"It's not about emotions, it's just that in the Tianyuan Universe, the Mother Tree is the frontline barrier for humans to resist the Eternals. It protects us and holds up the world, so I have feelings for it that I want to protect." After a pause, Lu Yin continued: "But I don't need to judge whether that civilization's approach to the mother tree is right or wrong, and I don't need to take revenge. It's that civilization's own choice."

Qinglian Shangyu smiled: "So, what about the eternal matter?"

He looked at Lu Yin: "As long as you restart the universe, you can obtain eternal matter. With your current strength, you can obtain a large amount of eternal matter, arm yourself with ultimate combat power under eternal life, enhance the strength of human civilization, and also increase your ability to protect yourself. "

Lu Yin shrugged: "This is more important to you, senior. I have never claimed to be able to protect human civilization on my own, but it is you, senior, who are qualified to protect it."

Qinglian Shangyu smiled and said: "It seems that you have let go a little. Going through hardship is really different from the beginning."

Lu Yin shook his head: "This is not letting go, but self-knowledge."

"Juniors are not capable of carrying the entire human civilization. This is something you, senior, should consider."

Qinglian Shangyu retracted his gaze: "Restarting the universe to obtain eternal matter is one way, but it would be too cruel to restart a universe with a civilization that is completely unrelated to us for the purpose of eternal matter, leading to the destruction of civilization and the death of living things."

"Cause and effect, if there is a cause, there will be an effect. Today's debt will be repaid tomorrow. I don't want to bear a debt that will never be repaid because of eternal matter."

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu. The more he understood cause and effect, the more he believed that if there is a cause, there will be an effect. Whatever he does will have an impact. This is the same as the principle of runes. Anything a person does will have an impact on the surroundings. That influence can form runes.

Fu Zu's concept of creating rune numbers is the same as cause and effect. Lu Yin thought more than once whether Fu Zu could understand cause and effect if he was still alive.

He is more suitable than anyone else.

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