Star Odyssey

Chapter 4188 Life-saving means

I saw another cauldron appear above Hui's head. This cauldron was different from the Jiuyang Hua cauldron, bringing indescribable majesty and solemnity. With the appearance of this cauldron, not only the current universe, but also they seemed to see the entire square inch collapsing.


This word suddenly appeared in Lu Yin's mind.

Qinglian Shangyu said that Mr. Mu conforms to the laws of the universe - suppressing, suppressing the years, suppressing the void, suppressing everything in the world, suppressing the universe and the sky. The universe itself encompasses everything, and it conforms to the laws of the universe. No matter how powerful the creatures are, the years No matter how Sangtian changes, it can be suppressed.

This is -- town.

The tripod fell, suppressing the fall.

Hui raised one hand and hit Ding hard. His body was suddenly knocked down, and the silver was falling off. He couldn't believe it. How could this conform to the laws of the universe be so strong? That’s right, he didn’t rely on the universe to restart his breakthrough, he made his own breakthrough to the realm of immortality.

He is a truly powerful person in the Immortal Realm, the kind with no upper limit.

He raised his right arm and struck the cauldron with the silver sword, shattering the Zhenzhiding cauldron with one strike.

Mr. Mu's face turned pale. He was very strong. He had surpassed the ordinary eternal life of Master Kudeng as soon as he broke through. But after all, he was facing an unknown master. Even if he had been weakened a lot, he was still not the same as Mr. Mu at this moment. It can be suppressed by oneself.

Lu Yin instantly appeared in front of Hui, staring at him: "Master, leave the rest to me."

As the energy of life spread across the body, it was released with unknown and violent power, forming waves and spreading clouds, pressing hard on Lu Yin: "You are looking for death."

The silver sword cut off the head, but his eyes were fixed on Mr. Yu Yumu and the others, trying to find a chance to escape.

Being surrounded by four powerful men, it would be foolish not to escape.

Lu Yin suddenly exited the divine power state, raised his eyes, faced the silver sword and slashed it down, opened his hand, come out, scoundrel.

Gou Lian appeared, lifted up, and struck.


There was a loud noise, and Lu Yin took a few steps back. His dry body continued to recover. He could not withstand the pressure of the pain alone, but the pain was not uncomfortable either.

Hui also took a step back, and his silver body suddenly swelled. What the hell?

It looked at Gou Lian in Lu Yin's hand. What just happened was, activity?

Before it could think about it, Lu Yin grabbed Gou Lian and slashed at it. He had never used it before, just waiting for this moment. If he used it from the beginning, he would be defensive. Now, most of the fighting power has been weakened. Even if the defense is not Well, this is a real scoundrel.

Gou Lian was blocked by the silver sword again. This time, Hui clearly felt the surge of activity entering his body, causing him to retreat again: "What is it?"

"It's called a rogue, be careful, it's unreasonable." Lu Yin laughed, Gou Lian kept slashing him down, sometimes he swung away with his silver sword, sometimes he avoided it, and every time he collided with Gou Lian, activity surged into his body. , no one wants to bear that kind of activity that conforms to the laws of the universe.

In the distance, Mr. Mu exhaled and looked confused, what on earth has this child experienced? It seems that he has all the power.

"Mr. Mu, we are ready to take action at any time. Even if Lu Yin acts as a rogue, it will be difficult to kill Hui." Jingmen Shangyu reminded.

Mr. Mu nodded: "Okay."




The impact of the weapons resounded through the stars, and the surface of Hui's body continued to expand. Now it was no longer the influx of activity when it collided with Gou Lian, but the influx of activity when it approached Lu Yin. It could withstand this influx of activity, but it had to rely on itself. Force pressed down.

Now it's like suppressing the active energy to enter the body to prevent himself from exploding, and at the same time dealing with this Lu Yin.

No wonder they are called scoundrels, it is equal to two against one.


There was another loud noise, and Hui pushed Lu Yin away fiercely, turned around and ran away, but there was no flaw in the surrounded one. Facing the space quagmire thrown by Gantian Yongsheng, it wanted to break out of the siege of Gantian Yongsheng, and fought with Zhangtian Yongsheng. Although his strength is not strong, his defense is particularly powerful. He could withstand Hui's slashes without retreating, but he did not dare to bear them continuously.

Lu Yin took the opportunity to kill Hui Lian and almost cut him in two.

Jingmen Shangyu and Mr. Mu took action at the same time. One used the portal to engulf Hui with the slashing power, and the other used ancient tracing to seal off Hui's escape space.

Hui was hiding like a mouse, his body was unknown, how could he have ever been so embarrassed.

But no matter how much power it explodes, it cannot escape, and its methods have long been seen through.

Hui's eyes kept turning, scanning Lu Yin, Mr. Mu, and all around, looking for possible escape.

Mr. Mu looked at Hui: "You can't escape. The hatred of this universe must end."

Hui stared at Mr. Mu coldly: "It's just a cosmic civilization. You have taken revenge. What awaits you, and your cosmic civilization, is unknowable revenge."

"You have no idea how strong Anonymous is."

Lu Yin held Gou Lian tightly: "Then tell me how strong he is."

The silver on the surface of Hui's body is no longer as bright as it was at the beginning, and is dull: "I don't want to join the unknown, but I don't dare to escape. The distance is endless, and I still don't dare to escape, because one day I will be found by the unknown."

"The same goes for you, no one can escape the unknown pursuit."

"Perhaps you have seen fishing civilization, but I don't know that it is not an ordinary fishing civilization. You are dead. Kill me and you are dead."

Jingmen Shangyu sneered: "Qixu was also killed by us, do you think we don't dare?"

Hui suddenly threw the drum from behind, and the drum vibrated. This sound was louder and more sudden than any previous vibrations.

Lu Yin and the others were still, that feeling again, the sound of drums.

Mr. Mu stared at the drum. This time the world of drumming came to an end, not because of Hui, but because of the ability of the drum itself. Hui was equivalent to giving up on the drum.

All living things are motionless.

But what awaits is movement that conforms to the laws of the universe.

This time, Mr. Mu has succeeded in breaking through. Lu Yin continued to teleport, taking Jingmen Shangyu, Mr. Mu and Zhangtian Yongsheng away from the place where they were, and disappeared into this universe, arriving only a few inches away.

The universe exploded, and only one person was left there.

"It forced us to leave in this way and hid in the silver hanging coffin. It seems that it wants to escape with the silver hanging coffin." Jingmen said.

Lu Yin frowned. The silver hanging coffin was indeed a problem. He couldn't break it.

"Senior Jingmen, is there any way you can break that hanging coffin?"

Jingmen Shangyu shook his head: "There is nothing we can do."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu again.

At this moment, Mr. Mu looked at the universe with complex eyes. This is his hometown, where his relatives and old friends all died. The war just now affected this universe again and again. He must feel very distressed.

Lu Yin was silent.

If Tianyuan Universe were affected in this way and everyone he cared about died, he would feel so uncomfortable.

Soon, the drumming world exploded to a halt.

Lu Yin and the others entered the universe again, and sure enough, Hui had already hid in the silver hanging coffin, and the drum was shattered, and the turbid treasure was completely destroyed.

Hui lay in the silver hanging coffin and looked at Lu Yin and the others with terrifyingly calm eyes.

Lu Yin and the others surrounded the silver hanging coffin and attacked, but couldn't hit it.

It would be great if Qinglian Shangyu was here. Although the Thousand-faced Karma Heavenly Wheel failed to break Lan Meng's hanging coffin with one strike, it left a mark on the hanging coffin. If it hits again, it may not be able to break it.

Lan Meng's hanging coffin can be broken, and the same can be broken with Hui's hanging coffin.

"Human civilization, you will eventually be destroyed, just wait." Hui spoke, his voice was low, full of murderous intent.

Lu Yin looked at it: "Do you think you can run away?"

"Just drag this hanging coffin back." The emperor said at the startling door.

Hui sneered and said no more, but the silver hanging coffin's light surged. Lu Yin and the others suddenly turned back, because at the same time there was another place shining with light, which was the unknown door.

The door shone with silver light, complementing the silver hanging coffin.

Immediately afterwards, the two rays of light connected instantly, and the silver hanging coffin flew towards the unknown door.

"No, cut off the connection." Lu Yin instantly moved to the door, slashed Gou Lian, the void was cut, and time stopped, except for the connected silver light.

Jingmen Shangyu, Mr. Mu, and Zhang Tianshengsheng all took action, but they couldn't cut it off.

The silver hanging coffin kept flying towards the unknown door.

Lu Yin and the others attacked the silver hanging coffin again. Jingmen Shangyu blocked his door in the middle, but the connected light seemed to come from another world and could not be blocked at all.

Hui looked at them mockingly, this was an unknown means of saving lives, how could it be broken so easily?

"Senior, did Qixu ever use this trick before?" Lu Yin looked at Jingmen and asked.

Jingmen Shangyu shook his head: "I don't know, I wasn't there at that time."

Lu Yin looked at the silver hanging coffin flying into the distance with an ugly look on his face.

Qixu probably has never used this trick before, because Qinglian Shangyu is there.

Although the life of Mi Jinshangyu was at stake to kill Qixu, that was because only Mijinshangyu could deal with Qixu. Unlike the hanging coffin, Qinglian Shangyu could certainly break the hanging coffin.

There were no signs of damage on the red hanging coffin.

Qixu had never used this trick before, but now Hui used it.

We can't let it escape, otherwise the hard work of this battle will be in vain.

Mr. Mu said in a low tone: "Xiao Qi, try your best to hold it back."

Lu Yin looked at Mr. Mu: "Master, do you have a way to break it?"

"Try it."

Lu Yin looked at the silver hanging coffin. At this moment, the hanging coffin was very close to the unknown door. Even if Mr. Mu had a way to break it, it would still take time.

Hold on, how to hold on? How to drag?

Suddenly, Lu Yin thought about it. He disappeared and reappeared in an instant, dragging the red hanging coffin. Then he disappeared again and reappeared. The red hanging coffin blocked the unknown door.

Everyone was stunned and stared blankly, is this, blocking the door?

Inside the silver hanging coffin, Hui was stunned. Is this blocking the door?

Lu Yin sat in the red hanging coffin and closed the lid. He would not use the hanging coffin to connect the unknown door, but he could block it.

If other things cannot block the door of the unknown, then use things that are unknown to yourself to block it, and you will not believe that it cannot be blocked.

As a result, it was blocked.

The red hanging coffin blocked the unknown door.

The silver hanging coffin hits the red hanging coffin, and no one can get in.

Lu Yin was lying in the red hanging coffin and smiled at Hui, who looked at him blankly. Is there such a thing?

This has never happened. What is going on?

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