Star Odyssey

Chapter 4197 Let it happen

The Gate of All Dharmas was placed in Jiuxiao Universe by Qixu. So, is the technological civilization behind the Gate of All Dharmas something Qixu wants to use? Or is there something else?

Could it be that the civilization Lan Meng used was the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad?

They are all powerful civilizations.

If you want to take advantage of these civilizations, you must be strong enough.

"Next, I will give you a task. Accept it. If you complete it, you will join Agnostic. If you fail, Agnostic will use at least two powerful civilizations to destroy your human civilization. Now you can choose."

"What if you don't accept it?" Lu Yin asked.

"If you don't accept it, the result will be the same as failure." Bashi replied.

"Hehe, little guy, as long as you fail, Lan Meng counts as one, and so do I. I will definitely destroy your human civilization, which I can use. I like to eat, hehehehe."

Lu Yin sneered: "Da Mao, don't scream, I accept it."

Anyway, the result is the same whether you accept it or not.

"Okay, then, the civilization you want to destroy is the Thorn Civilization..." Ba Se briefly introduced the Thorn Civilization. This Thorn Civilization has an eternal life, only one, and is not strong. Even if Lu Yin does not take action, please be shocked. Shangyu and the others should be able to complete the attack.

"Remind you that there are other unknown creatures who want to join this task at the same time. Whoever completes it first will join."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "Rough?"

"You don't need to know." Base said.

"I have given you a portal that leads directly to the Thorn Civilization. Now, you can leave at any time."

Lu Yin was curious: "Can I know what the reward is?"

“You can’t know until you officially join the Unknowable.”

Lu Yin had no choice but: "Okay, I'm leaving then, Lan Meng, Da Mao, goodbye." After saying that, he disappeared.

On the spot, a creature laughed: "Da Mao, hahahaha."

"Haha, Da Mao, it sounds pretty good."

"Lameng, he knows you very well."

Lan Meng ignored him at all.

The creature called Da Mao was extremely angry and shouted: "Lameng, don't let this kid succeed. I support your people to join and we must destroy that human civilization."

Lan Meng bent his claws and stared coldly at the ground. He couldn't finish it.

On the other side, Lu Yin pushed away the hanging coffin, and Master Qingcao left without knowing when.

He sat and looked at the starry sky, then teleported with the hanging coffin, took Mr. Mu, Jingmen Shangyu, and Blood Tower Shangyu to Ye Hai, and told them what happened.

"It's an unknowable method, using civilization to attack civilization without suffering any losses. It's really disgusting." The emperor of the Blood Tower was disgusted.

Jingmen Shangyu said: "Since we have accepted the task, we must complete it, otherwise we will face the power of two unknown creatures. Even if we are not afraid, the loss will certainly not be small."

Mr. Mu agreed: "Especially because we don't know what kind of civilization another unknown person who will take action against us can lead to."

Lu Yin and Qinglian Superior looked at each other: "Senior, do you still remember that technological civilization?"

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "You want to say that civilization is the civilization that Qixu wants to use?"

Lu Yin hummed, with a solemn look on his face: "It's very possible, otherwise what civilization is behind the Gate of Laws that can threaten us at close range? We searched all over and couldn't find it, only that technological civilization."

"It is very powerful that technological civilization can become a fishing civilization. Since Qixu can use such a powerful civilization, then there are other unknown civilizations that can be used." Yu said from the Blood Tower.

They all thought of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, which was the civilization that Lan Meng used. However, Lan Meng overestimated himself and the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad was not used at all.

But when Lan Meng attracted the Heavenly Clan and tempted the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad to come, they were still very depressed at that time. If Lan Meng hadn't calculated it and severely damaged it, he later wanted to scare away the fourth and fourth sons of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. Five may not be so smooth, and Lan Meng must have other means to lure the Seven Treasures Toad to start a war on human civilization.

Fortunately, there is still a Star Toad, which provides a channel for human civilization to communicate with the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, otherwise human civilization may not be so smooth now.

One blue cloud makes human civilization tired of dealing with it. If there is one more unknown creature, no one knows what kind of civilization it will attract.

It would be troublesome if it was a fishing civilization.

Lu Yin knew that if the mission failed, Da Mao would be the one to attack them, but he didn't know what kind of creature Da Mao was or what civilization he could use.

But it doesn't matter. Even if he doesn't offend Da Mao, there will be other unknown creatures joining in to deal with human civilization. They are not as good as Da Mao. At least Da Mao is irritable and much easier to deal with than the latter creature with the talent of teleportation.

That creature made Lu Yin feel like a cunning old man.

He would rather face Da Mao.

Now all they have to do is let Lu Yin complete the task.

This task does not allow Lu Yin to take action personally, and the same goes for human civilization.

"This thorn civilization only has one eternal life, let me do it." The imperial guide on the Blood Tower said with a cold look in his eyes: "I am not involved in the battle of civilization, leave this battle to me."

Lu Yin frowned: "If the seniors take action, it means that our human civilization is one of the civilizations that can be exploited. This time it is the thorn civilization. What will it be next time? What if it is a powerful fishing civilization? Even if it is not, any time it takes action No one can guarantee that everything is foolproof, and we don’t need to sacrifice ourselves for the unknown. Even if we don’t sacrifice, the constraints of cause and effect are still losses.”

Qinglian said: "Yes, Anonymous invited Lu Yin to join, maybe they also want to tie my human civilization to their ship and use my human civilization to deal with other civilizations."

"If we only take action this time, a Thorn Civilization should be fine. In the future, the worst thing is that the mission will not be completed. Qixu has been dead for so many years, and I don't even ask about it." Royal Road on the Blood Tower.

This makes sense, and Lu Yin reminds Lu Yin of Lan Meng's words and says it.

Jingmen Shangyu was furious: "So that's what happened. If Lan Meng hadn't gone out of his way to find out because he was greedy for rewards, I don't know how many years would have passed before we found out about Qixu's death. What a shame, this bastard forced us out."

Lan Meng's behavior is the same as that of evil thieves who sell civilization coordinates. They feel like they have been betrayed inexplicably.

Although ignorance is the old enemy of human civilization, it should not be brought to the forefront in this way. It is obvious that human civilization can still be comfortable for a long time.

"Sooner or later, I will kill this Lan Meng." Yu Yu gritted his teeth at the Blood Tower.

Mr. Mu looked at Lu Yin: "If our human civilization doesn't take action, how will you complete the mission? You just said that there is a creature that is snatching this mission, and it is Lan Meng's people. Then that creature may have already known what civilization it is going to deal with. In other words, the civilization that can be used has been prepared for a long time. We must seize the time, otherwise we will be preempted."

Lu Yin also knew this, so he invited everyone to discuss it.

His purpose in joining the Unknowable is to make human civilization comfortable. If human civilization is to be tied to the Unknown's ship and become a knife or a sword, it would be better to refuse to join. It would be too stupid to be used by the Unknowable until death.

Qinglian Shangyu pondered: "The current civilizations are the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad, the Insect Hive Civilization, and the Three Color Celestial Clan. Among them, it is impossible for the Three Color Clan Clan and the Seven Treasure Celestial Toad to use it. The Celestial Master of the Insect Hive Civilization has also run away. , even if it is still around here, it cannot be used by us unless the insect nest civilization returns to its heyday."

"No, the Hive Civilization understands the Agnostic and cannot be used by the Agnostic. Therefore, the only choice is." He looked at Lu Yin: "That technological civilization."

Lu Yin was thinking about it as well: "Senior, it's been nearly three hundred years since our confrontation with that technological civilization. We can touch it again."

Qinglian Shangyu nodded.

"I'll go with you." Mr. Mu said.

Qinglian said to the emperor: "You have to protect Tianyuan. You had no choice before. Now that you have broken through to the realm of immortality, you should stop worrying about it. It is better for me to accompany Lu Yin on this trip."

Lu Yin nodded to Mr. Mu.

Mr. Mu was helpless: "That's it, thank you very much, senior."

As a master, you should be responsible for many things, but since Qinglian Shangyu said so, guarding Tianyuan makes Lu Yin feel more at ease.

Soon, Lu Yin sent Mr. Mu back to Tianyuan, then passed through the Gate of All Laws with Qinglian Shangyu, said hello to Master Kudeng and left.

They are going to the civilization where the mother tree was destroyed and the coordinates were sold by the Three Eyes. They were fighting against technological civilization outside that civilization. Now so many years have passed, they don't know what happened to that universe.

It was also the only place where they might find clues to technological civilization.

After nearly three hundred years, when I saw that universe again, it had completely changed. It had not been restarted, but was being mined like a mine.

Although they couldn't understand the light that stretched across the universe, Lu Yin and the others knew that they were digging, breaking down and transporting the resources of the entire universe.

It is impossible to imagine what it would be like to have an entire universe being mined as a mineral deposit. Even if Jiuxiao Universe uses the spiritualized universe as a resource to cultivate, it is not such an exaggeration.

There were oval lights everywhere, some big and small. The largest oval light was hundreds of millions of times larger than the one they had fought against before. It was a huge thing lying across the starry sky.

When Lu Yin and the others saw that universe, a conversation came from the largest oval light.

"If foreign substances are detected, should they be removed?"


"Beep-Analysis-Beep-Analysis-Beep-Analysis completed. The biological image display is consistent with the information sent back by the third team. It is impossible to determine the energy level, height...volume...material fusion degree..."

"Is it the kind of creature that destroyed the third squadron ship last time? The empire analyzed it as eternal life and enabled absolute analysis."

"Beep - Absolute analysis in progress - Beep - Absolute analysis in progress - Beep - Absolute analysis completed. The energy level cannot be determined. It is regarded as eternal life. It is recommended to unlock the current final weapon arsenal."

"It is indeed eternal life, otherwise it would be impossible to analyze it with the capabilities of the main ship and unlock the ultimate weapons arsenal."

"Beep - the final weapons arsenal is unlocked successfully."

"Release anti-flare weapons, release crystal falls at the same time, prepare regular weapons, and notify the third main ship to come for support."

"Anti-flare weapons are being released, crystal falls are being released, regular weapons are being prepared, regular weapons are being prepared..."

In the distance, Lu Yin and Qinglian Shangyu watched the light approaching. The familiar feeling was that it was the attack method of technological civilization, but it was much stronger than the oval light emitted last time.


"Throw the door down."

"Let it happen?"

"no way."

"Okay." After saying that, Lu Yin raised the lid of the red hanging coffin behind him, and then carved the door with a red line.

Qinglian Shangyu blocked the approaching attack.

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