Star Odyssey

Chapter 4236 Encounter

"Farewell to Lingyuan. You are much older. We are also old friends. Can you ask for anything?" Lu Yin said.

Linjie's thoughts were complicated and he kept thinking, what do you want? Once upon a time, what he wanted was to climb, to lead the Linlushan family over the peaks and become the strongest family, but now, what can he ask for? These years of experience have made him tired. He is really tired. Although it has only been a few hundred years, he has experienced more life and death than the previous half of his life combined.

The torture of illness and injury made him worse than death. He thought about killing himself countless times. Only then did he know what he wanted. It was just a healthy body, a simple diet, watch the sun rise and set every day, and be with his daughter. , that is the happiest.

He led the Linlushan family all the way from an ordinary cultivator. He put in so much effort, but it was easily destroyed. What on earth are people pursuing in life?

Behind him, Linjie's daughter knelt down again: "Please Lord Lu, please treat my father's illness and save him from the pain."

Linjie's body trembled and he looked at Lu Yin with longing in his eyes.

Lu Yin and Linjie looked at each other: "Is that all?"

Linjie looked at Lu Yin's eyes. The experience of the first half of his life was like running water. Huge things like the Spring and Autumn Slips were easily destroyed. Is there any difference between living for ten thousand years and living for one year? Ten thousand years of pain is not worth one year of happiness.

His eyes gradually became firmer: "That's all."

Lu Yin smiled. He had no connection with Linjie. Lingyuan only had a few quarrels when they met. If it wasn't for Shui Su, he wouldn't have come here.

This Linjie gave up his lifelong pursuit and just wanted to cure his illness. This person gave up.

Lu Yin had a second brick added to the high wall of his mind. He didn't know how many bricks this high wall needed. He only knew that one day, this high wall would block him from being able to see the distance, and would make him want to break through. desire.

By the river, watching the boat go away, Linjie, his daughter, and Shuisu knelt down deeply. They said goodbye and would never see each other again.

Shuisu's eyes were complicated, and the past month or so had been like a dream. To this person, it was just a scenery.

The boat continued to flow down the river. The change of the river's course allowed Lu Yin to see a different scenery than before. Mortals were old friends, but he had never seen these old friends, but their ancestors must have seen him.

Lu Yin could face mortals without blurring his appearance, because mortals wouldn't recognize him even if they heard his voice.

Only cultivators have seen what they look like.

A few years later, the boat drifted along the current into a city. This city was filled with mortals, and Lu Yin heard the familiar name again - heavenly beings.

Heavenly beings are what mortals call cultivators.

He sat on the boat, had a few dishes, sipped tea and meditated, which made many people say that he was a heavenly being. Even the officials of the city came to see him and talked to him, but Lu Yin ignored him.

As the sky grows dark, the watchman steps out to ring the night.


But no one cares about him, and heaven and man are not restrained.

"Hey, hey." Someone shouted softly.

Lu Yin looked at the grass beside the river bank and saw a young man: "Looking for me?"

The young man looked at Lu Yin. Due to the darkness, he couldn't see his face clearly, but his eyes were hot: "Are you a celestial being?"

Lu Yin nodded: "Yes."

"Great, heavenly being, can you do me a favor?" the young man asked.

Lu Yin smiled: "Why do you want to help?"

The young man touched his pocket and took out a piece of metal: "This is for you."

Lu Yin made a casual move and the metal flew over, making the young man envious.

It is just a very ordinary piece of metal that can be used to make a cultivator's weapon. It is useless, but it is already a material that is difficult to melt for mortals.

"I found this by accident in the mountains. I took it to Blacksmith Wang. Blacksmith Wang said that it is only useful for heavenly beings and cannot be cremated. Do you think it will be useful to you?" the young man asked hopefully.

Lu Yin put it away: "Okay, what do you want me to help you with?"

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it was useful: "I want you to help me find someone, who is also a heavenly being."

Lu Yin said: "The world is so vast, how can I find it?"

"Just do your best."

"This piece of metal is quite precious. If it's too wasteful to just find someone, you can change the terms."

The young man insisted: "I don't want to change, I just want to find that person."

Lu Yin hummed: "Okay, who can I find?"

The young man reached into his arms again and took out a painting. He saw that the scroll was already very old. He carefully unfolded it to reveal the content of the painting.

Seeing the content, Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, is this?

What I saw in the painting was a small boat floating on the current. There was an umbrella on the boat, and a deck chair under the umbrella. There was a person sitting leisurely on the deck chair. There was a wooden table next to it, and some food was placed on the wooden table. .

This was the scene when I wanted to understand my state of mind and went down in a boat to tell people's fortunes.

The parasol and the drink and fruit plate are exactly the same, they are me.

Is this boy looking for me?

The young man put down the painting and felt a little embarrassed: "I know this clue is difficult to find, but there is no way. Maybe I can only meet you as a heavenly being in this life, so I want to ask for your help to see if I can find the person above. ."

Lu Yin looked deeply at the young man. The cause and effect spiral entangled at his fingertips, and then penetrated the young man's body, revealing scenes of cause and effect in the past. He was looking for the relationship between this young man and himself.

Soon, he saw a person, a familiar person, the young woman who had written the word "ten" on the ground to make him feel something. Before leaving, she helped him and his husband and son get rid of the pain, so that They live a long life.

This young man is their descendant.

But the location is wrong. This city is an area after the water channel has been changed. It is far away from the city where the woman was originally met. It is a distance that is difficult for mortals to reach. Why is this family here?

The cause and effect of the past kept flashing, and Lu Yin understood that it was a war, and there were wars among mortals. Back then, the woman's family left their home to avoid the war and came here. They were displaced, but because they did not suffer from illness, they lived a long life. As a result, they came here step by step, and their descendants also settled in this city.

This painting was also painted by the woman before she died. She could not paint her own appearance, but she clearly remembered the scenes on the boat. She knew very well that the long life of her family had something to do with her, because she could only I have come into contact with such a heavenly being as myself.

In their understanding, gods and humans are omnipotent.

Lu Yin looked deeply at the painting, was it destined by fate? The waterway has changed, but I can still meet the descendants of my old friends.

"Celestial Being? Can you find it?" the young man asked softly.

Lu Yin looked at the young man: "Why are you looking for him?"

The young man was bitter and his eyes were red: "It is said by our ancestors that the heavenly being in the painting is protecting us. My mother is seriously ill and there is no cure. She can only live for two years at most. I want to ask that heavenly being to help me."

Lu Yin asked back: "Then why didn't you ask me for help directly? Instead, you asked me to find this person. Even if I finally found this person, it might have been two years."

The young man looked at Lu Yin blankly: "Can you cure my mother?"

Lu Yin smiled: "Okay."

The young man's eyes were bright and excited: "Then I beg you to heal my mother, please."

Lu Yin sighed. This young man listened to his ancestors and regarded the man in the painting as a god. He subconsciously believed that only the man in the painting could cure his mother and did not trust other practitioners, so he was betting that he could find someone within two years. The person in the painting.

Because he is convinced that only the person in the painting can cure him. If he does not seek help from the person in the painting, but directly seeks help from himself, once he cannot cure it, he will have wasted a piece of metal. This piece of metal is his only bargaining chip with heaven and earth.

This bet was made with great determination. It was his only chance, and he was betting with his mother's life.

Lu Yin easily treated the boy's mother.

Seeing his mother's blood getting better, the young man was excited and kowtowed to Lu Yin.

The boat rowed by, away from the city. He didn't know whether it was fate or something else when he met this young man. At this moment, he fell into confusion.

Several years passed, and he still couldn't figure out why he met his old friend in a new city. This old friend was just a mortal, and with just a few words, he was tied to the present. Where did this tie come from?

Even after several years, he was still thinking about it.

Until someone bowed deeply to him by the river, Lu Yin was completely confused.

Yuan Huo?

That's right, the person standing by the river and bowing deeply to him at this moment was Yuan Huo, the cultivator who was in love with the mortal woman Kui Niang, wanted to take her away but couldn't, and made people in a whole city feel uncomfortable.

In the end, it was Lu Yin who made them see his true heart, and Kui Niang's words of reluctance made Yuan Huo relieved and the whole city relieved.

It was also from this incident that Lu Yin understood that the so-called known hardships were not necessarily the real hardships. The hardships could be overcome, but the real hardships were difficult to find. This was the reason why there were so few immortal realms.

Overcoming hardship is not the most difficult thing, the most difficult thing is to find the real hardship.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yin's face was solemn. This is not the location of the city where Huo Huo and Kui Niang were. It is further away than the city before the young man came from the original city.

Yuan Huo recognized Lu Yin. At this moment, Lu Yin's outfit was the same as when he was fortune-telling, except that the word "fortune-telling" was missing.

Of course, he couldn't see Lu Yin's face clearly, but he only knew that this man had told his fortune and asked him to stay together with the woman he loved.

"The city was destroyed and Kui Niang died, so I traveled around the world alone. I didn't expect to meet you again. It's such a great blessing. Please accept my respect, sir." He said, bowing deeply.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes: "Why did you come here?"

Yuan Huo was puzzled: "Shouldn't we have come here?"

"I don't know, I'm just curious why you ended up here."

"Just do whatever you want."

Lu Yin looked at Yuan Huo, just following his heart?

This Yuan Huo must have just followed his heart, but why did he meet him? Where does the heart come from? Where did it come from? Plus the boy from before.

Lu Yin suddenly turned his head and looked behind him. His consciousness swept through the cities, and finally he saw his portrait in a city. It was enshrined by a family. Under the portrait, there were six taels of gold.

His body trembled, how could this happen?

Six taels of gold was the old woman who asked me to tell fortunes. Why did she appear in the city behind again? Although I didn't encounter it, when I looked behind me at this moment, didn't I see it?

It's equal to encounter.

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