Star Odyssey

Chapter 4149 Toad Order

The waterfall flows and falls on the lake, the lotus leaves ripple with the lake water, and the colorful lights sometimes streak across the sky and sometimes fall to the earth.

Some very small star toads jumped happily and cheered. Each star toad was carrying a lotus leaf on its head, which was very funny.

Occasionally, a large star toad would jump over next to the lake, scolding it from time to time, which would frighten the little star toad and hurry back home.

In the high mountain, turbid eyes looked at Fang Cun Di: "The wandering compatriots were spied on by the creatures through cause and effect. The ancestor was very angry at the time. No one can peep at my Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, and it is not okay to be agnostic."

"Now that I think about it, no matter whether the other party is unknown or not, they may not know about my Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. It may be an unintentional move."

Lao Wu blinked: "Ancestor, the other party is unknowable."

The ancestor chuckled: "Not necessarily, civilization wants to protect itself. I have seen this method many times, ancestor, but the other party must be related to the unknowable, with unknowable characteristics, or they definitely want to use the other party to destroy someone. Either they want to use my Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad to destroy the other civilization."

Lao Wu did not interrupt and listened to what Lao Zu said.

The ancestor is the smartest, and there is still a little bit left, of course, just a little bit.

"In the past, the other party didn't know about me, the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, but now they should know it. My fellow wandering people, if we can come back safely, there is no need for us to get entangled with the other party. The unknown is the biggest enemy."

The fourth child reminded: "There are still three slides. The third slide is also there."

The ancestor looked at it with turbid eyes: "So, the three slippers are the bait to lure our Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad to take action."

"Fourth, is that so?"

"Of course, the ancestor is a little smarter than me, so I thought of it first. I think of it now."

"What about the three-slide? Don't look for it anymore?"

"Haha, regardless of the Three Slips, there are still many of the Tiantian clan. If you give them time, they can always give birth to a batch of more delicious ones. Let's let the same clan come back first, and let Wu Zhi lend me the hands of Qibao Tianchan to eliminate them. , this civilization is not simple." A glimmer of brightness flashed in the depths of his turbid eyes: "It's been a long time since I gave you a Toad Token. Give them one to see if they are friends or foes."

The Fourth and Fifth Lao were surprised: "Ancestor wants to give the Toad Token as a gift?"

"You can give it as a gift, let's see if they dare to accept it." After saying that, the fourth and fifth children were thrown directly out of the mountain: "You can ignore it if you do something bad, but if you come back and scare the children, you have to be punished. Go and think about it." Pass."

"No, ancestor—"

"No, ancestor—"

Immediately afterwards, a paw print passed through the starry sky and headed into the distance.

The eyes were shocked. Toad Ling has not appeared for a long time. Is the ancestor going to move?

Full sense of the universe, half a year has passed, Mo Bai has been with Luo Yan, she can feel that Luo Yan likes her, in fact, it is not just Luo Yan, so many people have liked her over the years, some big shots even intimidated and lured her, this is her Yu Leng hates the situations he encounters the most, so he hides himself as much as possible.

But for Luo Yan, not only should he not hide, but he should show more charm and get more information.

She knew very well that Luo Yan had regarded her as his only confidant. In the entire human civilization, she was the only one who could speak ill of Lu Yin with Luo Yan.

"When will the Land Master leave?" Mo Bai was curious.

In the past six months, Hui Can occasionally came to chat with them to let them know that Lu Yin hadn't left yet.

Luo Yan said: "According to Huican, I am waiting for the immortal emperor."

"Waiting for the eternal emperor?"

"Well, after all, we represent the inheritance and need to be protected by the Immortal Realm. Jiuxiao has not yet determined which Immortal Realm will protect us."

Mo Bai frowned: "If he is not elected for a day, does it mean that he will not leave for a day?"

Luo Yan whispered: "Impossible, his value exceeds the realm of immortality."

Mo Bai was confused: "Beyond the realm of eternal life?"

Luo Yan nodded: "I don't know the specifics. I just heard that there are restrictions on the immortality realm. Since he has the combat power of the immortality realm, he does not have the restrictions of the immortality realm, so there must be an immortality realm from Jiuxiao to replace him."

After a pause, he said: "Hui Can said that it was because of him that those snails were defeated. Jiuxiao had fought with those snails several times before and almost lost them all, but those snails were slaughtered by that man."

"Ruthless enough," Mo Bai said.

Luo Yan said: "Don't worry about him. He will definitely participate in the civilized war. I hope to die on the battlefield by then. It doesn't matter who protects our eternal realm."

Mo Bai smiled and said, "Yes, thank you for always staying with me."

Luo Yan stared blankly at Mo Bai's smile and couldn't help but get closer.

Mo Bai took a step back, his face slightly red.

Luo Yan woke up and smiled: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm just not used to it, just wait for a while." Mo Bai lowered his head, his ears turned red, and Luo Yan's mouth went dry: "Me."

At this time, Huaisi was shocked and Huican contacted him.

Luo Yan walked aside to answer the call.

Mo Bai raised his head, not as shy as Luo Yan imagined, but instead his eyes were full of disgust, human, and disgusting.

She glanced at the door in the distance and took out the insect nest still underground. It's time, master, come on.

In the other direction of the cause and effect celestial phenomenon, Qinghe was shocked: "It turns out to be there, Luo Chan, let's go."

"Yes, Master."

The next moment, Luo Chan took the Immortal Lord around the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect, teleported several times, and finally came to the outside of the full sense universe, looking ahead.

"Master, is that where human civilization retreats? Is it too close?"

"It's very close to you, but it's actually quite far away from human civilization. Even if you travel from human civilization to it at the speed of ordinary eternal life, it would take several years to get there, but it's really very close to that powerful human causality expert."

"Could it be a trap?"

The Immortal Master was silent for a while: "Go find Mo Bai and see what's going on."


Luo Chan disappeared.

The Immortal Master is not worried about Luo Chan's safety, because Luo Chan and Mo Bai are not in direct contact. Even if human civilization knows Mo Bai's identity, it cannot capture Luo Chan through her.

Unless human civilization can treat the entire universe as a prison, that is impossible. It is also here, and human civilization cannot do it.

Even the cosmic phenomena of cause and effect cannot catch Luo Chan. The strong human cause and effect is still in the Jiuxiao universe. It is impossible for others in human civilization to do it.

A few days later, Luo Chan returned: "Master, this is the transit. The unknown door is here. Mo Bai also found out that Lan Meng's first attack on human civilization was here."

"At this?"

"Yes, many people have seen the blue sword. It is absolutely real, but only a few people know that it comes from this omnisensory universe."

"No wonder the unavoidable door is here, but what about the spiritual universe?"

"That one is false, but it is said to be true to the outside world. They used the speed of eternal life to come here in five years. Once human civilization is defeated, they will leave through the door here."

The Immortal Master said: "So it turns out that there is advancement and retreat. It is convenient for the Eternal Life Guardian to join the battle, and you can also leave at any time. No wonder you chose this place."

"What Mo Bai said here should be true." Luo Chan said.

The Immortal Lord did not speak.

The previous coordinates made them suffer. At first, they all felt that they might have fallen into the trap, but if they think about it carefully, human civilization is not that stupid. Even if they knew that the Huiyin Tianjun was ambushing there, they should know that they could not kill them, so why bother playing this game? Once out?

The only explanation is that human civilization itself does not know what the coordinates represent, and Luo Yan really learned about it accidentally.

Otherwise, using that coordinate as a trap will only make you more fearful, thereby increasing the possibility of worrying about Mo Bai being exposed.

This is also the case now. Is it a trap? Not likely.

But just in case, make sure.

"Let's ask Mo Bai to confirm whether the door to the spiritual universe is really inaccessible to the full universe."

"Yes, Master."

A few days later, Luo Chan returned: "I'm sure, I can't come directly to the whole universe."

The Immortal Lord looked at the cause and effect astronomical phenomenon from a distance. From the Jiuxiao Universe to here, even the speed of eternal life is five years. That means that as long as it is certain that the immortal realms in human civilization are all in the Jiuxiao Universe, there is no need to worry that this is a trap, because, That Lu Yin is here.

Lu Yin alone could easily kill him, let alone him.

The next moment, the green crop skyrocketed, pressing against the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

In Jiuxiao Universe, Ye Hai, Qinglian Shangyu raised his head and shouted angrily: "Chongzi, what are your intentions after taking action again and again?"

The great cosmic phenomenon of cause and effect is boiling, and the sky of the entire universe is collapsing.

Two figures soared out of the sky, their heart lights spreading, and their Jingyun sharp edges. It was Master Kudeng and Jingmen Shangyu who struck at Qinghe at the same time.

The Immortal Master noticed that the two of them were in Jiuxiao, and felt relieved, but it was not enough, there was one more.

The next moment, Gantian Yongsheng took action, Caili rushed up and crashed into Qinghe.

The Immortal Lord retreats, that's enough, all the eternal beings in human civilization have taken action, and there is only one person in the entire universe, Lu Yin.

There is no trap there.

But it is still a little short of the mark. It must thoroughly explore the situation of human civilization and completely eliminate the possibility of being a trap.

"Luo Chan, go throw that monster to Tianyuan Universe."

"Yes, Master." Luo Chan was excited and finally started. Human civilization has never dreamed that a Qingxian could see through their plan. The Master has determined that those immortal realms are all in Jiuxiao, and no one can help Tianyuan and Quansen.

The Tianyuan Universe is going to be destroyed, the humans in the Quansen Universe are going to die, and that Lu Yin.

He almost killed himself, he had to die.

Ever since it fought against human civilization, the Hive Civilization has never been so aggrieved.

Luo Chan's talent for teleportation made the insect nest civilization invincible. However, in the face of human civilization, the four insect masters were either dead or captured. Even the immortals in the immortal realm were killed and disabled. It was too frustrating.

I will give it all back to you today.

The green grass is shining brightly, the revenge of the water-drop green fairy, and the revenge of the human-shaped green fairy will be avenged today.

Human civilization thinks that it must cooperate with the unknown before it can take action. However, compared to the unknown, the greatest advantage of the insect nest civilization is that Qingxian and Mo Bai are human beings. No one can detect it. This is the biggest advantage.

It is impossible to preserve the inheritance.

If Jiuxiao cannot be destroyed, starting with Tianyuan and Lu Yin, step by step, human civilization will eventually be destroyed.

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