Star Odyssey

Chapter 4265 Dao Sword

Cause and effect is illusory to others. Only those who practice cause and effect like myself can see and touch it, and only you can make him recover.

If Master Qingcao hadn't deprived him of time, but directly cut off Uncle Jiang's cause and effect, Uncle Jiang would never have recovered.

This is the horror of cutting off cause and effect.

How many karma can be cut off for a person? If his karma disappears completely, does it mean that this person does not exist?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin looked towards the distant universe. There were many insects there, among them was the Qingxian who called the Immortal Lord.

Although the green immortal was cultivated by Lu Yin, it was impossible for him to be loyal to Lu Yin. It was instinctive for him to call the immortal master.

Lu Yin looked at Qingxian, the cause and effect passed by, and the cause and effect of Qingxian's past experience emerged. He waved his hand to cut off the cause and effect.

It has no effect. Even if it does, Lu Yin can't see it. It's not a bug.


Lu Yin's eyes sharpened, and he took action again. This time it was not to cut off the cause and effect, but to completely erase Qingxian's cause and effect, and to cut off part of the cause and effect as the cause, making the fruit now invincible. Cutting off the cause and effect, this is a sword, cut.

The sword that cuts off the cause and effect fell, and Qingxian's cause and effect was directly torn apart and chopped into pieces.

When Qingxian's cause and effect was completely chopped into pieces, under Lu Yin's gaze, Qingxian stood there blankly, motionless, like a body.

It is not dead, but it is no different from dead.

Its past is gone, everything it owns, what it thinks about is gone.

It is a living body, nothing more.

Lu Yin exhaled and used the sword to cut off cause and effect. This was his true killing power since he understood the link between cause and effect.

The sword that cuts off cause and effect? No, it's called Dao Sword.

Tao, everything starts from the beginning and ends with nothing. This is Tao. Tao, everything ceases to exist. This is the sword of Tao.

The cause and effect of heaven is still increasing, and Lu Yin keeps trying the Tao sword.

Cut off the cause and effect, cut off the past, everything that was gained and possessed by the cut off of cause and effect, including thoughts and ideas, was gone. However, what was lost or hurt by the cut off experience still existed, which made Lu Yin fall into deep thought again.

Obviously that experience has been erased. It stands to reason that what is gained will be lost, and what is lost will come back. But if the lost things exist with other people, how can they come back? This involves other people's cause and effect. Let's not talk about this for the moment. The injury you suffered also still exists. This is unreasonable in the cause and effect.

The only explanation that can make the unreasonable become reasonable is that cutting off cause and effect does not completely cut off cause and effect, or the sword only cuts off part of cause and effect. This part of cause and effect can be cut off, and there are still some parts of cause and effect that cannot be cut off. Then, Where does this unbreakable cause and effect come from?

Lu Yin couldn't see other causes and effects, but that didn't mean they didn't exist. Otherwise, the unreasonable would not be made reasonable.

On top of the self-awareness of cause and effect, there must be cause and effect, or rules. Lu Yin had already suspected this, but now it was just confirmed.

Just like there is the Lord of Time above the long river of time, it is difficult for humans to interfere with the operation of the universe. No matter how strong you are, you must exist in the universe.

There is no need to think about that now. What Lu Yin needs is to be able to cut off part of the cause and effect. This is enough. If he can really cut off the cause and effect completely and get rid of that cause and effect experience, he can lose what he has gained from that cause and effect experience and return what he has lost. , then he is really a god.

Try Tao Jian again.

Tao swords are easy to use, but any power will be consumed, and the same goes for Tao swords.

Every time you use the Dao Sword, you will erase the opponent's cause and effect, and you will also suffer the loss of cause and effect. Cause and effect is the basis of the power of the Dao Sword.

This is normal, just like the Thousand-faced Causal Pointer Heavenly Wheel, Qinglian Shangyu will lose karma when he casts it. The stronger the enemy, the greater the karma loss, and it is impossible to cast it endlessly.

Finally, the skyrocketing growth of cause and effect stopped, and Lu Yin looked towards Diantai Hell. Is it over?

I really hope it continues.

At this moment, the Cause and Effect Heavenly Dao has surpassed half of the Cause and Effect Celestial Phenomenon. If another Immortal Lord comes, it may be able to reach the scope of the Cause and Effect Celestial Phenomenon.

Lu Yin asked the boss to bring out the Immortal Master.

Ding continued to suppress him. Even though the Immortal Master was severely injured, it was not easy for anyone who could cultivate to eternal life. He didn't want any accidents to happen.

"How does it taste?" Lu Yin asked.

The Immortal Lord said: "The power of cause and effect has no effect on me."

Normally, although the cause and effect increases, for a strong person like the Immortal Lord, he has already weathered the hardships and is determined, and cannot be affected by some past cause and effect.

"What do you want?" asked the Immortal Lord.

"Don't worry, I have a question that I have always been curious about. I hope you can help me answer it." Lu Yin looked at the Immortal Master: "Why do you look at human civilization so differently?"

The Immortal Lord was confused: "What do you mean?"

Lu Yin said: "Don't pretend to be stupid with me, that immortal green immortal who can be resurrected, you gave it a human form, why?"

The Immortal Lord said: "Because humans have potential, I can see it."

"Oh? Can you see that human beings will definitely be able to give birth to the realm of immortality?" Lu Yin asked. Immortal Master was about to answer when Lu Yin interrupted: "Luo Chan told me that before the war between the Insect Nest Civilization and the Third Barrier began, you could see that humans To be honest, I don’t believe it. I hope you can help me solve my doubts. In return, I may not necessarily kill you.”

"It's not worth your efforts to get rid of the Xianling civilization, and ultimately die in the hands of our human civilization."

The Immortal Lord was silent.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

Mr. Mu and the boss didn't speak, and they didn't know anything about this.

Many times Lu Yin would say irrelevant words to his enemies. This was his habit, but sometimes it was precisely these irrelevant words that could get important information.

For example, through Luo Chan, he asked the Immortal Master whether he learned about human potential before the war or after the war, thus confirming that the Immortal Master must have understood human civilization before, but the Immortal Master has always concealed this, which is a bit problematic. .

After a while, the Immortal Lord said in a deep voice: "Human civilization once was glorious."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and the nine bases were in the air, and the Immortal Master also knew it.

"I don't know how glorious human civilization has been, but over the years, the Hive Civilization has destroyed many universes and given birth to so many green immortals. I have learned about the origins and histories of many civilizations, and some of them have mentioned human civilization. , those civilizations may not necessarily know the name human civilization, but they record the human form."

"In the records of some civilizations, human civilization is considered to be." The Immortal Master looked at Lu Yin: "Fishing civilization."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows.

Mr. Mu was surprised, fishing is civilized?

The boss was not surprised. Ever since Lu Yin visited the Colorful Land, he had asked Ancestor Shan and learned some information about human civilization through Ancestor Shan.

Fishing civilization? No, fishing civilization alone is not enough to describe it. At least Dad can shoot fishing civilization to death, but facing human civilization in its most glorious and heyday, he dare not make any move.

The Immortal Master said solemnly: "That's all I know. You can check it with cause and effect. More than one civilization has recorded that human form came from fishing civilization, so I know how potential a creature that can achieve fishing civilization has, and the facts have proved what I guessed. That's right."

Lu Yin pondered. Although some civilizations are not strong, they have been passed down for a long time and they know the situation of some human civilizations. This may be a way to find the records of human nine bases through the history of certain civilizations. It may be possible to find human beings who are lost in the universe. civilization.

Anonymous gave him a definite answer. There were still other human civilizations just a few inches away, so he had to look for them.

"There is one more thing I want to give you." The Immortal Master said, "Luo Chan is disgusted with your human civilization."

"Luo Chan's talent comes from the Xianling Civilization, which means that the Xianling Civilization hates your human civilization. It means that maybe your human civilization once had enmity with the Xianling Civilization, or even had a war. The Xianling Civilization itself holds grudges, and this time it happens Appear in your human civilization and will never let go."

Lu Yin said: "Thank you for your reminder. One more thing. In your opinion, the Moon Heron suddenly appeared in our human civilization. Which one is more likely, coincidence or man-made?"

Mr. Mu and the boss stared at the Immortal Lord, also wanting to know the answer.

The Immortal Master thought for a while: "Coincidence."

Mr. Mu was surprised: "What a coincidence?"

The Immortal Lord said in a low voice: "Unless there is a creature that can enter the Immortal Ling Civilization and escape unscathed, I can't think of anyone who can lead Yue Heron to your human civilization. The distance is too far, too far, too far, and eternal life may not be possible for a lifetime. If we can reach that distance, even if Yue Heron keeps teleporting and the distance of each teleport is extremely long, it will still take a long time to reach your human civilization, so I prefer coincidence."

In fact, compared to coincidence, normal people think that it is more likely to be man-made. The distance is so huge, why would that strange bird appear in human civilization?

But according to what the Immortal Master said, it is correct. Who can enter the Immortal Ling Civilization and escape unscathed? Even if there is an unknown master who can do it, how long will it take? The Xianling civilization is not stupid and will not be taken advantage of by others, and coincidences do exist, otherwise there would be no such word as coincidence.

"Can you tell me now, what do you want?" asked the Immortal Master.

Lu Yin looked at it. He had really not thought about what to do before.

Kill the Immortal Lord? It always feels like a waste, but if you don’t kill him, he is an enemy. Once you are rescued by the Xianling Civilization, you will be in trouble.

Regardless of the fact that the Immortal Lord is controlled by the Immortal Ling civilization, in fact its strength is not inferior to that of most Immortal Lings. For example, the Yuelu is no match against the Immortal Lord and can only escape by teleportation.

The Immortal Lord is a strong one.

But now he knew what to do.

He wants to use the Dao sword to cut off the cause and effect of the Immortal Lord coming here to fight with them, so as to cover up the matter and prepare for using the Immortal Lord to deal with the Xian Ling civilization in the future.

The Tao sword can cut off cause and effect, erase cause and effect, and also plant cause and effect.

The creation of cause and effect was originally understood by Lu Yin in the universe of consciousness, and now combined with the Dao Sword, it is enough to plant a plot in the cause and effect of any enemy.

I just don’t know how much karma will be consumed by cutting off this part of karma.

The Immortal Lord himself is an eternal life, and is stronger than himself. Creating karma for such a strong person is extremely expensive, and the same is true for cutting off karma.

Lu Yin took a deep breath, hoping it wouldn't be too much.

It took him a long time to expand the law of causality to its current scope.

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