Star Odyssey

Chapter 4398: Cherish

The purpose of helping the Immortal Master to eliminate the hidden danger of being tracked by Xian Ling is to make the Immortal Master bear the consequences of killing Mingyu. The Immortal Master knows this, but does not say it.

It is equivalent to taking the initiative to give yourself a favor and let yourself remember it.

Also, the Immortal Master did not pay homage to the sacred tree, even if it was nowhere to be found, because of Lu Yin.

This favor should also be remembered.

The two favors represented the Immortal Master's goodwill towards Lu Yin, and of course, it was also because he didn't know if he still had a Dao sword in his body, and whether a Dao sword would be buried in him in the future.

Cutting off cause and effect and burying the Dao sword, the Immortal Body has the deepest understanding, so much so that it doesn't even believe in the unknowable rules, and just wants Lu Yin not to take action against it.

This is no longer as simple as settling grudges, but leaning towards Lu Yin to a certain extent.

But its tendency cannot undo the past of the lost race being destroyed.

"I understand, you can stay at Zhizong with peace of mind." After Lu Yin finished speaking, he exited.

There was silence, and the Immortal Master looked at the sacred tree in a hanging coffin.

No one is more afraid of Lu Yin than it is. Cutting off cause and effect, burying Dao swords, and killing Xian Ling, the impact on it is too great.

For many years, it wanted to get rid of Xian Ling but couldn't. However, this matter seemed to be easy for Lu Yin.

Luo Chan obviously got teleportation, but it just didn't, and Lu Yin got it as a human.

Piece by piece, piece by piece, it almost equated Lu Yin with Xian Ling. Lu Yin gave it a feeling of omnipotence, and it felt it more deeply than anyone else.

That's why it had such good intentions. Now it wants to complete an unknown mission and use the mission reward to ask Ba Color to check whether there is any Dao Sword in the body. Only by completely eliminating the hidden dangers can he be himself again.

But no matter what, it doesn't want to have any conflicts with Lu Yin anymore, it really doesn't.

At the same time, Lu Yin kept teleporting and found the coordinates of Immortal Master Ti.

This location is extremely far away from the three universes. It can be said that it is impossible to take Elder Shan Gu and others to escape to Tianyuan Universe with a single Gobi card. Even if the card can reach it, Elder Shan Gu and others will be dead long ago.

They are not in the realm of immortality.

But it didn't take long from the defeat of the Lost Tribe to the time they escaped to the Tianyuan Universe.

How did you do it?

Lu Yin looked around, seeing no trace of the existence of the universe.

He suddenly thought that during his battle with Chang Dou, the universe of consciousness was transferred to the three universes, sealing Chang Dou's teleportation. Could this be related?

Taking out Dan Gobi, Lu Yin watched in concentration.

Soon after, he teleported to the red civilization under the star and asked if he knew about the third barrier.

Jiu Wen was helpless: "When I was young, I didn't even understand the second barrier, let alone the third barrier."

Lu Yin could only return to Tianyuan Universe, go to the Lost Clan, and find Elder Shan Gu.

"See Lord Lu."

"See Lord Lu..."

Countless people from the lost tribe paid homage.

Lu Yin asked everyone to avoid courtesy and met with the Great Elder Shan Gu alone.

Elder Shan Gu was excited. He had wanted to find Lu Yin for a long time, but there were too many things happening one after another, so he couldn't find him.

Lu Yin's arrival this time surprised him, but it was also an opportunity.

"Senior, is there nothing wrong with the Lost Clan recently?" Lu Yin asked.

Elder Shan Gu said respectfully: "There is nothing wrong with the clan. Thank you Lord Lu for your concern."

Lu Yin sighed: "The Immortal Ling is attacking, and many people have been affected, so I came here to see the Lost Tribe. Just hope everything is alright."

Next, he chatted with Great Elder Shan Gu. He did not directly ask about the situation of the third barrier. The main reason was that he needed to check the causal past through Elder Shan Gu. This was somewhat difficult to explain.

This is too much to ask of anyone.

Although Lu Yin is in charge of Tianyuan Universe, he must respect everyone.

If it hadn't been for the third barrier, he would have let it go.

But the third barrier is too important, especially if he has a guess about the disappearance of the third barrier universe. It would be perfect if he could get the answer from Elder Shan Gu.

While speaking, Elder Shan Gu suddenly knelt down and said, "Master Lu, the Lost Clan has something to ask for."

Lu Yin was startled and hurriedly helped the elder up: "Senior, speak directly if you have something to say, there is no need to do so."

Elder Shan Gu looked at Lu Yin with a pleading look: "We want to go home."

Lu Yin paused and looked at Elder Shan Gu: "Go home?"

Elder Shan Gu nodded and looked at Lu Yin: "Shan Gebi took us to escape to Tianyuan Universe, but our home is at the third barrier, so we want to ask Master Lu to help us get home."

"I know this request is too much. After all, we don't know where the third barrier is and we need to find it. However, I still want to shamelessly ask Master Lu once."

"Please, Master Lu, help us get home."

Go home? This request is not excessive.

Lu Yin felt a little guilty for the Lost Clan. When he suppressed the Immortal Master, he didn't even ask where the third barrier was. He completely forgot about it. Later, he used the Immortal Master to bear the hatred of killing Mingyu and helped the Immortal Master join the Agnostic. All of this was a shame. To the lost people.

If he were born into the Lost Clan, he would definitely kill the Immortal Master for revenge without hesitation.

The Lost Clan had helped him a lot, but he did not avenge the Lost Clan when he had the ability.

"Senior, if possible, I will help you go home." Lu Yin said.

Elder Shan Gu was grateful: "Thank you, Master Lu." He knelt down and bowed.

Lu Yin forcibly helped him up: "I am ashamed of the lost clan."

Great Elder Shan Gu was confused: "What does Master Lu mean by this?"

Lu Yin told what happened with the Immortal Master: "When the Lost Clan gave me Shan Gobi, I promised to take over this hatred and avenge the Lost Clan, but I didn't do it even though I had the ability. I am ashamed of my predecessors and I feel ashamed of the Lost Clan. clan.”

Elder Shan Gu tightly grasped Lu Yin's arm and said excitedly: "Lord Lu, I know how difficult it is to survive in such a small distance. I know how Lord Lu survived from war after war. Although I don't know the specific process, the Immortal Lord's Its existence must have brought help to you, Master Lu."

"That's enough, really enough."

Lu Yin wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Great Elder Shan Gu: "The existence of my Lost Tribe depends entirely on Lord Lu. Our hatred and our hatred are not as important as you, Lord Lu. What about the Insect Hive Civilization and the Immortal Lord? It’s as simple as revenge, we all understand it.”

After saying that, he took a few steps back and bowed deeply to Lu Yin: "Old Chan Shan Gu represents the lost clan. Please take care of him, Master Lu."

Outside the door, voices sounded one after another: "Please take care of me, Master Lu."

"Please Lord Lu, please take care of me."

"Please Lord Lu, please take care of me..."

Everyone has seen what Lu Yin has done over the years. His conspiracies and calculations have been given to his enemies, and his protection has been given to his own people.

No matter what he does, everyone now unconditionally supports and hates him. The Lost Clan wants revenge, but it is nothing compared to Lu Yin's safety.

"Lord Lu once helped my lost tribe destroy the insect nest civilization. Those insect masters, especially Shan Xiao and Dan You, were all revenged by Lu Zhu for us. Enough, Lu Zhu, is really enough. "Great Elder Shan Gu said deeply.

Lu Yin looked at everyone and exhaled. The scruples he had before coming suddenly disappeared.

The Lost Clan had no reservations about him, so why should he think too much about it.

After asking everyone to retreat, Lu Yin said to Elder Shan Gu: "Senior, regarding the third barrier, I had a conversation with the Immortal Master."

Shan Gu's body trembled and he looked at Lu Yin, his eyes full of hope but more of anxiety.

Because Lu Yin just said that he would take them home as much as possible, which actually means that he can't do it now, but he has obviously had a conversation with the Immortal Master. They don't know where home is, how could the Immortal Master not know.

This is equivalent to saying that the home is gone.

Lu Yin looked at Great Elder Shan Gu and spoke out the Immortal Master's words. Elder Shan Gu couldn't believe it: "Impossible. How could the third barrier not be the universe? It's impossible."

Lu Yin said: "I can't believe it either, so I actually came here to see if I can find anything through your karmic past, Great Elder."

Elder Shan Gu opened his mouth to say something, but did not say anything.

Lu Yin knew what he meant: "The Immortal Master will not lie to me, don't worry, at least it is impossible to lie to me now. The third barrier is meaningless to it, and it is useless for it to guard an empty universe."

"Actually, I have thought before that there might be something that the third barrier wants to get. For example, Hui is hiding in the ninth barrier and has always wanted to get the treasure of the ninth barrier. This possibility is not completely impossible. Of course, it is possible. The nature is not big. First of all, the immortal needs to know that there is a suppressing treasure in the third barrier. It shouldn't know this, but I will pay attention to any possibility."

"What we need to verify now is whether we can find some useful information if this possibility does not exist."

Elder Shan Gu nodded: "I understand, Master Lu, just look at it, there is nothing worth hiding in Lao Chen's past."

Lu Yin's eyes were heavy: "Senior, I'm offended."

Great Elder Shan Gu smiled: "Lord Lu did this for my third barrier, what's the crime? It's because I lost my clan and bothered Lord Lu."

No more politeness, Lu Yin used the cause and effect to penetrate the great elder Shan Gu and look at his past.

"Senior, try your best to recall the events of the Third Barrier. The more you recall, the better." Lu Yin reminded.

Great Elder Shan Gu recalled that there was a fierce fighting in the past, and blood and fire filled the starry sky. It was the war of the third barrier, the war with the Insect Nest Civilization.

To say that what Great Elder Shan Gu remembers most is this last battle.

Lu Yin saw it. One by one, the strong men rushed towards the insect nest civilization as if to die. In the last scene, it was clear that the lost clan had won, but eternal life appeared.

Jing Qingxian suppressed all the strong men with absolute power, causing the third barrier to perish.

He saw the universe shrinking and disappearing in an instant.

This looks like more than half a month.

For more than half a month, Lu Yin has been watching the causal past of Great Elder Shan Gu, especially the last scene of leaving countless times, but he just can't see any difference in that universe.

Great Elder Shan Gu has survived in the Third Barrier for so long and has not noticed any difference.

How could a perfectly good universe just disappear?

But the Immortal Master shouldn't lie to him like this, it's too nonsense.

In the end, Lu Yin left the Lost Clan.

He didn't see anything, but if the Immortal Master had lied to him, it would be useless to ask now. He would have to find an opportunity to use cause and effect to check the Immortal Master's past.

Now, go to Sinking Universe.

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