Star Odyssey

Chapter 4652 Cause and Effect and Time

"Who doesn't know that there are many ways to do strange things in the order sequence? Isn't this what the returning envoy is planning to do now? Isn't it impossible to help you steal more than a thousand tributaries of the Long River of Time?"

"You can slander the sitting order sequence."

"Then where do you think the tributaries of the long river of time have gone? At that moment, none of us could see each other."

"That's enough." The Returning Divine Envoy shouted fiercely, staring at the three figures in front of him with his small eyes. "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Why did the Seating Order Sequence and the Lindao Sequence attack the other sequence? Because the other sequence has the highest talent, and there was a slight negligence. , it will surpass the two sequences behind you, and the two sequences behind you may not be able to hold it back for long."

The three eternal beings looked at each other and no longer argued.

"Let's arrange it."

On the other side, at the battlefield with that civilization, Lu Yin looked quietly into the distance. It was chaotic, completely chaotic. Sure enough, the two shrines would take this opportunity to take action.

There's no better opportunity than now.

This opportunity was due to luck, because there was a civilization and immortality realm. It was also Lu Yin who pushed the boat forward and allowed Jingmen Shangyu and the Flame God Envoy to leave the palace together, otherwise it would not have been so smooth.

This place is more than a hundred years away from the shrine at the speed of ordinary eternal life, and within Lu Yin's sight.

He clearly saw the other groups taking action to obliterate a realm of immortality, saw the returning god causing them to return, and saw what they were planning now.

Then, it's your turn to take action.

His consciousness returned to his body, and he disappeared with him in a teleportation.

On the spot, Yu saw Lu Yin leaving in shock, knowing that human civilization was about to start its next plan.

And all she has to do is not go back.

Staying on this battlefield and quietly watching the Flame God Envoy fight against the Immortal Realm was like watching a play.

Lu Yin didn't know where the other sequences were led. The other two years sequences had been prepared for a long time, so it was not easy to tell.

He returned to Xiangcheng and waited for a while, then passed the altar and headed to the shrine.

In the shrine, the arrangement for a period of time is finally over.

The God of Return breathed a sigh of relief, that's enough, just waiting for the others to return.

I hope this arrangement of the sitting order sequence works.

Just when I thought of this, the three immortal realms started arguing again.

The Returning Divine Envoy did not stop it this time. It was also curious as to who had taken away the tributaries of the Long River of Time in the Time Store.

It must be the five eternal realms that attack the Time Storehouse, but these three have their own opinions, and none of them look fake. Could it be that they are really the immortal realms where they died? Or lead away to other sequences of immortality?

That is a tributary of more than a thousand years, and even for the main years, it is a huge wealth.

can make one

This shrine has been worshiped for more than 100,000 years, which is considered a long time.

At this time, a figure walked into the ruins of the shrine and appeared in front of them.

The returning envoy looked at it and shrank his eyes, Nirvana?

The three arguing immortals stopped and looked at each other with playful eyes.

"It's interesting. A little war god actually dares to approach him. He is the envoy of the returning god. Are you coming, or are we?"

Lu Yin slowly entered the palace and glanced at the ruins. "It only became like this in an instant. Hey, that's where the years are stored. Even that place was broken."

The returning envoy stared at the approaching Lu Yin: "Nirvana, what are you going to do?"

Lu Yin ignored the three immortal realms and looked at the returning envoy, "I said I was passing by, do you believe me?"

"Humph, little one, you must be scared out of your wits." A person from the immortal realm sneered.

There was also an Immortal Realm that released some kind of power and swept past Lu Yin and towards the outside of the palace. It felt something was wrong. Why wouldn't a little war god be afraid when he saw them? Isn't it afraid of death?

The returning envoy shook his head and sighed, "I knew you were not simple. Your daring to show up under such circumstances confirms my suspicion."

"Nirvana, your status is not lower than that of the Jingshen Envoy and the Changtian Divine Envoy."

"Let me guess, your clan still has eternal life, right?"

"And you are a scoundrel who can fight against eternal life. After all, you defeated Meng Luo."

The three immortals were surprised and said, "Rogue?"

"There are still rogues in your temple?"

"No wonder I have to be afraid."

Lu Yin smiled. Although he didn't care about the three immortal realms, he kept observing and found that they could see his appearance, but they were not surprised. This meant that they had not seen humans before, so he was relieved.

"One more thing, the Traceless Divine Envoy must have died at the hands of the Shocking Divine Envoy." The Returning Divine Envoy added.

Lu Yin did not deny that "he is indeed a strong man who has understood the law of cause and effect."

The returning divine envoy had a smile in his eyes, "I thought we were the only ones plotting against the other divine palaces, but ever since I discovered that the Jing Shen envoy had killed the Wuhen divine envoy, I knew that you were also plotting against the other divine palaces. You had nothing to do with it. Your own clan is separated, and everything you show is fake. The real you has the rogue strength to defeat Meng Luo, and when you and I first met, it was also on purpose because you wanted to get close to me."

"I'm curious, why do you want to get close to me, because you know my relationship with the other two shrines, or do you want to be like those two shrines and prepare to rebel against me?"

Lu Yin did not approach this dead turtle intentionally.

But it's not bad that it thinks so, making itself seem inscrutable.

"It's meaningless to talk about this now. You know my business, and I know your business. We are both pushing the boat. You concealed the killing of the Jingshen Envoy Wuhen, and I also helped you take the Jingshen Envoy away from the palace, and also By the way, Meng Luo was transferred away, you should thank me."

The returning god's eyes flickered, "No wonder none of the four immortals are here. I thought I would take action to deal with one or two of them, but it really saves trouble."

The three immortal realms looked at each other. The situation was complicated. They were not stupid. Seeing Lu Yin talking about this without any scruples, they obviously relied on them.

Fortunately, the arrangement is complete. No matter what happens on their side, other sequences will definitely not have an easy time.

Lu Yin looked at the ruins and said, "What you just arranged is to deal with other sequences?"

The returning envoy nodded, "Yes, what about you? What exactly are you planning for the shrine?"

"With your clan, even if you are a fishing civilization, what can you do under the three divine palaces?"

"Why don't you worship me as your teacher? I will show you a clear path."

Lu Yin was amused, "You know that we are plotting against the shrine, but you still want to show us a clear path?"

The returning divine envoy said, "You have no idea what kind of terrifying existence you are planning. There is more than one shrine. Even if you succeed and defeat this shrine, other shrines will not let you go. The shrine is A spokesman for the Lord."

"Then why are you calculating the sequence?" Lu Yin asked, this was what he was most curious about.

The returning envoy said frankly, "I want to join, and I will be the master of cause and effect."

Lu Yin was surprised, "The main cause and effect?"

The Returning Divine Envoy nodded, "That's right. Anyone who practices cause and effect doesn't want to join the main cause and effect."

"You have understood the calculation of cause and effect and have the ability to intercept cause and effect. If you join, how can you be related to these palaces?" Lu Yin was confused.

"Hmph, I thought it was coming from something, I don't even know that." Youshengjing said, his tone full of disdain.

The other two immortal realms also breathed a sigh of relief, "It's because we thought it was complicated. In fact, if you think about it carefully, even the fishing civilization won't be able to do much under the main cover. This creature dares to scheme against the shrine. It relies on nothing more than... There are several realms of immortality behind him, and he may have taken action as a last resort, but his true strength and vision are actually not that great."

The returning envoy looked deeply at Lu Yin, "You really don't know?"

Lu Yin was helpless, "They are right, my vision is very narrow, how about you help me broaden it?"

The returning envoy also breathed a sigh of relief, "You're not as powerful as I thought, but that's fine. I really want to show you a clear path."

"Wanting to join the main cause and effect is not as simple as comprehending cause and effect. It is like countless civilizations just a few inches apart. Even if only one creature in each civilization understands the power of time, there are countless creatures that can take this path. You can join the main years. How many are there?"

"Except for other sequences in this shrine, have you ever seen other beings who have understood the power of time?"

"In the final analysis, the Lord's power has given the entire Fangcundianyuan, and anyone can practice and understand it. However, only those beings recognized by the Lord's power can join, obtain a higher cultivation method, and become a higher-level life. This is different from passing through hardship and stepping into eternal life.”

"Stepping into the realm of immortality is the transformation of life itself, self-breakthrough."

“And to be recognized by the Lord is to transform one’s life status.”

"These two are different concepts."

"If you want to join the main cause and effect, you must form a team. It's not enough for me to understand cause and effect alone. I need another creature to form a team with me, and register in the cause and effect chart like registering in the shrine, and fix the cause and effect. Only in this way can I Join the main cause and effect, obtain the blessings of the main cause and effect, and achieve the transformation of your life status."

"This is what all cultivators dream of."

Lu Yin understood "It's equivalent to the sequence of years."

The returning envoy was surprised, "You actually know the sequence of years but don't understand the main cause and effect. Your clan is a bit strange."

"Okay, return to the Divine Envoy. There is no need to talk nonsense. The other sequence may come back at any time. How will he solve it?" A person in the immortal realm was impatient.

The returning envoy stared at Lu Yin, "The power of the Lord covers an endless distance. There are more than one shrine. You are facing more than just behemoths. I think you should know this. How about it? Become me your teacher, and I can protect you." , protect your family."

Lu Yin wondered, "Why do you value me so much?"

"It's very simple, because it has no teammates." An immortal realm interface.

Another realm of eternal life said, "It is useless to go back to God to understand cause and effect. It is trying its best to accept you as its disciple. It seems that you have the potential to understand cause and effect."

"But now is not the time to discuss this. Return to God and make a quick decision. If you need to kill, kill him. If it doesn't work, just hold on."

The returning envoy looked at Lu Yin, waiting for his answer.

Lu Yin looked at the returning envoy and said, "One last question."

"What is a natal chart?"

"Nonsense." A man from the Immortal Realm suddenly attacked Lu Yin, obviously impatient to wait.

Lu Yin frowned and said, "Noisy."

As the words fell, a figure suddenly appeared, and with a bang, the Immortal Realm who attacked Lu Yin flew out directly and hit the ruins of the shrine.

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