Star Odyssey

Chapter 4190 The spilled silver

Astonished to be on the throne, to carry the sky for eternity, Lu Yin looked at the last cauldron crashing into the silver hanging coffin. In fact, it was enough. The silver hanging coffin was equal to being smashed, but the last cauldron would still fall. The nine cauldrons represented this Fang Universe's will represents all the people in Fang Universe who were killed by the Huiyin Heavenly Army. The ninth tripod must fall and should fall.


With a loud noise, the ninth cauldron fell, directly smashing the silver hanging coffin under the shocked eyes of Lu Yin and others, and hit Hui's body.

Tear apart Hui's body, penetrate the void, and merge the nine tripods into one.

"Take action." Yu Li shouted at Jing Men, Jing Yun stabbed out, Yun Zhao.

Carrying the sky and eternal life threw out a handful of space quagmire.

Lu Yin walked out of the red hanging coffin, holding Gou Lian in his hand, and chopped it off.

Attacks fell on Hui's body one after another. Its body continued to shrink, and the silver color continued to be erased. It completely turned into liquid. It was impossible to speak. It was just a pool of silver liquid flowing in the starry sky.

No matter how Lu Yin and the others attacked, the silver liquid continued to shrink.

Finally, the tripod spiraled upwards and fell again, pressing against the silver liquid.

The silver liquid was suppressed by the tripod, and the silver color almost completely disappeared and became transparent.

Lu Yin hurriedly used the Point of General Hell: "Master, let it go in and have a walk."

Jingmen Shangyu picked up the tip of his spear and threw the silver liquid towards the point of hell.

In the surrounding area, Mr. Mu sealed the void with traces of ancient times, and further out was the quagmire of space. Even at its peak, it was difficult to break out of the situation at once, let alone now.

Hui was successfully sent to the Dianjiangtai Hell. Lu Yin fully expected to increase the cause and effect, but after waiting for a while, there was no change in the law of cause and effect.

How can it be?

Every living thing has cause and effect, even an ordinary person will have cause and effect. How could it not increase at all?

With Hui's current combat power, there is no way he can stop the cause and effect cycle of Dianjiangtai Hell.


"It's not wandering." Lu Yin's expression changed and he looked around. Everyone looked around. Did the wandering run away? when?

Lu Yin's thoughts raced, Hui had indeed run away, otherwise the cause and effect would not have increased, but when? It is impossible that before entering the silver hanging coffin, Hui was too confident in unknown means and did not believe that they could break the silver hanging coffin. If they escaped under the guise of the silver hanging coffin at that time, it would be more dangerous, then the silver hanging coffin would be After breaking.

Everyone dispersed to search the universe, trying to find Hui.

But since Hui can escape from under the eyes of everyone, he cannot be found easily.

Mr. Mu looked at the starry sky and typed out "Looking for the Past".

The biggest role of tracing the past is not to lock space in time for defense, but to search for everything that appears in the long river of time.

The only question is whether the tributaries of the long river of time in this universe still exist.

If the tributaries of the long river of time do not exist, no matter how powerful Mr. Mu is, he will not be able to explore the past in the long river of time.

The search for ancient times and origins has failed, and the long history of this universe has ceased to exist.

It should be integrated into the long river of time.

Lu Yin was surrounded by streams of light, constantly looking at the past scenes, but the area affected by the streamers was too small.

Could it be that he really let Hui run away?

Mr. Mu raised his hand, and the tripod appeared. He spoke slowly: "As long as you are still in this universe, you can't escape. Old man, let them see what it is. It is a powerful treasure."

After saying that, the tripod suddenly turned, and in an instant, the shadow expanded to encompass the entire universe.

Is this the union of wishes?

Lu Yin looked above his head.

Before he could think about it, the tripod's rotation suddenly stopped. The entire universe, sky, and everything stopped. Time, space, and even matter invisible to the naked eye stopped.

Not only the tripod, but also Mr. Mu conforms to the laws of the universe - Zhen.

Use the tripod to stabilize and unite the universe. The tripod is a tool to stabilize and unite the universe.

Before, silver replaced the starry sky, and later, cause and effect replaced the starry sky. Now, the tripod suppresses the starry sky and stops the rotation of the universe. Everything is stagnant, under the cover of the tripod, and under Mr. Mu's sight. Down.

Mr. Mu suddenly shattered the void with his palm, toyed with the universe, pulled out the strings of the entire universe sequence, and looked at parallel time and space. One of the parallel time and space was enlarged. He looked at a corner, raised his hand, and traced the ancient origins.

Lu Yin moved instantly and appeared one step faster than tracing the origins of the ancient world. When he saw it, he saw an almost invisible silver light spot blending into the gravel of a planet. With Lu Yin's appearance, the silver color tore through the void and tried to escape, but it was too late.

"Human, you can't kill me." Hui growled.

Lu Yin's Gou Lian was cut down, the extremes of things must be reversed, activity and death merged, and they were cut down.

Shocked, is this? How much power does this human being hide?

"Human, you can't kill me, you can't-"

Gou Lian slashed down, splitting the silver into two, and around the severed silver, a point of hell shrouded the platform. Lu Yin didn't give up, and wanted to use Hui to expand the law of cause and effect. This Hui had lived for too long, and even at the beginning He took over the task of destroying their side's human civilization, but I don't know why he was replaced by Qixu.

Its cause and effect must be huge and terrifying.

Silver, which was split in two, did not die, but fled in two directions, avoiding the Dianjiangtai Hell.

Lu Yin hurriedly grabbed it, but the silver color disappeared instantly.

There is no need to tear apart the void at all, Hui can merge into the void and directly enter parallel time and space.

Mr. Mu once again traveled to a parallel time and space, using ancient tracing as the coordinates. Lu Yin found it again, and wanted to try, but even if he kept cutting the silver into pieces and letting most of the silver fall into the hell of Dianjiangtai, he could not increase the cause and effect. .

The real ecstasy is still at large.

After trying several times, in desperation, Lu Yin no longer hesitated: "Kill him."

He was afraid of an accident if he delayed it any longer.

A portal appears, blocking all sides.

The swamp of space that carries the sky and eternal life is constantly thrown out. If you are lucky, you can really hold back Hui and make him sick.

Lu Yin chopped down Gou Lian and continued to weaken Yin.

From the point of weakening that was just discovered to not even one percent of that point, it continues to be weakened.

"Human, I will help you. Only I can help you in the unknown."

"Don't kill me, human."

"I was wrong, I don't want to die, human, let me go."

"Let me go—"

The energy of life suddenly overflowed, and the silver released its final light, spreading out like a thin curtain. This was in line with the laws of the universe.

Hui, dead.

Death in the Immortal Realm has strange phenomena. The death of the water-drop-shaped Qingxian was like this at the beginning, and now, the death of Hui is also like this.

Finally died.

They stopped and stared, breathing heavily.

This battle was quite difficult. If Mr. Mu hadn't broken through and summoned the Zhuo Bao, he wouldn't have been able to kill Hui.

Any mistake could cost them their lives.

Who lives and who dies between them actually happens in a split second.

Mr. Mu watched the silver disappear complexly, and scenes from the past kept reappearing. It was still in this universe. They escaped at first, but now they have taken revenge.

Everyone was silent, looking at the stars.

I have to say, this dull silver color is quite nice.

Suddenly, a line flashed by, and Lu Yin disappeared instantly. He blocked the line and grabbed it in front of it. The line turned around and escaped spiritually. Lu Yin teleported and disappeared again. The line's escape speed was actually faster than stumbling.

Lu Yin could only catch up with him by teleporting.

Jingmen Shangyu and the others stared blankly as Lu Yin kept teleporting and disappearing. They couldn't see the silver line. They could see it before due to Hui's attack, but now they can't see it at all.

In the end, the line couldn't escape, and it was caught in Lu Yin's hands and twisted continuously.

Lu Yin smiled proudly, wouldn't it be ridiculous to let you run away after teleporting?

The starry sky in his heart was released, and Lu Yin grabbed the silver thread and approached the divine planet.

Also unknowable, what is the difference between silver and red? He wanted to know.

When the silver thread approached the divine power planet, the red thread shuttled through the divine power planet. The silver thread suddenly struggled. Lu Yin let go. The silver thread rushed towards the divine power planet. Then, with Lu Yin stunned, he met the red thread. Travel through the planet of divine power together.

Have you found a home?

The next moment, the divine power planet suddenly surged. Lu Yin's eyes changed, his pupils turned scarlet, and the divine power boiled on his body. He unconsciously underwent the divine power transformation. The endless killing intention filled the air, constantly eroding his brain. This feeling was the same as the first. The secondary divine power becomes the same.

It was the same feeling when the red thread merged into the divine power planet before, and he could barely suppress it.

Now, Lu Yin had a feeling that he could hardly suppress.

Surrounded by Mr. Mu, Jingmen Shangyu and others saw Lu Yin's magical power change, and the unknown feeling was stronger than the ecstasy, and gradually got out of control.

"It's that unknowable line. He can't bear two lines." Jingmen Shangyu felt uneasy.

"What will happen?" Zhangtian Yongsheng retreated.

Jingmen Shangyu's face turned ugly: "If he really can't control it, he may become a monster who only knows how to kill."

Gantian Yongsheng was afraid and retreated again. It felt that Lu Yin was more terrifying than Hui. There were too many methods, many were complicated, and they were all difficult to understand.

If it really happens, it will definitely be the first to run.

Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin, waved his hand, and the turbid treasure tripod, the suppressor, headed towards Lu Yin: "Suppress."

With the word "Zhen", the boiling divine power on Lu Yin's body succumbed to peace, and the uncontrollable killing intention in his mind subsided. He panted heavily and looked at Mr. Mu: "Master."

"how's it going?"

"Much better, Master, the divine power planet that suppresses the disciples."

Mr. Mu looked at the largest red planet in the starry sky at Lu Yin's heart. To be honest, he couldn't understand Lu Yin's cultivation path.

Back in the Tianyuan Universe Science and Technology Star Field, Lu Yin was confused because he had practiced too much. He also suggested that Lu Yin should cultivate each power to its peak.

But now he felt that Lu Yin had overunderstood.

Each of his powers has almost reached the level of fighting an eternal life with non-eternal life. He used the strength of a rogue to fight against such a master as Hui, and beat him to the point of helplessness.

The distance is huge, the fishing culture is also very strong, and the unknown is scary.

But for those civilizations, Lu Yin is also a terrifying unknown. Not to mention them, even human civilization itself cannot see through Lu Yin.

Maybe after a few years of not seeing each other, Lu Yin's strength will change again, only God knows.

No one can see Lu Yin's path clearly, he can only walk his own path.

The tripod is suspended above the planet of divine power, town.

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