Star Odyssey

Chapter 4518: Never forget merit in this world

Lu Yin directly created the cause and effect spiral to see Ni Que's past.

Ni Que said: "What you can't find is cause and effect. You can check the past, but you can't check the guess. This is just a guess, not a real experience."

Lu Yin was indifferent: "Do you want to save your own life just based on this?"

Ni Que said: "Of course not. Let me go and I will tell you where you can learn to not forget your merits in this world."

Lu Yin was really surprised: "You know all this?"

"It's better to remember the mind calamity. Believe it or not, this is the only way you can get close to Nibieluo's cause and effect. Nibieluo has been struggling with whether to join it or not. If it joins, you will not dare to deal with it unless you fight hard. If it takes action, it may not win even if it takes action, and if it doesn’t join, it will definitely run away.”

"It's impossible for you to find it. You'll never find it in your life."

"Never forgetting merit is the only chance in this world."

Lu Yin looked at Ni Que and remained silent without speaking.

Looking for Nibieluo to find a way to transfer the constraints of cause and effect through the method of specifying cause and effect, this road is difficult to follow, but it is a way, but Nibieluo will not let him do it, and neither will Wang Wen.

Everyone knew what he was going to do.

But mud provided another way.

Just as he was thinking about it, behind him, Shan Yue suddenly saluted: "Master Lu, Shan Jian Sect is asking for permission."

Lu Yin turned around and looked at Shan Yue.

Shan Yue was very serious and said with a serious expression: "Shan Jian Zong, please ask Master Lu to agree to Ni Que."

"If you agree to it, you will let it go."

"It's not important."

Lu Yin looked at Shan Yue, and vaguely overlapped with a person. Great Elder Shan Gu had also asked him this way at the beginning, and he did not hesitate to put down his hatred for this.

He is paying for human civilization, and human civilization is also paying for him.

see the mountain

The more he said this, the more Lu Yin no longer hesitated.

In fact, Ni Que is not the direct enemy of Shanjian Sect, it is just an enemy on the battlefield.

The enemies of the Shanjian Sect were the creatures who drove them out of the universe. Lu Yin had already taken revenge. For Ni Que, the people of the Shanjian Sect were filled with hatred, but more importantly, they wanted to vent their hatred.

"Did you hear that?" Lu Yin looked at Ni Que.

Ni Que breathed a sigh of relief: "I heard it, you won't regret it."


"You must let me go first."

Lu Yin looked at Ni Que coldly: "You can only believe me. I will ask you again about the location."

Ni Que wanted to say something else, but Lu Yin's breath was cold and Shan Yue's eyes swept over him with murderous intent, making him dare not raise any more conditions and could only choose to believe.

He told Lu Yin the location.

Lu Yin casually inserted the Dao sword into its body, but the mud had another purpose, which was this. He hoped that this Dao sword would be useful in the future.

In the starry sky, Lu Yin teleported again and again and found a civilization far away from the three universes. That civilization had no intelligent creatures and must have experienced a restart or species extinction.

Lu Yin stood in the starry sky, raised his hand, stars scattered, gray time flowed, and with a wave of his hand, the tributaries of the Long Time River appeared, and mirages appeared along the way. On the tributary of the Long Time River, a small boat also appeared clearly. On the small boat was the same thing. Weird looking creatures.

Lu Yin looked at the creature.

In this universe, are you the ferryman of the long river of time?

Nibieluo didn't attack it.

On the long river of time, the boat was swaying. The strange ferryman faced Lu Yin and lay down directly, very scared.

Lu Yin's breath made it tremble, eternal life, absolutely eternal life.

"Have you seen it?" Lu Yin Yuxing

The empty painting shows the appearance of Nibieluo.

The ferryman of the Timeless River took a look and said respectfully: "I've seen it before. It comes every once in a while."

"Where to go?"

"Forbidden area."

"Which forbidden area?"

The ferryman was surprised, but he still said: "There is only one forbidden area in the mirage."

Lu Yin looked at the mirage first. The fog of time dispersed and he saw the forbidden area. Is this the only forbidden area in this mirage?

"Is there a few forbidden areas in the mirage?"

The ferryman said respectfully: "There should be, but I haven't seen it."

"Do you know about Nigu?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

The ferryman was shocked and frightened: "I've heard that it is a road of no return."

"Is it true that no creature has ever come back?"

"What I know is no."

"Where did you get what you know?"

"Lord the long river of time."

Lu Yin looked at it: "Can you get information from the Lord of Time?"

The ferryman answered all questions: "The tributaries of the Long River are connected to the main stream and can be spied on."

"So, what does going against the past mean?"

"The long river of time flows against the river. In ancient times, it is the origin of the long river of time. If you cross the tributaries, unless you are pulled by the long river of time, you will not be able to join the long river of time. Your knowledge is limited."

"Have you ever seen me?"

The ferryman looked at Lu Yin: "No."

Although human beings have been glorious, the civilizations in the universe are as small as stars. It is impossible to see humans in every universe. The stronger the civilization, the less likely it is to see lower civilizations.

Just like Lu Yin can observe ants, but ants cannot observe him.

"When will that creature come next time?" Lu Yin asked about Nibieluo, and the ferryman must know it.

The ferryman thought for a while: "Less than ten thousand

Year. "

"Be precise."

"The time it comes each time is not fixed."

Lu Yin guessed that Nibieluo might not come around ten thousand years ago. If the civilization of the gods disappeared, the kingdom of mud and water might also disappear.

This area is a mess.

Taking one step forward, he entered the mirage realm. This was the second mirage realm he had ever visited.

The river of time is long, and since it is a long river, it has embankments, and the mirage is the embankment. However, the embankments of the long river of civilization that we have encountered before are all unprotected areas, which can be seen through at a glance, and there is no point in going there.

Looking at the forbidden land in front of him, Lu Yin raised his feet and stepped into it.

For him now, there is no forbidden area that he cannot enter.

Including the Tianyuan Universe Mirage Forbidden Area, just because of the constraints of cause and effect, he sometimes doesn't want to take risks.

Looking around, there was nothing but a square stone standing in front of me, with smooth sides.

Lu Yin approached the stone, and his appearance was reflected on the surface of the stone. Is it a mirror? It looks like a stone, but there is light. When you raise your hand and touch it, it is as cold and thick as metal.

Ni Que only knew that Ni Bieluo realized that he should not forget his merits in this world, but he didn't know how to realize it.

Lu Yin looked at his own image reflected on the stone. He sat cross-legged and looked at the stone with a calm expression.

I don't know how long it took, but Lu Yin suddenly raised his hand and placed it on the stone. The image of himself was distorted and changed, and scenes that had happened in the past appeared. Those thoughts that appeared in his mind would appear on the stone.

This stone is not a mirror, and what it reflects is not my own appearance, but my own thoughts.

When you think something in your mind, it will be reflected as if you were looking into a mirror.

It's really magical.

Don’t forget your merits in this world, one thought will last forever. Ni Bieluo slaps you with the slap of not forgetting your merits in this world.

The calamity of life and death is frozen. The body of mastering the calamity of life and death is not frozen, but immersed in that thought. Lu Yin can see clearly now.

This is the truth about not forgetting merit in this world.

If the gap is too big, this technique can be used to fix it in that one thought forever, just like life repeats itself endlessly.

Lu Yin closed his eyes and thought quietly.

The tributary of the long river of time, the ferryman is bitter, it does not dare to face eternal life, it blames the forbidden place, why is it so unlucky, there is a forbidden place here, if there is no forbidden place, there will never be any eternal life to trouble it.

There are differences between ferrymen and ferrymen. Some ferrymen want to break through eternal life, be free and at ease, and completely leave the long river of time. Some ferrymen just want to stay in the long river of time and watch the ups and downs of civilization.

I don’t want anything to happen, but even the ferryman can’t decide his own life.

I don't know how much time passed in the forbidden area. Lu Yin slowly opened his eyes and murmured to himself: "People are like firewood. Firewood is never extinguished. If people don't forget, their merits will never fail."

"Not forgetting merit in this world is comparable to civilization. Unfortunately, Nibieluo doesn't know its true value."

People have emotions, so they care about the inheritance of civilization, but Nibieluo doesn't care. It is a country of mud and water, and where it exists, there is civilization.

The World Not Forgetting Kung Fu is actually the same as Fanxing Fist. It is an inherited skill suitable for civilization. It is not a one-man battle. Ni Bieluo can only exert half of its effectiveness, but it can never truly practice the World Not Forgetting Kung Fu.

But Nibieluo was lucky and realized the way of cause and effect through this technique.

Lu Yin didn't want to practice this technique, he also hoped to use this technique to gain a glimpse of Ni Bieluo's cause and effect, but it wasn't that easy.

I already have the understanding of cause and effect,

If I want to understand through this technique, my own path of cause and effect is actually somewhat hindered.

To a certain extent, he believed that his way of cause and effect surpassed Nibieluo, so it would be difficult to understand the cause and effect of Nibieluo, unless Lu Yin teleported away.

Not long after, he brought the skeleton clone and asked the skeleton clone to practice the "Not Forgetting the World" skill to see if he could use the clone to understand cause and effect.

Whether it is the original body or the clone, they are all Lu Yin, and the obstacles to the understanding of cause and effect cannot be eliminated. Fortunately, the clone does not have the heavenly way of cause and effect, so the obstacles are relatively small, so Lu Yin can only do this.

Of course, he also told Qinglian Shangyu about the location here to see if Qinglian Shangyu wanted to practice.

In the entire human civilization, only Qinglian Shangyu and Lu Yin are able to deduce the designation of cause and effect based on their understanding of the cause and effect of not forgetting the gong in the world, and use this to try to transfer the constraints of cause and effect. Others can even understand the cause and effect even if they have achieved the goal of not forgetting the gong in the world. , can't do it either.

Because there is a cause and effect within them.

More than three hundred years have passed, more than three hundred years have passed since the battle between the three universes, and it was also the time when the battle between Lecheng and Dongxu Mountain ended.

Within a small distance, Lecheng was always heading in one direction, and at this moment, the area where Lecheng was located had entered the range where death could be teleported.

Ancestor Lu Yuan looked at Lecheng in the distance with his skeleton clone: ​​"Be careful with everything."

Lu Yin nodded: "Don't worry." After saying that, he was led by Ancestor Lu Yuan and teleported to a cosmic civilization in front of Le City.

As Lecheng approached and war came, skeletons and white bones entered civilization one after another. Lu Yin followed the bones and skeletons back to Lecheng. Everything seemed to fall into place.

The exhausted music was heard by him at this moment, and

It's not harsh, on the contrary, it's very emotional.

Returning to Lecheng again, Lu Yin stood on the countless broken bones on the earth and looked around. It had been more than three hundred years and the time was short. The fish bones and the others must have confirmed that he was dead.

The Dream Band should have also disbanded.

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