Star Odyssey

Chapter 4661 Control

This time Mingshan was completely hit hard and wanted to escape, but immediately stopped moving because Lu Yin appeared behind it at some point, looking at it with a smile but not a smile.

Mingshan's voice was much lower and his tone was serious, "Why did you attack me?"

Lu Yin said calmly, "I'm asking you."

Ming Shan was silent for a moment, then saw Lu Yin move his finger and said quickly, "My name is Ming Shan. I am the master of a civilization. However, I was defeated by the Lin Dao Shrine and escaped here by luck."

"If you are not a cultivator of Lindao Shrine, there is no need to take action against me. It will only increase the restraint of cause and effect. Even if there is no restraint of cause and effect, it will be a waste of your time."

Lu Yin was surprised, "Are you the master of civilization that was destroyed by Lindao Shrine?"

Mingshan replied, "Yes."

"Why do you think I attacked you?" Lu Yin asked.

If it wasn't unbeatable and Mingshan wanted to kill Lu Yin, how could it possibly know?

Looking at Lu Yin's look, it realized that this creature was bluffing it. He must have a reason to attack him, but he was afraid of letting slip something, so he was letting himself confess, so he could take the initiative naturally. .??.

Even though he could clearly see Lu Yin's purpose, Mingshan still couldn't help it.

Lu Yin gave it another punch and it was doomed.

In desperation, it slumped, "Is it possible that your Excellency is discussing with me the issue of dealing with the Lindao sequence because of the ordering sequence? Or was it because the sitting ordering sequence joined forces with the Lindao sequence to besiege other sequences?"

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, and it was indeed related to it.


continue or not? It seems that I guessed it right. This creature must be related to a certain shrine. It's not Lindao Shrine. I haven't seen it, and it can't be the Zuling Shrine. The Zuling Sequence will not attack me, at least not now. , then, the only other option is the other temples.

Can there be such a strong person in the temple?

If so, it would be impossible for the Seating Order Sequence to attack other shrines rashly and severely damage other sequences.

This creature is not a different sequence. It knows it, but what is its connection with the Different Divine Palace?

Although he thought a lot, it was only for a moment. Ming Shan continued, "When my civilization was discovered by the Lindao Shrine and launched a massive attack, the Lindao sequence wanted to force me to join the shrine. When I refused, it killed and not only enslaved He destroyed my civilization and almost killed me."

"Fortunately, I escaped. Of course, the ordering sequence helped me. I helped secretly, and the Lindao sequence didn't know either."

"The reason why I ordered the sequence to help me is because I can fight with the Lindao sequence. Although it is not my opponent, it is not that easy to lose. It hopes to join forces with me to kill the Lindao sequence." At this point, it He glanced at Lu Yin, "I originally thought the target was the Lindao sequence, but just when we were about to take action against the Lindao sequence, the sitting order sequence changed its mind. It wanted to join forces with the Lindao sequence to defeat other sequences first, and then join forces with me to kill The Lindao sequence kills two birds with one stone, sitting on the Three Gods Palace."

Lu Yin exclaimed with eyes, "Good trick, continue."

Ming Shan was helpless, "There's nothing more to say. Over the years, the Zuoling Sequence and I have been discussing how to deal with the Lindao Sequence. We had already discussed it, but when we besieged the other sequence, the Zuo Ling Sequence himself was seriously injured, so We have to renegotiate, and it has been postponed until now.”

"The most troublesome thing is that the other sequence is still alive. It doesn't dare to attack the Lindao sequence without authorization, but I keep urging it, so."

Lu Yin understood. No wonder they had contacted each other so frequently over the years. One had changed his mind and the other was urging him.

"You have been seriously injured, how can you be confident in killing Lindao sequence?"

"I was seriously injured, but the injuries suffered by the Lindao Sequence in the battle against the Bie Sequence were not inferior to mine. And although I was severely injured by it and almost killed, I also left a back-up for it. If I order If Sequence joins forces with me, we will definitely be able to solve it."

Lu Yin was surprised, "That's it."

Mingshan stopped talking, everything that needed to be said was said, and it only participated here.

Lu Yin knew that he was overthinking, and the plan to separate the Sequence was from the beginning to the end the Order Sequence's own idea, and no one was behind it. Mingshan was just used by it to deal with the Lindao Sequence.

"One thing I can't figure out is that as the Lord of the Time Sequence, does it really matter if you kill him?" Lu Yin asked. He had asked this question to the Returning God Envoy, and now he wanted to confirm the answer from Ming Shan.

Ming Shan gave the answer, "As long as the worship remains unchanged, the order sequence said that many shrines were destroyed in history. Although they were only three shrines that met, but what it didn't say next, I guess it may have something to do with the Lord of Time. They are related together, and they have other channels to understand the small distances in the universe."

Lu Yin waved, and a letter written to Ming Shan floated over. He glanced at Ming Shan and saw that it didn't move. He knew that what it said must be true.

It’s really a series of twists and turns.

One by one.

If it weren't for himself, this sitting order sequence would really be able to control the Three Gods Palace.

The biggest benefit of having the Three God Palaces under its control is the power of time. Such a majestic area, with the tributaries of the Time River accumulated over countless years in the three God Palaces, is enough for it to cultivate some strength.

As a Time Sequence, other Sequences only focused on self-isolation and cultivation, but this Sitting Order Sequence obviously took another path, robbing others of the tributaries of the Long River of Time, leaving others with no way to go.

Standard benefiting oneself at the expense of others.

It's really easy to scheme against others. As long as it's not seen, you can always achieve some goals.

All it lacks is luck.

The letter looks like paper, but in fact it is a kind of material. When you open it, the message will be transmitted automatically.

Lu Yin confirmed Ming Shan's words, and ordered the sequence to appease it, telling it not to take action in a hurry. It would definitely find an opportunity to kill Lin Dao sequence and avenge Ming Shan.

"Everything I say is true. If you have something to do with the other sequences and the Lindao sequence, and you want to take action for them, I have nothing to say. But if you have nothing to do with them, you don't need to wade into this muddy water. No matter what, it will involve you. Master the power." Ming Shan advised.

It was quite wary of Lu Yin.

The letter dispersed in Lu Yin's hand. He looked at Ming Shan, "I'm from the Other God Palace."

Ming Shan unexpectedly asked, "Your Majesty, you are from another temple?" .??.??

It couldn't understand. If Lu Yin came from the other palace and belonged to the other ranks, how did he succeed in the previous battle? Can the Lindao sequence and the sitting order sequence besiege other sequences? Moreover, from the beginning to the end of the order sequence, there was no mention of the existence of such a master in other shrines.

Lu Yin suddenly disappeared.

The secret path of Mingshan is not good. Black-purple light blooms from the body, freezing everything in an instant. This is not ordinary ice, but conforms to the laws of the universe and is enough to freeze the ordinary eternal state. Because of this move, the divine envoys in Lindao Shrine are No one is its opponent, only the Lindao sequence takes action.

The chain combined with the ice seal is enough for it to protect itself unless it encounters an extremely powerful person.

But Lu Yin is an extremely powerful person.

With a bang, Lu Yin ignored the ice and suppressed Mingshan's fall. Mingshan felt the threat of death and said in shock, "Sir, I can help you, I can help other sequences."

It was really scared. It came from the divine palace, which meant that the constraints of cause and effect could be reduced. Killing it had no psychological burden at all.

Lu Yin clenched his fist and punched it from top to bottom.

With this punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, as if it shattered the entire starry sky.

Let Mingshan despair.

However, the punch stopped and did not land. It was less than a hundred meters away from Mingshan. Only a hundred meters determined its fate.

On the surface of Mingshan's body, the black-purple light was unstable and constantly swaying, and the frozen power inside also faded until it completely dissipated.

The starry sky was silent.

Lu Yin retracted his fist and moved his fingers, "How do you feel?"

Ming Shan panicked. As a person in the realm of immortality, he had experienced too many life and death experiences along the way. He didn't want to die in this last step.

Many people think that eternal life is not afraid of death because they live too long. In fact, the years of survival are infinite, but the width of life is also infinite. Because they cannot see the entire universe clearly, they are afraid of death.

If they were allowed to live in a closed space and see everything in this space clearly, but still have eternal life, they would really not be afraid of death, and even long for death.

This may be the rare tolerance given by the small distance to eternal life, so that they will not want to die.


This also gave Lu Yin the possibility to master them.

Otherwise, no one is afraid of death, how could he get to this point.

Ming Shan Hou was afraid: "Thank you for your mercy."

Lu Yin looked at it, "Your life is in my hands now. Whatever I say, whatever you do, resist or die, do you understand?"

Mingshan didn't want to agree, but he had to agree, "I understand."

Lu Yin took out some generals and said, "Go in first."

Mingshan didn't know what the Dianjiangtai Hell was. He was afraid of the unknown, even in the realm of immortality. Especially the brand of Dianjiangtai Gaotian made him panic. Just looking at it, his body was about to explode. That was extremely powerful. The person, an extremely powerful person that it could not imagine, seemed to be alive.

"Huh?" Lu Yin looked at it, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Mingshan had no choice but to drag his exhausted body into the Dianjiangtai Hell. His body forced its way through hundreds of holes, and the originally mighty and domineering black and purple peaks were penetrated everywhere, causing serious injuries.

As Ming Shan enters, karma begins to increase.

This Ming Shan was not weak in strength and had survived for a long time, which really added a wave of cause and effect to Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was looking forward to how much of the starry sky would be covered if the Law of Cause and Effect was completely released.

And how powerful the Karma Sword is.

It's a shame to use it for positioning.

When the increase in cause and effect stopped, Lu Yin released Ming Shan.

Ming Shan was relieved.

Lu Yin teleported to it, standing on the black-purple mountain peak, and disappeared in a teleport.

From beginning to end, the battle here was not discovered by the outside world, and Lu Yin restricted it from the beginning.

Throwing Mingshan to the Sea of ​​​​Ye and handing him over to Qinglian Shangyu's custody, Lu Yin took a disciple of the Lu family who could teleport to Mingshan's previous location and asked him to wait for a message. As soon as there was a message, he would teleport back to notify him. .

Since I wanted to unify the three major palaces, I would help it realize its wish.

This feeling of not being watched but being able to control everything is really comfortable. Wang Wen must have always felt this way.

He secretly plotted against Hong Shuang and planned the Nine Bases. In order to lure Hong Shuang out, he personally directed various wars between the Tianyuan Universe Tianshang Sect and the Eternal Clan. All of this was played by him in the palm of his hand. He watched the ups and downs of human civilization and watched himself step by step. Climbing high and finally taking action to limit himself, he must have a huge sense of accomplishment.

But no amount of careful planning can prevent accidents.

Human beings are not something he can manipulate as he pleases.

The ancestors of the ninth base also had backup skills, and in that era, they also had unfathomable wisdom.

"Thank you brothers for your support. I recommend Brother Tobacco's book "The Road to Medicine". In fact, I have always wanted to be a doctor!!!"

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