Star Odyssey

Chapter 4128 Afraid

Xingfan looked back. The grudge with Lu Yin was the most humiliating thing in her life. That battle directly pulled her down from the high-ranking God of Control.

He didn't dare to have any resentment towards Lu Yin.

Now as Lu Yin's status rises, the less he dares to resent.

I hate it when people mention this, this damn toad, if it wasn't useful, I really want to skin it.

At this time, another green lotus leaf floated from the distance.

Xingfan and Xingchan looked.

On a green lotus leaf is the eternal life that carries the sky.

Seeing Zhangtian Yongsheng, Xingfan's eyes changed and he stood up with a respectful attitude.

The other party is eternal life.

Xing Toad became inexplicably proud. A kind of arrogance from the bottom of his heart made him want to say something, but luckily his reason suppressed it.

The arrival of Zhangtian Yongsheng: "How are you, do you feel it?"

When it looks at the Star Toad, its eyes will unconsciously be filled with anxiety, disgust, hatred and fear, which are derived from its instinctive emotions towards the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

Xing Toad shook his head: "I don't feel it."

Gantian Yongsheng said: "It seems that the other party is not close yet, you are so lucky."

Xing Toad was stunned: "Who? Me?"

Gantian Yongsheng said: "Yes, I have never seen the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad as lucky as you."

"How do you say this?" Xing Toad was confused.

Gan Tiansheng sighed with emotion: "If you were not living outside, you might have been gone long ago, and you would have been eaten without even leaving your bones."

Xing Toad was shocked: "What do you mean? Who will eat me?"

"Of course it's the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad."

"Isn't that a member of my race?"

"Haha, the same clan? Yes, the same clan. The more the clan is, the more cruel they are. The Qibao Tianchan clan is very strong, but do you know where this strength comes from?"

"It's all because the Qibao Tianchan clan has a characteristic, which can also be called a talent. It's called - eating treasures."

"Actually, the so-called Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad was originally called the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. However, because the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad was too powerful, Square Cun Distance did not dare to spread it like that, so it is still called the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad until now."

Xing Toad was confused: "What are you talking about?"

"The so-called eating treasures means eating enough. Cannibalism can quickly increase combat power. The kin born from the Qibao Tianchan clan will continue to devour their kin as they practice. They are found in every realm. In order to ensure the strength and secrecy of the clan, There can only be seven in the same realm. For example, in the Ancestral Realm, there can only be seven people of the same clan in the Ancestral Realm. There can only be seven people of the same clan in the Ancestral Realm who have survived the hardships. This is true in every realm, so it is actually not called Qibao Tianchan. Wrong, this is also the origin of the name Qibao..."

As Yang Tiansheng slowly narrated, the starry sky became deeper and deeper.

Xing Toad only felt cold all over his body, a kind of horror that he had never experienced before, like being poured by ice water. How could this happen? is that so?

In the words of Zhang Tiansheng, tens of thousands of Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads are born every year, but in the end only seven of them can survive in the same realm. Therefore, many Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads will escape with their descendants, but they cannot escape. Occasionally, Only the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad will be wandering, but once found, it cannot escape the fate of being devoured by the same level.

"You mean, I will also be swallowed?" Xing Toad couldn't believe it. It always felt that what Zhang Tiansheng said was inexplicable, but it made sense. The treasure-eating Tian Toad and the origin of the seven treasures were all explained very reasonably. At least it felt that Reasonable.

Xingfan looked at Gantianshengsheng strangely, why did it sound so mysterious? Feeling like a mess? But some places are inexplicably reasonable.

Gantian Yongsheng smiled and said: "Of course, but it is also possible that you swallowed the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad of the same level and advanced to a more powerful Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. Who knows, if you succeed, you will become the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad to survive the hardships among the seven. If you are one of them, you can be accepted by the Qibao Tianchan clan, and returning to the clan will be a good thing for you."

"The premise is that you can devour your own kind."

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. Time is limited. I am here to give you this." It spit out the colored glass: "This is specially prepared for you, then I will go back."

Xing Toad hurriedly shouted: "Wait, let's talk about it later."

The voice of Zhangtian Yongsheng became more and more distant: "There is no need to say more, you will know when they come, and you and your fellow tribesmen will have a good talk at that time."

Xing Chan stared blankly at the disappearance of Zhangtian Yongsheng, and his mood was completely different from before.

Before, it thought that it would be waiting for fellow humans who would love each other. What does this human civilization have to do with it? But now, it's over. It can't be true, right? Devouring the same race to advance? Why is it so cruel?

Could it be that my great-grandma took me to escape when I was living in exile?

Eating the Treasure Heavenly Toad, the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, is too cruel, no, absolutely not.

It stares into the distance, must not come, must not come.

In Jiuxiao Universe, Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and looked at Qinglian Shangyu.

It seems that Zhangtian Yongsheng has scared it. This star toad is very timid.

"I didn't expect that there are species in the universe that can devour advanced species of the same race. Sure enough, there are all kinds of creatures." Lu Yin sighed with emotion.

What Gantian Yongsheng said just now is true. He just applied another species to the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads, and also put some effort into the name of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads, so it made the Star Toads feel weird but reasonable. .

There are indeed creatures in the universe that devour advanced creatures of their own kind.

Qing Lian said: "It's normal. The closer you get to Fang Cun Di, the more incredible you see. If you have time to chat with Jingmen, her understanding of Fang Cun Di may not be as good as mine."

Lu Yin remembered, Jing Men Shang Yu left the inner universe after walking out of it, and then returned to have eternal life.

So what happened to her just a few inches away?

Also, who is Qingyun’s father?

and the spiritual universe.

It's time to take a trip to the spiritual universe.

The spiritual universe is different from any universe Lu Yin has ever seen.

From a distance, it looks like an abyss. The closer you get, the more you feel like the world is collapsing.

The abyss affects the entire universe, but only because from a distance, the only real abyss is the bottomless darkness in the center.

That is the abyss of the spiritual universe, the place where cultivators from Jiuxiao Universe once fought.

Lu Yin left a leaf of green lotus and stepped into the spiritual universe. Soon he came outside the abyss. There were not many cultivators here, only a few, and they were all from the Abyss of Misery.

When Lu Yin arrived, a cultivator immediately came forward and performed the ritual of the abyss of suffering: "I have been fighting hard, may I ask you why you came to the spiritual universe?"

Lu Yin looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. This man had a strong body and was different from any cultivator of the Abyss he had ever seen. His eyes were bright and lively, which matched his name: "Lu Yin, from Tianyuan Universe, here. With the help of Qinglian Shangyu, a leaf of Qinglian leaves, we can set foot in the spiritual universe, just for cultivation."

Ku Zhan was surprised: "Tian Yuan Universe?"

He looked at Lu Yin and had no other thoughts about Tianyuan Universe and the people in Kuyuan. However, Jiuxiao and Tianyuan did not communicate with each other, so he was still surprised by the appearance of people from Tianyuan Universe.

"Mr. Lu came on a green lotus leaf?"


"So, please."

Lu Yin nodded, crossed the bitter battle, and walked toward the abyss.

Kuzhan looked at Lu Yin's back. No matter where this person came from, he could clearly feel the pressure. Only his master had brought that kind of invisible pressure to him. This person was very strong.

From Tianyuan Universe? When did Jiuxiao Universe and Tianyuan Universe intersect?

It seems that a lot of things have changed after leaving Jiuxiao Universe for so many years.

During this time, the stars were roaring and the inner universe was not at peace. He always wanted to go back, maybe he could leave with this person.

Ahead, Lu Yin walked towards the abyss step by step, recalling in his mind the words of Jingmen Shangyu before he came.

"Don't be afraid, many people can do it. Let yourself be afraid. Only fear can stimulate your potential."

"The abyss has no bottom. With my power, I can break through the sky of the universe. What can a mere abyss do to me? But only by entering the abyss can you know what you are facing."

"It's not an abyss, it's not the universe, it's a monster, a monster that needs to be tamed."

She expressed her feelings about the abyss when she saw it.

Master Kudeng also specially reminded Lu Yin that everyone can see the abyss, but not everyone can see the abyss in their heart. The abyss of suffering is about climbing out of the abyss, but what you climb out of is not only the abyss in front of you, but also the abyss in your heart. It is the abyss in the heart.

The Dharma of the mind, wherever the mind can reach, heaven and man are one, if the mind is invincible, then everything can be invincible.

The heart is the root of everything.

Lu Yin came here because he was interested in the power of the abyss, but now he has realized what heart is.

If you exchange your heart for your heart, you will become one with Tianyuan's wish and fight directly against the two eternal beings.

This is the power of the heart. At that moment, he felt invincible and invincible.

Wish is also one of the powers of the universe. How big your heart is, how big the world is.

He hopes to see the abyss in his heart here. If one day, the abyss in his heart covers everything in the universe, heaven, earth, and sky, then can he be one with this boundless square inch?

The power of the heart is unlimited.

Lu Yin did not move forward, but stopped in place, sat down slowly, looked into the abyss, and stopped moving.

In the distance, I fought hard and looked at Lu Yin in a daze, "No advancement, no retreat, what do you mean?"

The next moment, Lu Yin's aura continued to weaken until it completely disappeared, but the other person was clearly there.

This scene of hard battle is no stranger to this scene. The master is sitting in the spiritual universe and has experienced this scene before. However, it took a long time for the master to completely erase his own aura and merge with the abyss. How could this person be so fast?

Could it be that he is also fighting for eternal life like Master?

Legend has it that Tianyuan is the weakest in the universe and does not even have a decent Dzogchen to overcome hardships. How could such a person be born?

He stood quietly and looked at Lu Yin. Could it be that he was his opportunity?

He sat in the Abyss of Misery out of his own free will, not because he didn't want to return to Jiuxiao, but because his own temperament made it difficult for him to take another step forward.

He only has the Eight Abyss realm, which is one level lower than Kuhan and Kushu, all because of the word "war".

Fight hard and be warlike all your life. Only in this spiritual universe can you suppress your warlike heart. Only by breaking through that level of warlike heart can you set foot in the Nine Abyss Realm.

He saw this possibility in Lu Yin.

Lu Yin didn't know that his coming to the abyss to practice gave Kuzhan an opportunity to make a breakthrough. He didn't need to know that human civilization didn't lack a Nine Abyss realm cultivator.

Ninety-nine days.

Lu Yin sat cross-legged for ninety-nine days outside the abyss, like a mortal, looking at the huge abyss, feeling fear and powerlessness.

My heart sits like an abyss, and I see the netherworld.

He saw the abyss in his heart. The abyss seemed to be consistent with the abyss in front of him, making him get up unconsciously and move towards the abyss.

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