Star Odyssey

Chapter 4166 Backer

Even if one more person has the talent of teleportation, it will give human civilization a sense of security.

Of course, even if the descendants of the Lu family really awakened to the teleportation talent, they would not be able to move as far as Lu Yin. They would not be able to see it at all, but Qinglian Shangyu and the others would be able to see further, regardless of Whether you can see it by yourself, as long as you can see it, you can teleport there.

This is the most ideal state.

Except for ancestor Lu Yuan, everyone including Lu Tianyi and others are required to have offspring. Anyway, as long as they are direct descendants of the Lu family, the offspring they give birth to may awaken their talents.

So during this period of time, the people of the Lu family were in pain and happiness, and countless beauties were sent there.

The person who is in charge of Tianyuan Universe is Blood Tower Shangyu.

One day half a year later, Lu Yin set foot on the road to the Qibao Tianchan Clan.

There are too many things in human civilization that need to be explained and solved, but they are all trivial and cannot be solved even if they are solved slowly in ten years.

If this trip goes well, it will take fifty or sixty years, which is not much for a practitioner.

The Immortal Master is already waiting outside the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect. The green grass is shining brightly. It is completely unrecognizable that he is the Immortal Master of the Insect Nest Civilization. He is very gentle.

Lu Yin was sent out of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect and headed towards Qinghe.

Behind them were Qinglian Shangyu and Jingmen Shangyu, as well as Patriarch Lu Yuan, Jiang Feng and others who came to see them off.

Next to Lu Yin, Xing Chan looked miserable and helpless, turning his head three times.

Lu Yin grabbed it and walked towards Qinghe.

"Lord Lu, I don't want to leave, I really don't want to leave, this is my home, so what does the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad have to do with me? Lord Lu, please let me go, I won't go." Xing Toad wailed.

Lu Yin said calmly: "You can't go, just be honest."

Xing Toad curled up in the lotus leaf: "This is my home. I am a member of human civilization. You can't abandon me just because I look like the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad? No, I am not the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. I It’s people, it’s people.”

"I have friends here, my partners, my business, everything I have is here..."

No matter how the Star Toad wailed, he was finally caught by Lu Yin and sat on a branch of floating green grass. As the green grass moved away into the distance, it gradually disappeared, and the Star Toad's voice also completely disappeared.

At the boundary of cause and effect, Qinglian Shangyu's eyes were complicated. He did not expect that one day, the hope of human civilization would be pinned on a young man who did not even have eternal life. That young man was from Tianyuan Universe.

Not only this time, in recent years, with the frequent wars between civilizations, it was this young man who turned the tide. He is the future of human civilization.

Have a good trip, Mr. Lu.

Under the dark cliff, the branches drooped, and the hanging coffins were deeply embedded in the cliff, one after another.

"Lameng, human civilization is difficult to deal with."

"It has nothing to do with you, human civilization is my prey after all."

"We can work together."

"This is against the rules."

"Of course it does. I have reason to suspect that my prey escaped into the human civilization you were dealing with."

"Wait until you find the evidence."

"I'm afraid you'll be dead by then."

"Hui, don't think that you are a senior if you join the Unknown earlier than me. Qixu is older than you, so he's still dead."

"Hmph, okay, don't beg me."

Just an inch away, Qing He chased Toad Ling and headed into the distance.

The Toad Order is the road sign. Without the Toad Order, they would not be able to find the location of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad Clan.

On the branches of the green crops, the star toad drooped its head and sighed.

Lu Yin glanced at it: "Okay, stop pretending to be pitiful. What Gantian Yongsheng told you is a lie. We lied to you. There is no treasure-eating Tianchan and no fratricide. Go back with peace of mind."

Xing Toad was not surprised: "I know, I've known it for a long time."

"Is that still the case?"

"Lord Lu, I really don't want to go back. Human civilization is my home. I'm not kidding you. Although I belong to the Qibao Tianchan clan, I have no sense of belonging."

Lu Yin looked at it with a half-smile but not a smile: "You hope that the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan will rule human civilization."

Xing Toad was shocked: "No, that's absolutely not the case. I don't think so. Lord Lu, you must believe me. My heart is for human civilization, and I belong to human civilization."

Lu Yin could see through this dead toad's mind at a glance.

It really can't bear to leave human civilization. After all, it grew up in human civilization and lived to this day. It even hopes to survive the hardships and enter eternal life in human civilization.

Maybe I didn't have this ambition before, but ever since I found out that I belonged to the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan and how powerful the Seven Treasures Celestial Toads were, I decided that it was possible to break through immortality. It was easier to break through by staying in human civilization than going back.

Because its understanding of the universe belongs to human civilization.

Now it is naturally unwilling to go back. It hopes that the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads will take charge of human civilization, so that it can not only have the support of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads, but also be able to dominate human civilization. It may even want to cause trouble for itself and others.

Who doesn’t know the virtues of a dead toad?

Seeing that Lu Yin didn't speak, Xing Toad rolled his eyes: "Master Lu, you really can't let me go back?"

Lu Yin looked at Xing Toad meaningfully: "The Qibao Tian Toad clan cares about you very much. They let me go on condition that they send you back. They still value you."

Xing Toad straightened the lotus leaf.

"However, if you think that having the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad Clan as your backer can do anything to our human civilization, then you are thinking too much. Our human civilization has digital eternal life. No matter how powerful the Qibao Celestial Toad Clan is, you are afraid of not starting a war with our human civilization. , put away your frivolous entrails and be a toad, then the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad and human civilization will be your backers, don’t get carried away and cause trouble.”

Xing Toad quickly said: "Lord Master, I am not that kind of toad. Don't worry. When you return to the clan, you will definitely say something nice for our human civilization. You will never let the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad go to war with our human civilization. I promise."

Lu Yin nodded: "It is better to have the dual support of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad and human civilization than to let the two sides go to war with casualties on each other. You must think clearly."

Xing Toad smiled ingratiatingly, his eyes twinkling.

Indeed, it was a little proud just now, and the first thing that came to mind was the scene of Lu Yin constantly bullying it, and constantly checking to see who else had bullied it, but after Lu Yin's reminder, it was true.

If the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad goes to war with human civilization, even if the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad wins, it will definitely be a tragic victory, and there will be no sense of security. However, if the two civilizations are on good terms, it will have two backers, and it will be able to survive even if they are only a few inches apart in the future. Don't walk sideways?

What is unknown, what insect hive civilization, who dares to offend it?

Thinking of this, Xing Toad became excited. He must say good things to the clan. No matter what, its huge business is still in human civilization, so it cannot be lost.

Lu Yin glanced at Xing Toad. This damn toad is prone to missing tendons in its head. He must always be reminded of his character flaws, otherwise he will be in trouble if he does bad things. God knows what the attitude of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan is towards this damn toad.

In the blink of an eye, five years have passed, and Qinghe has been heading towards the land of the Qibao Tianchan clan, without any communication with Lu Yin during this period.

Lu Yin has been guarding against the Immortal Lord. This place has long been far away from human civilization, so it is not impossible for the Immortal Lord to take action.

Along the way, he kept dropping wayfinding stones so that he could teleport at any time.

On this trip, Jiuxiao Universe gave him almost all the pathfinding stones it could find. There were a lot of them and they were enough for use.

"Lu Yin." The Immortal Master suddenly spoke, startling the Xing Toad, and it even forgot about the Immortal Master.

Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked at Qinghe: "What's the matter?"

"Where's Luo Chan?"

"Here I am."

"I want to see it."


"Are you wary of me?"

Lu Yin was amused. Just as he was about to speak, his eyes moved and he glanced at Xing Toad and winked.

Xing Toad understood and coughed: "Who is that? Immortal Lord, right?"

"I'm talking to Lu Yin." came the voice of the Immortal Master.

Xing Toad sneered: "I am talking to you, are you polite?"

Qing He paused, startling Xing Toad, his skin turned into a mottled color, and looked at Lu Yin for help.

Lu Yin smiled lightly, looked at Xing Toad encouragingly, and nodded.

If it were any other time, Xing Toad would really not dare to be arrogant to the Immortal Master. The gap is too big, but it is different now. They are going to the Qibao Tian Toad Clan, which is their territory. No matter what, the Immortal Master would not dare to do anything to them. How it is.

If it really knows how to take action, whether it speaks or not, it means that the Immortal Master has no intention of going to the Qibao Tiantoad Clan.

Xing Toad knew very well that its attitude towards the Immortal Master did not matter, as long as it hugged Lu Yin's thigh tightly. In this small distance, its only support now was Lu Yin.

"What, why are you stopping? Let's go, keep going." Xing Toad summoned up the courage to shout, his colorful colors constantly changing, his eyes glowing scarlet, and the steel fork flashing with cold light.

Qing He continued to move towards the distance: "Lu Yin, let me take a look at Luo Chan, otherwise I won't worry."

"Don't worry, I won't. There's a lot of nonsense, and I'm going to drive you away." Xing Toad shouted.

The Immortal Lord suppressed his voice: "Time is precious to you humans. Letting Luo Chan take us to the land of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad Clan can save a lot of time."

"Do you think we are idiots and let it go? I think you want to let us go."

"Toad, I didn't speak to you." The immortal master couldn't bear it anymore.

Xing Toad jumped to his feet: "Damn bug, wait until you come to our Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad Clan and you still dare to call me a toad."

The Immortal Master was so angry that Lu Yin ignored whatever it said and gave all the power to Xing Toad.

Xing Toad became more and more energetic as he spoke, and the Immortal Master was so angry that he stopped talking.

Lu Yin was very comfortable. When he first learned about the insect nest civilization, he still remembered how deep his fear of the Immortal Lord was. At that time, the entire human civilization was destroying the insect nest for fear of attracting the insect nest civilization. Now, comfortable .

Time continues to pass, and in the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

They have been on the road towards the Qibao Tian Toad Clan for fifteen years, and they are probably more than half way there.

And this distance is still very small compared to the entire square inch distance.

The difference between the Qibao Tianchan Clan and human civilization should be more than ten causal celestial phenomena, and they are getting closer.

During this fifteen-year journey, there was a vast expanse of depth within a few inches. There was no civilization or other living things, and it was eerily quiet.

In addition to Xing Toad provoking the Immortal Lord from time to time.

"Hey, you are so evil, you have thrown away so many insect nests." Star Toad shouted.

Along the way, Lu Yin threw pathfinding stones, and the Immortal Master was also busy throwing insect nests.

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