Star Odyssey

Chapter 4278 The Ruthless Way

The city was very lively, and Lu Yin's appearance was not unexpected because not everyone was wearing red.

This civilization was the same as the civilization he had seen Hong'er born in. Many cultivators were in red clothes and red umbrellas, but compared to the larger number of cultivators, they were not actually many.

The most common area in this universe is the area shrouded in red mist.

Lu Yin used his mirror light technique to see that this kind of area was densely packed throughout the entire universe.

With his current strength, there is no need to slowly understand, as his consciousness sweeps over, and many situations are clear.

The area shrouded in red mist is called the Heartless Valley, and the entire universe is indeed red under the stars, at least that's the inheritance of this universe.

Where red clothes go, not a blade of grass will grow!

This is the understanding that cultivators of this cosmic civilization have about themselves.

However, the red clothes under the stars do not refer to the entire civilization, but those who are recognized by the civilization and are qualified to wear the red umbrella are qualified to be called the red clothes under the stars. The red clothes under the stars are not a realm or a group, but the strong ones of the civilization. Generation name.

Many practitioners don't wear red clothes not because they don't want to, but because they don't have the qualifications.

Only those who join the Wuwu Sect are qualified to wear red clothes. Only those who are recognized by the Wuwu Sect are qualified to wear red umbrellas and become red clothes under the stars.

The Wuwu Sect is the most powerful and only sect in this universe. The Wuwu Dao spreads in the universe, and the Wuwu Valley is used as an assessment. Only one person in each Wuwu Valley can survive and join the Wuwu Sect. The Wuwu Valleys throughout the universe can be He constantly sends talented people to the Wuqing Sect. These people all came out of the sea of ​​blood and blood.

When Lu Yin knew this, he didn't know how to describe it.

There is no shortage of similar cultivation methods in human civilization, but this kind of cultivation method is usually crooked and evil. It uses killing as the ladder of cultivation and can never be passed down to the entire civilization. He has never thought about this.

But this point has been passed down in this human civilization and is accepted by everyone. The ruthless way has become the strongest and only way of cultivating the state of mind in this human civilization.

This kind of cultivation path cannot be said to be wrong. It can only be said that it goes against normal human emotions, but ruthlessness is also one of the emotions. However, can people really be completely ruthless?

Lu Yin believed it was impossible, unless it was the Eternals.

Along the way, he cultivated his mental state and built a high wall of mental state. He saw too much, and no one was truly heartless, no.

So how can the ruthless Tao achieve the highest level in this universe?

The strongest person in this universe broke his cognition. That person was called Hong Xia, and he was called the Xia Ancestor. The existence of the Xia Ancestor broke Lu Yin's understanding of emotions, because the Xia Ancestor did achieve himself with the ruthless way. .

Judging from Lu Yin's quick understanding of this cosmic civilization, this Xia Ancestor is an extremely strong man who has lived for a long time, and is at least a strong man who conforms to the laws of the two universes.

How can such a strong man go up the path of ruthlessness?

Killing, sea of ​​blood, and contention have become the eternal themes of this universe.

Lu Yin teleported and appeared in a ruthless valley. There was killing all around. The ground was covered with corpses. The river had long been dyed red, and the red mist was clearly the color of blood.

A man was killing crazily, and his eyes were cold and ruthless, which reminded Lu Yin of the four eternal realms outside the universe.

He went to another Heartless Valley, and it was still the same.

No matter male or female, young or old, once you enter the Heartless Valley, you will feel like you have become a different person.

Everyone has his soul slain by the sword, and everyone's sword edge has been dyed red.

He squatted next to a woman who was covered in blood and half of her body was cut off, and asked lightly: "Do you regret it?"

The woman's eyes were bloody and she was on the verge of death. She couldn't see Lu Yin clearly at all. Faced with this problem, she burst into laughter: "I regret that I didn't prepare more. I regret that I didn't kill that guy in the first place. He is the one who owns everything." The most threatening person in the world, I regret that I used up too much physical strength at the beginning, I regret, regret--"

Lu Yin watched her die. Even before her death, she did not regret entering the Heartless Valley.

The perception of a civilization cannot be changed by a few words.

Lu Yin looked at the Heartless Valleys. Killing could not change anyone's mood. What shocked him the most was that there were very few people who entered the Heartless Valleys.

Whose father, son, daughter, and wife are these people? In addition to cultivating, they have various identities in life. However, when they come to Wuqing Valley, there are very few ties in their lives. .

Most of their relatives have not come here. Lu Yin spreads his consciousness and can easily find the relatives and friends of these people. No, they have almost no friends, and their relatives just do their own things indifferently, as if they will never see each other again once they enter the Heartless Valley. .

This is also true, only one person in each Heartless Valley can survive to the end.

Ruthless, this is ruthless.

Lu Yin didn't know how to describe his heart. He couldn't accept this kind of cultivation method, but he was not qualified to say that this kind of cultivation method was wrong, because this civilization had indeed given birth to strong men and women with the ruthless way, and even the number of immortals. They also need to surpass the humans of their civilization.

He was like a spectator, walking through one heartless valley after another, watching people fall one after another. Their eyes had not changed from beginning to end, so indifferent, indifferent to other people's lives, and even more indifferent to their own lives.

In this civilization, indifference and ruthlessness are engraved in our bones.

Faced with this kind of civilization, it seems reasonable, and even should, to abandon some people as bait to survive for oneself.

Lu Yin gradually came to understand the feelings of abandoned people. What they resented was not being abandoned or the continuation of human civilization, but the indifference and indifference in the bones of those who abandoned them. They hated this kind of civilization that was gained at the cost of death. Continuation, but they didn't even have a tombstone, and they couldn't hear a word of thanks.

Lu Yin hesitated, what would it bring if he recognized this kind of civilization?

They are both human civilization, but Hongyi under the Star seems to be another civilization, a civilization that is completely different from human emotions.

Lu Yin couldn't accept the path of cultivation they were taking.

Nowadays, the atmosphere of human civilization in my area is harmonious and harmonious. Of course, there are killings and competitions among cultivators, and there is also despicable viciousness. That is unavoidable, but the darkness in the corner cannot cover up the brightness of the whole.

The threat of war between civilizations just inches away caused them to completely point their contradictions to the stars, and frequent guidance and practice appeared in the immortal realm. Once this kind of atmosphere comes into contact with the red civilization under the stars, it is easy to be disturbed.

This is a civilization, not one or two people.

Lu Yin sat in silence on the mountain. The distant peaks were looming, like in the clouds, and as if they were above the nine heavens. That was the Wu Wu Sect.

All the last people who survive from the Merciless Valley can be introduced into the Merciless Sect, where civilization can take the first step in cultivation.

A hundred days later, the sound of bamboo resounded through the starry sky. The sound was as cold as a winter morning. It was the sound of bamboo hitting the ribs of the red umbrella, and it was also the sound of the Wuqing Sect accepting disciples.

The red mist of the Heartless Valley opened up, revealing those who survived to the end.

Some people are standing, some are sitting, and some are lying down. Some are disabled with only half of their body left. Some even only have consciousness in their heads, but they are not far from death.

The ruthless sect's beams of light scattered in every corner of the universe, accurately picking up all the people who survived to the end of the ruthless valley.

Regardless of whether they are disabled or not, even if there is only a trace of breath left, if they can survive until the Wuwu Sect accepts disciples, it is a success, and the Wuwu Sect will heal their injuries.

A woman stood outside the Wuqing Sect's main hall. The entire Wuqing Sect's red umbrella opened wide, covering the starry sky and making the heaven and earth shine red.

"You are very good. Life and death have been ignored for a long time without mercy..." The woman kept talking, as if teaching all living beings. She was in the realm of immortality, and her voice could be heard by everyone.

Lu Yin looked specifically at those cities and those whose relatives had entered the Heartless Valley. Their expressions did not change.

If their relatives survived from the Heartless Valley, they already knew it now. However, most people's relatives died in the Heartless Valley. Their expressions remained unchanged, living a numb life, listening to the woman's words.

Lu Yin looked at the woman again and his eyes moved.

Outside the main hall, the woman paused for a moment, looked in Lu Yin's direction, and looked at Lu Yin with surprise and confusion in her eyes.

Lu Yin looked at her calmly, with the same expression as those who practiced the ruthless way, but his indifference could never compare to those people, who were indifferent to the core.

The woman withdrew her gaze, said a few more words, turned around and disappeared.

Not long after, she appeared in front of Lu Yin and looked at him: "Who are you? Where are you from?"

Lu Yin looked at the woman: "Human civilization, Lu Yin."

The woman frowned: "Human civilization? Apart from me, the red one under the star, there is human civilization just a few inches away. How did you get in?"

Lu Yin stood up and faced the woman: "I have my own way. Is your name Ba Yue?"

After the consciousness swept over, many things were known. For example, the woman's name was Ba Yue, she was the controller of Wuqing Zongming, a powerful person in the immortal realm.

But in Lu Yin's opinion, she was far inferior to Jingmen Shangyu, and at most comparable to Master Kudeng.

Ba Yue stared at Lu Yin: "Wangyou, you can call the Immortal Realm by its name. Come with me." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards Wuqing Sect. He was very confident and didn't worry about Lu Yin running away at all.

Lu Yin had no intention of running away and followed Ba Yue into Wuqing Sect. No one could see them along the way.

Although Lu Yin was not in the realm of immortality, his aura made Ba Yue fearful. Ba Yue knew very well that this person might have reached the ultimate combat power of immortality. There were not many people with such power in the red-clothed civilization in the entire star. Ordinary cultivation Can't see it at all.

If she hadn't realized that Lu Yin had such strength, she would have already taken action when Lu Yin shouted out the word "Ba Yue".

Following Ba Yue into the Wuqing Sect, everything above the main hall was red. There was a red umbrella behind every chair. Only then did Lu Yin notice that the blade of the sword was inserted into the ribs of the umbrella, and the handle of the umbrella was actually the hilt of the sword.

"Red clothes, red umbrella, red sword, this is the legendary red clothes under the stars. No wonder everyone says that red clothes are too bad, not even a blade of grass can grow. What you practice is ruthless way, you don't care about anything." Lu Yin said, very Sit casually in a chair.

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