Star Odyssey

Chapter 4311 The ruthless way of sustenance

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Twelve points of the ruthless path, twelve points of sustenance, and in sequence, He Xiao, Beauty Pill, Ji He, and Xishangfeng are all the ruthless Dao sustenance of the Hongxia. If you solve each one, you will lose one point. So I ask you to catch them as much as possible. Only by wearing out the ruthlessness of the Red Man can we truly fight against him. This was the plan we made from the beginning."

"But Hong Xia is not stupid either. Only a few people know about his betrayal during the Ninth Base period. You have met all of these people, Jiu Wen, Ji He and Rang Yu."

"Jiu asked what he had to do if he wanted to win the Red Man's trust, so he had the blood tower."

Lu Yin felt heavy, so it turned out that that was why Hong Xia trusted Jiu Wen.

How could such a cruel person betray him just because he betrayed humanity? In particular, the Blood Tower can also restrict Jiuwen, making Jiuwen the carrier of buried civilization.

"It is precisely because of the Blood Tower that Jiu Wen gained the trust of the Red Man. He gained the trust firstly to survive for himself and to prevent the Red Man from attacking him after the Red Civilization under the Star increased the realm of immortality. Secondly, he gained the trust to promote the ruthless way."

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Why promote the ruthless way?"

Qinglian said to the emperor: "Is it because of Hong Xia's twelve-point ruthless path? Do you think the twelve-point ruthless path is really so difficult to find? You are wrong. , looking at the entire civilization, as long as the Red Man is willing, he can find a lot of sustenance, and there is no shortage of wizards in every era."

Lu Yin agreed that Chu Songyun was born with a closed heart and was very suitable for practicing the ruthless way.

"Only by comprehensively promoting the ruthless way and letting all the people in red under the star practice it, can we prevent the red knight from looking for the twelve points of the ruthless way, because the ruthless way that now covers the entire civilization in red under the star comes from Jiu Wen, who has practiced wine The ruthless way of asking can no longer be the sustenance of the Red Man."

"The ones in Bingxu were also confirmed by the Red Man before they practiced the Wuqing Dao. This kind of confirmation requires a lot of energy. It is already difficult for the Red Man to find them, and there can be no more."

"This is also why Jiu Wen must win the trust of Hong Xia."

Mr. Mu and others listened quietly. They were not involved in the whole process, and even Lu Yin was used.

Although the word "exploit" sounds unpleasant, it is indeed true.

Lu Yin is very smart, everyone knows it, but the universe will not revolve around him alone.

He has his own plans, and others will also have other people's plans.

This plan started a long time ago, and it is not something Lu Yin can control. He can only be a link in the plan, and every step is almost within the judgment of Qinglian Shangyu and them.

Qinglian Shangyu continued: "However, the rapid promotion of the ruthless way made Hong Xia dissatisfied, because the twelve-point ruthless way will always be consumed, and he cannot protect those sustenance forever, so when the sustenance is lost and it is difficult to replenish it, I , appeared.”

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu and thought of something.

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "Yes, giving up the red clothes under the stars and letting them fend for themselves is the test that the Red Man has given me. It is precisely because I gave up that part of the red clothes under the stars that I can become the ruthless Red Man." One of the sustenance of Tao.”

Lu Yin understood, no wonder, no wonder Qinglian Qingyu would give up on those people: "Senior, you know that those people in red clothes under the stars are from the Jiu Wen Disciple pond civilization, right?"

Qinglian said: "I didn't know it at first, but later I knew it."

"If you knew about this from the beginning, you wouldn't be able to really give up. The Red Man is not stupid and can easily see through it."

Blood Tower Shangyu and the others looked at each other, so Qinglian Shangyu really gave up on those people, and it was definitely not a lie.

What Jiu Wen paid for, Qinglian Shangyu also paid for.

"Becoming one of the twelve ruthless people of the Red Man can also be regarded as the real beginning of this plan, because I am a false sustenance, and I can let this sustenance be broken at any time. Once broken, the Red Man can detect it, so from beginning to end , I haven’t said anything about the Red Clothes Civilization under the Star, including the unknowable things related to it, the Immortal Ling Civilization, I won’t talk about self-sealing, because once you think about it, it will easily break your sustenance.”

"And if we want to take action against Hong Xia, we'll start with Hong'er causing trouble at the Jingque Tower."

Lu Yin was not surprised: "Hong'er caused trouble in Jingque Terrace because of the inducement from my seniors, so that I can find out the truth about Hongyi under the star."

Qinglian Shangyu nodded: "I can't tell you the truth, otherwise my trust will be broken. Jiu Wen can't tell you, because you may not believe it. I can't admit the truth he told, so everything should be found by yourself, looking for Xingxiahong Clothes, find the truth about Red Man’s betrayal, lead Red Man out of the red-clad civilization under the stars, and then let us take action, break the ruthless path as much as possible, reveal the truth about Red Man’s betrayal, and make him a sinner through the ages.”

"If we don't lure the Red Man away, we won't be able to catch them and order them. You are the most suitable candidate because you have joined Agnostic. The Red Man will not kill you."

"Is it expected by the seniors that I join the Unknowable?" Lu Yin asked.

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head: "Of course it's impossible, no one can control the unknown."

Lu Yin exhaled, that's right. If this kind of thing can be expected, what else can't be expected?

That's unknowable.

"The original plan was to find a way to give you the ability to protect yourself. The real plan to take action against the Red Man is not now, but after you break through the immortal realm. But gradually things changed, and you were actually valued by Agnostic and joined. Without the protection of this layer of identity, the plan can be started, especially since you have the talent of teleportation, which no one expected."

Qinglian Shangyu looked at Lu Yin in admiration: "Teleportation and unknown identity are enough to escape from the face of the Red Man. So hundreds of years ago, when the secret of Jiu Wen arrived, we adjusted the plan, and we have The current situation.”

"But Mr. Lu found the red-clothed civilization under the star through the immortal master." Jingmen Shangyu was confused.

Qinglian said: "Even if there is no immortal master, he will find it. It is not difficult, just provide a coordinate."

"The origin of the coordinates can be easily explained by Yixiantian."

Lu Yin understood that as long as he was lured to the red-clothed civilization under the stars, he would definitely be able to see what Jiuwen had done before, and thus lead to Ji He's plot.

"Ji He is also included in your count?"

"Of course, everyone must be counted. Ji He is dissatisfied with Jiu Wen and wants to surpass Jiu Wen, but Jiu Wen's ruthless ways are all over the red clothes under the stars. The only way he can surpass is to avoid the ruthless ways and find another way. One human civilization practices the ruthless way, so Ji He will look for you."

"But I can't be sure of your time to drink."

Lu Yin responded: "That's why the Youqing Sect has grown."

Qinglian said: "I don't know what happened to the red civilization under the stars, but it was obviously Jiu Wen's work that led Ji He out in just a few decades."

Lu Yin figured it out, no wonder there were so many people in the Qing Sect, but they didn't have much strength, but they were able to grow and develop rapidly, and even attracted the attention of the entire red-clothed civilization under the star. No wonder Jiu Wen agreed to the bet so easily, all this was to lure Ji He. .

Winning or losing the bet is not important. What is important is that Ji He believes that he must arrive before the red civilization under the star comes into contact with the three universes and get rid of Jiu Wen's ruthless ways. If he hesitates again, once Lu Yin loses the bet, the three universes and the three universes will be destroyed. Xingxia Hongyi came into contact with the civilization, and based on his understanding of Jiuwen, he confirmed that the three universes could not escape the ruthless path, and what he hoped for would be in vain.

Therefore, Ji He had to find Lu Yin. He might have ordered Bian Xian to take action. His purpose was to participate in the matter reasonably and prevent Jiu Wen from suspecting him, but he didn't know that all of this was part of Jiu Wen's calculations.

"Based on what I know about you, it is expected that Ji He will take you to see Rang Yu." Qing Lian said: "And this is what Jiu Wen and I confirmed the last time we met."

Lu Yin smiled bitterly: "Senior is still more powerful. All actions of junior are accounted for."

Qinglian Shangyu said: "It's very simple to plot against a person. Observe his living habits, think of yourself as him, and you can see him clearly day after day. But your acting style is too obvious, and you can't deal with ruthless Tao." The dissatisfaction will definitely make you want to see the red clothes under the stars clearly, and if you want to see the red clothes under the stars clearly, Ji He is the simplest and most direct way."

Lu Yin looked at Qinglian Shangyu: "If there is no junior like this person, what will happen to the seniors?"

"Wait." Qinglian Shangyu looked serious: "Either wait until I am confident of defeating the Red Man, or wait for someone like you to appear."

Lu Yin said: "But the current situation doesn't seem to be able to do anything to the Red Man. Senior Jiuwen is sitting in the Blood Tower, sacrificing himself, and cannot take action. Although you are powerful, Senior, it is difficult to defeat the Red Man."

Qinglian Shangyu was helpless: "This is a last resort. If possible, we are willing to wait for you to break through the immortal realm and wait for human civilization to surpass the unknown. But we can't wait any longer. We are worried that the Red Man may break through at any time."

"Breakthrough?" Lu Yin's expression changed. The Red Man was already strong enough.

Qinglian Shangyu spoke in a heavy tone: "Although there is no evidence, all aspects show that the Red Man is breaking through in a certain direction. I don't know what will happen to him after the breakthrough, but his strength should not be better than that of the former Second Barrier Master. Difference."

"Does Red Man conform to the laws of the three universes?" Lu Yin asked.

Mr. Mu and others thought of Patriarch Shan at the same time, that is, the extremely powerful combat power that conforms to the laws of the three universes and cannot be resisted.

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head: "Probably not. Jiuwen has always said that he can feel his strength. If it complies with the laws of the three universes, Jiuwen should not be able to detect it."

"But among the strong men who conform to the two laws, he is definitely at the top."

Lu Yin was uneasy: "It conformed to the two laws of the universe during the Nine Bases period, but it still fails to conform to the laws of the three universes?"

Qinglian Shangyu said: "The difficulty of conforming to the laws of the two universes to conforming to the laws of the three universes is even more difficult than for an ordinary person to break through the realm of immortality. I can't explain to you clearly that you have seen a strong person who conforms to the laws of the three universes. It’s Patriarch Shan, and Patriarch Shan is someone who dares to face the unknown existence.”

"Do you know why nothing will happen to you? It's because you joined Unknowable. Otherwise, even if there is teleportation, I don't want you to take risks."

Qinglian Shangyu recalled: "Although I have not experienced the war in the Nine Bases period, Jiu Wen once said that Red Man's betrayal had nothing to do with his ideals. He was just afraid of death, so he surrendered to foreign creatures, not just fairy feathers, but also There are unknowables.”

"His fear of the unknown and the immortal feathers is engraved in his bones, so as long as you remain unknown, he will not kill you."

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