Star Odyssey

Chapter 4400 Take a look

Master Qingcao didn't know what Lu Yin was going to do, why should he go find the Ten-Eyed Crow?

Soon, two people arrived.

"Senior, please go to the other side of the portal and have a look." Lu Yin said.

Master Qingcao looked at the portal in front of him: "The unknown portal? Where is this?"

"Shenxing Universe."

Master Qingcao looked around and saw the battlefield and the human cultivators.

He was a little excited: "Finally, we found human civilization again."

Jiang Feng glanced at Master Qingcao. He had always felt that Master Qingcao was sincere in the inheritance of human civilization, but he did not agree with his approach. If the fate of human civilization was to be left in the hands of other civilizations, it would be better to fight to the death.

He prefers to pass on the spirit, not just life.

In his opinion, the people who lived in the eternal kingdom no longer belong to human civilization. This idea was very decisive, but that was what he thought.

There is no pressure on Master Qingcao to cross the portal. If there is an unknown person on the other side of the portal, he will not take action against him. Otherwise, he will break the rules. If not, he has the ability to return immediately. If the other side makes it impossible for him to escape, this Chenxing Universe It’s long gone.

Lu Yin mainly couldn't figure it out. Since the Shenxing universe is unknowable and not individually unknowable, what do these creatures mean?

Master Qingcao stepped forward, and there was a creature that had reached the level of overcoming suffering in front of the portal. Before he could take action, it was shattered by Lu Yin with a finger. The force penetrated the starry sky and attracted Shen Jian's attention.

Shen Mian's expression changed drastically and he hurried towards the battlefield.

The creature that survived the misfortune on the battlefield actually died, and it was an instant kill. Who was it? There is no such person in the Shenxing universe who can defeat the suffering creatures without the help of the fist of the Beidou Remnant Star, are there creatures from foreign civilizations?

When Shen saw it, Master Qingcao had already crossed the threshold.

Shen Jian saw Lu Yin and Jiang Feng with a look of surprise, followed by uncontrollable excitement: "Humans?"

No matter what Shen Jian does, his heart for human civilization is true.

Lu Yin smiled: "Please forgive me for barging in so rashly, Senior Shen Jian."

Jiang Feng also said: "Finally we meet, Shen Jian Yongsheng."

Shen Jian looked at Lu Yin and Jiang Feng and stepped forward excitedly: "You come from other human civilizations, right? You are all in the realm of immortality, right?"

Lu Yin did not hide anything and began to tell him about the situation of the three universes. There was not much to say, so he gave a general introduction. But Shen Jian Shengsheng couldn't control himself with excitement. Finally, he was not alone anymore. Except for Shen Xing Human civilization still exists in the universe, and he can finally let go.

For so many years, in order to protect the Shenxing Universe, he gave up everything, even gave up himself, gave up on breakthroughs, only to keep everything unchanged, and thus silently guarded this side of the universe for countless years.

During this period, some people scolded him for not taking action, and some people slandered that he was the one who created those old enemies. There were all kinds of rumors. In fact, he only needed to take action once, but he never took action, and he has been so stubborn for countless years.

At best it sounds like stubbornness, at worst it means being stubborn.

But he didn't dare to move. If something happened, the universe would be gone.

He knew how terrifying the enemy he faced was, but he was unable to describe it. The pressure did not completely let go until this moment.

It's not that he has no emotions, but he gave up in order to protect him. As a human being, he gave up all the emotional bonds. Who can understand how tired he is?

Lu Yin looked at the old man in front of him with complicated eyes. Just as Jiang Feng said, this man is both admirable and pitiable.

Many people think they are smart and ridicule those who are brainless, but it turns out that many things can only be accomplished by those who are brainless.

No matter what, the Sinking Universe will always exist, and this is the best outcome.

Shen Jian couldn't wait to see the three universes. Needless to say, Lu Yin was eager to bring Shen Xing Universe to join the three universes.

"If you join the Three Universes, you will have to give up this universe. Senior, are you willing?" Lu Yin reminded that bringing an entire universe of people to the Three Universes was also a last resort. He did not have the energy to share the manpower to guard the Shenxing Universe. The distance was too far. , and the unknown promises to protect the three universes for two thousand years, not human civilization.

He doesn't want this place to become the weak spot of human civilization.

Once he found it, he would take it away. This was his initial plan.

Shen Jian Shengsheng sighed: "Why don't you want to?"

Lu Yin looked at the remaining stars of the Big Dipper: "This remaining star?"

Shen Jian Shengsheng's body trembled and he looked up, his eyes dim: "Even if we don't leave, this remaining star will always dissipate."

Lu Yin nodded and said nothing more.

Shen Jian should join the three universes. From the moment he saw Lu Yin and the others, the old man was completely relieved and had no fear of them at all, which was completely contrary to his caution over the years.

He really put all his thoughts on human civilization.

It is not a question of whether they should accept such an old man, but that he should join.

Although he had clearly abandoned everything, his feelings for human civilization were even greater, and his feelings did not disappear.

Lu Yin suddenly thought that if a creature has existed since its birth, will it still exist no matter how it changes? If it does not exist, it does not disappear, but just transfers?

Just as he was thinking about it, Master Qingcao walked out from the other side of the door.

When Shen Jian saw it, his eyes narrowed and he suddenly stared at Lu Yin and Jiang Feng. His aura suddenly increased: "You guys?"

Lu Yin said hurriedly: "Senior, don't get me wrong, we did not come from this side of the portal, but went to the other side specifically to see the situation."

Shen Jian Yongsheng's eyes flickered and he looked at Master Qingcao.

Lu Yin also looked at Master Qingcao: "How is it?"

Master Qingcao glanced at Shen Jian Yongsheng and said: "On the other side of the portal is the universe where these creatures live. There is nothing unknowable."

"Impossible." Shen Jian Yongsheng didn't believe it: "This door is obviously unknowable, you know it is unknowable."

Jiang Feng said: "We understand the unknown better than you."

Master Qingcao and Shen Jian Yongsheng looked at each other: "There is indeed no unknown on the other side of the portal. There is only the universe where this creature lives, and there is only one eternal life in the entire universe."

Shen Jian Yongsheng didn't believe it: "It's impossible. The other side of this portal must be unknowable. Do you really understand the power of the unknowable? If you did, you wouldn't be able to pass through the portal rashly."

Lu Yin sighed and teleported to appear next to Shen Jian Yongsheng: "I'll take you to see it."

Seeing that Yongsheng was on guard, Shen punched Lu Yin: "Don't try to lie to me."

He was so angry that he thought humans were waiting for him. These two people were obviously humans, but what they said was definitely lying to him.

How could it be possible that what is behind the door is not unknowable?

With one punch, the remaining stars of the Big Dipper were shaken. As the power of the punch approached, Shen Jian's momentum continued to increase.

Lu Yin raised his hand and spread his fingers.


There was a loud bang.

The terrifying aftermath spread, shattering all the surrounding strange creatures. Even Master Qingcao took a step back and looked in surprise, Shen Jian Yongsheng's punch was very powerful.

Shen Jian Yongsheng looked at his fist in shock. At this moment, Lu Yin caught it with his palm and remained motionless.

How can it be?

Lu Yin teleported and took Shen Jian Yongsheng through the portal.

He didn't cross the portal before because he was afraid that there would be traces on the other side of the portal, although this was unlikely.

Now that there is no clue, even if there are old guys on the other side who are unknown, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After crossing the portal, you can see a starry sky in the universe. What you can see is a huge dirt road connecting from the starry sky to the portal. The dirt road is full of weird creatures. And further away, there is the pressure of eternal life, which comes from the heart. The beating sound was like thunder.

Lu Yin saw the eternal life. It was very large but not very powerful.

Shen Jian Yongsheng ignored the surprise that he was brought instantly. He stared blankly in front of him. Those strange creatures came ferociously, and were smashed by Lu Yin casually: "See? There is no unknowable, it is just a universe."

Shen Jian Yongsheng's pupils flickered. He had been cautious for so many years and did not dare to take action. What he was actually facing was these things?

He thought it was unknowable.

Countless people in Shenxing Universe died fighting these creatures. Why is this happening?

Lu Yin actually didn't want to take him to see it, it was too cruel, but this was Shen Xing Universe, and Shen Jian Yongsheng had the right to know everything.

Shen Jian is a state of eternal life. Since you have done something, you should bear the consequences.

"It shouldn't be. It's just unknowable here. I've allowed these monsters to fight with humans for so many years. Are they really just these monsters? How could this be?" Shen Jian was sad, and his hair turned white visibly.

Lu Yin patted Shen Jian on the shoulder of Yongsheng: "Senior, your protection is correct."

Shen Jian said bitterly: "It's wrong. It's wrong. How many people died because of my fault. They shouldn't have died."

"The journey of cultivation is a road of no return. All cultivators are saying that they must change their fate against heaven, fight against heaven, fight against earth, fight against this fate, and cultivate a road to eternal life. But you and I both know that it is not that simple. , even if you break out of civilization, you will still face foreign civilizations, as vast and endless as the stars."

"It is the greatest difficulty to be able to walk out of this bloody road, maintain the original intention, and protect one's own civilization. How many people in the past and present have been able to do it?"

Lu Yin looked at Shen Jian: "Judging from the results, senior made a mistake. But if we had to do it again, without knowing the outcome, how would senior choose?"

Shen Jian looked up at the densely packed creatures in the distance, full of ferocious, ugly and bloodthirsty creatures: "Do it again?"

His eyes were complicated, and he would still do it again, even if he did it countless times, because he knew that if there was an unknown behind the door, he would be finished, and the Shenxing Universe would be finished too.

On the premise of not understanding the unknowable, this is called gambling, but on the premise of understanding the unknowable, this is called joking with the lives of everyone in the Shenxing universe.

Jiang Feng could say that Shen Jian lacked the momentum to move forward, but he couldn't say that he was definitely wrong.

What makes Jiang Feng hesitate is Shen Jian. If he joins the three universes and faces the same choice, his choice may be detrimental to the three universes, just like Master Qingcao.

A Shen Jian and a Green Grass Master can only help when the three universes are going smoothly.

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