Star Odyssey

Chapter 4684 Transformation

The black-robed immortal corpse rushed toward the altar. Bai Qian and the others' hearts continued to sink. The uneasiness almost made them want to flee.

But now there is no choice.

The two strange fish were still chasing after them.

Hell, do you have to eat them?

They were getting closer and closer to the altar, and just when they were about to touch the altar, a mouth appeared in the void, full of sharp teeth, causing a vortex in the sea water, covering them and the strange fish.

The strange fish stopped suddenly and fled in terror.

The vortex of the sea water was full of power, and it was impossible for the two strange fish to escape. No matter what they did, they were swept towards the sharp teeth by the vortex.

Bai Qian and the others were also swept away by the huge force of the vortex.

Fortunately, the corpse in the Immortal Realm held on. .??.

"Try all kinds of strength."

The three of them kept trying ways to wake up the altar. The altar required some kind of power to activate. They didn't know how Jupiter's altar was activated in the first place, but they knew it after having been in contact with some living creatures for so many years at the bottom of the sea.

Some altars require blood, some require time, and some even require the strange power of cause and effect.

This is also the key point of their fight. If this altar cannot be used, they will be dead.

In the surrounding area, the power of the vortex is getting stronger and stronger.

The corpse in the Immortal Realm blocked the front and held on for dear life.

The two strange fish had been drawn into the huge mouth, scratched by the sharp teeth, and their bodies were turned into pieces, and they entered the depths of the huge mouth along with their flesh and blood.

After eating the strange fish, he suddenly bit at Bai Qian and the others with his huge mouth.

Bai Qian gritted his teeth and controlled the immortal corpse to rush towards the giant mouth and hit it hard.

Although the giant mouth is powerful, it still has not reached the immortal state, otherwise they would have been gone long ago. At most, it is at the level of surviving hardships, and the ability of the immortal state corpse can last for a while.

At this time, the altar was lit.

The three of them were surprised, quick, quick, quick...

The huge mouth closed suddenly, biting the immortal corpse, tearing the black robe into pieces and chewing continuously.

But the corpse in the Immortal Realm was not something it could bite. After biting it for a while, it became immobile and simply swallowed it.

Taking this opportunity, the three of them disappeared on the altar.

As the three people disappeared, the huge mouth disappeared from the same place, and everything returned to calm.

Dark, without a trace of light, not even the sea water.

Bai Qian looked around, had she left the sea?

"Old Liu."

The hazy halo appears, coming from Liu Shaoge. His light can not only illuminate, but also warn.


The three of them followed Liu Shaoge's light and looked around. This was a claustrophobic place, but there was still water above their heads. They were still at the bottom of the sea, but they just didn't know where they were.

If you can teleport through the altar, you must have gone far away.

"It's still under the sea."


"It's normal. This sea can even irrigate the universe. Even if our Tianyuan Universe is thrown here, it will only be a very small area."

"See if there is any place around where I can get out. This is too narrow."

"There is also seaweed, but it seems to have been bitten by something and there are bite marks."

"Be careful, there must be creatures."


"Don't worry, biting the seaweed proves that it is not powerful."

"Shh, what do you hear this sound like?"

The three of them stopped talking and listened quietly.



"Here, let's snore." Liu Shaoge was not sure, mainly because the sound was very loud, but it did not attract their attention at first. It was obvious that such a loud sound should exist as if the starry sky was black.

Listening carefully now, I feel that the loud sound is a bit deafening.


"It's definitely snoring. I think we should run away. We haven't noticed the sound yet. It's definitely not a good thing." Zhang Dingtian was very serious. Not being afraid of death and seeking death are two different concepts.

Just this sound makes me feel like the sky could collapse.

"Find a way and run." Bai Qian was also very serious.

The three of them began to look for a way to escape, and soon found it. There was a gap that led directly to the outside. Although it was small, it was enough to change the body shape.

Just as they were about to leave, the ground beneath their feet suddenly turned. The three of them almost lost their balance and looked down hurriedly. Why was the ground still moving?

Then, they meet one eye.

That's an eye.

The location where they were standing at the moment was either an undersea cave or under a closed eyelid.

They have been standing under the eyes of a certain creature.

The three of them didn't dare to move. At this moment, they felt the boundless pressure. It was much greater than the pressure at the altar before. It was too much to describe. At that moment, it was the pressure of life and death, and at this moment, the sky was falling and the earth was falling. Such pressure.

After wandering in this sea for thousands of years, they know very well that this is the pressure of immortality.

I once felt it accidentally.

This creature is eternal life.

Lu Yin is currently recognized as the most talented human being. Lu Yin was unable to fight against a normal eternal life in the ancestral realm, and there is definitely no ordinary eternal life under their feet.

It's over.

At his feet, his eyes turned and stared at the three people.

The three of them stared blankly into their eyes.

The purring also stopped, apparently coming from the creature.

After a while, they saw surprise and surprise in the eyes at their feet.



A rich voice rang in the ears of the three of them.

The three of them were shocked and looked at the eye at their feet.

How could any creature here know about humans?

They have been here for thousands of years and have seen many creatures, but no creature has ever recognized them, and they have found no traces of human activities here.

Human civilization is unknown how far away from here.

Will he actually be recognized?

"You are indeed human, how come you are here?" the rich voice asked again.

Bai Qian said respectfully, "We are human beings. We were accidentally teleported here through the altar. May I ask, senior?"

"The altar? Could it be that I left it behind? It's been a long time, I forgot about it, but you guys came at the wrong time, so I'm in trouble." A rich voice sounded.

Bai Qian was about to speak.

From the distance, an extremely terrifying aura roared in, overturning the heaven and earth, causing a dark starry sky to appear above their heads. This opened up the entire sea. "Hunji, if you come again, you must distinguish between life and death."

That eye blinked, and then Bai Qian and the other three felt enveloped by some kind of power. "Don't panic, I don't want to fight it. Let's run away happily with you." After saying that, they rushed out of the sea with a roar, and a It turned and plunged into the bottom of the sea again, not knowing how far it was in the blink of an eye.

"Hunji, don't run"

At the same time, in Xiangcheng and Tianyuan Universe, there was an additional forbidden area at some point. There was no danger here, but it also had the greatest stench of danger.

Practitioners should be able to block the stench, but no one can block the stench here.

Even the arrival of a strong man from the ancestral realm cannot be avoided.

Over time, this place became a forbidden area.





"Breathe, breathe, come on, breathe."

"I can not stand it any more."

"Girl, this is your best chance to become a human being. As long as you can endure it, the bright future is beckoning to you. Hey, how could I say such elegant words? I have transformed. As expected, I have transformed. Hahahaha, Lord Benyu. Finally transformed.”

"You're still the same, you haven't changed."

"Girl, what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, it's not what I said."

"Keep breathing, big breaths."

"I'm going to faint, faint, faint, faint..."

Boom, the figure fell to the ground, and it was Xi Qi.

In front of Xi Qi, the cheap fish was jumping around, constantly yelling and scolding, but he couldn't wake up Xi Qi. He sighed helplessly, "That's it, as a human being, we can only go so far. Maybe Lu Yin can hold on for a little longer, but absolutely." I can't reach the height of Master Yu, this

Only Mr. Fish can enjoy the wonderful smell alone. "After saying that, Jianyu opened his mouth wide and breathed.

Xi Qi opened one eye and saw Jianyu taking a deep breath and hurried away.

It's sad. He's obviously a little genius, but he's bullied by a fish all day long. He's just being bullied. He also has to smell that stink. No one else can stand it, and she can't stand it either. No one wants her, and she's covered in stench. Weird, I can’t get married, you’re a damn bitch, ugh~~

As soon as she ran out of the forbidden area, Xi Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Behind her, a huge force swept across the void, knocking her away and causing her to faint.

In the forbidden area, the base fish is undergoing transformation at this moment. It has indeed transformed. The whole body is getting bigger, and the fish scales are falling off. On the ground, the shadows clearly reflect a completely different appearance from before. The continuous transformation has brought huge consequences. Power swept all around, and Jianyu's eyes widened, showing a hint of majesty, and he looked up to the sky and roared.

The roar that followed the sky and the earth turned into a beam of light, which penetrated directly into the Tianyuan universe and penetrated into a square inch.

At this moment, one after another looked towards the forbidden area.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Mu, Ancient God, Master Qingcao and other immortal realms appeared, followed by masters such as Ancestor Lu Yuan, Wu Tian, ​​and Chu Yi, all heading towards the forbidden land.

As soon as I arrived, I was overwhelmed by the stench and kept going backwards.

But his eyes could still clearly see what was happening in the forbidden area.

"what is that?"

"It looks so familiar."

"Hunji, it's Hunji." Huang Shen came and recognized him at a glance, trembling with excitement.

Others are surprised and confused?

Mr. Mu remembered, "Yes, I have seen the animal-shaped spiritual transformation of the old salamander Zhan Gan. It is exactly the same as this one, but much larger than this one."

Ancestor Lu Yuan said, "I have also seen the form on the Jupiter altar."

"But why does Hunji appear here? And it smells so bad?" Master Qingcao was puzzled.

Even he, including Qinglian Shangyu of Jiuxiao Universe and other immortal realms, have never had contact with Hunji.

In Tianyuan Universe's understanding, Hunji is the ancestor of the starry sky beasts in the original universe. After its disappearance, the Aragami lineage grew up.

Then the more I understand silence, the more I realize it is not simple.

But when I understood it, the silence had disappeared.

The only time it appeared was when Zhan Qian saw it, but that time, even Qinglian Shangyu couldn't notice it at all. It can be imagined that Hun Ji's strength is quite extraordinary.

They never expected that Hun Ji would appear here.

Lu Yin appeared, looking at the forbidden land from a distance, and was surprised, "Hunji?"

"There is a person here." Ancestor Lu Yuan exclaimed.

Everyone looked.

Lu Yin saw "Xiqi?"

He hurriedly picked up Xiqi and woke her up.

Xi Qi was stunned by the huge force, and it was not difficult to wake her up.

Soon, Xiqi woke up, rubbing her head and her vision was blurred.

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