Star Odyssey

Chapter 4657: Reducing Constraints

Although it was still a mist, it already made Lu Yin very afraid, fearing that he would be targeted by the Lord.

As soon as the registration was completed, he immediately took the five immortal realms into the battlefield and killed them with his own hands.

Blood spilled on the ground.

Lu Yin raised his wrist. The people around him, including Jingmen Shangyu and Changtian Yongsheng, were all staring at Lu Yin's wrist, quite nervously.

After a while, the constraints of cause and effect diminish.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank, and then he became excited.

Jingmen Shangyu closed his eyes and exhaled heavily.

Finally, it finally dwindled down.

Since the three cosmic catastrophes, Lu Yin broke through immortality, killed each powerful enemy, took action personally, and took the initiative to restrain Wang Wen, just to reassure Wang Wen. At that moment, countless frustrations made human civilization want to scream loudly, Who wants to take the initiative to bear the consequences? Who wants to be tied down?

But they can't help it.

Even if you can kill a powerful enemy, there is nothing you can do, you have to do this.

No one was as aggrieved as Lu Yin.

He just didn't show it.

Now, it's finally lifted.

At this moment, Lu Yin felt the excitement and excitement that he had not seen for a long time. He had long been unable to express his emotions and anger, but now he just wanted to scream like a child and release the infinite anger and grievance in his heart.

He faced the battlefield and roared loudly. The sound spread very far away, so far away that he seemed to want to be heard by those who were just a few inches away, wanted to be heard by the unknown, and wanted to be heard by countless ancestors on the ninth base.

The causal constraints imposed by the main cause and effect on human civilization will be completely eradicated sooner or later.

"Congratulations, Mr. Lu." Jingmen Shangyu was happy.

Changtian sighed, "Congratulations."

They had never thought that this causal restraint was forcibly given, and it also came from a powerful enemy of human civilization.

Now, with the help of powerful enemies, the constraints of cause and effect have been reduced. Although it has been reduced, it is still aggrieved.

But it's okay, take your time, the universe is fair, Wang Wen said this to him, Qianji Guiyan also said it, from now on, Lu Yin will return this sentence to the whole Lord.

Lu Yin spent five lives in the immortal realm in exchange for reducing the constraints of causality by half.

This reduction of causal constraints is based on the battlefield, and he is not afraid even if ten people are killed.

What I'm afraid of is the moment of registering into the shrine.

Just be okay at that moment.

Looking at the causal restraint that was less than half of his wrist, Lu Yin looked into the distance, killing four more immortality realms would almost eliminate it.

"I'm going to find the divine envoy." The emperor was impatient at the startling door.

Changtian quickly pulled her, "Xiaozhi, don't be impulsive now, it's easy to do bad things."

Jingmen Shangyu glared at him, "Don't call me that outside."

Changtian said matter-of-factly, "What's wrong with calling you in front of Mr. Lu? It's not like Mr. Lu doesn't know."

Jingmen Shangyu stared at him again and said, "Shut up." After saying that, he looked at Lu Yin.

\u003eLu Yin coughed and said, "Seniors, please go back first and stabilize the shrine first. Now it's our turn to make the decision in this shrine."

Although the original deity was registered in the shrine, Lu Yin still entered the shrine in the avatar of Nirvana.

I come as little as possible to reduce the possibility of being noticed by the Lord.

The shrine is being rebuilt.

In that battle, countless cultivators from the shrine died tragically. Now, the most important thing besides rebuilding the shrine is harvest time and preparing for the next offering.

The Shuangluo Divine Envoy is very busy.

Inside the shrine, it commands the Botian Divine Envoy, the Jin Divine Envoy, and the Stone Monsters. Outside the shrine, there are also a group of fighting gods who listen to its orders.

Until Lu Yin arrived.

Entering the shrine, beside you are Jingmen Shangyu and Changtian Shengsheng.

The Flame God envoy was the first to see it. He hurried over, glanced at the three of them, and greeted Lu Yin respectfully.

Immediately afterwards, the stone monster and Ba Rong also came.

Shuangluo Divine Envoy saw this scene, his eyes flickered, hesitated for a moment, and then walked towards Lu Yin and the others.

"Nirvana, you weren't hurt in this battle."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Thank you, Senior Shuangluo, for caring about me. No injuries." As he said that, he glanced around, "Senior, look at this door. I don't think it's necessary to add a divine envoy to open an additional door. A fixed number is not bad. You What do you think?"

Shuangluo Divine Envoy's eyes were sharp. The rules of opening additional portals due to the addition of Divine Envoys were determined by each group. Let alone Lu Yin, a small war god, even the Divine Envoy was not qualified to change it.

But now Lu Yin said so.

It was about to refuse.

Ba Rong was the first to speak, "I think Nie is right. Why do we need so many doors? It's an eyesore."

The stone monster agreed, "I also think it would be best to have fewer doors."

Changtian smiled and said, "I agree."

Jingmen Shangyu nodded, "Agree."

The Flame God envoy glanced at the Shuangluo God Envoy, and finally said bravely under the eyes of the Shuangluo God Envoy, "I agree."

The Shuangluo Divine Envoy was stunned in place, hesitating, "But these rules are set by other groups."

Lu Yin smiled and said, "Rules are meant to be broken. Everyone, what do you think?"





This time the Flame God envoy said "Agree" without hesitation.

Lu Yin looked at Shuangluo Divine Envoy with a smile, "I believe Mengluo Divine Envoy would agree if she were here. By the way, she is in the Wushen Domain now."

The Shuangluo Divine Envoy looked deeply at Lu Yin, and finally said in a dry and complicated tone, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Lu Yin nodded and left.

A group of divine messengers followed beside him.

The Shuangluo Divine Envoy looked at this scene with bitterness, why should he make the decision? It is this nirvana that really calls the shots.

It understood clearly that many things had become clear at this moment.

The stone monster followed without hesitation.

Ba Rong's following told it that everything that happened in the shrine before was no coincidence.

But what can be done?

Don’t be seriously injured and go into retreat, this is the reality.

It turned around and arranged for Botian Divine Envoy and Jin Divine Envoy to enter the battlefield. These two were not on the same side as Nirvana and could not stay in the palace, otherwise there would be a conflict, and they would be the unlucky ones.

For the time being, we can only wait for other lines to exit the customs.

Taking full control of the shrine is just a shell for human civilization. For the time being, what the shrine wants is stability.

On the battlefield, the cultivators from Lindao Shrine and Zuiling Shrine retreated like a tide. They no longer joined forces to besiege the cultivators from other shrines. Instead, they fought against each other. No matter how you look at it, the conflict is much greater than before.

It's obviously because of the years of storage.

Each side accuses the other of stealing the tributaries of the River of Time.

Those are more than a thousand tributaries of the long river of time, and they are a huge wealth for the sequence of time. Who wouldn't be tempted?

It's a pity that they don't know Lu Yin is the mastermind behind this.

More than a year later, Xiangcheng, Jiuxiao Universe, and Yehai.

Qinglian Shangyu and Guixing are both there.

Lu Yin arrives.

Three people who understand cause and effect sit around the birth chart.

"Senior Qinglian, how are you? What did you see?" Lu Yin asked.

Qinglian Shangyu shook his head and looked at Gui Xing opposite, "I didn't see anything, and I didn't dare to test it."

Lu Yin looked at Gui Xing, "What about you?"

Gui Xing said helplessly, "I've said it before, use your own cause and effect to fix the cause and effect in the natal chart. You see, the two sides of the natal chart represent the cause and effect respectively. Just fix it. What else do you need to look at?"

Lu Yin said, "The Lord of Time built the shrine together for the harvest time. Every hundred years, a tributary of the Time River will be handed over as an offering."

"What about the main cause and effect? ​​Don't tell me that you don't offer anything, and you also give the Qiankun Qi cultivation method for free, and help the immortal realm eliminate cause and effect."

Gui Xing shook his head, "I really don't know. I'm not like you, as if I'm an enemy of the Lord. I want to join the Lord, no matter what the cost. I'm a creature who wants to join even if I'm trying to steal my head. Why do you ask that? Why do more?"

Returning is a fact. It does not need to know what will be obtained by the main cause and effect, as long as it knows how to join.

Because for Fang Cun San, joining the main team is a dream.

Unless there is a strong civilization behind you.

In my dream of returning home, I want to join the main cause and effect one.

Tao, for this reason, it would not hesitate to betray other palaces. Nothing is more important to it than this.

But Lu Yin and the others had to consider, what if this thing harvested the cause and effect of human civilization?

"It's better to confirm clearly before joining." Qinglian Shangyu also thinks so.

He is the only one who can determine the cause and effect of the life chart, not Lu Yin, because Lu Yin registered in the palace, and if he enters the cause and effect again, he will be easily noticed, and it can even be said that he will definitely be noticed.

The Lord is not unknowable and the universe of death can be fooled by him.

Strength cannot fool anyone.

In the end, the life chart was taken away by Qinglian Shangyu.

If you want to read your horoscope after returning home, you must obtain the consent of Qinglian Shangyu.

Because of the existence of the life chart, it is impossible for it to escape Xiangcheng, and of course, it cannot escape.

Xiangcheng is not an ordinary universe.

In the following time, Lu Yin practiced the power systems of the other two shrines. With the help of the six o'clock dice, he began to integrate into those creatures and gradually understood the two shrines.

Those two shrines are not much different from other shrines. They both have divine envoys, battlefields, harvesting time, handing in offerings, etc.

What interests Lu Yin the most is the time storage of the two shrines.

He probably knew.

Lindao Shrine has more than 700 tributaries of the Time River.

There are more than 600 in the Zuiling Shrine.

There is not much difference between them.

No wonder they want to join forces to separate the shrine. The number of tributaries of the long river in this shrine is more than the two of them combined.

Continuously integrating into the bodies of those cultivators, Lu Yin has a very good understanding of the three major divine palaces. He only waits for the right opportunity to hunt, release the shackles of cause and effect for all human beings' immortal realms, and rob them of their time treasures.

Open your eyes and look around. This is the Zuiling Shrine.

This was almost the twenty-plus cultivators of the Imperial Palace that Lu Yin had integrated into. They were almost the same, so he decided not to integrate anymore, which was a waste of time.

Might as well practice.

However, as memories poured in, Lu Yin realized something was wrong.

There seems to be something about this integrated creature.

He kept checking the other party's memory. Soon after, he exited the fusion and opened his eyes with solemnity.

What does sitting in the Shrine of Order have to do with anything?

The cultivator he had just integrated into was only responsible for one thing, which was to take the message of the sitting order sequence to a certain place through the altar.

Where that place is and what message it brought, this cultivator doesn’t know. It is a powerful person who has overcome hardships and great perfection. He has not achieved eternal life, but has hidden his cultivation. The outside world only knows that he has just stepped into the level of overcoming hardships. It is inconspicuous in the Zuiling Shrine.

But it is this creature that has seen the sitting order sequence the most times.

"Thank you brothers for your support, I will give you more, thank you!!"

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