Star Odyssey

Chapter 4204 Beating sight

Lu Yin is now particularly curious about how Qingyun saw it.

Qingyun didn't hide it either: "With my beating eyes, I'm actually not sure what I should see, nor how far I can see, but as long as I don't stop for a day, I can continue to see, maybe very far away. Places so far away that even eternal life cannot reach them, but there is no point in doing so. I usually only look within the scope of human civilization.”

Lu Yin knew that the universe was very magical and there were many strange talents, but he never expected this kind of talent.

Jumping sight?

If you don’t stop for a day, can you continue watching for a whole day?

I have never heard of someone whose sight is not under his control.

"Since it is a beating sight, on what substance does it beat?"

"I don't know, choose randomly."

"If only this area in the entire universe contains that substance, then you can only see this area?"


"It depends on luck."

"But luck is usually on my side. I've tried my sight many times, but it hasn't stopped on my own yet."

Lu Yin frowned: "You mean that the distance is filled with the matter carried by the beating sight?"

Qingyun nodded.

Lu Yin was puzzled, how could this happen?

A region has a region of materials, and it is only right that many materials are different in distant regions. Since Qingyun has tried many times, there must have been materials that only exist in the current region, but why has it never stopped on its own initiative?

"By the way, I forgot to mention it. What I mean by trying is just a small distance." Qingyun added.

Lu Yin still couldn't understand that even if it was a square inch away, there shouldn't be material close to human civilization in the entire square inch.

"What about in Jiuxiao Universe?"

Qingyun shook his head: "I don't watch Jiuxiao Universe. I watched it once when I was a child and saw many dark and ugly scenes."

"I want to take a look." Lu Yin said.

Qingyun was confused: "What does Mr. Lu think of my talent?"

Lu Yin raised his hand and the dice appeared: "I can borrow your talent. Although it is only once, it is enough to try."

Granny Yin was worried: "Mr. Lu, will this be harmful to the girl?"

Lu Yin smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't do any harm to the girl, otherwise Jingmen Shangyu won't let me go."

Granny Yin was right when she thought about it, the girl was the daughter of the royal family.

She saluted and retreated silently. I don't know when everyone began to equate Lu Yin with the God of Control.

In the past, no one dared to hurt Qingyun, and there was no such thing as someone hurting Qingyun. She followed Qingyun more for peace of mind, and never thought about what would happen to someone. But when facing Lu Yin, she subconsciously wanted to protect him, because she subconsciously believed that , Lu Yin is qualified enough to hurt Qingyun, qualified enough to be on par with Jingmen Shangyu.

Just like Lu Huan and Qingyun, neither one has a high status, and Lu Huan can just ignore Qingyun.

Behind Qingyun is Jingmen Shangyu, and behind Lu Wan is Lu Yin.

This is Lu Yin's position in today's human civilization.

Just as he was about to roll the dice, Lu Yin thought of Lu Wan and almost forgot about him. What Qingyun said was really shocking.

With a casual wave of his hand, Lu Huan was thrown out and hit the ground.

Click to make the hell disappear.

Qingyun and Po Yin looked at Lu Wei with shocked expressions.

Lu Huan, the most famous person in human civilization in the past hundred years, countless people praise him, and countless people hate him, but there is nothing they can do about him.

Even people who rely on the Immortal Realm are useless when facing Lu Huan, and there is nothing they can do.

Now, this man is lying on the ground panting like a dead dog, miserable.

Lu Yin looked down at Lu Wan: "What do you want to say?"

Lu Xuan gasped for breath, and after a while he raised his head and looked at Lu Yin. His eyes were completely different from before, as if he was a different person, full of confusion, hesitation and confusion, as if this world was strange to him. But it seems to confirm something.

He looked at Lu Yin blankly: "Same."

Lu Yin looked at him calmly, looking at his confused eyes: "Why are they the same?"

Lu Wan lowered his head, looked at the ground, and murmured to himself: "It's the same. I thought their lives were different, but the results are the same. More or less material things can't determine the value of life at all. The feeling is the same. The same feeling connects different lives.”

"Why is it the same?"

"Is this their life?"

Lu Yin didn't even know what Lu Huan was experiencing, because his life experience was different from Lu Huan's.

Lu Huan's experience was very similar to Qingyun's, but because he was praised so highly, it was different.

Qingyun couldn't bear it: "Mr. Lu, what has he experienced?"

Granny Yin also looked at Lu Yin curiously.

Lu Yin clasped his hands behind his back: "Everyone has their own life. Some people envy other people's lives from the perspective of bystanders, or feel that other people's lives are not worth it, or even hate other people's choices. But if they are really allowed to experience other people's lives, , his choice is the same."

"Cognition and emotion are all born from life experience."

"Lu Huan's arrogance comes from his disregard for material things and his disregard for what he wants. He wants everything. This world is just a playground for him, so I gave him someone else's life and let him start a second life. This life journey is a chance for him. If he still doesn't know how to repent, let him be an ordinary person."

Lu Wan couldn't hear these words.

Only Qingyun, Yin Po, Patriarch Lu Yuan, and Lu Buzheng, who was always watching here, heard it.

Qingyun looked at Lu Huan with pity in his eyes. Lu Yin's Dianjiangtai Hell was a nightmare for many people, but for Lu Huan, if he was deprived of everything and made him an ordinary person, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him. .

Falling from one extreme in life to another is something that no one can bear.

He will go crazy.

Hope he can change his ways.

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "Third uncle, take him back."

Lu Buzheng came over and bowed deeply to Lu Yin: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Taoist Master."

Lu Yin said softly: "Not everyone has a second chance. He only has this chance. I really hope he can change."

Lu Buzheng's eyes were heavy: "If he is still like that, without Dao taking action, I will completely destroy him."

Grandma Yin looks at Lu Buzheng, you? You are no match for your son.

Lu Huan was taken away, his eyes still confused and full of distress.

Yin Po sighed: "What a pity. The entire human civilization wants to use Lu Huan as an example to see how fast a person can practice by concentrating human resources. If this child were not like this, he would be the most brilliant hero in the next era. , it’s a pity, it’s a pity that it will remain in the annals of history.”

"If this one doesn't work, then go to the next one. Anyway, there will still be candidates." Lu Yin said.

Granny Yin nodded. As long as people in the Lu family continue to awaken the talent of teleportation, they will be the next heroes to be trained. There is no way, teleportation is too important.

If human civilization has many masters of teleportation, it will gradually transform. Even if it is not good enough, even if these people can only teleport within the scope of human civilization, it will be enough to make the scope of human civilization a forbidden area that foreign civilization cannot invade.

Lu Wan's example warns everyone that no one can act recklessly, even if they have eternal life behind them.

This is a good thing for the Lu family and human civilization.

"Follow me." Lu Yin disappeared instantly with Qingyun and Yin Po, and then reappeared at the boundary of the cause and effect astronomical phenomenon.

Yin Po and Qing Yun were shocked. Although they knew that Lu Yin could move instantly and move very far, they were still shocked to experience it in person. This feeling completely subverted the previous understanding of space and time. Is there any distance in this universe?

Lu Yin pointed at the dice, and the dice slowly rotated. One point, and a useless thing fell out. Continue, six points, continue, five points, talent borrowing.

He raised his hand and patted Qingyun on the shoulder.

Qingyun was stunned and stared blankly at Lu Yin.

Granny Yin was also confused. What is going on? It's too rude, even for Lu Yin. Wait, it seems that Jingmen Shangyu wants the girl to marry Lu Yin, what about this?

She just pretended not to see it.

Lu Yin just patted Qingyun's shoulder, and then took it back, and an eye appeared on the five o'clock side of the dice, with the same flexibility as Qingyun's eyes, watery and clear, as if looking at him.

Jumping sight? Let me try it.

With Lu Yin's use, the way he sees the universe with his eyes has changed. Before, the universe was deep and dark, but because of his understanding of space and time, he can see deeper, which is different from ordinary people. But now he sees that the universe is countless. Matter, those matter are densely packed all over the starry sky. It is impossible to distinguish how many types there are. Billions of types are indescribable. As the gaze deepens, it seems that more can be seen. The universe is infinitely refined. There are so many materials that fill the entire universe.

Lu Yin knew what he was going to do. He had to choose a substance, use that substance as a medium, and attach his sight to it. As the same kind of substance spreads, his sight would jump. He would choose a direction to use that substance as a medium. This It’s just a jumping sight.

The distance between substances does not affect the time of the jumping sight. For example, if one of the same kind of substances is here and the other is where the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad is, then the next moment, Lu Yin can see the location of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad. This is the jumping sight.

It depends on luck, but not entirely on luck.

He randomly selected a substance, and his vision changed instantly. The scenes in the universe kept appearing and disappearing. Every time he appeared, he saw something different. His vision was jumping, jumping farther and farther away. He had no idea at this moment. Where did his eyes jump to?

Lu Yin kept looking, and soon, most of the day passed. During this period, he saw civilization, because his hopping sight just passed through a civilization, and then disappeared again.

As long as he is willing, he can instantly appear in that civilization.

But he didn't dare, fearing that he wouldn't be able to come back.

God knows how far that civilization is from human civilization. Even if he has the talent to use jumping, there is no guarantee that the same kind of substance will appear around human civilization. Maybe he just skips human civilization and doesn't know.

If you go out, you may not be able to come back.

Qingyun and Po Yin didn't interrupt and kept waiting for Lu Yin.

Yin Po was curious. She knew that Qingyun could see the beating sight far away. She could only tell her about it, but she had never experienced it.

Now Lu Yin realizes it.

What ability does Mr. Lu have? It’s so weird that other people’s talents can be used.

Qingyun's talent is strange, and Mr. Lu's talent is even more incomprehensible.

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