Star Odyssey

Chapter 4650 Invisibility Seed

Not long after, Lu Yin mastered the power of this creature. With this power, he rolled the dice at six points and began to try to integrate into the body of the practitioners of Lindao Shrine.

I rolled the dice again and again, but my luck seemed to be bad. I only got one after rolling the dice more than ten times.

Opening his eyes, he saw the God of Education sitting boredly beside the altar in the distance, not knowing whether he was practicing or doing something else.

The memories keep coming.

Lu Yin watched for a while, then his consciousness exited the fusion, returned to itself, and continued to roll the dice.

Rolling the dice again and again, it always feels more and more difficult to get to six. This feeling was not so clear when I just left the square inch away from where I was. Sometimes my luck was even good, but now, has my luck gotten worse?

He thought of the lovesickness rain, luck, and the power of the Lord.

Luck can get worse, or it can get better.

Fortunately, because of the breakthrough of immortality, there is no longer a limit of five times for rolling the dice, and you can continue to roll, otherwise it would be too troublesome to wait for time.

Time and time again, they merged into the bodies of the practitioners of Lindao Shrine, and the memories they got were the same as what the creature said. However, these creatures did not know the next plan, nor did they know the higher-level cultivation method. This Lindao Shrine The limitations of the cultivation method are much greater than those of other divine palaces.

However, no matter how bad your luck is, it will not last forever. There will always be a rebound.

Open your eyes, the surrounding mountains and clear waters are very beautiful.

He looked around and suddenly heard a sound coming from behind.

Without immediately turning back, the influx of memories let him know that those speaking behind were two eternal beings, one of whom was his father who had merged into this body.

The two immortal realms are both divine envoys, one belongs to Lindao Shrine and the other belongs to Zuiling Shrine.

He turned his back to the two divine envoys at this moment to avoid danger, but because of his identity, he could still hear them clearly.

"That being the case, it's settled. The timing is up to us. You don't have any objections, right?"

"This was your plan from the beginning, of course you have no objection."


These were the only words heard, and then the two immortals chatted for a while.

And Lu Yin knew the complete conversation through the memory of the creature he merged into.

These two realms of immortality respectively represent two shrines discussing how to deal with other shrines. The one who initially planned this matter was the Sei Ling shrine. However, it was difficult for one shrine to completely solve the other shrine, so they were drawn together. Arrived at Lindao Shrine.

Rindao Shrine would agree because they discovered seeds that could make them invisible, which increased their determination to cooperate with them.

Lindao Shrine and Bie Shrine are both shrines, but Zuoling Shrine did not hesitate to win over Lindao Shrine, all because this creature's talent is too high. In Zuoling's words, if Bie is allowed to continue practicing, then They have no place to speak.

Lin Dao thought so too.

Distribute the seeds that hide themselves within the other palaces. When the war starts, the other palaces will be attacked from all directions, and the divine envoys in the other palaces must be dispatched. At that time, the two major palaces will raid the other palaces, attack the treasures of years, and use the years to The store brings out the farewell who is in retreat, and leads the farewell to the place prepared by Lin Dao and Si Ling, where the two masters of the shrine join forces to fight the farewell. This is their ultimate goal.

Unexpectedly, the goal of these two shrines was actually the Time Treasury.

Although they want to use the Time Storehouse to lure them away, the tributaries of the Time River in the Time Storehouse are also their target.

They know very well how many tributaries there are, and they have all been allocated.

It was probably the returning divine messenger who told them.

Lu Yin didn't know what role the returning divine envoy played. The two divine envoys didn't mention this, but he had some guesses about the creature he merged with.

"If the talents of other sequences were not too high, the scope of the shrine is too large, there are many civilizations, and there are too many offerings, our two major shrines would not do this. They just don't know how to restrain themselves."

"This is not something we can discuss. Even if the palace is destroyed, other sequences will not die."

"Not dead, but not much better. The masters of one group are not afraid of fighting, because there are too many people who want to be the masters of one group. The battle of sequences has always been cruel. How many times have it been more cruel than this? It is said that there were once all the people in the shrine. They were slaughtered, and all the civilizations under their command were killed.”

"Hush, you dare to say that."

"you know too?"

"Okay, that's it. You can go back."

Lu Yin was in no hurry to withdraw from consciousness.

After the envoy of the shrine who was sitting there left, it turned back and looked at the envoy of Lindao Shrine, the father of this body.

"What does it mean? Is that really the case?"

The eyes of the God of Lindao Shrine were heavy and filled with fear: "There are more than three shrines, but we only met three. The competition between shrines is so cruel that it is unimaginable, and the thing it said is one of them." It was done by a shrine, that shrine is so cruel and powerful that no shrine wants to come into contact with it, or even mention it."

"Just pretend you haven't heard of this and don't think about it anymore."

"Yes." Lu Yin responded, pretending to hesitate.

"Go back. Be careful in this battle. Keep that seed. It can save your life if you encounter danger."

"I heard that there are divine envoys in other temples helping us?"

"how do you know?"

"Guess." Lu Yin told the basis of the guesses about the integrated creatures. These basis are related to the layout of Lindao Shrine. Although they are small things, they can give a glimpse of the big picture.

The divine envoy smiled and said, "If you can think of this, you have made progress."

"Yes, the returning envoys from other temples are helping us."

"Returning to the Divine Envoy? Isn't that an existence second only to others?"

"It has a deal with our two shrines and involves the main cause and effect. You don't need to know this. Just go back."

"Yes." Lu Yin controlled the body and left.

Directly commit suicide after leaving, otherwise this creature will wake up and wonder why it has experienced things that it has no memory of, which will easily arouse the suspicion of Lindao Shrine.

Death means death. Too many creatures die every day in this universe.

Surviving hardship does not mean that you will not die.

He understood the general situation, so it was just right that the tributaries of the Long River of Time disappeared in the Time Storehouse, and it was just a matter of relying on the two shrines to let them bite each other.

I don't need to do anything on my side.

Just blend into the body of the Lindao Shrine cultivator from time to time and check the situation.

Thirty years passed quickly. During this period, Meng Luo had been in Xiangcheng to help Qing Xing. Ancestor Lu Yuan and the others created self-imprisonment cages to help them escape from trouble again and again and find their true shackles.

One of them has gone into retreat, Lord.

The Great Master is the most powerful person in the Jiuxiao universe who can overcome hardships. He is qualified to cooperate with Lu Yin in the battle against the insect master of the insect nest civilization. He has always helped Lu Yin a lot, and he is also a ferryman in the long river of time.

After Mengluo created a self-cage for it, she spent more than twenty years breaking it and finally went into seclusion.

Lu Yin really hoped that she could break through immortality.

Human civilization continues to seek ways to break through immortality. The battle energy of the palm realm gives birth to the energy of life, self-cage, and the Nirvana Tree method to enhance combat power. The emergence of various forces continues to raise the upper limit of human civilization, and there will always be a day of transformation.

Lu Yin couldn't even imagine how much eternal life Nine Bases had at its peak.

Now, it's just getting started.

On this day, outside the shrine, the altar shook, and a war god entered dragging his seriously injured body.

Not long after, Lu Yin received news that a new civilization had emerged and eternal life existed.

Lu Yin first thought of Lindao Shrine and Zuiling Shrine, and quickly rolled the dice to blend in. However, the practitioners of those two shrines did not receive the news of the war, and everything was still so calm.

Immediately afterwards, Jingmen Shangyu returned to the Wushen Domain.

"It is a new civilization that was really discovered. It exists in the realm of immortality. The meaning of returning to the divine envoy is that it can win over

To win over, not to win over, kill. "

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky map, "Back then, there were four Immortal Realms in the Jiuxiao Universe. It was difficult to contact the Seven Treasures Celestial Toads who were fifty years away from the Immortal Realm. It is normal for new civilizations to be discovered and still exist in the Immortal Realm. Before the Divine Palace, Almost all of the thirteen divine envoys came here, but it is a bit troublesome to solve this civilization. Outside the battlefield, the constraints of cause and effect can be increased."

Jingmenshang Yu said in a deep voice, "This is what I came to tell you. The shrine can create a battlefield."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Create a battlefield where you can perform meritorious deeds without increasing the constraints of causality and reduce the constraints of causality?"

Jingmen Shangyu nodded.

Lu Yin looked solemn, "Then I really want to go and see it."

Outside the palace, beside the altar, countless creatures gathered, most of them were at the Enlightenment Realm, the Star Envoy level, and the higher half-ancestors, less the Ancestral Realm, while the Sequence Rules, Beginning Realm, and Overcoming Suffering levels stood at the front, Waiting for the gods to go into battle.

The envoy who went into battle this time was the envoy of fire.

Only the Flame God Envoy has ever created a battlefield.

Jingmen Shangyu and Ba Rong both joined later.

Of course, the Flame God Envoy is not willing to go alone. If the other party's civilization has more than one realm of immortality, it will be in danger. It certainly doesn't expect anything from Lu Yin's side, even though Lu Yin defeated Meng Luo.

So it invited Jingmen Shangyu to set off together.

As the altar continues to shake, the battlefield against civilization will also begin.

The movement here naturally spread to the other two shrines. Lu Yin glanced into the distance before leaving. The war between the shrines should also be coming. Now is the most suitable time.

Teleporting again and again, it took a lot of time and effort to finally reach the destination.

Standing in the starry sky and looking into the distance, Lu Yin clearly saw a universe. He saw countless short and strange creatures gathering in the universe, seemingly facing the enemy. There were also many things that looked like spaceships. In short, various weapons appeared.

There was a realm of immortality behind those creatures. Lu Yin saw it, but the realm of immortality did not notice Lu Yin and was a little far away.

"Reporting to the envoy, we can only go here. The teleportation altar ahead has been destroyed."

The Flame God made him subconsciously look at Jingmen Shangyu.

The emperor asked at the startling door, "How long does it take to get from here to that cosmic civilization?"

"Based on the speed of eternal life, it will take about ten years."

Jingmen Shangyu frowned, "It's been too long."

The Flame God envoy had no choice but to say, "I am not fast enough. As long as I exceed the speed of ordinary eternal life, I can shorten the time."

"I'll do it." Jingmen Shangyu walked out, leading all the creatures from the shrine to the distant universe at extremely fast speeds.

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