Star Odyssey

Chapter 4681 The Fate of Heaven

Gray blades slashed at Lu Yin one after another, and the entire universe was filled with gray particles, like the entity of time, constantly gathering towards Lu Yin, trying to crush him into pieces with time.

At the same time, the Lord's River of Time swept across the starry sky, bringing a battlefield.

Lu Yin's eyes were stern. This was a battlefield that the palace could create. Taking action in this battlefield would not increase the causal constraints of the Lord Years.

This sequence of years does not increase the constraints of cause and effect, nor does it increase itself.

When the battlefield was enveloped, Lu Yin raised his hand and used his fingertip technique to slash towards Xin Ke.

On the surface of Xin Ke's body, the Five Movements and Six Qi made the fingertip technique ineffective, and he took the opportunity to get close to the Lord of Time.

"Human, you didn't run away. You must have recognized the battlefield. You didn't run away because of your identity. You came from the Lord, right?" The time sequence shouted.

Lu Yin frowned. A smart opponent is trouble. "You guessed it right."

"Where are you from? At first you didn't tell me about your relationship with the Wang family. I thought you didn't know about the Wang family and just wanted to deceive me. Now it seems that you do know about the Wang family and now you want to kill me to silence me."

"But do you know who I am?" The time sequence shouted.

Lu Yin looked up. At this moment, Xin Ke was already very close to the time sequence. "Who are you?"

Under the long river of time, those eyes looked at Lu Yin, and suddenly felt uneasy. In an instant, gray time appeared in front of it like a curtain. It looked at the time when Lu Yin passed by before, but did not look at this period.

It didn't know how Lu Yin defeated Xin Ke, because he didn't have time to see it, so now he has seen it.

Lu Yin immediately took action, using his sword.

At the same time, those eyes shrank sharply, bad, cause and effect.

The Dao sword penetrated Xin Ke's body, directly piercing the eyes at such a close range.

With a wailing sound, the entire sequence of years was knocked down, and the figure was revealed. It was a black creature with a strange shape, like a rock. The most obvious thing was that its two eyes took up most of the entire body.

This is the sequence of years.

At this moment, Xin Ke was shocked and was plotted.

That is the power of cause and effect.

The final cause and effect of this creature was not invalid, but calculated the sequence of years by himself. He knew that the sequence of years was hunting down, despicable, despicable creatures.

Taking advantage of the sequence of years being knocked down to dominate the long river of time, Lu Yin raised his hand and shot a needle, the first needle in the gate of hell.

The first needle of Yan Gate pierced the sequence of years. Lu Yin came down and pointed out with one finger. He used all his strength and could not spare any effort. This sequence of years must die.

This finger pierced the void of time, but it was just a shadow.

Lu Yin suddenly turned his head, and saw the power of time again. This sequence of time's use of time was far superior to that of Lin Dao and Si Ling.

In the distance, the sequence of years stares

Lu Yin's "Cage of Time."

The long river of Lord Time is boiling, and streams of water fall down, entangled in gray.

Lu Yin hurriedly teleported to avoid it, but what was entangled in those currents was not Lu Yin, but the past, traces of time.

Following the traces of time, it wrapped around Lu Yin's arms and body, making it impossible for Lu Yin to avoid it. This was an unavoidable force, because as long as time passes, traces will be left.

This is absolute control over time.

"You can't escape from the cage of time. This is my method of time. Human being, what is your origin?"

Another force of time washed over Lu Yin's body, and under the horrified gaze of the sequence of years, the river of time was washed away.

The sequence of years is unbelievable. Is that an even more majestic power of years?

How can it be?


Lu Yin pointed in the void, and the Heaven and Earth Lock descended, directly locking the sequence of years.

The sequence of years wants to break free, but this is a force that even the heavens cannot break free of. How can it break free.

It has reached the pinnacle of conforming to the two laws of the universe. It is very powerful and surpasses Si Ling and Lin Dao, but it can only go so far.

"You just watch like that? We will die together then." The sequence of years shouted. This was said to Xin Ke, even though Xin Ke had already escaped far enough. "This creature has always been invisible to hide the identity of human beings. In the outside world, human beings He should be exterminated, he must be involved with the Lord, and he must be hunted down by the Lord."

Xin Ke looked back and saw that it had escaped long ago and was far away from the battlefield between Time Sequence and Lu Yin, but it was clear that since Time Sequence could transmit the sound here, it meant that the distance it escaped was far from enough.

And it also knew that Lu Yin could move instantly.

This move alone makes it impossible to escape.

It had no choice but to fight.

The purple jelly's body tore apart again, turning into countless attack forms and blasting towards Lu Yin. At the same time, across a long distance, a line of power was drawn for the sequence of years. The sequence of years could not die.

The Time Sequence breathed a sigh of relief. The two cultivators of the Main Road should be able to give it a try if they join forces.

It tries to break free from the lock of heaven and earth.

I always feel that this move looks so familiar, but I just can't remember where I've seen it before. The main reason is that the time visualization allows it to see too much, too much to calculate. If it survives for a hundred years, then it will see the past. For hundreds of millions of years, seeing such a majestic past makes it impossible to think of the specific content immediately.

No matter, let’s break free first.


The hidden backhand uses the fingers as swords, and cooperates with the huge power released by the object to release a series of sword edges, directly tearing the lines of power and piercing the body of the years sequence.

The sequence of years has tried its best to break free of the heaven and earth lock, but it just can't break free. It can't believe it. It's obviously just the power of consciousness, why can't it break free? Wait, consciousness? It looked at Lu Yin, "This is the heaven and earth lock of the main consciousness."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "You're quite knowledgeable."

Time sequence is confused, why can this guy know everything? There is the power of cause and effect that can severely injure oneself and knock oneself down in the long river of time. There is the power of time that can wash away one's prison of time. Now there is also the heaven and earth lock of the main consciousness that can trap oneself.

Not only does he dabble in a lot of powers, but he's not weak either.

They are all capable of competing with their own master.

How can it be?

This person is definitely related to the Wang family.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xin Ke returned, attracting heaven's luck. The purple luck pressed against the starry sky and headed towards Lu Yin.

It doesn't need to use heaven's luck to hurt Lu Yin, and it can't hurt him. He tried it before, but Lu Yin didn't dare to face the power of luck, so that was enough.

The destiny of heaven envelopes Xin Ke and the sequence of time.

Lu Yin teleported to avoid it.

In his destiny, Xin Ke took action against the Heaven and Earth Lock, hoping to help tear apart the sequence of years.

But it still couldn't be torn apart, especially when it discovered that the Heaven and Earth Lock rejected luck. What was going on?

It suddenly thought of Lu Yin's previous efforts to dispel bad luck.

"Quick, let's run away together. That human being is not something we can deal with. He has combat power comparable to that of an existence that conforms to the laws of the three universes. We can only deal with it by calling on masters from the main sequence." Time Sequence urged.

But no matter how anxious it is, it can't break the lock between heaven and earth.

Despair gripped them deeply.

The more they try, the more helpless they feel.

Neither Time Sequence nor Xin Ke can figure out why such a lock on consciousness cannot be torn apart?

It shouldn't be, especially if this awareness is not very strong.

"It's too late, the destiny of heaven is dissipating. You help me protect the law, and I will directly trigger the long river of time to drag us away." The sequence of years said.

Xin Ke was shocked, "Tug them away directly? Then we will drift into the long river of time and never be reincarnated."

"Do you have any other options? Unless you want to die here." Years Sequence shouted.

Xinke struggled.

No one wants to drift down the river of time.

For ordinary practitioners, the passage of time is a nightmare. Once you enter, your cultivation, life, and everything may disappear at any time.

And for existences like them, the same is true for the long river of time.

"Once it is dragged away by the long river of time, it will be no different from the ancient times. Is there really no other way?" Xin Ke asked in a low voice.

Years Sequence gritted his teeth, "I won't do this if I can help it. You try your best to attract the luck of heaven to protect me."

Xin Ke had no choice but to raise his head and saw a figure slowly walking out. It was Lu Yin.

Xin Ke was shocked, "You?"

The sequence of years was also shocked, actually stepping directly into the destiny of heaven?

The masters have fought against each other, and they are very aware of each other's taboos. Fighting with the master's luck, try not to touch the other's luck, and this heaven's luck cannot go deep, otherwise it will be unlucky. This human being is not even here. Dare to enter?

What happened to him?

Lu Yin has been listening to their conversation. He knows very well that the Master is different from ordinary practitioners.

He could get some information from them by sitting down and visiting them, but in the final analysis, their so-called information was limited to the surrounding shrines, and they had no idea about the master in the main trunk of the mother tree.

Those who know a little about it are the transparent jellyfish and the black beetle, and it is because of the limitations that cause and effect cannot be said.

So, is it possible that the time sequence and Xinke that can visualize time before us are limited?

If Lu Yin is the master of the main group, he must have means to restrict them, otherwise it will be too easy for the outside world to understand the main group.

The main sequence of years can release the constraints of cause and effect, so the main cause and effect can also help other masters to bind the possibility of telling information. The masters are connected to each other.

In order to get more information, you can only listen.

Only try if you have no other choice.

He had just heard the word "Reverse the Ancient", and it turned out that he had become the Lord of Time, but now he could not wait any longer. Once the Lord of Time was pulled out, he had no idea what would happen. What he was most afraid of was attracting the Lord's eyes.

Lu Yin raised his hand, disappeared instantly, and then appeared in front of Xin Ke, landing a palm.

Xin Ke's power lines, five movements and six qi were all useless. They were defeated by Lu Yin with a palm, and he was hit hard again, completely losing the ability to fight back.

It couldn't figure out why it encountered Lu Yin when he was obviously very lucky.

The pupils of the Years Sequence suddenly shrank, and seeing that Lu Yin was about to take action, he hurriedly shouted, "Senior Main Sequence Bu Qing will marry the Wang family Miaomiao immediately. We are related to the Wang family, you can't kill me."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, "Who are you talking about?"

The sequence of years gasped. It had no choice but to talk about this because it didn't know what the relationship between Lu Yin and the Wang family was.

No matter how you look at it, their relationship is not considered friendly. Otherwise, given the relationship between the Wang family and the Lord, how could this person be marked with a causal mark?

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