Star Odyssey

Chapter 4136: Hide

Mu Zhu took a deep breath, exhaled, handed the stone to Lu Yin, and said with a solemn expression: "Silver."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed.

Mu Zhu said: "I will always remember the overwhelming silver, which is called the Silver Heavenly Army."

"Throughout the ages in our universe, all cultivators who can take action have taken action. There are even strong men who have returned across the years and gathered the power of the entire universe. That power is definitely not inferior to the Tianyuan Universe at this moment, and is enough to rival the most peak spiritual beings. transform the universe.”

"We won." Mu Zhu looked at Lu Yin and smiled bitterly: "But we still lost in the end. We lost to one, eternal life."

Lu Yin knew this. Mr. Mu said that they had defeated a powerful enemy. In the Tianyuan universe, he defined the existence behind the guardians of the four directions as the sky. In Mr. Mu's universe, he also defined the final powerful enemy as the sky. But It was on this day that Mr. Mu's universe was defeated.

Because heaven is the realm of eternal life.

Mu Zhu spoke with vicissitudes of life and his voice was dry: "We paid a huge price, even sacrificing several eras in the future, to win over the Silver Heavenly Army and completely wipe out the so-called Silver Heavenly Army. Once the Immortal Realm comes out, even though Master tried his best, but still failed."

"What is that realm of immortality called?" Lu Yin asked.

Mu Zhu's pupils flickered, and he gritted his teeth and spit out one word: "Hui."

"Hui from the Silver Heavenly Army, Hui."

"What does it look like?" the imperial guard asked at the startling door.

Mu Zhu didn't know how to say it: "It has no fixed form. It can be a human, an animal, any creature we know, or a puddle of liquid. But what we really remember is the silver color. That I will never forget the color."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Unknowable."

Jingmen Shangyu and the others also thought of it.

"Changing the creature's perception of color is Agnostic's method. But Agnostic, shouldn't we use civilization to fight civilization? Why did that Hui take action himself?"

Master Kudeng said: "So far, Qixu and Lan Meng are the same person, and this Hui possesses the Huiyin Heavenly Army, which means that this Huiyin Heavenly Army is the civilization it uses to destroy civilization."

The leader of the Blood Tower nodded: "It is possible to drive away the wolf and devour the tiger. The wolf can be another civilization, or it can be a civilization under your control."

Lu Yin saw Qinglian Shangyu deep in thought and asked, "Senior, have you thought of something?"

Qinglian Shangyu looked at Mu Zhu, painted in the air, and drew a pool of liquid-like things: "Is that it?"

Mu Zhu's eyes suddenly shrank: "Yes, that's it. Have you seen it before, senior?"

Lu Yin and the others looked at Qinglian Shangyu.

Qinglian Shangyu looked solemn: "I have never seen it, but I have read the records. Our human civilization and the unknown are old enemies. The unknown has always wanted to destroy us. Qixu is just one of the unknowns. There were others before Qixu. Others are unknown, but in the process of fighting against the unknown, there were records of this creature."

"Lu Yin, remember Che."

"It's just like Che, it's not our enemy."

Lu Yin frowned: "The universe where our master and we live are both human civilizations, why doesn't it become our enemy?"

Qinglian Shangyu said: "Unknown knows the distance between the two far better than we do. There are human faces on that door, which means that they have destroyed human civilization, and that human form may be your master's universe."

"Where is it?" Mu Zhu gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with hatred.

Qinglian went up to Yudao and looked at her: "I can't find it, but even if I find it, there is nothing I can do. It is the realm of immortality, and we have enough enemies now." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin: "To be honest, I don't think so. I don’t want you to go to Yixiantian, it will be more troublesome if you provoke this wanderer."

Lu Yin said: "Hui knows about the existence of Jiuxiao Universe."

The Royal Interface on the Blood Tower said: "Of course I know."

"But it is Lan Meng's task to deal with Jiuxiao Universe. Like Che, it will probably not interfere." Lu Yin said.

Master Kudeng shook his head: "But if you give it a reason to intervene, it will be different."

Everyone was silent.

Mu Zhu's voice sounded: "Junior brother, please don't worry about this for now. Let's wait until Master comes out of seclusion. Master is attacking the Immortal Realm. Once the attack is successful, we can go back and take revenge. It won't be too late at that time."

Lu Yin and Mu Zhu looked at each other: "Now I can't do it even if I want to take revenge, but at least I have to know who is looking for the master. Otherwise, if the master is released from seclusion, I, a disciple, will not know what to ask. How can I explain it? Even if Mr. Mu is not My master, his kindness to Tianyuan Universe will never be over."

Mu Zhu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lu Yin: "I will go to Yixiantian, but I won't be impulsive. If possible, I will help Master to find out first." After saying that, he looked at Qinglian Shangyu and smiled: "Senior Since the stone was taken out, it means that many circumstances have been taken into consideration. Didn't you consider bringing Mr. Mu's enemies to this matter? Or did you not expect that it would involve the unknowable? "

"My master is very strong, and my enemy is also in the Immortal Realm. Regardless of whether it has anything to do with the unknown, one more Immortal Realm enemy is not good for our current situation. It is unwise to tell this matter now, but the senior still tells the truth. The junior is very Want to know why.”

Qinglian Shangyu and Blood Tower Shangyu looked at each other, and then looked at Lu Yin: "It's true that I don't hope that this matter will attract new enemies in the immortal realm, but if it hadn't been for this matter, you wouldn't have gone to Xiantiantian at this time. , so there are pros and cons.”

The emperor on the Blood Tower said: "It is my suggestion to use this matter to lure Mr. Lu to Yixiantian. Senior Qinglian said that if I tell you completely, you will go even without this matter, but I am afraid of accidents, so I still do it. ”

"The reason." Lu Yin asked.

The emperor on the blood tower had a serious look on his face: "Go and throw in the coordinates."

"Carry the Heaven Clan." Lu Yin blurted out.

The leader of the Blood Tower was surprised: "Thought of it so quickly? Have you thought of it too?"

Lu Yin did not deny it, he had indeed thought so.

Each cosmic civilization is hiding. Now human civilization is exposed to the eyes of several civilizations and can be besieged at any time. It must either completely eliminate the enemy or share the firepower.

The Kantian Clan is the best choice, not because of the Kantian Clan itself, but because of the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad.

The fourth child of the Qibao Tianchan has been keeping an eye on the Tianzhang Clan. If the coordinates of the Tianzhang Clan were thrown out, it would be best to lure a powerful civilization over. Then the Qibao Tianchan would be busy, and he might not have the energy to cause trouble for human civilization. .

Although Lu Yin had thought about this move, after all, he was here to live forever, and it would be easy to rebel if he didn't do it right, so he didn't say anything about it.

Unexpectedly, both Blood Tower Shangyu and Qinglian Shangyu thought of it.

Not only them, Lu Yin glanced at Jingmen Shangyu and Master Kudeng, everyone must have thought of it.

Then, have you ever thought about carrying the sky forever?

From the standpoint of human civilization, this is the best solution.

In this way, when Gangtian Yongsheng just said that he hopes human civilization will take care of him, he does not mean the future, but hopes that the civilization of the Gangtian tribe will not be exposed as much as possible. This is a subtle plea.

Looking back, the deterrent appearance of the blood tower is also to prepare for the future. Once Zhangtian Yongsheng knows that the coordinates of the Zhangtian clan are exposed by human civilization, no one knows what the reaction will be, and he is also taking precautions in advance.

No one is stupid, everyone plots against each other.

"The Kantian Clan is not related to us, and there have been wars. If we weren't so powerful, human civilization would have been killed by them long ago. Therefore, we have no psychological burden to expose the coordinates of the Kantian Clan's civilization. But Mr. Lu, you are different. We fought all the way here for the Tianyuan Universe Expedition to Spiritualization. We saw your ruthlessness and your kindness. I don’t know whether this kindness is only for human civilization or for all living things, so I am worried.”

The leader of the Blood Tower looked at Lu Yin: "But don't worry, that stone is real. There is indeed a creature looking for your master, Mr. Mu."

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu: "Senior tested this junior with the second civilization he was looking for. I must have thought of this move at that time."

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Not bad."

Lu Yin smiled and said: "I have no objection to exposing the coordinates of the Tiantian Clan's civilization. Our human civilization has destroyed every universe. How can I be kind? It's too hypocritical. I will go with a thin line of sky."

Yusong sighed on the blood tower.

In the entire human civilization, the most suitable person to go to the first line of heaven is Lu Yin. He has the combat power of the Immortal Realm, but he is not in the Immortal Realm and is enough to protect himself.

Moreover, Lu Yin was smart and brought Tianyuan Universe all the way, so they were relieved.

Lu Yin looked at Mu Zhu: "Senior sister, please come with me. If you come across any information related to Hui, you can help me analyze it."

Mu Zhu nodded, his eyes firm: "Definitely."

Qinglian Shangyu praised: "Mr. Mu is lucky to have disciples like you, but it is unbelievable that he can injure and kill people."

Lu Yin also found it incredible. Hui was an unknown person recorded by human civilization. He was on the same level as Lan Meng. How did Mr. Mu do it?

Lu Yin had played against Lan Meng and realized how much pressure there was.

He couldn't imagine that Mr. Mu was so lucky to be able to escape in the face of this pressure when he was not eternally alive, and he could actually hurt Hui. In the words of Senior Sister Mu Zhu, it was not just a simple injury.

Mu Zhu looked at Lu Yin: "Master also has the power that you have to merge with Tianyuan Universe and unite your wishes."

Lu Yin was surprised, and the surrounding Qinglian Shangyu and others were also surprised.

"Master, can your wishes be united?"

Mu Zhu nodded.

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu and the others. Didn't he say that this was a joke? Why did two of them appear at once?

And how did Master do it?

He knew all too well how difficult it was to achieve the unity of wishes. Even if he was given another chance, he was not sure that he could do it. It was not something he could do for the sake of human civilization.

Qinglian Shangyu and the others have sacrificed a lot for Jiuxiao Universe, but they also cannot achieve the unity of their wishes.

You have to both give and be recognized, and to be recognized by everyone requires not only strength, but also coincidence, chance, to put it bluntly, even if it is just a show, you have to be recognized by the entire universe.

Of course, Lu Yin himself did not put on a show. What he did for Tianyuan Universe came from his heart, and it was mainly due to chance.

Let the whole universe see it again and again, mobilize before the war again and again, face the entire universe again and again, and rescue the humans suppressed by the Eternals.

Lu Yin didn't know how Mr. Mu's character did it.

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