Star Odyssey

Chapter 4541 The Secret of the Universe

Dead Sea Mingyao said in a low tone: "Taiqing has been avoiding us, so we can only search for it as much as possible. Since this method is feasible, we will act according to this method, first capture hundreds of tributaries of the Long River, and at the same time distribute all clues related to Taiqing. Go down and search for each major abyss first according to their respective locations."

"I have a question." Toad Sixth suddenly spoke, paused, and said, "Is it worth it?"

"That is to say, it is not easy to capture hundreds of tributaries of the Long River for Luo Luochen. If you are not careful, you will suffer great losses. Secondly, you have to find the primer and the original materials. It costs so much to Is it worth it to be ruthless and desolate?"

Ru Luochen shouted angrily: "Toad, you have just entered the abyss."

"What's the matter? I can't stand it anymore, so I can't say it. Anyway, I don't think it's worth it." Toad Sixth didn't care: "It's better to choose another abyss. Anyway, the power of death is abundant."

"What do you think?"

Luo Luochen's voice was extremely gloomy: "Toad, you are seeking death."

Lu Yin looked at Qianji Jiyan: "What should we say?"

Qianji Guiyan shook his head.

"Not worth it." Lu Yin translated.

Qianji Juyan was stunned: "I haven't spoken yet."

"Isn't that what you mean by shaking your head?" Lu Yin asked back.

Luo Luochencheng shouted: "Thousands of tricks, do you think it's not worth it?"

Qianji Guiyan hurriedly said to Lu Yin: "I shook my head because I had to do it. Don't translate it randomly."

Lu Yin retorted: "But I have already translated it. Just now that Luo Luochenxiang threatened me. If I try to translate it again, it won't come directly to kill me."

"No, please translate quickly." Qianji Guiyan urged.

Above the Dead Sea, Luo Luochencheng shouted again: "Human, do you have the right translation?"

Lu Yin had no choice but to look at the illusory ocean: "We have to do it."

"What do you mean?" Luo Luochen shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin said: "Master Qianji Guiyan means that it has to be done."

"Then what you said just now is not worth it? How dare you change your words privately?"

"Lord Qianji Juyan shook his head. I thought it meant it was not worth it. The translation is too fast. I'm sorry."

"It shakes its head?" Ru Luochen was stunned.

Qianji Jiyan frowned and stared at Lu Yin: "Don't say unnecessary words."

Ruo Luochen declined and stopped talking.

The Dead Sea rolls.

Qianji Guiyan directly waved his hand to disperse the illusory ocean, no longer talking, but turned his back to Lu Yin, looking at the river: "I said, your difference is that your heart is bright, so, can you tell me, what do you yearn for? What is the light?"

Lu Yin looked at Qianji Guiyan's back and said, "The position of the abyss."

Qianji Guiyan was surprised and turned back to look at Lu Yin: "Do you want to sit in the abyss?"

Lu Yin nodded.

"Since you want to sit in the position of the abyss, why did you change the meaning of my words and give hope to Luo Luochen?" Qian Jiguiyan asked.

Lu Yin said: "It is better to block it than to open it up. Blindly denying its hope will only make it go to extremes, but sometimes extremes can help it, so I give it hope and let it go on this hopeless road."

Qianji Guiyan praised: "You are very scheming, but it is different from the feeling conveyed to me by your story. Have you changed?"

Lu Yin looked in one direction: "I thought a lot in the underground abyss, maybe I should make some changes."

"That's it." Qianji Guiyan understood. The sneak attack of the Black Immortal Hell Bone almost killed Lu Yin. Lu Yin was abandoned in the underground abyss for five hundred years. It is normal for his thoughts to change.

"You know Ru Luochen

Bad things. "

Lu Yin said: "I know, what the Great Golden Wing said was that it asked me to cooperate with it to eradicate other strong men competing for the position of the Abyss, and then help me fight for the position of Luo Luochen. Unfortunately, it is of no use."

"So you joined forces with Toad." Qianji Guiyan confirmed.

Lu Yin did not refute: "It doesn't count as joining forces, because I can't win it."

"No matter what, you can no longer change the meaning of my words without authorization. There is no need to find a reason. The dead universe does not need a reason. You are testing their limits." Qian Jigui said.

These they refer to other abyss.

Qianji Guiyan has a special status in the Death Universe. Many things have been asked about it. If a casual translator like Lu Yin is allowed to exist, it will definitely not be tolerated by other abyss.

"You were worried just now whether Luo Luochenwan would come and kill you through the Great Teleportation of Death. I was sure not at first, but I won't know in the future." Qianji Guiyan reminded him again.

Lu Yin respectfully said, "I understand."

When he deliberately changed Qian Ji Ju Yan, his intention was very simple, to test Qian Ji Ju Yan, but the other side of the abyss did not think so much.

He is testing Qianji Guiyan's tolerance for him, in order to judge the scale of future actions in the dead universe.

If you don't grasp this measure, it's easy for something to happen.

Now that I have basically figured it out, Qian Ji Gui Yan has a high tolerance for it, which is good.

"By the way, the Black Immortal Hell Bone already knows about my situation, what will it do?" Lu Yin suddenly asked.

Qian Jigui said: "It can't do anything."

At this time, the majestic power of death turned into rain and came to moisten the earth.

Lu Yin raised his hand, raindrops fell on the bone palm, black, and the whole world was rendered black. For the dead universe, black is equivalent to the light of human civilization.

He, a person who yearns for light in Qianjiguiyan's heart, is like an alien.

Qianji Guiyan raised his bear paw and waved it against the black rain.

Scenes of patterns appeared in the sky, with words and coordinates.

Lu Yin looked over, what is this?

"These are the clues related to Taiqing that the Death Universe has collected for countless years. We do not need to be responsible for capturing the tributaries of the Long River of Time. We only need to collect everything about Taiqing based on these clues, especially the original materials, which are quite practical. "Qianji Guiyan explained.

Lu Yin looked at the sky and saw clearly. He could clearly see the directions of the seven abyss. Of course, they were just directions. There was no comparison coordinates, and he didn't know which abyss they represented.

The only thing that is known is that there are several clues related to the Taiqing civilization around the Qian Ji Yuan Abyss. The closest one means that they need to deal with it.

In addition, he also saw Dongxu Mountain.

So it turns out that Lecheng and Dongxu Mountain went to war because of Taiqing. In the Nine Bases War, Taiqing was the fishing civilization that attacked the fifth barrier. You Che only cooperated with Taiqing inside and outside to defeat the fifth barrier and take away Xiangcheng. .

You Che has always been in contact with Taiqing.

Wang Wen went to Lecheng specifically to tell Le Guqujin about the location of Dongxu Mountain. He knew that the Death Universe would not give up any clues about Taiqing, so there was a war between Lecheng and Dongxu Mountain.

In the final analysis, it is to find the Taiqing civilization.

The reason was found, but it was still unexplainable that You Che was killed by Le Skull. The reason did not match the result.

Lu Yin doesn't need to think about this for the time being. No matter what, he can just do it according to his own ideas.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

What he is curious about now is why the Death Universe is

Are you looking for Taiqing?

He asked this question.

Qianji Guiyan replied: "Tai Qing has the secret of the universe."

"What do you mean?" Lu Yin was even more confused.

Qianji Guiyan looked at him: "The original treasure formation, I have practiced to the end just to arrange the original treasure formation. The strength of the original treasure formation can change the world. Even if I die, many things in the universe need to be completed with the help of the original treasure formation, such as The Great Movement of Death has the shadow of the original treasure formation."

"You can do a lot of things if you are good at using the original treasure formation."

"But Taiqing is different. They are better at interpreting language. What is interpreting language? What is original treasure? What is covered in dust in the universe is original treasure. Why are some sealed in dust and some not?"

"In the eyes of all civilizations, what is sealed in dust is the secret, and the interpretation is the secret that opens up the universe."

"Of course, they are also very good at the original treasure formation. Even if it is incidental to Jie Yu, it has surpassed all civilizations. It is so pure and valuable."

Lu Yin also learned about Taiqing in Dongxu Mountain. The purpose of Taiqing civilization is that war is the process of interpreting language. They believe that the universe is the greatest original treasure, so they must interpret language.

No matter how scary this idea is, Taiqing's own interpretation of the original treasures in the universe is destined to know the most about the distance between them.

And the proficiency in the original treasure formation is destined to be coveted by countless civilizations.

Qianji Guiyan pointed to one of the coordinates: "There is a fishing civilization here. It had a war with Taiqing. It must have left many clues about Taiqing. All you have to do is go there, eradicate that fishing civilization, and get it back." Everything about Taiqing is that simple.”

Lu Yin stared blankly at Qianji Guiyan: "Just, that simple?"

Qianji Guiyan said seriously: "It's very simple."

Lu Yin looked at the coordinates and pointed at himself: "Senior, you want me to deal with a fishing civilization with a bone that is not even in the immortal realm? Is it easy?"

Qianji Guiyan grinned: "The fishing civilization is not as scary as you think. As long as you can deal with its absolute methods and suppress its highest combat power, it can be solved."

Lu Yin didn't know how to refute.

Yes, this can indeed be solved, but if absolute means are so easy to deal with, they are not called absolute means.

Looking at the fishing civilizations he has seen, which one is easier, the life level jump of the Black Qi civilization, the teleportation of fairy feathers, and the cause and effect designation in the muddy and water kingdom? Not to mention suppressing its highest combat power.

Anyone who has reached the level of fishing civilization must at least comply with the two laws of the universe, and he has never seen any exceptions.

He didn't see the bottom line of technological fishing civilization, but the imperial ship was definitely not easy to deal with.

They are not yet bound by cause and effect, and even the universe of death does not want to provoke them.

With the fighting power of his bone clone, he is not confident that he can defeat the existence that conforms to the laws of the two universes, not to mention that at least, it is very likely that there is an extremely powerful person who is close to conforming to the laws of the three universes.

"Don't worry, of course I won't let you solve it now."

"What do you mean, senior?"

"I'll help you reach the limit of your potential first. I estimate that your strength should be improved a lot."

"No matter how much we improve, we can't solve the fishing civilization with a non-eternal realm."

Qianji Guiyan patted Lu Yin's shoulder with a solemn expression: "Believe in yourself, you can do it. You have mastered the three death techniques. Looking at the entire death universe, there are no more than three people who have learned the three death techniques."

Lu Yin breathed out without refuting.

No matter what, let's reach the limit of our own potential first. If we can't beat that fishing civilization, we'll run away.

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