Star Odyssey

Chapter 4168: Old Enemies and Barriers

Qinghe led Lu Yin to the top of the mountain, and soon came to a dark open area. In addition to Lao Wu, there was also a huge Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad with a crooked mouth and slanted eyes. Lu Yin knew from the look of it that it was Lao Four, the one who let Gan Tian The shameless Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad will be hated to the core for eternity.

The fourth child looked sideways at Lu Yin and the Immortal Master, with the corners of his mouth curled up, looking as if he was looking at others.

Lu Yin just glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze, standing quietly.

"Actually, I don't need to come." The Immortal Master's voice reached his ears.

"Of course you have to come, otherwise I wouldn't feel safe."

"I can't protect you here. These two eternal beings are very strong."

Of course Lu Yin knew that unless the Immortal Master had the strength of the ancestor of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, it would be impossible to protect him here. But what Lu Yin wanted was not its protection, but just a chance to win a moment. A moment is enough.

No matter how the Immortal Master is not as good as the ancestor of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, he can still win for a moment of opportunity, and he is just a target.

If the Immortal Master knew that Lu Yin could teleport, he could immediately guess the meaning of Lu Yin asking him to accompany him, but it was a pity that it didn't know.

Eternal life has no freedom due to the constraints of cause and effect, but when faced with a stronger enemy, the constraints of cause and effect are also a kind of protection, because the opponent is not willing to bear more constraints of cause and effect.

That’s why non-eternal beings who kill eternal beings are called scoundrels.


The wind blew by, and a huge Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad suddenly appeared in front of him, staring at Lu Yin with its cloudy eyes. As it appeared, the indescribable evil aura flashed away, making the Immortal Master alert to the limit.

Although the evil spirit only lasted for a moment, at that moment the Immortal Master found it difficult to breathe.

Not to mention Lu Yin, he had experienced this evil spirit before, it was the same evil spirit that hurt him when he checked Xing Toad based on cause and effect.

It is from the ancestor of Qibao Tianchan.

How far is human civilization from here? At the speed of the Immortal Master, it would take more than twenty years to reach it. At such a long distance, the cause and effect is still being backlashed. One can imagine the terrifying strength of the ancestor of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

That's something that even Lu Yin can't imagine at the moment.

With the appearance of the ancestor of Qibao Tianchan, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and invisible pressure enveloped it, as if the starry sky was compressing, and the sky and the earth were constantly bordering.

Under his cloudy eyes, Lu Yin felt as if all his secrets had been seen through.

With a snap, the green grass cracked, awakening Lu Yin.

"Hey, I'm sorry for hurting you." The vicissitudes of voice came from the ancestor of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. It looked at the immortal master apologetically and spoke.

The Immortal Master made a pleasant voice: "It doesn't matter."

The ancestor of Qibao Tianchan looked at Qinghe: "My name is Shan, little guys, what are your names?"


Lu Yin glanced at the Immortal Master. He was very small, but the Immortal Master was not small.

But it seems that everyone is small to this old monster.

"My name is Xian."

Lu Yin saluted respectfully: "Junior Lu Yin."

Shan looked at them with a smile: "One is from human civilization and the other is a strange creature. Why are you together?"

Lu Yin was surprised: "Senior, do you know about human civilization?"

He did introduce himself to Lao Wu just now as a human civilization, but Tingshan didn't sound like he knew it from himself.

That feeling is definitely known beforehand.

"Haha, of course I know. Old guys who have experienced some years know that the civilization that once was brilliant for a while, with nine bases in the sky, unfortunately, has long since withered." Sandao.

Lu Yin did not expect that the ancestor of Qibao Tianchan actually knew about human civilization. Through this old monster, he might be able to find other human civilizations.

"Why are you together? You shouldn't be." Shan was curious.

The fourth and fifth children also looked at it curiously.

If two different creatures who are just inches apart communicate, one must be far weaker than the other. However, the Immortal Lord is extremely powerful and will not be suppressed by human civilization, and human civilization will not be suppressed by one Immortal Lord. Otherwise, it would be unknown to use them, which would be strange.

Lu Yin said: "For some special reasons, I asked this Immortal Lord to lead the way. Otherwise, with my strength, I don't know how long it would take to get here."

Shan looked at Lu Yin: "How many eternal lives does human civilization have?"

Lu Yin said without hesitation: "Five."

"Why are you here? Are you worried that my Qibao Tianchan clan will be harmful to you?" Shan asked.

Lu Yin said respectfully: "I have considered this aspect, but the Qibao Tianchan clan respects integrity, so this concern is not big. The real reason is unknown."

"Our human civilization has four universes that need to be protected, and five eternal beings are not enough to completely block the unknowable."

Shan understood: "I see, but you are qualified to come here, you scoundrel, much rarer than eternal life."

"Rogue? Ancestor, is he a rogue?" Lao Wu was surprised.

The fourth child looked at Lu Yin in surprise.

Lu Yin didn't dare to look at the fourth child at all, for fear that the fourth child would see that he was the one who did it in the first place.

Shan Xiao's eyes curled up: "The rogue is more precious than eternal life. Human civilization is willing to let you come, which shows its sincerity."

"Don't worry, as long as that little guy's blood relatives don't die at the hands of your human civilization, we won't do anything to you. Even if there is a war, we will let you go first."

Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

On the side, the Immortal Master said: "That's none of my business. I hope to go out first."

Shan looked at the Immortal Lord: "Okay."

Lu Yin hesitated for a moment and could only nod. In this situation, letting the Immortal Master continue to stay would be like distrusting the mountain, which would be detrimental to his next plan.

The Immortal Lord withdrew from the mountain peak and even directly exited the colorful land.

After the Immortal Master left, Shan Hunzhuo looked at Lu Yin with both eyes: "Little guy, you are enemies."

Lu Yin did not hide anything and told the situation with the Hive Civilization. The fourth and fifth children were stunned.

Lao Wu praised: "You can make the enemy cooperate so well. Human, you are also very smart, just like me."

The fourth child sneered: "It's a bit despicable and has no grace."

Shan scolded: "This is a human method. If you can also have this method, why do you need me, the ancestor, to come forward?"

"What Lao Wu said is that I am so smart, I will definitely understand, humans, let's talk about it later." Lao Wu smiled kindly at Lu Yin, feeling like he was seeing a confidant.

The fourth child grinned: "I still hope to be a little more graceful."

Shan shook his head and looked at Lu Yin: "Little human being, be careful of the immortal just now. It is full of power and very domineering. What you see may not be the real one."

"Absorb? Overbearing?" Lu Yin was confused. They actually didn't understand the Immortal Lord. They had never even seen the Immortal Lord in person. What they saw was always Qinghe.

"Every creature has its own characteristics. Some creatures eat meat, and some creatures eat vegetarian food. The essence of that fairy's power is destined not to live in peace with any species. Be careful. I will do it for the sake of taking care of the little toad. A reminder.”

"Thank you, senior."

"You came with the Toad's order and sent back Little Toad. Little Toad also admires your human civilization, so everything that happened before has passed. I, the Qibao Tiantoad clan, will no longer have any entanglements with your human civilization. You can do it at any time You can leave." Shandao.

Lu Yin bowed deeply: "Thank you very much, senior, but I still have something to ask you."

"What's up?"


"What do you want to know?"

Lu Yin looked solemn: "This junior wants to know everything about the unknowable."

Shan asked the fourth and fifth brothers to retreat. His huge body slowly shrunk, and finally shrunk to the size of a palm. Then he jumped onto Lu Yin's shoulders, making Lu Yin feel cold. The feeling was no less than a steel knife hanging from his neck.

Who wouldn't panic when such an old monster is so close?

"Haha, don't be afraid, little guy, whatever the ancestor wants to do to you, it won't matter even if the immortal is here just now."

"Let's go out and take a look."

Lu Yin suppressed his vigilance and walked out of the dim open area and came to the outside of the mountain peak, overlooking the earth. It was very beautiful.

"What did you see?" Shan asked.

Lu Yin said: "There are many Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads living in the colorful world."

"The outside world doesn't think highly of my Qibao Tianchan. How would you describe Sanshu?"

"Three slides?"

"Three colors carry the eternal life of the Celestial Clan."

"It's called three slips?" Lu Yin was surprised.

"That's the name Lao Si gave it. The entire San Cai Tian Clan is called San Hua."

Lu Yin was speechless, it really seemed like the fourth child could do it.

"Three, San Hua said that the Qibao Tianchan tribe has a bad character and is arrogant."



"No, there should be more, you're welcome."

Lu Yin said: "It's really gone."

"Well, what do you see now? Arrogance? Or a bad personality?"

“The younger generations see prosperity, they see peace, they see survival.”

"No matter what kind of creature it is, it has its own unique environment in which it wants to survive. This is the case with the Seven Treasure Heavenly Toad, and it is the same with you humans. If you can do it, why bother breaking it?"

Lu Yin looked at the mountain on his shoulder: "Senior, I don't want to be an enemy of Wuzhi, but Wuzhi has no intention of letting go of the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan. The Tricolor Clan was led by Lan Meng to our human civilization with the purpose of killing the fourth child." Lead it to deal with our human civilization."

"The fourth child will not take action against you."

“You won’t give up even if you don’t know.”

"Then I will go find them." Shan suddenly said. Although there was no momentum, this sentence itself was the most powerful.

Lu Yin stared at the mountain blankly.

Shan smiled at Lu Yin: "Wangzhi can use my Seven Treasures Celestial Toad tribe, as long as they are insidious, but they cannot be forced, otherwise I will go find them. As long as I live for one day, the Seven Treasures Celestial Toads will be safe for one day."

"But wouldn't it be better if we join forces with our human civilization to defeat the unknown?" Lu Yin asked back, Shan's thoughts were the same as Master Qingcao's.

Shandao: "If we don't know how to perish, what will happen if there's another fishing civilization?"

"Have you ever thought that maybe the existence of the unknown is also a kind of barrier that helps you block invisible disasters. If the unknown disappears, other disasters will come, and that disaster may exceed the one that the unknown brings to you. , what else can you do at that time? Unite with more powerful civilizations? But more powerful civilizations also have their own enemies, one after another, what will happen in the end?"

After a pause, Shan exhaled: "No civilization is absolutely invincible, but there must be a more powerful civilization."

"The enemy of the ant is the ant, but if the ant becomes a giant beast, its enemy will be the giant beast. The ant has the world of the ant, and the giant beast has the world of the giant beast."

"One day you will lose, and you will lose miserably, because there will always be a civilization waiting for you that you cannot fight against."

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