Star Odyssey

Chapter 4666 Mirror of Time

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "Fair?"

Lindao's voice was low, "The master of the years enjoys the offerings of endless beings in the universe, and uses the power of the master to harvest the power of objective existence. Naturally, he will be high up. But no matter how high his status is, it is impossible to sit back and relax, because life is rotating, and the master sequence should also There is rotation and giving the creatures below the right to climb is fair."

"For us, the Lord is the real God, and only God can give justice."

Lu Yin thought about Qianji Guiyan's words. Is it fair? It's really everywhere.

In fact, in his opinion, it is more like the main year series is worried about being surpassed by the following time series. Although it is unlikely, the ninth base can try to resist the main time series. Once these time series reach a certain height, they can also try.

This is what is called fairness.

In this regard, his awareness is higher than these years, because he is a descendant of ninth base.

In this sequence of years, it is impossible to imagine that any civilization would dare to resist the Lord.

Lu Yin continued, "If you want to become a sequence of years, you must ask the master of years to come?"

"Of course, if the Lord's years do not come, how can we bestow the grace of the years?"

Lu Yin frowned. He wanted to help the Lord become the Time Sequence, but if the Lord's Time comes, will he see them clearly?

Lin Dao saw Lu Yin's worry, but didn't say anything, just kept silent.

Lu Yin looked at it again, "Do you have any channels for understanding the outside world?"

This was what Ming Shan reminded him.

Lindao nodded, "The Mirror of Time, at the cost of consuming time, communicates with other sequences of time, and can even communicate with the main sequence of time."

"How to use?"

"To lead the long river of time, just think of the mirror of time."

"You have been talking about the Master of Time, so in your opinion, what is the Master of Time?"

Lin Dao was puzzled and did not understand Lu Yin's question.

Lu Yin asked again, "Is it life? Is it territory? Is it rules? Or something else?"

Lindao thought for a while, "It does exist."

"Some kind of existence that we cannot understand, but can understand our existence, something that can allow us to get close and receive gifts, but can erase our existence at any time."

"That's God."

"Can you see the universe clearly?" Lu Yin asked.

Lin Dao is still puzzled.

Lu Yin asked, "What do you think the universe is?"

Lin Dao understood that "the universe is a tree."

Sure enough, I can see it clearly. As a person in the sequence of years, I should also be able to see it clearly.

"Then, where is the Master of Time?"


"how to go?"

Lindao shook his head, "I don't know about this, I haven't been there yet."


Lu Yin looked at Lin steadily and said, "If you lie, there will be no way to survive. I'll give you another chance."

Lindao said without hesitation, "I really don't know."

Lu Yin nodded, and then asked it a lot of questions. Lin Dao answered them without reservation, and his attitude was quite good.

"You are very cooperative, is it to survive?"

Lindao's tone was deep, "It's not easy for me to cultivate to the age sequence. I really don't want to die."

"Then what do you think you should do to make me save your life or even give you freedom?" Lu Yin asked back.

Lindao was silent. It didn't know that when answering Lu Yin's question, it had been thinking about how to make itself valuable.

"Between us and the Lord, you will not hesitate to choose the Lord, because the Lord is God to you. We are just some powerful enemies. Is there any way to make you give up God and take refuge in us? Please give me some help. I have an answer." Lu Yin said calmly.

Lin Dao looked at him and said, "What do you want me to do?"

Lu Yin said, "I didn't expect it either."

"I answered your question with all my heart." Lindao said.

Lu Yin nodded, "Yes, answer my questions with all your heart, and you won't die."

Lindao breathed a sigh of relief.

"The premise is that you are really dedicated." Lu Yin said again.

Lin Dao was surprised, "What do you mean?"

Lu Yin smiled, raised his hand, and the cause and effect spiral jumped.

Lindao saw it, his pupils shrank sharply, and he blurted out "Cause and effect?"

Lu Yin casually waved his hand and said, "Now let's verify your words. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Lindao's body was penetrated by cause and effect, and scenes from the past appeared, and it was refreshed again. How strong is this creature? How is it possible that he even understands cause and effect?

What level is he?

When answering Lu Yin's questions, it considered Gui Xing, because Gui Xing betrayed the other palaces and disappeared when they besieged the other sequences. Later, he ordered Gui Xing to find it and ask for its life chart.

At that time, they speculated on the behavioral meaning of homecoming.

It wasn't until Lu Yin's existence was confirmed and he was captured to Ye Hai that he figured out that Gui Xing might have been controlled by this civilization.

And this creature said that it could confirm the authenticity of what they said. In fact, it seemed to it that it was relying on the ability of regression of cause and effect. It knew that it was impossible to confirm the authenticity of what it said, so it determined that Lu Yin Blushing it.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yin also understood cause and effect.

Looking at the picture of my past

Now, the power of cause and effect far exceeds the power of return. What is going on with this creature?

Why can you do everything?

Lu Yin looked at the causal past that was played out on the road, and looked for the past that became the sequence of years based on the causal karma. He also explored whether it had entered the main trunk of the mother tree and whether it had come into contact with the main years.

Lin Dao has existed for a long time. Even if there is cause and effect, it will take a long time to see clearly.

Fortunately, Lu Yin is not bound to perfection by cause and effect, and has a lot of time to waste with it.

Behind him, those immortal realms disappeared.

Only Qinglian Shangyu and Chu Songyun were there.

Lu Yin kept checking his causal past, and his expression darkened.

On the way, I went to the main trunk of the mother tree, because it had faced a strange sequence of years in its past scenes. That sequence of years brought fear to it. It was definitely an old monster that conformed to the laws of the three universes.

The location is not just a few inches away from here.

It must be the master of the years.

Lindao watched Lu Yin's expression change. He knew it was not good, but he was afraid that Lu Yin was lying to him to prove that what he said was false, so he could only hold back and remain silent.

It took half a year for Lu Yin to stop.

Looking at Xiang Lindao, "You don't say a word and you think I'm deceiving you. Then, let me tell you something."

"You have encountered a time sequence that scares you."

Lindao's pupils shrank sharply and he looked at Lu Yin in shock. He had really seen his past clearly. It was impossible. How could he have seen this after so long and long years?

"The location is within the main trunk of the mother tree."

Lin Dao was shocked: "No, I have never been to the main trunk of the mother tree."

Lu Yin shook his head, "No matter how much you deny it, it's useless. I saw it and it's true. It comes from your past."

"I didn't know that was the main trunk of the mother tree. Believe me, I really didn't know." Lin Dao defended.

Lu Yin's eyes gradually became cold, "I'll ask you again, how to become one, the sequence of years."

Lindao's pupils flickered and he didn't answer.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "Don't want to answer?"

Lin Dao stared at Lu Yin blankly, "Yes, I don't want to answer."

Lu Yin smiled, "It's normal to want to use this as a bargaining chip to survive. Let me change the question and remind you before asking. You can have chips, but if there are too many, I will overturn the table." After that, he said again Asked, "What did you experience where there were invisible seeds?"

Lindao didn't expect Lu Yin to ask this suddenly, and it didn't want to answer at first, but what Lu Yin just said was spinning in its mind, and it hesitated, not knowing whether to say it.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry and just waited.

The more you talk, the more passive you appear. \u003c


Qinglian Shangyu watched all this calmly. Lu Yin became more and more skilled in interrogating enemies, but it also proved that human beings encountered more and more powerful enemies.

After a while, Lindao replied, "I was besieged. Although they were not strong, they could not see. They were in a stalemate for a long time. Finally, they reached an agreement with that civilization before withdrawing, and obtained the seeds that can make the immortal realm invisible. "

"That is a strange civilization. They seem to need a lot of things, and the invisibility seed is their greatest wealth. I only got one..."

Lin Dao told the story of what happened in that invisible civilization without any reservations. Lu Yin did not doubt this, after all, it did not involve the Lord.

The invisible civilization is said to be very powerful. It can repel Lin Dao, but it is not powerful, and it is not powerful. Lin Dao can penetrate deep into it and still escape completely.

At least it proves that that civilization is inferior to human civilization in terms of absolute strength.

Even at the peak of Lin Dao's life, it was impossible to retreat safely after entering Xiangcheng.

"You said they need a lot of stuff?"

"Yes, a lot, very strange."

"Are they a cultivation civilization?"


"What agreement did you make with them?"

"Trade, I exchange what they need from the outside world for their invisible seeds..."

Lin Dao used not telling how to become a time sequence as a bargaining chip, hoping to gain life for himself.

As for the other questions, almost all questions were answered, and the attitude was very good.

I have to say that this bargaining chip is effective. Lu Yin really wants to know how to become the Time Sequence. He wants to help the Great Master become the Time Sequence. He is also the ferryman of the long river of time. If the order can be accomplished, the Great Master can do it.

But the premise is that they are not targeted by Lord Suiyue.

However, the method that Lindao mentioned before would lead to the coming of time, which made Lu Yin worried.

Lin Dao might have said this on purpose, in order to threaten Lu Yin into keeping it, because if no one on Lu Yin's side became the Time Sequence, it would be useful.

Now Lu Yin wanted to know whether what it said before was true or false, which was a bit difficult.

After all, Lindao's own life is at stake.

Lin Dao saw it clearly, and so did Lu Yin.

"Some people like to be smart and think that they can protect themselves by mastering the chips. As everyone knows, the heavier the chips you have, the more clearly your opponent will be able to see and make corresponding choices." Lu Yin spoke slowly, looking at Lin Dao, "My The choice is to no longer believe a word you say.”

After saying that, the spiral of cause and effect penetrated Lin Dao again. He had to rely on his own cause and effect to see the matter clearly. If he could not see clearly, he would not give Lin Dao a chance to plot against him.

At this moment, whatever Lin Dao says will have an impact on him, so don't say it.

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