Star Odyssey

Chapter 4267 What’s the situation?

To find that one-line sky, it would take more than two hundred years even at the speed of the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Master was able to get here so quickly because of Luo Chan's teleportation.

Luo Chan didn't teleport with all his strength and was definitely stalling for time. It took twenty years, otherwise he would have arrived very quickly.

But Lu Yin had no wayfinding stones, could not see the distance, and could not move instantaneously on his way. He could only rely on others to help him along the way, scattering wayfinding stones for him along the way.

This two-hundred-year journey is too far and too time-consuming. No one has time, especially Lu Yin, who should not waste this time.

They all thought of Qibao Tianchan.

I especially think of Xiao Shiba.

Little Shiba is very bored recently, especially bored. When he was in the Qibao Tianchan Clan, he couldn't stay. He kept going to the Sancai Gantian Clan, firstly to eat, and secondly to relax. He didn't like to stay in a place. place.

If the fourth child thinks he is elegant, the fifth child thinks he is wise, and the little eighteen thinks he has a romantic heart.

Seeing the boss speaking the word romantic in a serious manner, Lu Yin was reluctant to laugh.

"That child has a heart that pursues freedom and romance. If it hadn't been suppressed by the ancestors, it would have run away long ago." The boss was helpless: "The reason why I practice hard is to leave the clan as soon as possible, so that I can have eternal life." Only with the strength can you protect yourself."

"You can let it go this time."

Lu Yin was grateful: "Thank you very much."

Xiao Shiba was excited and thanked Lu Yin profusely. He no longer wanted to stay in the conscious universe, but he couldn't go to the human universe, so where else could he go? Human civilization is particularly restless, and something happens just after it has been quiet for a while.

Now I can finally leave, and I still have a mission.

Well, with a bird.

The snow-white bird is a road sign. How can we explore the road without it?

It was too far away from the Immortal Master and could not find its previous location. However, Lu Yin marked the approximate route during the cause-and-effect exploration of the Immortal Master's past. As long as he reached a certain location, he could find it.

Lu Yin looked at Xiao Shiba seriously: "Although we are on a hurry this trip, firstly we don't know if the route is correct and it is easy to get lost. Secondly, we may not encounter any strong enemies along the way. Thirdly, be careful of this flying bird. It is a green immortal, and there is an immortal master behind it. Once they contact you, you will be in danger."

"So, Xiao Shiba, let me ask you again, are you really willing to go? If not, I can invite someone else."

Xiao Shiba grinned, but before he could say anything, the boss slapped him on the back of the head: "Don't ask, this kid is definitely willing, no matter how dangerous it is, I, Qibao Tianchan, am not afraid of taking risks."

Xiao Shiba glanced at the boss aggrievedly, and then solemnly nodded to Lu Yin: "For romance."

Lu Yin was speechless. This was because he knew that he was pursuing romance, and he let go completely without hiding it.

Does every toad have a restless heart?

What does Patriarch Shan pursue?

Lu Yin wanted to ask.

Xiao Shiba left, grabbing the bird in his talons and dragging it away quite savagely.

Lu Yin was afraid that Feiniao's neck would be strangled midway.

The addition of the Qibao Tianchan clan gave Lu Yin a lot of peace of mind. The boss took action and helped time and time again. The fourth and fifth children all contributed, and the little things like rushing were left to Xiao Shiba.

I helped them get it right in the first place.

The fishing civilization destroyed one civilization after another with its own strength, so can they attract one civilization after another with its own strength?

The words of Patriarch Shan flashed through Lu Yin's mind. When human civilization truly becomes a fishing civilization, will it follow this path?

What will happen to these civilizations that unite with human civilization?

Don't think about that, there is still a long way to go. For the next time, Lu Yin continued to build a wall in his mind.

I hope that the strange bird will stop coming for the time being, as the fairy master said.

The Xianling civilization has always been a huge hidden danger.

One day several years later, Master Qingcao came to see Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at Master Qingcao: "I joined Anonymous. If Anonymous doesn't take the initiative to contact me, why should he go through you?"

Master Qingcao said: "I have visited the sacred tree, and Ignorance has the ability to actively summon me to trace it. I can agree or refuse. This is how Ignorance contacts me."

"And you, I don't know how to contact you."

Lu Yin was right when he thought about it, he had never visited the sacred tree without a trace until now.

I don’t plan to go either.

"Since you can still go and find out the whereabouts, why don't you help me to find out if there are any new people who want to join." Lu Yin said.

Master Qingcao is confused, asking? What inquiry? Zhizong is not a vegetable market.

Not long after, Lu Yin's consciousness entered the trace.

"Who's looking for me? Da Mao? Hehe, old guy? Is it you? I'm here." As soon as Lu Yin came, the atmosphere changed.

Baise's voice came out: "I'm looking for you, and I'm the only one who can take the initiative to call you to find out where you are."

Lu Yin understood: "What's the matter? Ba Color."

"How is your battle with Xian Ling?"

"Battle situation? What battle situation? There is no battle situation."

Base: "??"

Lu Yin said easily: "Just beat it, just don't dare to give it a beating."

BaSe was curious: "Have you never been to your human civilization since you cast Qianyu Qianhua?"

Lu Yin asked back: "I heard this tone from you is not unexpected. Why didn't you tell me before? It made me worried for so many years."

"Hmph, didn't you say there is no fighting?" Da Mao sneered.

Lu Yin smiled: "Otherwise you can come out? Da Mao, I'm not talking about you, you are always very careful about your IQ, please make a little breakthrough."

"You." Da Mao was extremely angry.

Ba Se said: "I called you here this time because I want to hear your opinion on Xian Ling."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed: "My opinion is, can we make a very large birdcage and put all those strange birds in it?"

"Haha, you're not the first to think so. Unfortunately, it can't be realized." Haha, the old guy also came out.

Lu Yin was weird: "Are you there too? I said you old guys stay in Zizong all day long and don't do tasks anymore? Ba Se, this can't be done. We work outside all day long for the sake of the unknown. The sincerity of these old guys can be seen from the world." This guy is just messing around, why, his long service life is amazing."

"Haha, he looks better than you think." Haha, the old guy wasn't angry either.

Lu Yin sneered: "Is it as long as your name?"

"You know my name?"

"Haha, old guy, I did it."

Haha old guy: "..."

"If you beat away the immortal feathers once, there will be a second and third time. Sooner or later, your human civilization will perish." Da Mao was disdainful.

Lu Yin mocked: "It's better than you being a coward, just look at how scared you are."

"Afraid? During the battle in Qi Universe, I crushed a fairy feather to pieces." Da Mao raised his voice.

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, Qi Universe? Crush?

"Lu Yin, the Xianling civilization is also my unknown enemy. The next war may be with them. If they are forced to be recruited, you'd better not refuse, otherwise you will not be able to understand the Xianling civilization. Only by cooperating with the unknown can we inflict heavy damage." Bashi spoke, interrupting Da Mao's words.

"This is the reason why I called you here." Lu Yin ignored Ba Se: "Da Mao, are you sure we are talking about a civilization? That is Xian Ling, Xian Ling civilization, let alone crushing an Xian Ling, you see Xian Ling If Ling can slip away, you can kneel down quickly."

"Haha, little guy, there is no need to test it anymore, it has said enough." Hehe said the old guy.

Lu Yin frowned, this old guy is so disgusting.

Da Mao stopped talking.

Lu Yin shouted a few more times, but Da Mao just didn't speak. It was obvious that he had just said something he shouldn't have said.

Although Lu Yin didn't know any history of Qi Universe, he had never even heard of this universe.

"Base, you called me here because you hope I won't refuse the next unknown forced recruitment?"

"If your opponent is an immortal, you can understand them without completing the task, and cooperate with us to kill as many immortals as possible."

"Are you sure your opponent is Xian Ling?"


"Will you tell me who my opponent is in advance?"


Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: "If it weren't for Xian Ling, wouldn't I be at a loss?"

"The opportunity to refuse forced recruitment is always there." Bashi said.

Lu Yin asked: "When will the mandatory recruitment be?"

"Don't know yet."

"Okay, then, I'm leaving?"

Bashi didn't answer.

"Da Mao, am I leaving?"

"Haha old guy?"

When no one answered, Lu Yin sighed: "Everyone dares not even say a word in front of Xian Ling Civilization. How pitiful." After that, he left.

After he left, the old guy Hehe said: "This little guy will still refuse the next call, Ba Se, the more you remind him, the more he will refuse."

Da Mao smiled strangely: "But you only have one chance to refuse. Once you use it, it's gone. Ba Color, do you want to recruit me now?"

Baise's voice sounded: "Unknowable will not initiate recruitment at will. This is unfair to you. There are also some of you who have not used the opportunity to refuse forced recruitment."

Da Mao was surprised: "Are there any that are used?"


Ten years later, the Tunfeng civilization, far away from human civilization, ushered in a war.

A huge oval-shaped light came out from one end of the door, and it emitted directly without hesitation, and it continued to emit.

At the same time, countless balls were thrown in all directions.

The Tunfeng Civilization has five eternal lives, and the continuous emission of drifting directly obliterates one eternal life.

Human civilization is unaware of this war.

It has been more than two hundred years since Lu Yin placed the door to the Feng Feng Civilization in the technological civilization. The threat of the strange bird was temporarily lifted. He even had a fight with the Immortal Lord and buried the Dao Sword, forgetting that there was still one. This is the case.

The Tunfeng Civilization is far away from human civilization, nearly twenty years away from the Immortal Realm. Even if the drifting range is large, it will be difficult to spread over it, and it will not be noticed by human civilization at all.

A war has been fought for a year, and lessons learned from the previous few times have been learned. This time, scientific and technological civilization has been prepared for more than two hundred years. This completely wiped out the Tunfeng civilization.

And this year's war was completely based on the calculations of scientific and technological civilization, with almost no deviation.

Under the edge of scientific and technological civilization, the number of eternal lives does not actually mean much. If it cannot be stopped, ten immortal realms will have to die. If it can be blocked, one immortal realm can solve the problem of scientific and technological civilization. This is a characteristic of the visible law. It is also the absolute advantage of technological civilization that does not care about the constraints of cause and effect.

Only two eternal beings escaped.

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