Star Odyssey

Chapter 4219 Attract

Xing Chan glanced at Qinglian Shangyu, why did his words sound so similar to those of Seventh Brother? These people were all led astray by Brother Seven.

Regarding the introduction of technological civilization to the colorful land, Lu Yin discussed his concerns with Qinglian Shangyu and the others, but of course, not in front of the Qibao Tianchan.

There are pros and cons, and no one can decide easily.

The final decision was made because of one sentence.

"Technological civilization knows the human form, but Agnostic doesn't know about it? Pretending to be Agnostic saved the Qibao Tianchan clan. Once the Black Qi civilization encounters Agnostic in the future, it can also learn about the existence of human civilization from Agnostic. Red Hanging Coffin It’s still very noticeable.”

"The human form does not represent human civilization, it can also represent the unknowable. The unknowable understands human civilization better than technological civilization. For technological civilization, the human form cannot explain the problem."

It was Qinglian Shangyu's words that dispelled the doubts and put the blame on Wangzhi. Wangzhi could definitely tell Heiqi Civilization that it was human civilization that took action, and human civilization could not escape.

The reason why the blame was decisively passed on to Anonymous was because Agnostic was not a good person, but this did not mean that Agnostic would not tell Heiqi that human civilization took action, because Agnostic was not a whole.

As for bringing scientific and technological civilization to the surrounding area, the first consideration is not human civilization but the unknowable. In the words of Shan Laozu, the surrounding area is the unknowable ecological circle, and the unknowable is the barrier.

There is one advantage of attracting technological civilization that Lu Yin and others cannot refuse, and that is to see technological civilization clearly. Once it is determined that technological civilization is not the opponent of human civilization and fights against it, human civilization will have a way out. This is what we must face in the future. Now there is a Heiqi civilization to test it, which is good.

How can you not take risks if you want benefits? Some risks must be taken.

There was not much time, so after saying hello, Lu Yin took the boss and the others through the Gate of All Laws to another starry sky.

Master Kudeng was stunned. It was enough that Lu Yin showed up. Why did a group of toads also come?

The boss and other Qibao Tianchan were also stunned when they saw Master Kudeng. Do you still have eternal life? How much eternal life does human civilization have? This is fishing civilization, right?

Lu Yin said hello to Master Kudeng and disappeared.

He went to the location where he saw the technological civilization before. That location was actually very dangerous. The unknown gave an assessment to destroy the universe of thorns. He originally placed the door in this position. At this moment, this location must be tightly locked by that technological civilization. That door I don't know if he is there anymore.

Teleport appeared, and in front of him, a door stood. The door to the Thorn Universe was still there, and there were oval lights around the door, some big and some small. They were tools similar to spaceships of this technological civilization, and they could deliver terrifying blows.

Lu Yin didn't know what happened in the battle in the Thorns Universe, but Guang Guo failed. There must have been an eternal life war in the Thorns Universe, and there were more than one or two. The technological civilization can become the final winner, and its combat power can be imagined.

Lu Yin and the others were spotted as soon as they appeared. Huge needle-like things appeared in all directions.

Lu Yin was no stranger to this thing. The first time he and Qinglian Shangyu saw this technological civilization, they had been attacked by this thing. The threat was not great, but at that time it was just one, but now there are hundreds of them, coming from all directions.

Lao Wu glanced at it: "I'm going to clean it up."

Lu Yin stopped him: "No need, we are not here to start a war." After saying that, he threw the door down and ran away.

In place, those fired needles penetrated the void.

In the distance, a sound came from the huge oval light: "Beep-the alien creature disappeared-beep, the alien creature disappeared."

"Enable absolute analysis."

"No need. The departure of eternal life cannot be seen through by absolute analysis. Enlarge the pattern."

"That's the door?"

"It's the door again. Behind the door that appeared last time was a cosmic civilization. No, it was two cosmic civilizations at war, which caused losses to the empire. If the main ship of the third detachment had not provided timely support, the battle would have been lost. Now It’s the door again, send the report to the empire immediately.”

"Beep - report sent successfully."

"There must be a certain civilization behind this door. The other party wants to use us to take action and use civilization to eradicate civilization."

"Then what should we do? Ignore it? Although this door is hard and the Empire has been analyzing it, it can be destroyed."

"Wait for the empire to reply. Utilization is utilization. If the Queen is really a certain universe, it will bring new resources to the empire. As for using our creatures, sooner or later we will be able to seize them. The empire is already developing new weapons. We can Prevent the other party from escaping."

Lu Yin wanted to test the limit of what technological civilization could detect, but he couldn't do it now to avoid being frightened by this technological civilization and prolonging his trip to the colorful land.

He would rather go to the Colorful Land to watch first.

Within a few inches, he teleported again and again, leading Mr. Mu, Boss and the others to quickly approach the colorful land.

Finally came to the colorful land.

The boss lamented more than once that teleportation was too convenient.

Lu Yin was also congratulating himself on his attempt. Normally, how could the talent of teleportation appear in humans? It had never happened before, but due to various coincidences, it was finally planted and became his absolute means. It may also become a symbol of human civilization in the future. Absolute means.

This is something that only fishing civilization can have.

If the Qibao Tianchan clan had the ability to teleport, they would have already become a fishing civilization. Why should they be afraid of a Black Kai civilization?

In the land of the Qibao Tianchan Clan, the Black Qi Civilization did not discover the Unknown Door. The door was hidden in the broken mountain peaks and was inconspicuous. Moreover, the Unknown Door itself did not have any magnificent vision, which made people wonder. You can tell by looking at it that it's not simple.

On the contrary, the unknowable door is very secretive, otherwise it would not be able to be hidden.

Only by truly seeing it can you feel the sadness and extraordinaryness that the door brings.

But if you can't see it, who will care about a broken mountain peak? An inconspicuous door?

Lu Yin and the others were watching from a distance away from the Colorful Land. He left a path-finding stone in the Colorful Land. With his consciousness attached, he could see the surroundings. However, his consciousness was discovered by Hei Qi's life and was trampled to pieces, making it impossible to see clearly. .

What you can see now is not as good as the boss.

The boss didn't dare to use his Star Toad Eyes, so he could only look at it like this, and he could probably see it.

It can see the colorful land, and Huo can see them, so they are very careful.

Time keeps passing by, and half a year has passed quickly.

The fourth child was anxious: "What kind of technological civilization can't come here?"

"Impossible, no civilization would refuse to explore, especially fishing civilization. As long as that technological civilization is truly a fishing civilization, it will definitely come." Boss Mou Ding was more convinced than anyone else.

Mr. Mu said: "Maybe it was the incident with the Thorn Civilization that made them wary. They have to be prepared before coming this time."

"Thorn Civilization?" Lao Wu was curious.

Lu Yin nodded and told the story of how technological civilization had once destroyed the Thorns Civilization. He also bluntly said that it was an unknowable assessment.

The bosses and the others didn't have any other ideas after hearing this. Whether the Thorn civilization was destroyed or not had nothing to do with them. They only cared about how long it would take for the technological civilization to arrive.

This is a small distance, and no living thing will give even a little sympathy to an unrelated civilization that has been destroyed.

It's not insensitive, it's unnecessary.

There are as many civilizations as stars within a small distance, and civilizations are being destroyed every moment. They don't have that much sympathy.

And since they can hear the news of the destruction of civilization, it means that they themselves have the strength to destroy civilization, and have even done such a thing, otherwise they are not qualified to hear it, and they cannot even hear the words "square inch away" .

Who among the civilizations behind powerful creatures that can travel across small distances has not destroyed other civilizations?

It's as natural as a living thing looking for food.

"It seems that we have to keep waiting. It won't be a short time." Lao Dadao.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "Not necessarily, the door through the thorn civilization is still there. That technological civilization must have been prepared after that incident. What is waiting for now should not be the preparations they transferred from their civilization itself, but the preparations."

Lao Wu looked confused: "You are as smart as me, but I don't understand what you are talking about."

The fourth child was very calm and didn’t need to say anything if he didn’t understand.

"There is movement." Mr. Mu reminded.

Everyone looked.

The colorful earth shone with light, and then the void shattered. The war came so fast and suddenly, not even the Black Qi civilization expected it.

The method of warfare of that technological civilization was extremely dazzling, so dazzling that Lu Yin and the others could not see clearly.

When civilization meets civilization, everyone wants to suppress the other, and everyone wants to destroy the other.

In the distant starry sky, life is falling, and the light is dim, but more light is joining. The Black Qi civilization is not the Thorn civilization, and there is no comparison between the two. This time the technological civilization has hit the wall, even if the huge oval light appears, and He exerted power that Lu Yin and the others couldn't understand, but they felt that it could threaten eternal life, and in the end they were still torn into pieces by Bewilderment.

The war ends quickly as it comes.

The boss looked downcast: "Technological civilization has underestimated the other party."

"Is it possible that this technological civilization only has this strength?" Lao Wu asked.

The boss looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin's eyes were solemn: "No matter what, let's give technological civilization another chance. I'll get the door back first, otherwise it will be destroyed by the Black Kai Civilization." After saying that, he disappeared in an instant and reappeared inside the colorful mountain peaks.

But outside the mountain peak, there is confusion and despair, and huge eyes are looking at the mountain peak in confusion.

Just now, the scientific and technological civilization came out from here. As soon as it came out, without saying a word, it directly attacked and killed many Heiqi lives. It even launched an attack that even confused people. It didn't know what the effect of that attack was. It only knew that Shred it, just shred it completely.

It also recognizes that this is technological civilization.

There is actually a technological fishing civilization. This civilization is quite terrifying. God knows what kind of weapons they have developed. Once the weapons reach the level of eternal life, as long as the resources are sufficient, they can be used unlimitedly. This is not comparable to a cultivation civilization.

Scientific and technological civilization is not bound by cause and effect, which is the most terrifying thing.

It originally thought that the next one to appear would be a fishing civilization with absolute means of teleportation, and it was ready to die in battle, but it didn't expect that a technological civilization would come, and it would come so fast and suddenly.

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