Star Odyssey

Chapter 4276: Insignificant

Cement said: "You actually understand cause and effect. This shouldn't be the strength of a rogue."

Lu Yin stared at the cement, murderous intent gradually appearing in his eyes.

It is difficult for a weak civilization to survive. This kind of fishing method using a thin line of sky is too despicable.

Lu Yin is not the kind of person who is overly sympathetic. If he encounters a civilization destroying civilization, he will not intervene as long as it has nothing to do with human civilization.

But he couldn't stand such despicable means.

A weak civilization longs for a glimmer of hope, but this glimmer of hope is precisely the abyss.

Human civilizations in the past have also gone through this abyss, and he understands it too well.

Another point is that he actually had a little respect for this cement just now, and he felt like he was deceived.

"Human beings, it's not surprising that anything happens within a small distance. Fishing with a thin line of sky is used by many civilizations. Looking at a small distance, where can we find the kind of strong person who truly sympathizes with the weak civilization? There used to be, but now more and more people not enough."

"As for those civilizations that I included in the painting, they have nothing to do with you humans." Cement sensed Lu Yin's murderous intention and hurriedly explained.

Lu Yin's tone was cold: "Aren't you afraid of the constraints of karma?"

Cement said: "Including them in the paintings does not mean they are dead. I just changed their living environment."

"But they can't move."

"At least he's not dead. If he encountered other fishing creatures instead of me, they would all be dead."

Lu Yin was amused: "So they should thank you? You gave them a feeling that life would be worse than death."

"Humans, are you sympathizing with them?"

"I'm just disgusted by your methods."

Cement said nothing.

Lu Yin's eyes flickered: "This method of yours should be used to contain the realm of immortality."

By including civilization in the painting, civilization is not destroyed, and living things do not die, so it will not be subject to increased causal constraints. However, if the paper boat is torn into pieces, the civilization inside will also be torn apart, so this increased causal constraint will , it must bear part of it.

Therefore, this method is not good for it. The only advantage is to contain the Immortal Realm and prevent the Immortal Realm from taking action against it.

In this way it is balancing against powerful enemies.

Cement said: "Yes, if you encounter a strong enemy, this is a very effective method. I just want to live."

Lu Yin exhaled: "Does your civilization do this?"

Cement said: "I have no civilization. Creatures like us are scattered and wander around small distances. There may be some of the same kind united together, but there should not be many."

"What would happen if I asked you to finish drawing my image just now?" Lu Yin asked. Before Cement could answer, he said calmly: "I will only give you one chance to answer. I will confirm the answer through cause and effect."

"Then why don't you just look for the answer through cause and effect?"

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Cement said in a low voice: "As long as you finish drawing your image, you can erase it."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and wiped it off. These two simple words were shocking.

“Once the image is erased, will I disappear as a person?”

"It's not that exaggerated. My talent is not invincible. It's just that the more I wipe it, the more serious the damage will be. With your strength, I can't wipe it off directly." After a pause, Cement continued: "If you encounter someone who can A creature that is directly wiped away, indeed, that creature is gone.”

"You know humans, so how much do you know about human civilization?"

"I really don't understand. It's just because of the relationship between the sky and the sky. It has included some civilizations. In the exchanges between those civilizations, I learned that there is a red dress under the star and that there is human civilization. The word "human" exists in the historical records of many civilizations. "

Lu Yin was surprised: "There are many?"

Cement said: "If there are so many civilizations that have recorded it, it is already a lot, because there should be no exchanges between civilizations."

"Tell me all the records about human beings." Lu Yin was indifferent.

Cement said: "It would be better for you to see it directly. I have included all those civilizations." After speaking, he took out a scroll.

Lu Yin wondered: "How many civilizations have you included?"

"The more civilizations you include, the better you can protect yourself. Therefore, fishing civilizations will destroy civilizations when they see them. I will include them when I see them. However, no civilization has eternal life, otherwise it will be difficult to include them." As he said this, Cement kept three scrolls. , unfold one of them.

Lu Yin looked at it and saw that the living environment of each civilization was different. The painting was all dark green, and the creatures inside were short, like monkeys, no, much uglier than monkeys.

I saw a certain place in the painting where the cement was dabbed, and that area suddenly skyrocketed, lying across the starry sky.

In the painting, that place is very small and cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye, but when magnified into the starry sky, it is a huge area.

After all, this includes the entire civilization.

A civilization is almost enough without the entire universe.

The enlarged area is equivalent to being freed from the included paintings. The dark green spreads towards the starry sky in an instant, while the short creatures above the area run away in panic and make sharp sounds.

Cement said: "Their memory still remains at the moment when they were included in the painting. In the blink of an eye, they appeared under the unfamiliar starry sky again, so they were afraid."

Lu Yin's consciousness swept over and became the sky that crushed this area, making all living things afraid to move.

The strongest among these creatures have the ability to survive hardships, and such cultivation can actually understand human civilization.

Summoning the strongest creature, Lu Yin looked at it: "Do you know me?"

The strongest creature was also ugly and old. He looked at Lu Yin with confusion and thinking in his eyes. Then he opened his eyes wide and uttered a hoarse voice: "Human, human."

"Bring me your records on human civilization."

The ugly creature did not dare to hesitate and hurriedly took out a huge stone tablet from a storage device similar to the Ning Kong Ring.

Lu Yin looked at it and could read the words on it in a single thought. In addition to the words, there were also engraved images, which were in human form.

There is actually not much description of human beings here, only a few lines.

"This form of civilization is called human beings. My descendants, don't meet them, don't meet them."

"If you encounter them, run away. This is fishing civilization. Stay away from them."

"Be sure to stay away from them."

Lu Yin looked at the ugly creature: "Who wrote down these words?"

"It is an ancestor of our civilization who once achieved eternal life, but that ancestor has long since disappeared."

Lu Yin was surprised and looked at this creature. Can such a civilization give birth to eternal life?

The universe is really magical. It has given birth to countless civilizations and countless species. Some creatures are born very strong but have a very low upper limit. Some creatures are born very weak but have an extremely high upper limit.

This civilization is very similar to human civilization, and it can be seen from these written records that their intelligence is not low.

From the perspective of a civilization that has been inherited for countless years, it seems that it is not unacceptable to be able to give birth to an eternal life.

Just like human civilization, throughout the ages, how many eternal beings have been born from the Nine Bases Period to the present?

"These are the records about human civilization?"

"Yes, that's all."

Not long after, Lu Yin saw the records of the second civilization about human beings. They were similar to the civilization of that ugly creature, and they were all afraid of human civilization.

The histories recorded by these civilizations are extremely ancient, and their understanding of human civilization is likely to remain in the Nine Bases period.

The Nine Bases Period was the most glorious moment of human civilization. Nine bases were in the sky. Each of these barriers must be extremely powerful. Each of these barriers may be regarded as a fishing civilization.

The last civilization's record of human beings made Lu Yin's face darken, and he slowly held up his hand.

"My descendants, remember to stay away from that civilization that will bring death. That civilization is too terrible. It has endless skeletons. They can control the skeletons and destroy everything. They are synonymous with death."

"Look at this, this form, this is humankind, a ridiculous and pitiful race. I have never seen such miserable creatures, enduring the most humiliating torture before being destroyed."

"The civilization that brought death tormented them, made them crawl on the ground, smashed their knees, tortured their bodies and spirits, and in contrast was the joy and joy of death's praise. I will never forget that kind of joy."

"I have never seen human civilization, but at this moment, this civilization will never be forgotten by me. Their misery is something I have never experienced since I started practicing and entered eternal life. Don't touch death, don't touch death."

Lu Yin stared at the record inside the jade. This jade came from the civilization included in the cement. This text is the record of that civilization.

The creature standing in front of me was trembling. It was the strongest person in that civilization, and it only had the cultivation level of the Beginning Realm. Obviously, this civilization was completely weakened, not to mention eternal life, and it did not even have the life to survive the hardships.

But it is this civilization that records the most things about human beings.

"That's all?" Lu Yin asked.

The creature feared: "Yes, that's all."

"Have you ever seen the eternal being who recorded this?"

"No, that's our ancestor. Only my grandfather has seen it."

"Bring your grandfather here."

Soon, another creature arrived, trembling as if it could not walk steadily.

Lu Yin asked the same question, and the creature recalled: "The ancestors once taught us. I was still very young at that time. I remember the ancestors said that when death comes, death will come. We don't understand what this means. "

"The ancestor didn't explain, he just said some repeated words."

“Those words stuck with me.”

The creature glanced at Lu Yin and made a dry voice: "That civilization knelt down, not because they were afraid, but because their knees were all smashed. They wanted to get close to the man who died in the battle, and the only way to get close was to kneel and crawl over. , they are all crawling towards the person who died in the battle, but there is a death line in front of them, if they touch that death line, they will die."

"That day, that civilization experienced the darkness of despair. The life of the entire civilization filled that line of death. Fill that line and it will pass. No one hesitated. They were all crawling towards that line of death. The line is crawling, they have to fill it up, collect the body of the man who died in the battle, and give him the last respect."

"That civilization is miserable, but I respect it. Unfortunately, they are insignificant in the face of death."

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