Star Odyssey

Chapter 4337 An opportunity

Lu Yin admitted that he was moved. This old guy was sure that he would help from the beginning.

"I really want to help you. Even if there are no other conditions, the battlefield mission reward alone is enough for me to take action. However, the reward is enough to buy my life, but it is not enough."

"Who wants your life?" Da Mao said angrily.

Lu Yin said calmly: "You must be a top-level opponent to be your opponent. Ba Se will not let you die. Even if you severely injure your opponent and find out the opponent's strength, it will still be dangerous for me to take over, at least under the premise of cause and effect. Come on, you can't really beat your opponent to death, and what I have to face is at least half the strength of your level."

"You are so strong. I am not sure I can deal with even half of you. I am looking for death if I take action."

"You have teleportation, cause and effect, and various means. We will help you formulate a fighting method." Damao said.

Lu Yin shook his head: "It's still too risky. I can slowly find human civilization, and I am confident that I can solve Lan Meng's opponents. Killing two eight elders and getting two four-star mission rewards, I am satisfied."

"What do you want?" Damao shouted.

Hehe, the old guy said slowly: "I'll give you a chance to touch the eternal river of time."

The air suddenly became stagnant.

Lu Yin looked at the portal and thought he heard wrongly.

Lan Meng also stared blankly at the portal.

Give you a chance to touch the eternal river of the Lord.

This is the condition of the old guy.

The Lord of Time is a conceptual existence, but everyone knows that it does exist, but it is difficult to touch.

Time flows in every universe, and when there is time, there is a long river of time, and the long river of time in all universes is just a tributary of the main long river of time.

No matter what level of utilization of the power of time, it is only within his own universe. The same is true for Yu on the Blood Tower, and the same is true for Lu Yin himself.

They cannot touch the Lord's long river of time, and that long river of time is a legend even to them.

Now, haha, the old guy can actually let himself touch that long river of time?

"Little guy, are you satisfied with this condition?" The old guy asked lightly, his tone never changed. From the beginning, he knew that no one could refuse this condition.

Regardless of whether Lu Yin's contact with the Lord of Time would help or not, he could not refuse this temptation.

No one can say no.

Lu Yin really didn't know the significance of touching the river of time. Maybe it could bring transformation to the great power of time? Maybe you can see the past as if you were touching the river of time for the first time? Maybe it can make Liu Guang transform again?

He didn't know, it was more likely just a touch, just a glance, just a fleeting moment.

But even if it was just a fleeting moment, he couldn't refuse.


No one was surprised that Lu Yin would agree, he would definitely agree.

"Haha, wait until I notify you. After this battle, I will show you what to do, and it will lead to the passage of time." After saying that, the portal disappeared.

Lu Yin's eyes flashed with excitement and excitement.

The unknowable portal is opened on the main river of time, so it can ignore the spatial distance. After passing through the portal, there may be an infinite distance. This means that there are unknown beings who can enter the main river of time at will. How terrifying is this? s method.

Now it seems that maybe he is the old guy.

Lu Yin looked at another door: "Da Mao, how are you? Haha, the old guy is very sincere, how about you?"

Da Mao was silent.

Haha, the old guy's conditions exceeded the limit he could give. He didn't know how to get Lu Yin to take action, especially since they were already hostile.

Lan Meng only came back to his senses at this moment. Anonymous hid an extremely terrifying master. He knew that before his death, his father not only told it about the treasure of the suppressor Zhuo, but also reminded it that it must join Agnostic. Only by joining Agnostic Only in this way can we stand on the small distance.

For so many years, it has been trying to see clearly every unknowable thing and making some guesses, but as Da Mao said, they can't even see the unknowable, let alone it.

"Well, let me make a condition for you." Lu Yin looked at the door: "Give me your mother forest."

Da Mao was surprised: "Mother Forest?"

Lu Yin hummed: "The one I've seen is the mother forest."

"If the mother tree is uprooted, it won't survive even if I give it to you. I'm just keeping them fresh. There's no way they can support another universe." Da Mao said.

Lu Yin said: "I know, so I want these mother trees to return to dust, and soil to soil."

"That's it?"

"What do you think?"

No one could see themselves absorbing the green light spots on the mother tree, and the same was true for Da Mao. Their knowledge of the mother tree was still limited, and they could not guess what Lu Yin was going to do.

But what Lu Yin said was right. He really wanted the mother trees to return to dust and earth to earth. Those mother trees could no longer survive, so let them be freed.

"Okay, I'll give it to you after this battle, wait until I notify you."


Da Mao's portal disappeared, and they all went to fight against their opponents. They saw their opponents clearly, severely damaged them, and then handed them over to Lu Yin. This was what they had to do, and all Lu Yin had to do was wait.

But before waiting, find Nifan first.

He was still confident about dealing with Nifan.

Lu Yin used the Mirror Light Technique to look into the distance, huh? Where is Nifan?

He kept searching, but at Nifan's speed he couldn't run very far, but after searching for several days he still couldn't find it.

Lan Meng was waiting nearby. It was the channel through which Lu Yin and the old guy Hehe could communicate.

Still can't find it, the mud fan is missing, it must be hidden.

Lu Yin frowned. This Nifan was really cautious. If he couldn't beat him, he would run away. This would be like giving up on the battlefield, just like Lan Meng.

Lan Meng really wants to leave now, but he knows he can't.

"Where can Ni Fan hide? Do you know?" Lu Yin asked. At this moment, he took Lan Meng to look for Ni Fan everywhere. Solving this eight elders was another reward.

Lan Meng was helpless: "I don't know. I've been avoiding it since I came here. It's always been looking for me."

Lu Yin looked into the distance: "The unknown balancer, do you know which one it is?"

Lan Meng was vigilant: "I won't say anything about the unknown identity, we agreed."

"Just ask me anything. If you can, just say it. If you can't, forget it." As he said that, Lu Yin's fingertips curled up in a spiral of cause and effect and threw it towards Lan Meng.

Lan Meng failed to avoid it and was penetrated by Karma.

It stared at Lu Yin angrily.

Lu Yin looked at the causal past of Lan Meng's being played out. He deliberately mentioned the unknown balancer in order to remind Lan Meng of the matter and then check it based on the cause and effect.


"Lu Yin, if you attack me again, I will definitely tell Ba Se that you broke the rules." Lan Meng distanced himself on guard.

Lu Yin was surprised: "Didn't you ask me to use cause and effect detection before?"

"I won't argue with you. In short, if you use karma to attack me again, don't blame me for falling out." Lan Meng was afraid that Lu Yin would cause trouble, but he was also afraid of the balance user and other unknown things.

Lu Yin didn't investigate again. Transparent was the balance user, his eyes were downcast.

Several months have passed, and neither Old Guy Hehe nor Da Mao has contacted him. It must be that their battle is not easy.

Bashi must have arranged opponents of comparable strength for them. On the one hand, they have to fight, on the other hand, they have to find ways to reduce the constraints of cause and effect, and on the other hand, they have to find out the opponent's abilities. It is not easy.

On this day, the portal appeared, and Lan Meng connected with it with divine power, and Che's voice came out: "Lu Yin, I'm looking for you."

Lu Yin had a headache. He was most afraid of communicating with Che. This guy was too polite. He couldn't even get angry with him. He also participated in the Nine Bases Civilized War. He was an enemy but not a friend, but he had helped him and gave Emperor Wu of Destruction the favor. The power also saved Tianyuan Universe, but it was a bit difficult to communicate with him.

He couldn't figure out what this Che was thinking.

This guy should be hostile to human civilization, but he was so polite when he entered the three universes, which is inexplicable.

Lu Yin didn't want to answer.

Lan Meng looked at the door and said nothing.

Che's voice came out again: "Lu Yin, Zizi said you are with Lan Meng, are you okay?"

Lu Yin: "..."

Is this concern?

"What's up?"

"It's great that you're okay. Purple and Cyan are asking you to help deal with their opponents. It's best not to go. The more powerful people you kill in the Mud and Water Kingdom, the easier it is to be targeted by Nibieluo. Nibieluo is very powerful. You It’s hard to escape it.”

"You don't need me to help you deal with your opponent?" Lu Yin asked.

"No, in fact, in a war with the Muddy and Water Kingdom, if you don't lose, you will win. It's good for you and Lan Meng to be together. It's too dangerous to interfere in other battlefields. Since you are with Lan Meng, it proves that you have solved your opponent and killed an Eight Elders. , your name has been linked to Ni Bieluo, please don't provoke Ni Bieluo again." Che said.

Lu Yin was puzzled: "Why are you telling me this?"

Che said: "Both are unknown, it should be."

"Have you participated in the war that destroyed the Nine Bases Civilization?"


"Then you are still willing to help me?"

"You are the unknown, not the ninth base. I am willing to help any unknown. The same goes for Lan Meng. Don't take action again."

"Aren't you afraid that Base will cause trouble for you? You are going against it." Lu Yin asked back.

Che smiled and said: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just a war, as long as you don't lose."

"Is this what the old guys think?"

"Lu Yin, in a civilized war that is only a few inches apart, you cannot lose any war. Losing means stepping half-foot into the abyss of death. You will understand this sentence when you truly understand the distance between a few inches. So No matter how difficult the muddy kingdom is, purple and they will never let Aizhi lose, it’s absolutely impossible.”

Lu Yin spoke in a low tone: "Did you think so when Wuzhi fought against the Nine Bases Civilization?"

"So be it."

"I see."

Che's voice came out again: "After this battle, I have something to give you. It is a relic of the Fifth Barrier. I participated in the Fifth Barrier War."

Lu Yin's eyes were shocked: "The fifth barrier?"

"Yes, so be careful in this battle. The purple ones will be fine. They are just looking for you to reduce their losses. But your life is yours. There is only one. Remember, don't encounter Nibieluo. It has killed Xian Ling. ."

Lu Yin's expression changed. He had killed Xian Ling, which meant that he could not escape Ni Bieluo's murderous intention by teleporting.


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