Star Odyssey

Chapter 4223 Provocation

Facing Lu Yin's gaze, Xing Toad did not deny it. It understood Lu Yin, and Lu Yin also understood it: "After all, they are the same race."

Lu Yin nodded: "Even if you have a conscience and still care about the Qibao Tianchan clan, then you should also care about us humans. Without us, you wouldn't be where you are now."

Xing Toad nodded: "I know, if you hadn't defeated the Eternals, Brother Qi, I might have been transformed by that bastard Eternal."

Lu Yin looked at the deep starry sky, would it last forever? It's obviously not that long ago, but it feels like it was a long time ago.

The mysterious unknown threatened him with eternity, forcing him to ask Qinglian Shangyu to search for parallel time and space, trying to find out eternity and punishment, but so far he couldn't find it. If they really fell into the hands of that mysterious unknown, they would be Trouble.

It's quite terrifying that the mysterious and unknown can take advantage of the dead universe.

Unless one day the strength of human civilization surpasses the death universe, it will be threatened.

Of course, now that he has joined Anonymous, that mysterious Agnostic is unlikely to threaten him again, but he still doesn't know who that Anonymous is.

It is still necessary to find out more about the unknowable, and to find out the mysterious unknowable.

"Remember, it's okay to calm down those toads." Lu Yin said again.

The Star Toad was speechless and wanted to go together, but they were not toads.

Xing Chan has entered the Supreme Mountain, and Lu Yin is currently the only one there.

He came to the colorful land again, far away, saw the light appear, frowned, technological civilization has come, this is not unexpected, he put the door under the lake more than ten years ago, it is normal to come, but what is abnormal is to see There is no war between the technological civilization and the black enlightenment civilization, and they seem to be living in peace with each other.

This is not a good thing.

There is no exchange between civilizations. This is due to the gap and unknown between the two sides. If the two sides are close in strength, there may be exchanges. Another situation is that both sides need time, and exchanges are just delaying each other's time at the same time.

Lu Yin believed it must be the latter.

He did not believe that the two fishing civilizations could live in peace.

But the latter is also a situation he doesn't want to encounter.

Scientific and technological civilizations procrastinate in order to wait for the support of their civilizations, and it is unlikely that support will be in place in more than ten years. It will take at least decades or even hundreds of years.

The Heiqi Civilization's delaying time should be to kill the ancestors of Shan.

Black Qi Civilization doesn’t know how long it will take for the support of technological civilization to be in place. Perhaps technological civilization has temporarily threatened them, forcing them to delay time through communication.

Lu Yin didn't know exactly what happened. He only knew that the war was bound to break out, but he didn't know whether it would be before or after the death of Patriarch Shan.

It would be meaningless if it erupted only after death.

At most, the technological civilization and the black enlightenment civilization would become enemies, or even one party would be destroyed, but this was not what he wanted.

However, there is nothing we can do if we can't get close now.

Another crucial point is that scientific and technological civilization must know their human form. If they communicate with the Black Kai civilization and expose their form, the Black Kai civilization will know that it is the human civilization that is attacking them. He had considered this at the beginning, but now it has become Reality.

I really don’t want anything to come.

However, we had already analyzed the pros and cons with Qinglian Shangyu and the others, but now there is nothing we can do about it.

If the final result is bad, he will bring the unknown back to make the surrounding area more chaotic. He will take the opportunity to see through the technological civilization and solve it. Then human civilization will have a way out.

However, the unknown door can connect to the area where technological civilization is located, and the unknown can also find human civilization. After all, the threat of the unknown cannot be eliminated.

Just wait now. The war between technological civilization and black enlightenment civilization will definitely come, but I don’t know how long it will take.

We are not sure how long Old Ancestor Shan can hold on, so I will bring the boss next time.

In the colorful land, Heiqi's life occupies most of it, and the other half belongs to technological civilization.

"Lou, how many more are there?"

"It's already more than half of the time. If I fight again, I don't know how long I can last."

"This bondage of cause and effect makes our eternal life worse than a scoundrel. It is hateful. Otherwise, we would not have allowed this technological civilization to enter."

Huo said nothing.

"How long will it take to kill that old monster?"

Huo's voice was low: "I don't know, I don't know the bottom line of that old monster."

"Do you want to deal with this technological civilization first? I'm afraid that they will take action at any time. I have already told them that the old monster in the seal is the Seven Treasures Sky Toad. It's a shame that the old monster didn't say a word. This technological civilization has been guessing what is inside. Once they feel they have enough power, they may take action.”

It has too many causal constraints, and the rest must be kept to grind the old monster to death. If we take action against technological civilization, once the causal constraints are completed, it will be difficult to grind the old monster to death.

Apart from it, there is no other life in the entire Heiqi civilization that can use a hundred seals, and Hong can't do it. This is the method left to it by the Heiqi civilization at its peak.

If not, how could it be possible to allow technological civilization to enter.

At this moment, through communication with technological civilization, it also knew the form of the creature that originally attacked them. It always felt that it had seen that form somewhere, but it was so long ago that it no longer remembered it.

As long as this old monster can be killed this time and leave smoothly, the Black Qi civilization will definitely find that form of civilization next time and completely exterminate them.

Huo's hatred for Lu Yin was not as strong as his hatred for the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

The colorful earth, occasionally light circles around the ball seal, I want to explore.

This is the means of scientific and technological civilization.

Do not stop the confusion, and even encourage scientific and technological civilization to explore. It is best to find out the situation inside and know that they are seeking revenge, rather than sealing up something good.

This scientific and technological civilization always believed that what was in the hundred seals was something good. They even proposed the word "Zhuo Bao" to test the Heiqi civilization.

Confused and helpless, it asked Patriarch Shan to say a few words, but Patriarch Shan was stunned and didn't say a word.

The more silent there is, the more scientific and technological civilization will speculate, and the more hostile the two sides will become.

Both need time, and each other sees that the other needs time, so the less time they can give the other.

Sooner or later, one party will attack first.

He didn't dare to stop for a second, and kept shrinking the black ball in an attempt to kill the ancestor of the mountain, and its causal constraints were also increasing.

Under the lake, the light was dazzling, and another huge oval light appeared and soared into the sky, making Heiqi life vigilant.

Just keep staring at this scene, wait, give them a few more decades and it should be fine.

One day more than thirty years later, outside the Colorful Land, Lu Yin showed up with the boss of Qibao Tianchan, the fourth and fifth brothers, and Mr. Mu. After counting the time, the boss was worried that Ancestor Shan wouldn't be able to hold on, so he wanted to come over and have a look. .

Lu Yin knew very well that maybe the boss wanted to take action.

There is not only the Heiqi civilization, but also the technological civilization.

It wanted to take advantage of the chaos and try again, but it couldn't watch the mountain ancestor being worn to death.

A three-party melee, coupled with technological and civilized means, may not necessarily be able to rescue Ancestor Shan.

After all, those hundred seals were not deceived into practicing, they were half foreign objects.

After these years of preparations, there should be a lot of reinforcements from technological civilization, and Lu Yin also wanted to see what the methods of this technological civilization were like.

It's time for a fight.

It has been almost sixty years since they left here with the boss.

However, they cannot be beaten casually. At least they cannot become the target of public criticism.

Thinking of this, he looked at Mr. Mu and the boss: "You guys wait here, I'll go and provoke them."

The boss was stunned, instigating?

The provocation was simple. Lu Yin teleported directly to Hei Qi's side, then snatched a piece of black armor and threw it towards the technological civilization. He used his power to directly penetrate an oval-shaped light, and the war started.

No one can stop him, he moves too fast.

The reason why we chose the Black Qi Civilization is because in terms of endurance of time, the Black Qi Civilization surpasses the Technological Civilization. Huo wanted to kill the Mountain Ancestor, so he did not hesitate to let the Technological Civilization enter. It knew that the Technological Civilization was constantly adding reinforcements, but it still endured it. , the purpose is only to kill the ancestor of the mountain.

And technological civilization has endured for decades. Lu Yin doesn't know how long they can endure. No matter how long you can endure, just make a choice first.

The result was surprisingly good. The technological civilization directly launched a large number of attacks towards Hei Qi's life. Lu Yin could not stop Lu Yin's attack, but he could see it.

He wanted to explain, but the technological civilization did not give him any time to explain. Countless rays of light fell overwhelmingly, obviously he had been preparing for a long time.

The black armor pieces were scattered to block large attacks, but some Heiqi's lives were still wiped out.

Its huge eyes were ferocious, and its black armor plates flew towards the technological civilization, tearing apart streaks of light, revealing the technological civilization life inside.

That's one, egg? That's right, it was an egg. The shape was exactly the same as an egg. It was oval, had no eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and only had a hazy light. From Lu Yin's perspective, those technological and civilized beings all looked the same.

Is that really a technological and civilized life? Or is it that technological civilization has created beings specialized in controlling these lights?

This technological civilization has reached the level of fishing civilization, and it is not difficult to create life to perform tasks for them.

There is no need to think too much about this, the advantages of scientific and technological civilization are released immediately.

They released dozens of huge needles, which were the same attacks that Lu Yin and the others encountered when they placed the unknown door leading to the Colorful Land. These huge needles were not the first time they encountered the power. Each one here has a The destructive power that Lu Yin cared about was equivalent to the Sancang Sword Intent integrated into the eternal substance.

It means that every needle has the power to fight against eternal life, even though this power is very weak.

The advantage of technological civilization lies in quantity, and they do not need to consider the constraints of cause and effect.

"Huo, you focus on grinding the old monster to death, I'll deal with it here." Duan yelled, and the black armor flew into the air and collided with the needles. Around him, black and white life-boiling air currents rushed towards the technological civilization. They also endured it for a long time. .

The war of civilizations begins again.

Lu Yin teleported back and stood beside Mr. Mu and the others: "I just hope that technological civilization will not be defeated too quickly in this battle like last time."

"Probably not. I see that your provocation went extremely smoothly. The technological civilization has been ready for a long time. It is estimated that even without your provocation, they will take action in the near future." Mr. Mu said.

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