Star Odyssey

Chapter 4474 Cage

Everyone can die, but Lu Yin cannot. As long as he lives for one day, there will be hope for human civilization.

They know that the three universes are doomed. Even one of these top masters is enough to make it difficult for them to fight, but now there are three.

Lu Yin hated that the time was too short. If he was given time, he would solve them one by one.

Whether it is the civilization of the gods or the kingdom of mud and water, they have long been on the list of things he has to deal with, as well as the seven abyss of the dead universe.

But the time was too short.

The brilliance of the ninth base made them in the eyes of these people from the beginning. They were like birds trapped in a cage. No matter how high they could fly, they could not escape the cage.

On the bridge, the trident thrust out and killed Lu Yin.

Lu Yin teleported away and appeared behind Ni Bieluo, and the trident also appeared instantly.

Lu Yin pushed horizontally, the three-color divine power boiled, and above his head, the seal of life and death suddenly appeared. He had no time to teleport and was knocked down by a palm.

Nibieluo looked at the palm of life and death: "The universe of death."

"The land of mud and water."

"Come because of the unknown?"

"Because mankind will be destroyed."

Nibieluo said in a deep voice: "This human being is my prey."

Palm ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????The tone of life and death is low: “He is also my prey.”

"Well, let's see who among us can grab it." Ni Bieluo waved his hand, and the trident teleported away and stabbed Lu Yin. At the same time, the entire Jiuxiao Universe was trapped in a huge cage and kept shrinking.

Lu Yin looked at the top of his head. It was really a cage.

The logic of mud conforms to the laws of the universe, and its existence is reasonable. It can do whatever it wants.

The first time he heard this rule, Lu Yin couldn't believe it. He didn't expect to face it now.

Nibieluo wanted to catch him like a bird and created a huge birdcage for Jiuxiao Universe.

He turned his palm over the life and death tribulation, extended the seal of life and death, and fixed the shrunken cage with two black and white lines. At the same time, he grabbed Lu Yin with his other hand, but was knocked away by the trident.

Ni Bieluo and Zhang Shengde Jie captured Lu Yin while confronting each other.

Nibieluo was meant to include Lu Yin. Lu Yin knew too much, especially the understanding of cause and effect, which was what it valued most.

The Master of Life and Death also wants to take Lu Yin to the Death Universe. This human being is worth cultivating in the Death Universe and will definitely become the Eighth Abyss.

Lu Yin was besieged by two behemoths. He couldn't escape, and he couldn't escape. It was even impossible to win.

He could only use himself as bait to hold them back with difficulty.

Let human civilization have as much breathing space as possible.

But their battle has caused many people to be affected and died.

This is the darkest day in the three universes.

He wanted to take these extremely powerful men away by teleportation. As long as he was taken away, they would not be able to come back in a short time. They could deal with them one by one and there would always be a chance of survival.

But it can't be done. The original attempt to take Ji He away from Xingxia Hongyi was blocked, not to mention these extremely powerful men themselves.

Jingmen Shangyu stabbed the trident with a spear. She managed to catch the trajectory of the trident with her portal, but at the moment of collision, the Jingyun shattered and her body flew backwards.

Her power is far from enough to intervene in such a war.

Nibieluo wouldn't even look at her.

Jingmen Shangyu vomited blood and flew backwards. She stabilized her body and was about to continue her attack. A figure appeared in front of her eyes. The red sword flashed and slashed diagonally. Hiss, blood spilled into the sky. She stared blankly at the person in front of her. Falling slowly.

"Mother." Qingyun shouted.

Jingmen Shangyu kept falling. Seeing Qingyun rushing towards him, he reluctantly turned around and rushed out through the door.

Hugging Qingyun and falling to the earth.

Stay away from that person.

That is, Red Man.

He actually came too.

The red knight held a long sword in his hand, the blade dripping with blood and burning the void.

His eyes turned from Jingmen to Lu Yin, and his eyes turned cold as he saw Lu Yin being surrounded and fought over by two terrifying and powerful men.

What he couldn't do, Wang Wen easily did. Is it the understanding of the three universes? No, it is the control of the civilizations of all parties, which allows him to easily use the muddy kingdom, the civilization of the gods, the fairy feathers and even the universe of death.

This is the balancer.

The unknown balancer is a very special position. The word balance seems simple, but it is the most difficult.

What he balances is not only the civilizations of all parties, but also the unknowable itself.

He had also hoped to become a balancer, but that position was always out of reach. He was far behind Wang Wen.

And his arrival was also thanks to Wang Wen, who used his strength to shield Jiu Wen and them. Otherwise, if Jiu Wen led Xi Shangfeng to fight to the death, he would be immediately broken and his ruthless path would be severely damaged.

He also became the target of the Balance.

In the past, he was used by Wang Wen to betray Hong Shuang, and now he is still used. No matter how his cultivation changes, it seems that this point will never change, Wang Wen, Unfathomable.

But it doesn't matter, the three universes must be destroyed, so what if they are used again.

Above his head, the bloody knife fell, and the red man raised his hand casually and slashed out with the sword.

The blade broke, and the emperor on the blood tower retreated step by step. The broken blade spread blood, and the blood light surged layer by layer. Each layer of blood light turned into a ferocious and terrifying blood-colored creature. That was the world that the emperor on the blood tower could not see. Nine layers of blood.

In the ninth level of blood, the blood of the nine most powerful creatures is cut out without blood, and transformed into those nine creatures. This is the true face of the ninth level of blood.

Layers of blood turned into terrifying creatures, roaring and rushing towards Red Man.

Every creature is given the destructive power of ordinary eternal life by the Blood Tower Shangyu. This is the ultimate move of the Blood Tower Shangyu.

Red Man's eyes were cold: "Trash." After saying that, he slashed out with his sword again.

With one sword, he tore through the nine layers of blood and slashed towards the top of the blood tower.

The leader of the blood tower raised the crossbar of the blade, but it was easily torn open by the sword. Huge blood marks were torn out on his body. He took a few steps back and knelt down on one knee.

Hong Xia looked at her coldly: "Neither you nor that woman are my enemies. If I didn't worry about the constraints of karma, I would have killed you both long ago. Go away."

The leader of the Blood Tower raised his head and stared at Red Man with red eyes: "As a human being, you have betrayed again and again. Red Man, you deserve to die."

Red Man sneered: "It's not your turn to say that the three universes will be completely destroyed today. In fact, in my opinion, human beings should not exist in the first place. Looking at the distance, human beings are simply aliens."

Yu roared from the blood tower.

"Blood Tower, behind." Yu Li shouted at the startling door.

When I turned around on the Blood Tower, I saw a white skeleton, which came from the universe of death and was the level of eternal life.

There are several Immortal Realm Bones under the command of Palm Life and Death Tribulation, but their strength is not very good. In the previous duel with Blood Tower Shangyu and them, as long as there is enough time, they are enough to deal with these Immortal Realm Bones.

But the arrival of extremely powerful men left them helpless.

He was severely injured at this moment, and he couldn't even deal with such a skeleton in the immortal realm.

The bones of the Immortal Realm pierced into the Blood Tower Shangyu's body, and his whole body seemed to be integrated into the Blood Tower Shangyu's body, trying to tear apart his flesh and blood.

Gan Mo rushed out and slashed at the immortal bones with a knife: "Get away."

The bones in the Immortal Realm suddenly turned, tearing apart Yu's body on the Blood Tower and splitting Gan Mo in two, sprinkling blood into the sky.

Yu growled low on the Blood Tower, holding the broken blade and slashing hard at the bones of the Immortal Realm, cutting off less than half of the bones.

However, the remaining bones still tore his flesh and blood apart.

Yu vomited blood and wanted to be rescued.

In the distance, Master Kudeng faced two immortal realm bones alone. One was his own opponent, and the other was the bones that had been dealt with by Jingmen Shangyu before. They were both besieging him now.

The Red Man's eyes swept across, and the red light continued to be released. He was looking for the Ten-Eyed Crow.

The ten-eyed crow is gone and must have been hidden by Lu.

Um? found it.

He took one step forward and headed towards Tianyuan Universe.

Lu Yin had no time to worry about the appearance of the Red Man. He kept chasing and killing him with his trident. Under the seal of life and death, the three-color divine power was suppressed. He kept vomiting blood and teleported to avoid it again and again, but he did not dare to get too far away. Far away, I have to use myself to hold back these two extremely powerful men.

The thoughts in my mind are racing, I can't give up, there is no desperate situation, there is a glimmer of hope in every desperate situation.

Master Qingcao looked at this scene and was also looking for a way to break the situation.

Lu Yin had already guessed that Wang Wen was the Balance Master, and he had also known about it for a long time.

Wang Xiaoyu knew it, which meant that he also knew it.

But what if he knew? Like Lu Yin, he wanted to delay the head-on confrontation.

Because Wang Wen has existed for too long, he is who he is. Whenever they face each other, the power they need to confront is desperate.

This time Wang Wen took action to bring the civilization of the gods, the kingdom of mud and water, the universe of death and even the Red Man. But if the showdown was early, the civilization of the gods, the universe of death and the red man would remain unchanged. Even if the kingdom of mud and water did not come, he could still do it. Bring in other powerful forces, such as Xian Ling.

So he was waiting, stalling for time, and solving powerful enemies one after another.

Whether it is the Red Man or the civilization of the gods, if they are solved, the pressure on the three universes will be greatly reduced.

But it was still too late, or in other words, Wang Wen didn't give them a chance.

What Wang Wen wants is to completely destroy the three universes.

Master Qingcao has done enough to banish Wang Wen. Wang Wen is a truly invincible strong man. If he exists, there is really no hope for the three universes.

Now, even though he narrowly escaped death, he could still give it a try.

Looking into the distance, Lu Yin has never been so embarrassed. In the past, even if his cultivation level was not high, there were strong people to support him, but now he is the only one.

Master Qingcao took a deep breath. He was constantly preparing to deal with this day, but his preparation was completely destroyed by Wang Wen's trick of using white agnostic to disable the portal.

No matter what kind of preparation, it is impossible to arrive in such a short time.

They can only rely on themselves.

Lu Yin, if there is really no hope for the three universes, you must live on, absolutely.

No longer looking, Master Qingcao took action to help the blood tower leader, whose life was hanging by a thread.

Lu Yin panted heavily, raised his arms, his flesh was dry, and the power of death was still wildly released to resist the death realm that controlled the calamity of life and death.

With a bang, a mouthful of blood spat out, and from behind, the trident swatted him away, and his body hit the ground heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the trident was struck down by the seal of life and death, and the huge palm that controlled the calamity of life and death turned and grabbed Lu Yin. The black square turned like a card slashing towards Nibieluo.

At this moment, the seal of life and death that originally held up the cage shattered.

The cage suddenly shrank, shattering the mother tree. Above the tree crown, the Jingque Terrace and the Sea of ​​Industry were torn apart, and the entire Jiuxiao Universe was almost overturned.

Nibieluo faced the black square and slashed, transformed into two hands, clasped his hands, and then struck the palm of his hand for the calamity of life and death: "Kung Fu will not be forgotten in this world."

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