Star Odyssey

Chapter 4122 Targeting

"Let's go." After Qinglian Shangyu finished speaking, a leaf of Qinglian headed towards the portal, but the speed was very slow, very slow, strangely slow.

Lu Yin was puzzled.

Qinglian Shangyu said: "We are being targeted. I didn't expect that there are foreign creatures in this universe that are targeting us. I would like to see what those foreign creatures are going to do."

Lu Yin didn't realize he was being targeted, but when Qinglian Shangyu said this, he released the extension of his consciousness.

"Don't look, it's just to our right, staring at us."

"The other party is eternal life?"

"No, just a few to survive the hardship."

"Then why didn't I notice?"

Qinglian Shangyu smiled and said: "There are too many strange creatures within a small distance. Human beings are actually pretty average. Whether it is vision, hearing, smell, touch, etc., they are all ordinary. It is normal for some creatures to completely surpass humans in some aspects. What's more, these creatures should be considered very experienced. They can see very far with the help of certain tools. As long as they are not specifically looking for them, it will be difficult for others to detect them except for eternal life."

"This has nothing to do with combat power. You can easily obliterate them with your strength."

Lu Yin understood that the diversity of civilizations was much beyond his imagination.

"Are they very experienced? Can creatures that survive hardships travel within a small distance at will?"

"Of course not. Unless it is a strange life like Luo Chan, no matter how magical other creatures are, their speed will be limited. The speed at which they can overcome hardships is far from being comparable to eternal life. They can walk a small distance, but they will not be able to survive for a lifetime. But within a fixed range." After a pause, Qinglian said: "That's why I want to see where they come from. Looking at their methods, they have more experience than me."

"Either you have come into contact with creatures that often travel within an inch and understand the distance, or there are people behind them who can use certain means to increase their speed to the level of eternal life, or the people behind them are eternal beings."

"Senior, which one do you think it is?"

"The second type."


"The first possibility is unlikely. Even if they understand the distance, they are unable to collect some tools and are eyeing an entire cosmic civilization that they cannot eat. The third possibility is even smaller. Eternal life is extremely rare. The second possibility is the most likely, they have the group, the means, and the ability.”

"What's the purpose of that?"

"There are many possibilities, but in the end there is only one possibility."



"Then just wait and see. Since they are targeting us, they will definitely take action."

"Haha, just pretend. You can't be too much stronger than them, nor too weak."


For the next time, Yiye Qinglian kept moving forward at the speed of overcoming the suffering and reaching the Great Perfection. If he wanted to return to the door at this speed, it would take a long time, at least more than a thousand years.

For those creatures that were eyeing Lu Yin and the others, this speed was very fast, reaching their ultimate speed.

"Hurry up, or we'll lose you."

"The speed of those two creatures is too fast. It is the speed of the Great Perfection to overcome the misfortune. Our speed can only barely keep up."

"It's a pity that the master is not here."

"Master can't show up yet. We can die, but Master can't."

"It's not like that. Judging from their speed, it's impossible for them to have eternal life."

"But they must have discovered us. How could non-eternal beings discover us?"

"Unless the other party can see as far away as we can."

"What a shame, these two creatures suddenly appeared and destroyed the mother tree of that universe, causing the value of that universe to drop a lot. We must dig them out."

"Be careful, these two creatures are not weak. The most powerful one in that universe is the Great Perfection of Overcoming Disasters, so they don't dare to take action."

"We don't need to take action. As long as we can keep an eye on them and hand them over to the master in the end, it's best to find their civilized location and make more money..."

In the distance, on a green lotus leaf, the green lotus minister opened his eyes: "So that's it."

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu: "What's wrong?"

Qinglian Shangyu smiled and said: "They are evil thieves who sell the coordinates of civilization."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed: "Selling civilization coordinates?"

"The coordinates of the universe where the Great Master was originally were sold. The powerful civilization that purchased the coordinates directly destroyed that universe, causing the passage of time to disappear. It was the Blood Tower that brought the Great Master back."

Lu Yin remembered this.

Qinglian Shangyu said calmly: "The behavior of selling coordinates is quite hateful. They do not have the ability to exterminate a universe, or they cannot afford the losses, so they just sell the coordinates to gain huge profits and benefit themselves at the expense of others. This group of people is usually called evil thieves. .”

"Damn it." Lu Yin said.

Qinglian Shangyu didn't speak, and looked into the distance from time to time.

"Senior, if they sell coordinates, aren't they afraid of being wiped out by the civilization that buys them?"

"They have their own means of self-protection, and they cannot all show up. For the civilization that buys the coordinates, they are actually released as bait. To a certain extent, the civilization that buys the coordinates is also close to the fishing civilization, and it needs these evil thieves .”

"The benefits obtained by evil thieves will never be as great as those obtained by purchasing coordinate civilizations and directly annihilating a universe. These civilizations will still settle the account."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that some civilizations will destroy them conveniently. That is their own bad luck, and they will recognize it, but their methods of revenge are equally fierce."

Lu Yin interfaced: "Sell the coordinates of the purchased coordinate civilization."

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Even if the civilization that purchased the civilization coordinates does not know its own civilization coordinates, it is not clear whether these evil thieves know them, so the tacit understanding reached between them is a simple transaction."

"I learned these from Xiantiantian. There is no communication between civilizations just a few inches apart, and there is very little communication between living things. However, because of a principle, all interests are silently formed under this principle, just like biological instincts. Who knows? It goes without saying, but everyone knows it.”

Lu Yin looked at the deep starry sky. An ordinary person would instinctively escape when encountering a fierce beast. This is the law of survival.

Many behaviors can be explained under this law.

Now that he knew the other party's identity, Qinglian Shangyu faced that direction and said slowly: "Come out."

Lu Yin looked over.

In the distance, the creatures staring at Lu Yin and the others were silent.


"It has been discovered a long time ago, but the other party cannot get rid of us and now wants to negotiate."

"What should we do?"

"Ignore it, as long as they can't get rid of us, we will keep an eye on them. It's best to be civilized wherever we can find them."

"This is not easy, isn't it? The surrounding area has been searched by the master. At our speed, if we want to follow them back to their civilization, it will take too long."

"And they know that if we follow them, they won't be able to return to their own civilization."

"One more thing, where did they come from? The master has defined a range. It is difficult for them to move beyond this range at their speed."

"Unless they drifted here accidentally, we have never seen these two creatures. They may have escaped from an extinct civilization."

"Anything is possible, just ignore it for now, keep an eye on it and talk about it, and keep on staring for a while..."

On a green lotus leaf, the master of the green lotus is still looking into the distance.

"It seems I have no intention of responding."

"It's safe for them not to respond, as long as they have time to lose."

"But we don't have time."

"Then force them to come out, it's very simple." After saying that, Yiye Qinglian speeded up, a little faster, but just that little bit made the other party uneasy.

"Why did it speed up?"

"No, we can't keep up with this speed. It's just a little faster than us, but it will definitely leave us behind over time."

"What should we do?"

"The other party is able to speed up. He was probably testing us just now. He may be stronger than us, but why is he speeding up now to get rid of us?"

"Have you guessed our identities?"

"Maybe the other party is also on the road."

"Where's the master?"

"On the way here."

"You can't let them out of sight, otherwise you'll never find them if you go in the wrong direction."


The next moment, the starry sky shook, and a conversation came from far away.

The speed of a leaf of green lotus remained unchanged, and the superior of the green lotus signaled Lu Yin to say.

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "What do you mean? Your Excellency has been staring at us all the way. Could it be that he has malicious intentions towards us?"

"Don't get me wrong, we just want to talk to you."

"What to talk about?"

"Civilization just now."

"Oh? What does that civilization have to do with you?"

"We discovered that civilization first. We don't care if you destroyed the mother tree when you arrived, but we also ask you to give up the civilization you just had."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "If you don't get it, how can you give up?"

The other party was silent for a moment, thinking about what to say.

Lu Yin said: "If nothing happens, we will leave."

"Wait a minute, why did you destroy the mother tree?"

Lu Yin was amused: "You don't care, and what civilization do you belong to? Are you here to take revenge?"

"Let's be honest, I hope you will stay here for a while. After a while, you can leave and we will not care about you anymore."

"It's ridiculous, why should we listen to you?"

"It seems that your Excellency is very confident. We may not be your opponents, but if it is the ultimate powerhouse under eternal life, can you be sure to deal with it?" After saying this, the other party stared closely at Lu Yin and Qinglian Shangyu, observing their actions. expression.

Lu Yin panicked subconsciously and looked at Qinglian Shangyu.

Qinglian Shangyu narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

"Looking at the expressions of these two creatures, they must be panicking."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"Yes, this can explain a few things. First of all, they understand how powerful the ultimate combat power is under eternal life. Secondly, when comparing this combat power, their current expressions may be true panic, or they may be disguised. "

"Don't talk nonsense like this in the future."

The starry sky was silent, and both sides were waiting for something.

But Yiye Qinglian's speed is a little faster, still a little.

"The other party is moving faster again and seems to want to run away."

"Stop chasing. Speed ​​up again and again. Are you sure this is the opponent's limit speed? If not, where is the limit speed? It won't be the same as the master. If it is the same as the master."

"Okay, shut up, the master is here."

"Let's go."


Not surprisingly, if you are hit, pain is inevitable, and renewal is also necessary.

Thank you brothers for your support! ! I hope the archive can stick to it.

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