Star Odyssey

Chapter 4332: Civilized Weapon

This battlefield is one of the areas where the unknown and the muddy kingdom are at war. Civilizations appear one after another as if they are dying. Some react extremely quickly and destroy the portal, but some do not even have the ability to destroy the portal.

Lu Yin frowned, he couldn't go on like this, it would only increase the power of the mud and water kingdom.

As civilization continues to be included, the power of the eternal realm of mud and water becomes more and more powerful.

I don’t know that this is not stopping the muddy country, and these civilizations can’t stop it. They are forcing themselves to take action.

Base, this old fox.

Lu Yin's figure disappeared instantly and landed directly above the muddy kingdom. He clenched his fist and blasted.

The kingdom of mud and water below is not the real kingdom of mud and water. It is just a region that holds the eternal realm of the kingdom of mud and water. It is also called the kingdom of mud and water.

One party has eternal life and the other is a kingdom. This is also the characteristic of a kingdom of mud and water.

The real kingdom of mud and water mentioned by Base and the others is a kingdom that is powerful enough to carry the eight elders of the kingdom of mud and water. The name of the ruler of that country is Ni Bieluo, the strongest person in the kingdom of mud and water, a terrifying existence that makes even the unknown extremely fearful. , that kind of existence is not something Lu Yin can provoke.

The current owner of this muddy and watery country is one of the Eight Elders - Mud Ghost. He determined it after a short period of observation.

Except for Nibieluo, all the eight elders in the land of mud and water can be touched.

The terrifying power fell along with the force of the fist and hit the land of mud and water fiercely.

In the kingdom of mud and water, heavy weapons of civilization came forward one after another, but were blown away by Lu Yin's terrifying power. He did not destroy these heavy weapons of civilization. After all, they were all civilizations. Of course, they were not specially protected. Except for human civilization, Fang Cun Any civilization so far away is not included in Lu Yin's special protection list.

He is not a saint and cannot protect everyone. The only people he can protect are humans.

"Huh? Scoundrel?" A low voice came from the muddy kingdom, and a cement-like creature like a mud doll appeared, seeming to stare at Lu Yin: "There has never been a scoundrel included, and you are the first." With that, the cement explorer came out and turned into sharp claws to grab at Lu Yin.

Behind Lu Yin, a series of Sancang sword intent condensed and slashed.

All of Sancang's sword intent struck the sharp claws without leaving any trace.

"How can a scoundrel like you resist the Celestial Mud Ghost Claw? Little thing, be obedient and be accepted by me, hahahahaha." The Mud Ghost laughed, and the sharp claw suddenly disappeared, leaving a wisp of gray scattered on the spot.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, showing the power of time. He immediately avoided the spot, the surrounding space froze, time stagnated, sharp claws appeared, and he failed.

However, the next moment, his back suffered a huge force, causing pain.

Lu Yin turned around, and the sharp claw that was supposed to have failed disappeared and appeared behind him. When?

In the land of mud and water, the mud ghost was equally surprised: "I couldn't hurt you, little thing. Your defense is quite strong. Come again." After saying that, the mud ghost claw disappeared.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and avoided the spot again. The same scene happened again. The visible Heavenly Mud Ghost Claw was not real at all. The real Heavenly Mud Ghost Claw suddenly appeared above his head and wanted to scratch his head. If it weren't for Lu Yin, Be alert and get caught.

"See how many times you can hide."

Lu Yin stared at the Heavenly Mud Ghost Claw and saw clearly, it was really weird.

This move uses the time coordinate as the moving point, which can delay the attack by one step. The most straightforward meaning is that there is room for regret. When the attack fails, the Mud Ghost can regret one step and reposition the attack.

It's really insidious. This trick is the use of the power of time, similar to the secret chess game, but one is time and the other is space.

Cezi Secret Regret Chess is far from being able to appear on the battlefield in the Immortal Realm, but this move can be used. It is difficult for ordinary people to avoid. But for the Immortal Realm, seeing through time and adding one's own defense, this move has no great effect. Ghost underestimates himself.

Lu Yin was not exposed so quickly. He avoided it again and again, and occasionally was caught by the mud ghost's claws. The mud ghost seemed to be playing tricks. In its eyes, Lu Yin was pushed to the limit again and again, and soon he was Can catch it.

A rogue, the value of being included is quite high, which is equivalent to having a weapon to kill the Immortal Realm.

Don't be in a hurry, play slowly, don't play to death so quickly.

"What kind of civilization are you from? Why are you here?" Lu Yin asked.

The mud ghost sneered: "You should have come through the portal. It's sad. You don't even know who the enemy is or how you got here. Little one, follow me. Don't resist. I will take you to join my civilization and do it for you." civilized revenge."


"Of course, that portal belongs to the Agnostic. You are a civilization that can be exploited by the Agnostic. The Agnostic can use you to attack other civilizations at any time, or destroy you."

Lu Yin pretended to be confused: "What is unknown?"

It is impossible for the mud ghost to think that he belongs to the unknown, because the unknown has never been in the non-immortal realm in history, even rogues are no exception.

Over the years of existence as unknown, the scoundrel has seen more than one, but has never joined.

Nigui didn't expect Lu Yin, a scoundrel, to join.

Lu Yin hopes to re-examine the unknowable through the land of mud and water.

"Unknowable is a fishing civilization. It's not right to call it a civilization. They are a collection of monsters that specialize in killing civilization. They use civilization to check civilization. They use civilization to kill civilization. They try to contaminate the entire square inch."

"A whole square inch?"

"Hehe, join my kingdom of mud and water, and you don't have to be afraid of the unknown. Although the unknown is powerful, it is not invincible. The distance between us is huge, and there are civilizations that can fight against the unknown."

"I know that since you will appear here and we are attracted by the unknown, you must be a civilization that can fight against the unknown."

"we are not."

Lu Yin was surprised: "No?"

Nigui said: "We can only ensure that you don't have to be afraid of the unknowable after joining, but it is impossible to defeat the unknowable. The unknowable cannot be defeated."

"In that case, why do you still want to go to war with Agnostic?"

"The unknown cannot be defeated, and neither can we. Little one, come with me." After saying that, a piece of paper appeared in the kingdom of mud and water, folding continuously and covering the starry sky.

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, civilized weapons, this is the method of the mud ghost.

The paper folded into a mountain, suppressing the starry sky, covering everything around Lu Yin visible to the naked eye, and moving towards him to suppress it. At the same time, the heavenly mud ghost claws grabbed from bottom to top, forcing Lu Yin from above and below.

If Lu Yin was just an ordinary scoundrel, he wouldn't be able to block this move.

Just the mountains transformed by the heavy weapons of civilization are not something he can bear.

But he is no ordinary scoundrel.

He raised his arm and put a palm against the mountain of civilization. Under the shock of the clay ghost, he easily propped it up.

The Mud Ghost exclaimed: "Impossible, how can you withstand the pressure of civilization?"

Lu Yin didn't use his strength, and he didn't need to use his strength. What he used was the power of his will.

Including civilization, civilization has not been destroyed. Where there is civilization, there is willpower. With the willpower of this civilization, he withstood the pressure of this civilization and easily made the mud ghost doubt life.

And below, Tianni Ghost Claw was shaken back with a wave of his hand.

Lu Yin raised his other hand, raised his index finger, and then lowered it, slashing down from top to bottom with the San Cang Sword Intent, slashing towards the land of mud and water, towards the water flow, and towards the mud ghost.

The Nigui sneered: "So that's it. He's a ruthless character. He was all pretending just now, but do you really think he can deal with me in the eternal realm of fishing civilization? Little thing, you are too crazy."

"See how much you can handle."

After saying that, pieces of paper folded with heavy weapons of civilization were blasted towards Lu Yin. At the same time, the Mud Ghost itself also rushed towards Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was no stranger to this scene. He had been collected by the clay doll and had his portrait drawn before, but the clay doll was not strong enough to draw him. The clay ghost was different.

Lu Yin pushed aside the important weapons of civilization one by one, willing to offset the pressure of all the important weapons of civilization. To him, these pieces of paper were really paper, light and fluffy.

In front of you, the mud ghosts are coming to kill you, and in front of you are the claws of heavenly mud ghosts.

Above Lu Yin's head, the Illustrated Book of Conferred Gods bloomed, and the Three Cang Sword Intentions - the Hidden Sword, the long river of swordsmanship.

The long river of swordsmanship is grand and spectacular, pouring towards the mud ghost.

The Heavenly Ni Ghost Claw was directly shattered by the sword's long river.

Ni Gui hurriedly avoided, and Sword Dao Changhe kept chasing and killing him under the control of Lu Yin. As one of the eight elders of the Mud and Water Kingdom, Ni Gui was rarely in such a mess, mainly because the heavy weapons of civilization had no effect on Lu Yin.

It would rather fight against the Immortal Realm. The Immortal Realm does not dare to take on the heavy weapons of civilization for fear of destroying and bearing the constraints of cause and effect. The non-Eternal Realm cannot withstand the pressure of the heavy weapons of civilization.

But who would have thought that he would meet Lu Yin, and use his rogue strength to ignore the pressure of civilization's heavy weapons, making the most powerful means of the Mud Ghost come to naught. Even the Heavenly Mud Ghost Claw can't stop Lu Yin's power. Being restrained, to the point of being hunted in turn.

Lu Yin branched out part of the long river of swordsmanship to cut through the muddy and watery kingdom, tearing the muddy and watery kingdom into pieces. He wiped out all the muddy and watery creatures inside. There was no need to hold back. These creatures kept collecting civilizations, races, and families. Those creatures that were included were forever trapped in one place. There is no way to move in the painting, and the pain is enough to drive a person crazy.

Unknowability is not a good thing, and the same goes for muddy countries.

In fact, civilizations that are only a few inches apart can only survive, and there is no right or wrong.

Jiuxiao Universe also attacks other civilizations because they are too close, which is normal.

Compared with other civilizations, human civilization is not good either.

There are black and white mental walls, and Lu Yin's mood at this moment is completely leaning towards the black side.

Kill without mercy.

The mud ghost roared: "If you are looking for death, I will collect you and torture you slowly. I will torture you to death."

The paper flew out of the land of mud and water, turned into tiny chains that were continuously connected, and finally turned into a large net that enveloped Lu Yin, a dragnet.

Lu Yin raised his hand, and was about to resolve it with his will power, when he suddenly felt something was wrong and avoided it.

The dragnet continues to expand, shrouding him.

This is not an ordinary civilized weapon, but a realm of immortality.

Among the civilizations included in this net, there is an eternal state. It is said that it is suppressed by civilization, but in fact it is also suppressed by the eternal state.

The surface of the Clay Ghost's body is constantly boiling: "You can force me to be one of the Eight Elders, my Clay Ghost's killing move. Little thing, you are the strongest among the scoundrels. Please be accepted by me."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, and a dragnet fell above his head.

He has more than one way to crack it, at least he can avoid it immediately by teleporting.

But, it's not necessary.

The mud ghost is not strong enough to force him to teleport.


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