Star Odyssey

Chapter 4200 Mission

The eight-color voice sounded again: "Lu Yin, the red hanging coffin belongs to Qixu. When it dies, the hanging coffin must be returned to the unknown, including the red thread."

Lu Yin frowned: "What if I didn't visit the sacred tree and the red hanging coffin came back?"

"Hehe, cold salad."

"The little guy wants to take everything. He's very ambitious."

Ba Se said: "The red hanging coffin must be returned."

Lu Yin said: "Then I choose red."

"The color is not decided by oneself, but by the sacred tree." Bose said.

Lu Yin was helpless, he was forcing himself to come here.

But you don’t have to come, the worst thing is that the mission will not be completed. Qixu has been dead for so many years without any help from the unknown, and now there is no time limit for completing the mission.

Joining this time is like buying insurance for human civilization.

"I'll give it to you if you want it." Lu Yin said.

The eight-color voice sounded: "When you visit the sacred tree, or new people join, you must return the red hanging coffin without any mistakes."

Lu Yin felt something in his heart, is there a new person joining? If no new people join, you don’t have to pay it back.

"Next, you can choose rewards for destroying the civilization of thorns. The rewards include the civilization's azimuth coordinates, history, combat skills, cosmic cognition, turbid treasures, etc., corresponding to the level of the civilization you destroyed."

Lu Yin was curious: "Which level does the Thorn civilization belong to?"

"The lowest level."

Lu Yin pursed his lips: "Does the knowledge of the universe represent all the civilizations I want to ask?"

"As long as the answer is unknown and corresponds to the level of the task you have completed."

"Can they hear it?"

"Choose rewards and tasks, and there is no one else to listen except you and me."

"Okay, I want to ask if there are any other human civilizations within this small distance. I want the coordinates."


Lu Yin's eyes lit up.

"The coordinates of human civilization are higher than the level of the mission you have completed, and cannot be informed."

Lu Yin exhaled, that's fine, as long as there is still human civilization, is the level high?

"Does this high level mean that the other party is stronger than the Thorn Civilization?"

"There is no absolutely definite connection between level and combat power. It may or may not be related to combat power."

Nonsense, Lu Yin thought for a while: "There are still Zhuo Bao to choose from? What Zhuo Bao?"

"There are two kinds of turbid treasures to choose from. The first one contains a strange fragrance, and any fragrance you can imagine can appear. The second one can be placed so that you can see any corner of the universe and the starry sky."

The first one was useless, at least Lu Yin didn't expect it to be of any use. The second one would have been useful if he was in the ancestral realm. He could see the entire Tianyuan Universe. But unfortunately, he could see the entire Tianyuan Universe at any time now. For him, It is useless for the existence of such strength.

The distance is only one universe.

These two turbid treasures seem magical, but they are meaningless.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry. He was thinking about what kind of rewards he would like. Forgetting combat skills and techniques, he might also have to do it himself. The best thing would be knowledge of the universe, or the coordinates of a civilization that would be useful to him.

"Lu Yin, have you thought about how to choose?" Base asked.

Lu Yin was curious: "Does this turbid treasure have levels?"


"How are they divided?"

"Is this the reward you chose?"

"Is this also a reward?"

"This is cosmic awareness."

Lu Yin was dissatisfied: "You're too stingy. Is this considered cosmic knowledge? It's just a casual question."

"Then you can ask other biological civilizations to see if they know."

Lu Yin shook his head: "Then can I ask if there are levels of fishing civilization?"

"Is this the reward you chose?"

"Is this also a reward?"

"This is cosmic awareness."

Such a familiar conversation made Lu Yin suspicious: "Base, are you a free creature or a machine?"

Bashi's voice was soft: "If you can complete the corresponding task, you can understand me."

Lu Yin was helpless. He was very interested in Ba Color. After all, the overall plan was unknown, but God knew what tasks needed to be completed in order to understand it: "Then what tasks need to be completed in order to understand you?"

"I will tell you later, please choose the reward you want now."

Lu Yin thought for a moment and said, "Do you have any way to make people see far away?"

"Method? Combat technique? Treasure? Weapon?"

"Whatever, as long as it allows me to see far away."

"Corresponding to the level of the mission you have completed, a combat skill will be given to you."

"How far can you see?"

"Close to the distance that can be seen in the immortal realm."

Lu Yin was not satisfied. He knew that no matter how far he could see in the Immortal Realm, that distance was far from enough to satisfy him, let alone the distance that could be seen close to the Immortal Realm: "Is there nothing else?"

"If you are not satisfied, you can combine the rewards and you will have more room to choose when you complete the task next time."

Lu Yin hesitated for a moment, and he had no choice but to do this, otherwise it would be useless to ask for a reward.

"Okay, I choose to combine the rewards."

"Then, then choose the mission you want to complete. The missions are divided by stars. A one-star mission corresponds to destroying a cosmic civilization, and there is an eternal life within the civilization."

"The two-star mission corresponds to the destruction of a cosmic civilization, and there are two eternal beings within the civilization."

"The three-star mission destroys a cosmic civilization. Within the civilization, there are five eternal beings."

Lu Yin was surprised: "Three stars jump directly to five eternal lives?"

Ba Color continued: "Four stars correspond to ten eternal lives."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes. Ten eternal lives, and human civilization does not have ten eternal lives. Is this a task that cannot be chosen?

"Five stars correspond to the destruction of fishing civilization."

"This is the current task you can take. You can also choose to be directly assigned by Agnostic to the task that is most suitable for you. The ultimate reward for the task assigned by Agnostic will also be doubled."

Lu Yin looked solemn: "I wonder if any creature can complete the three-star mission?"

"Of course."

"Is it much?"

"No comment."

"Where's the four-star mission?"


Lu Yin's eyes were heavy: "What about the five-star mission?"

"Lu Yin, do you want to test your unknown strength with this?"

"Not bad." Lu Yin didn't hide it.

Ba Se hummed: "The higher six-star tasks can be completed by unknown creatures. Is this answer satisfactory?"

Lu Yin's heart sank: "How far should a six-star mission be achieved?"

"No comment, you must complete the five-star mission before you can accept the six-star mission."

Lu Yin knew that he had underestimated Wu Shi. He originally thought that the many immortal realms in human civilization were enough to threaten Wu Shi. However, with such strength, Wu Shi could not even be assigned a four-star mission. He was curious about Master Qingcao's role in Wu Shi. Whatever he saw, he must have felt the same as himself at that time.

Lu Yin took a deep breath. He had experienced this feeling more than once, but it was very heavy every time.

"Lu Yin, choose the mission you want to take on, or be assigned the mission by Agnostic."

"What level of task does a method that allows me to see far away correspond to?"

“Anything above three stars is acceptable.”

Lu Yin looked at the colorful sacred tree in front of him: "I choose to accept the three-star mission."

Anyway, if you don’t plan on how to complete the mission, then choose three stars. At least you can know the coordinates and capabilities of the cosmic civilization with five eternal lives, which may be useful to them.

If we can communicate by chance, come to an alliance, and have more than ten immortal realms, it will be enough to drink a pot of agnosticism.

He never believed that there were many creatures in the unknown that could complete tasks above four stars. It was absolutely impossible.

Ten realms of immortality are an exaggerated number. Even if the ancestors and Uncle Jiang both broke through the realm of immortality, human civilization would not have ten.

And if the three-star mission is completed, you can also find a way to see far away.

Jingmen Shangyu's side is one way, but Lu Yin will not put all his hopes on Jingmen Shangyu. Maybe the method here is better.

As long as you can see farther, you will give yourself the greatest transformation.

Just imagine, what will it feel like one day when you can see every corner of the world? Human civilization can spread across an entire square inch.

BaSe's voice sounded: "Yes, a three-star mission to destroy Tunfeng Civilization. There is no time limit. This is the coordinates of Tunfeng Civilization. It is centered on your current location. There is no time limit. You can leave at any time."

"Also, you have one chance to refuse the unknown forced recruitment to join the war. Use it with caution."

Lu Yin was confused: "I wonder if they will be forced to join the war?"

"If I don't know if I encounter a crisis, I will."

Lu Yin understands that this is only reasonable, otherwise Agnostic will not have a time limit for you to complete the task, nor will it monitor you, and will give up attacking the biological civilization you have joined. There will be rewards for completing the task. What do they want?

In fact, even so, Lu Yin still couldn't understand what the unknown figure was.

All he knew was that it was unknowable and difficult to see.

If you want to see the unknowable, you can only complete the task.

Cosmic awareness?

The unknowable itself is also the cognition of the universe.

It's time to leave, so let's say hello.

"Lan Meng, Da Mao, I'm leaving, see you next time." After saying that, he disappeared.

There was a burst of laughter from Zizong, as well as Da Mao's suppressed anger and curses.

The person he was scolding was not Lu Yin, but Guo.

"Lam Meng, don't look for that kind of trash in the future, you can't even compare to a scoundrel."

Lan Meng spoke in a low voice: "The civilization that humans use is fishing civilization, technological fishing civilization, is it comparable to the civilization you can use?"

"A waste is a waste, and you still talk about loyalty? It's ridiculous."

Another creature spoke: "Base, human civilization and the unknown are old enemies. He joined in order to exchange for the stability of human civilization. The mission he accepts may not be completed, and it may never be completed."

Base spoke slowly: "Desire is a floodgate. When the floodgate opens, no one can stop the surging river."

"The agnostic covers everything. Whatever he wants to know and have, the agnostic can give him. He can't refuse. Let time bring the answer."

Lu Yin left Zizong and told Qinglian Shangyu and others everything he learned in Zizong.

Give them a new understanding of unknowable strength.

If the six-star mission can be completed, it is not a matter of the number of eternal lives, it must be a qualitative change, which puts too much pressure on human civilization.

"Senior, find Master Qingcao. Now it's time for him to tell us what he has seen." Lu Yin reminded.

Qinglian said: "No need to look for him, he is here."

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