Star Odyssey

Chapter 4238: Immortal Civilization

Lu Yin felt relieved. This was also the reason why they helped Qibao Tianchan in the first place. Now that Qibao Tianchan has joined human civilization, it means that human civilization has three more eternal lives and one more rogue. Among them, he has seen the strength of the boss.

Having seen it, it is an existence that conforms to two laws of the universe, and is extremely powerful.

If Qinglian Shangyu had something to hide, he would probably be on par with the boss at most. If he didn't hide anything, it would still be in line with the laws of the universe, and maybe his strength might not be as good as the boss.

The existence of the boss is a foundation for human civilization.

Including the Qibao Tianchan clan, the number of immortal realms possessed by human civilization exceeds ten. This is very scary. Lu Yin estimates that normal fishing civilizations only have this strength. For example, the Black Qi civilization at its peak had about ten eternal lives. If not for the terrifying ancestor of Shan, he destroyed all the powerful people of the Black Qi civilization.

, the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad will definitely lose in that battle.

Even so, Patriarch Shan was crippled because of that battle. The restraint of cause and effect was perfect and it was difficult to take action. It was equivalent to perishing together. What’s even more terrifying about the fishing civilization is that once the absolute method is passed down, it is easy to grow again. If it weren’t for the help of Lu Yin and Mr. Mu this time, Patriarch Shan wouldn’t even have a chance to take action, and the Qibao Tianchan clan would be finished.


This is the resilience of Heiqi civilization.

Never underestimate any fishing civilization.

Although today's human civilization has so much eternal life, it lacks the inheritance of resurrection from the dead. Teleportation cannot be passed down as human civilization for the time being. Once Lu Yin dies in battle, it will be difficult for the Lu family to stay. Even if the Lu family can stay, the probability of descendants with the talent of teleportation is extremely small. If you want to reach Lu Yin's level,

There is even less hope.

This is not an absolute method for civilization. Once human civilization collapses, it is almost impossible to grow to the present level.

This is the difference between human civilization and fishing civilization.

Human civilization has the strength of fishing civilization, but it does not have the ability to inherit fishing civilization.

Looking at the restarted Heiqi Civilized Universe again, Lu Yin took his boss and the others to teleport again and again to prepare to return to human civilization.

Halfway through the teleportation, he suddenly remembered the coordinates given by the Tunfeng Civilization. The Tunfeng Civilization seemed to be in this direction.

That is a civilization with at least five eternal beings. Although it is not as good as the Black Qi civilization, it has a lot of eternal beings.

Lu Yin immediately stopped and looked for direction again.

"Brother Seven, aren't you going back?" Xing Chan asked.

Lu Yin said: "Please come with me, please. There is a civilization about twenty years away in that direction. That civilization has at least five eternal beings. I want to see if there is any threat to us."

The boss looked at it: "Five eternal beings? That's a lot. Go and have a look. Fourth brother, hurry up."

"Okay." After saying that, Lao Si's body grew bigger, allowing Lu Yin and the others to board, then jumped up and headed in that direction. That is the route in the other direction in the middle section from Qibao Tianchan to Heiqi Civilization. Lu Yin can teleport, so he only needs to calculate the time spent when going there, and how many times he teleports when he comes back is enough. There is no need to calculate


Twenty years is not a long time, so you can go and see.

No matter how you say it, they are all five eternal beings and cannot be ignored.

This Tunfeng civilization has also caught the eye of the unknown.

In terms of the number of eternal lives, it surpasses the original human civilization.

Twenty years is too short, and it will pass quickly.

Lu Yin and the others saw a universe, which was different from the universe of the Heiqi civilization. This time they were approaching slowly. Who knew how strong the Tunfeng civilization was?

Unknown to the three-star mission, Lu Yin guessed that its strength was similar to that of the original human civilization, but it was better to be cautious.

Not long after, they saw Tunfeng Civilization with a strange look on their faces.

How can I say that this civilization has no unified form? All species have them, forming a very complex civilization. They feel the breath of eternal life, which is felt by the boss. With its strength, he can feel the eternal life of Tunfeng Civilization, but the eternal life of Tunfeng Civilization cannot be felt.

to it.

"It's not the same species." The boss was surprised.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Are the eternal beings not the same species?" "It's really strange. Logically speaking, most eternal beings in a civilization must be of the same species. Otherwise, how can we prove that they are the same civilization? How can we get along with each other? But I feel Several eternal lives are actually not the same

A species, strange. "The boss can't figure it out.

The boss has lived for so long. Although he is not as good as the ancestor of Shan, he is definitely not inferior to Qinglian. He has never seen this kind of civilization, which immediately made Lu Yin feel wary.

"How many eternal lives are there in total?"

"What I felt was five."

Similar to Lu Yin's understanding, three-star mission, five eternal lives, normal.

But this Tunfeng civilization was obviously a bit strange, so Lu Yin decided not to investigate anymore and returned to human civilization.

He had no intention of completing this task anyway.

The search was slow, but the return was quick. Soon after, Lu Yin took the boss and the others back to human civilization.

The boss specially said hello to Qinglian Shangyu before going to realize the universe. The person who currently stands at the top of human civilization is Qinglian Shangyu.

Qinglian Shangyu is also the only existence that can make the boss fearful.

After sending away the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad, Lu Yin continued to build a high wall in his mind. The destruction of Heiqi civilization allowed Lu Yin to see the black and white sides of the wall. Where there is white, there is black, and where there is light, there is darkness. This is an unchanging law, so put the killing and the cruel conquest of civilization in black. above the high wall

. Human emotions are very strange. Sensibility, indifference, affection, and ruthlessness are all emotions. No one can be completely inclined to a certain emotion. The craziest people are the most lonely, the most vicious people are the most pitiful, and the kindest people are the most vain.

Black and white are reversed, and all patterns are circles.

Lu Yin cannot escape this rule.

When there is no place for humanity to be placed, the state of mind will be confused. Now, Lu Yin's humanity is placed in that wall, which means that the state of mind is at ease.

Another year passed, and Qinglian Shangyu suddenly contacted Lu Yin, surprising Shangyu Meng to find him.

Ye Hai, Lu Yin arrived, Qinglian Shangyu, Jingmen Shangyu and Blood Tower Shangyu were all there.

"Mr. Daimu and City Lord Jiang come, there are some things they should know." Qinglian said.

Lu Yin nodded and immediately brought Mr. Mu and Uncle Jiang.

This time it was Jingmen Shangyu who was looking for them, and it seemed to be related to the sight civilization with jumping capabilities.

This is what he has been looking forward to.

Although jumping sight has its drawbacks, it can come in handy at critical moments. "Mr. Lu already knows about jumping sight, so I won't introduce it much. All you need to know is that it is a talent-like ability that can see very far away, so far that it is immeasurable. To obtain this ability, you need to go

--Eternal civilization. "

Lu Yin was surprised, immortal civilization? This name is awesome.

If it can start with the word "immortality", the name of civilization will be feared by everyone.

In a low tone, Jingmen Shangyu slowly told a story about the past, which was the thousand years she had experienced since she emerged from the abyss of the spiritual universe.

A thousand years is not much for a cultivator. Lu Yin has been cultivating for more than a thousand years, excluding time, static space and mirage. In a small distance, it may take a hundred, a thousand or even ten thousand years to move casually.

So everyone has always wondered what could happen to Jingmen Shangyuwai in just a thousand years?

Following Jingmen Shangyu's narration, they understood. It is true that a thousand years cannot make her go far. After all, the distance has to be calculated back and forth, which means that theoretically the farthest distance she can go is five hundred years. Especially at that time, she was not even in the realm of immortality, and at most she could be compared to a scoundrel.

, five hundred years, you can't go far at all, and you can't even get out of the great celestial phenomenon of cause and effect.

But she just left, and she left far, far away, so far away that she didn't even know where human civilization was, all because of a star phenomenon - the realm of meteors.

The Meteor Realm is what Jingmen Shangyu calls that star phenomenon. Foreign civilizations may have other names for it. The so-called Meteor Realm is to allow space to cross a small distance like a meteor, flowing between two unfamiliar areas, ignoring space and distance, which is equivalent to opening a teleportation portal. Yes, it is similar to something that cannot be said.

The door of knowledge.

Jingmen Shangyu was accidentally involved in the realm of meteors and went to another area, where he saw the longevity civilization and Qingyun.

Everyone listened calmly. Even Qinglian Shangyu didn't know the origin of Qingyun, but now they know it. "The Meteor Realm appears once every eight hundred years. I stayed in the Immortal Civilization for nearly eight hundred years, until I gave birth to Qingyun before the second Meteor Realm appeared. However, Qingyun was left behind by the Immortal Civilization, and I was driven away. , after all I

Belongs to foreign civilization. " "I can not be reconciled. "Jingmen Shangyu's eyes were piercing, and his fighting spirit boiled: "Qingyun is my child, and no one can take it away, so I went to another area through the Meteor Realm, where I spent several years desperately trying to break through to eternal life.

I succeeded. The experience of the abyss of the soul and universe made me achieve a great state of mind. All I lacked was the opportunity to make a breakthrough. "" Qingyun was robbed and became an opportunity for me. After I succeeded in breaking through, I secretly returned to the Immortal Civilization along the Meteor Realm. At that time, the Immortal Civilization never expected that I would come back in the Immortal Realm. Of course, I could only go secretly.

, and took Qingyun away at the last moment when the Meteor Realm was about to disappear, making it impossible for the Immortal Civilization to pursue it. "

After speaking, she exhaled, and the secret that had been suppressed in her heart for many years was revealed. The relief of release made her whole body soften.

The leader of the Blood Pagoda looked at Jingmen Shangyu: "That immortal civilization is also a human civilization?" Jingmen Shangyu shook his head: "It looks like a human, but it is green all over, and there are leaf-like patterns on the body. The biggest difference with me humans is that they don't have There is a vine under the legs and knees, but at first glance, apart from the different colors, the other

Yu is similar to us humans, and the development of civilization is also similar. "

"This child Qingyun doesn't have the characteristics of the immortal civilization at all." Yu said from the blood tower.

This is what everyone is confused about. Since Qingyun’s father is from the Immortal Civilization, why does Qingyun have no characteristics of the Immortal Civilization at all? Except for that pulsating sight.

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