Star Odyssey

Chapter 4131 Heavenly Pointing Wheel

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Then you still attracted the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad? A Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad Lao Si should be not much different from you. If it comes, you can't show up, and it won't pose a threat to our human civilization."

Lan Meng sneered: "What I want to attract is not it, but the real old monster of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan." After saying that, he took a step forward, his skull-like face twisted, and his sword intent slashed towards Lu Yin: "Put Qixu away Hand over your things.”

Lu Yin frowned, the Heaven and Earth Lock descended, and the blue sword slashed horizontally, completely cutting off the Heaven and Earth Lock. The blue long sword was accompanied by an indescribable terrifying sword intent, and the oppressive Lu Yin could not breathe.

The gap is too big. He can fight against the humanoid Qingxian and carry the sky for eternity, but facing Lan Meng, there is still a huge gap.

Lan Meng is strong enough to fight against Jingmen who has merged with Mijinshangyu Xiuling. Before Jingmenshangyu has merged with Mijinshangyuxiuling, he can fight against the humanoid Qingxian and the humanoid Qingxian with one against two. Water drop-shaped green fairy.

Among the currently known eternal lives, Qinglian Shangyu, Lan Meng, and Immortal Lord are the top ones. Next to them is Jingmen Shangyu who has integrated the spirit of Mystic Shangyu. After that, it is the turn of Ku. Master Deng, Lu Yin.

If the Blood Tower Shangyu returns, he may be able to reach the level of Jingmen Shangyu.

Faced with Lan Meng's oppressive sword intent, the Conferred Gods Picture Book appeared above Lu Yin's head. The Three Cang Sword Intentions - Hidden Sword, shot out one after another. Unexpectedly, it couldn't be broken with one sword. This Sancang sword intention was completely different from the previous ones.

Dozens of San Cang Sword Intentions engulfed the void, Lan Meng smiled ferociously, raised his claws, and resisted.

Bang bang bang…

All the hidden swords were crushed into pieces. Lu Yin shrank his eyes and felt his scalp numb. How could Lan Meng's defense be so strong? Previous fights were not that exaggerated.

Before besieging it, its pressure was borne by Jingmen Shangyu, but now Lu Yin realized how big the gap was with it.

The blue branch-like sharp claws suddenly spread out, grabbing Lu Yin like a cage.

Lu Yin threw out the spiral of cause and effect.

But it was blocked by a blue light.

"Cause and effect is not omnipotent, it is just a certain kind of power. Do you really think of cause and effect as invincible?" Lan Meng's claws fell, and a touch of darkness spread, Shan Gobi - darkness is infinite.

Endless darkness pressed the void into a flat surface.

Lan Meng suddenly clenched his fingers and shattered the darkness, smashing down his huge claws, completely blocking Lu Yin.

Just when the blow was about to hit Lu Yin, its expression suddenly changed, and it subconsciously avoided the spot. For a moment, everything was silent, space, time, everything stopped, including Lan Meng's claw. Including the body shape it avoided, everything was fixed in an instant.

Countless voices echoed, as if countless people were chanting something.

The next moment, a scene that shocked Lu Yin appeared.

In the starry vault of the universe, huge lines of cause and effect formed a circle like arms, and the dark starry dome was illuminated by the light of cause and effect at this moment.

Cause and effect, replacing the stars, replacing darkness, replacing all the world that can be replaced, finally converged into one finger and hit Lan Meng's eyebrow.

"A Thousand Faces of Cause and Effect - refers to the Heavenly Wheel."

Lan Meng's pupils shrank sharply, staring at this finger. When the finger came to the center of his eyebrows, the blue halo behind his head was like water, rippling from the center of the finger, and then shattered. With one finger, the blue bloomed. It was not light, but fragments that defeated the blue that once enveloped the universe.


Lan Meng stepped back step by step, his head was pierced, and he wailed.

Qinglian Shangyu walked out of the void and struck out with one finger again.

A blue hanging coffin suddenly appeared behind Lan Meng, sucked its body in, and closed the lid.


Another finger pointed out, hitting the blue hanging coffin, sending it flying directly, and a deep mark of one finger appeared on the lid of the hanging coffin.

In an instant, the blue hanging coffin disappeared.

The surrounding void shattered and spread. Everything happened so fast that even the void could not react.

Lu Yin stared blankly at this scene. As much pressure as Lan Meng put on him, it was as much of a shock as Qinglian Shangyu defeated Lan Meng.

He knew that Qinglian Shangyu was very strong, but from the beginning to the end, Qinglian Shangyu didn't take any action.

The great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect covers several universes. It is very shocking, but it is not as good as the blow just now.

This was Qinglian Shangyu's real move.

Before, he had either seen Qinglian Shangyu holding back the Immortal Master, or Qinglian Shangyu coordinating the overall situation with the cause and effect of the celestial phenomena. He had never seen such a shocking scene.

The void gradually returned to calm.

Qinglian Shangyu turned around and faced Lu Yin, regretting: "It still ran away. I didn't expect that the hanging coffin was so hard that it could block the blow of my pointing wheel. It's a pity, it's a pity."

is that so?

Lu Yin didn't know what to say. He said it as if as long as you show up, Lan Meng will die.

But looking at the posture just now, it doesn't seem impossible.

"What's wrong?" Qinglian Shang Yu saw Lu Yin staring at him in confusion.

Lu Yin suppressed his shock: "Senior, that blow you just made?"

"How is it? It's awesome." Qinglian Shangyu smiled.

Lu Yin nodded, not only was he powerful, if it weren't for Lan Meng, he would have died if he had been Jingmen Shangyu. That human-shaped green fairy and the water-drop-shaped green fairy couldn't even react at all. This is the crushing strength.

"Haha, do you want to learn? I can teach you." Qinglian Shangyu said with a smile.

Lu Yin was envious: "This junior really lacks the causal killer move."

"That's because you and I have different cultivation directions. Your cultivation of cause and effect is better at creating, searching, etc., while I specialize in developing the power of killing. After all, human civilization needs a sharp blade."

"But don't feel inferior. Just because the direction is different, it doesn't mean that your cultivation is worse than mine. You are the one who found out the dead silence, created cause and effect, and extrapolated the past. It's not that easy for me to do."

Lu Yin pursed his lips. He didn't feel inferior, he just envied this kind of karma-killing move.

Qinglian Shangyu clasped his hands behind his back: "It's not too late to become a disciple."

Lu Yin: "..."

"Senior, Lan Meng's injuries should be considerable."

Qinglian Shangyu smiled: "Not only is it not small, but it has a big head even if it is not destroyed, but it has not dared to cause trouble for a long time."

Lu Yin said in a relieved tone: "Finally one has been solved." But then he frowned: "If Lan Meng doesn't come, I wonder if the others will come?"

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head: "I don't know, but based on our understanding of the unknown, it should not be possible. The unknown did not cause any trouble to our human civilization for a long time before learning about Qixu's death. We sent a Lan Meng, and Lan Meng is still alive now. Weang Zhi has no concept of time, so he shouldn’t send a master in a short time.”

"That's good, just give us time to stabilize."

"Although Lan Meng won't come, the trouble he will bring is not small. The Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad is not simple. Didn't you listen to what it said just now? The old monster it wants to attract is the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad."

"Senior, do you understand?"

"I don't understand at all."

"To be called an old monster by Lan Meng, he must be very strong."

Qinglian Shangyu looked solemn: "Gangtian said that it is an ancient creature that perfectly explains what eternal life is. Even if it is not good at fighting, its strength will not be bad. I just hope this time goes well, otherwise, we will really have to move."

"But I estimate that the old monster can survive until now and will not take action easily. After all, the bondage of eternal life is no joke."

Lu Yin thought about it and said, "Then let's continue our journey."

He used the red hanging coffin to find the fourth child of Qibao Tian Toad, just as Lan Meng said, he wanted to divert the hatred of the fourth child, but it also involved Xing Toad, and this move would be guessed and blocked by Lan Meng, and also in Qing Dynasty. As Lin Shangyu and Lu Yin expected, Lan Meng was not stupid and must have been keeping an eye on human civilization.

The fourth son of Qibao Tianchan is coming from the same direction as the Tiangan Clan, so Lan Meng will definitely be able to keep an eye on him, which will also give Qinglian Shangyu a chance to take action.

Of course, Lu Yin's bait is also very important.

Lan Meng not only wants to kill Lu Yin, but also wants to steal the red hanging coffin and the red thread. It can't eat this bait.

Now that the goal is achieved, the next step is to focus on dealing with the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

The red hanging coffin continued to move towards the distance, driven by Qinglian's power.

Qinglian Shangyu's voice came into his ears: "Don't be envious, I will teach you the karma killing move. Your cultivation path is different from mine. I am willing to be the blade of civilization. My handle is enough for the time being. You can practice with peace of mind." your."

Lu Yin looked back and saw that Lord Qinglian had returned.

It was already a risk for him to leave Jiuxiao and come here to deal with Lan Meng. This was decided after they inferred that Lan Meng would definitely take action. The sooner he went back, the better, otherwise it would be over once he was noticed by the Immortal Lord.

Are you willing to be the blade of civilization?

Although human civilization is not a fishing civilization, Lu Yin is grateful to be born in this civilization. This civilization makes the distance no longer cold.

Half a year later, in the starry sky, the fourth man of Qibao Tianchan straightened the steel fork, it was crooked, and continued.

One jump.

One jump.

One, Huh? What the hell?

Bad, cause and effect?

Old Si twisted his body, and his huge fat body miraculously twisted to one side and avoided it. It glared angrily forward, looking at the powerful enemy.

"Civilization ahead, no outsiders allowed, get out-"

With a roar, spirals of cause and effect flew out, heading towards Lao Si.

The fourth child is not afraid of cause and effect, but it cannot be affected by cause and effect. It does not want its privacy to be spied on.

Avoiding all causal spirals, Lao Si angrily picked up the steel fork and was about to take action, but found that the person was gone.

Where did it go?

Damn it, what the hell, just hit it with cause and effect and run away?

It was about to chase, but wait, no, it's a trap, it must be a trap, it can't be chased.

In the distance, Lu Yin looked back and saw that he was not chasing him. He breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, he had the same virtue as Xing Chan. That was good.

Under the feet, a green lotus leaf is heading towards the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, and there is a red hanging coffin on the green lotus leaf.

With his own speed, he can't escape the pursuit of the fourth child. Fortunately, this place is closer to the cause and effect celestial phenomenon than from the Tianyuan universe to the cause and effect celestial phenomenon. At this distance, Qinglian Shangyu is located on the edge of the cause and effect celestial phenomenon, and can barely control it remotely. Ye Qinglian returned, otherwise with Lu Yin's own speed, the fourth child would be able to catch up even if he waited several years before setting off again.

Everything that needs to be done is done, and the rest depends on fate.

If the fourth and fifth children of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad and the Star Toad have similar personalities, or have similar knowledge of things, then it should be successful.

Suspicious, timid, greedy, hateful, arrogant, and self-proclaimed smart, this is the Star Toad.


Thanks for your support brothers, normal updates will resume today!

My body still couldn't bear it, and the typing time took twice as long as before. I couldn't sit and write for long without gasping for breath. There was a stone in my chest, and I couldn't sleep well at night.

I used to like spicy food, but now my chest hurts when I eat spicy food. I feel light and weightless, and my vision is even blurry.

But you still have to work, take your time, and hope your condition will get better and better!

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