Star Odyssey

Chapter 4194 Value and Threat

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Miaomiao: "Who?"

Wang Miaomiao replied again: "Execution, eternity."

Lu Yin looked at Wang Miaomiao and remained silent.

Zhu, Eternity, these two teamed up to seal themselves in the original treasure, and escaped to the parallel time and space of the Jiuxiao Universe, so that they could not find it. However, Qinglian Shangyu said that even if they want to go to the Death Universe, they must first go to the parallel time and space of the Jiuxiao Universe. Time and space came out, and then flew away a small distance. After that, I don’t know how long it took to find the dead universe.

Qinglian Shangyu can ensure that they can be discovered immediately once they leave parallel time and space, because the scope of the cause and effect celestial phenomenon exceeds all parallel time and space in the Jiuxiao Universe.

If they want to die in the universe, they must go through the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect.

Because of this guarantee, Lu Yin felt relieved and gradually forgot about these two guys.

Unexpectedly, I heard it from Wang Miaomiao today.

Wang Miaomiao said with a smile: "One month, only one month, you give an answer. If you don't give an answer within one month, the two of you will be sent to a place just a few inches apart, or even farther away. Go to the place they originally wanted to go, and no one can guarantee what human civilization will be like by then."

Lu Yin said calmly: "Are they in your hands?"

Wang Miaomiao smiled and said: "Don't say that. I can't speak for that adult. I can only say that we are all in that adult's hands."

"Xiao Lu Yin, in fact, I have been helping you, so I would like to remind you that short-term glory can never cover up the eternal light. How can your hard work of just a few hundred years surpass that adult's countless years of contribution to human civilization? layout and cognition?”

"Any means can affect the survival of the entire human civilization. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that your Excellency can't do it."

"After all, that adult knows too much about human civilization."

Lu Yin nodded: "Thank you for reminding me. You can also help me bring a message to the adult behind you. There can only be one fishing civilization in an ecological circle."

Wang Miaomiao smiled and said, "I will. So, I'm leaving?"

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at her.

"How heartless. Originally, this matter was left to Master Qingcao, but in order to see you, I specially fought for it. Little Lu Yin, can't you give him a smile?" Wang Miaomiao pretended to be pitiful.

Lu Yin was in no mood to pay attention to her.

Wang Miaomiao sighed and gradually disappeared.

After she left, Lu Yin looked again, feeling heavy.

Threats are a very simple method, but they are really threatening.

The mysterious and unknowable has been hidden in human civilization for too long. What the agnostic cannot do, this guy may not be able to do. Wang Miaomiao is right. Short-term glory cannot cover up the eternal light. This unknowable has always existed. Master it. Too much too much.

Just one sentence can break their layout.

The words of the old monster Qibao Tianchan made Lu Yin realize that every fishing civilization is equivalent to an ecological circle. They will destroy everything in their own ecological circle and then gradually spread. However, if they encounter other fishing civilizations, war, or Avoid it, each other should have a way to decide.

The unknowable will never easily provoke the death of the universe, and this is also his test of the mysterious and unknowable.

Although the possibility of success is extremely small.

Lu Yin's body disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was in Tianshang Sect. Mr. Mu was here at the moment, sitting in Tianyuan Universe.

Mu Zhu was also here. Seeing Lu Yin appear, he blamed him for not taking him to take revenge.

Lu Yin said hello, then took Mr. Mu away and appeared in Jiuxiao Universe Yehai, and then took Shang Yu of Jingmen and Blood Tower with him.

Master Kudeng sits behind the Gate of All Dharmas, which requires strong protection. In fact, there are many things where there is little difference between Master Kudeng’s participation and non-participation. He is not good at these things.

Lu Yin relayed Wang Miaomiao's words to everyone.

Upon hearing this, everyone felt as heavy as Lu Yin.

Mr. Mu didn't know who he was going to kill, but he had heard Lu Yin mention Eternal Escape before. After all, he was the biggest enemy of Tianyuan Universe, so he still cared about it.

As for the death universe, he didn't know.

"The Death Universe is a fishing civilization, fishing with original treasures and white bones as bait. Back then..." Lu Yin slowly told about the situation of the Death Universe, and Mr. Mu felt even heavier after listening to it.

Everyone has talked about the Insect Nest Civilization and the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad, but they have not mentioned the Death Universe because the Death Universe has not had a war with human civilization.

Many things cannot be explained immediately.

"Is Eternity really taken away by that unknown person?" the emperor asked at the startling door.

Lu Yin shook his head: "I don't know. No one knows who that unknown person is or what his methods are."

"At first I thought the red sword belonged to the unknowable, but it actually belonged to Qixu. The unknowable revealed nothing."

Mr. Mu's tone was low: "I'm not surprised that Yongheng can escape, and I'm not surprised that the unknown one can grasp its traces. After all, even Master Qingcao can control the other party. Yongheng has long been under his control. Maybe even Yongheng can join that... It’s also the layout of the game.”

These words reminded Lu Yin: "Yes, eternal betrayal of human beings, betrayal of Gongzhi, betrayal of the unknowable, may all be guided by this unknowable."

"The eternal betrayal of the Unknowable is just Qixu. Through the words brought by Wang Miaomiao, I am very sure that the Unknowable is not united internally. The death of the Unknown actually prompted the Unknowable to invite me to join. This means that they do not care about the death of the Unknown, so this Unknowable Even Zhi Shuan Ji Qixu can understand."

"So when Qixu's hanging coffin didn't appear and the red sword was taken away, someone was planning ahead." Blood Tower Shangyu blurted out.

Qinglian Shangyu looked solemn: "If this is really the case, this hidden unknowability would be terrible."

"The plan is Qixu, the plan is to confuse the present, and if it doesn't appear, it will kill the two eternal beings, control the grass and eternity, and split the three universes of human civilization. Now, with just one sentence, we are helpless. This unknowable is the enemy."

Lu Yin didn't understand why this unknown person wanted to plot against Qixu, but now was not the time to think about that.

Some things can be figured out by talking to each other.

Now they are more sure that this unknown person controls Zhu and Eternity, and at least has the ability to send these two within a few inches. This unknown method is shockingly terrifying.

On this basis, they now have to consider what kind of response to give.

"If the universe of death is really attracted, can our human civilization be able to stop it?" Mr. Mu asked.

In the past, human civilization only had a few eternal beings in the Jiuxiao universe, and it was normal to be unable to stop the fishing civilization. But now human civilization has transformed. Not only has Mr. Mu, the immortal being who can carry the sky, but also teleportation, Nirvana tree method, Yifu, etc. means.

Even compared to the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, it is not bad. The only uncertainty is the strength of that old monster, the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

But no matter how you look at it, human civilization can be regarded as a quasi-fishing civilization.

Will it still be so powerless if it collides with the dead universe again? Sacrificing the mother tree and Qinglian Shangyu as bait in exchange for the other party's indifference.

Only Qinglian Shangyu can give this answer, because he is the only one who has experienced the pressure of a dead universe.

Everyone looked at Qinglian Shangyu.

Qinglian Shangyu's eyes were heavy as he recalled the past and gave an answer.

"Gather the entire human civilization to fight with it. I don't know what the outcome will be, because no matter how powerful the Death Universe is, it will still be bound by cause and effect, but I am certain." He glanced at everyone: "I will definitely die."

Everyone was shocked and stared blankly at Qinglian Shangyu, including Mr. Mu.

In the current human civilization, Qinglian Shangyu is the undisputed strongest. He can break the hanging coffin with his bare hands, which no one can do. Without the protection of the great celestial phenomena of cause and effect, human civilization would not be able to survive until now. So far, no one has You can see the bottom of Qinglian Shangyu.

Lu Yin once thought he could see it, but Blood Tower Shangyu said that there can be more than one cosmic law that eternal life conforms to. At that time, Lu Yin knew that Qinglian Shangyu couldn't see clearly.

Such Qinglian Shangyu actually said such words, the answer was already obvious.

If Qinglian goes to the imperial capital and must die, will others still have a way to survive?

Lu Yin withdrew his gaze and looked at Ye Hai. If the current human civilization can fight against the death universe, then he will not be afraid of the unknown threat. The unknown itself is not one with the death universe. The proximity of two fishing civilizations will definitely What happens is that there are three parties to contain it, and he is very good at dealing with this situation.

But now, the dead universe cannot come.

Before, he didn't care whether to join Agnostic. Just join, as long as it ensures the stable development of human civilization. The worst he can do is betray in the future.

But the conversation with Mr. Mu made him hesitate, fearing that inviting him to join was a trap.

But now it seems there is no choice.

The Death Universe has passed by human civilization once. Zhu tried his best to use the original treasure formation to send the coordinates of the Jiuxiao Universe to the Death Universe, proving that there is a high possibility that the Death Universe will come again. The hidden unknown knows them too well and is a direct threat. Getting to the point.

Soon after, everyone dispersed without any outcome from the discussion.

Mr. Mu and Lu Yin returned to Tianyuan and sat on the mountain behind Tianshang Sect.

"There is still a way to do this, wait." Mr. Mu took the tea brewed by Long Xi and took a sip: "Even if the death universe comes, I don't know how long it will take. Maybe you will have broken through the realm of immortality by then, and I will treat you as a teacher. I am very confident that once you break through eternal life, your strength will surpass everyone else."

Lu Yin smiled bitterly: "Master, the absolute means of fishing civilization can be explained by magic. It doesn't take long for the death universe to arrive. It may only take a few hundred years. However, within a few hundred years, the disciples are not sure of breaking through eternal life."

According to the normal speed of cultivation, Lu Yin seems to be able to break through immortality very quickly, but immortality is a threshold and cannot be determined by time. If it could be possible, the mirage would have been snapped up long ago.

If you want to break through to eternal life, you must at least see the hope of breakthrough.

It is impossible for him to try to break through by restarting the universe. Instead, he has to break through on his own like Qinglian Shangyu and Mr. Mu. Otherwise, there is no point in breaking through.

He couldn't even see the boundaries of such a breakthrough.

"Let's not talk about when the death universe will come. Just being unknowable is a trouble. If I die, Ignorance is more willing to invite me to join. I have proven my worth and my threat." Lu Yin said.

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