Star Odyssey

Chapter 4687: Meet again

Lu Yin glanced at the bird, then came back to his senses and looked around.


Bloody clouds?

He looked around, and there were blood-colored clouds everywhere, covering the sky and the earth. The entire universe was covered by such blood-colored clouds.

At this time, another murderous intention came.

Lu Yin didn't care, because this murderous intention had reached the level of overcoming hardship and was far from posing a threat to him. In the direction he was looking now, there were countless creatures fighting, rushing into the clouds, breaking up the clouds, and dyeing the clouds. Even more scarlet, the blood of some creatures is not red, but is quickly covered in scarlet.

The entire starry sky was shrouded in scarlet haze.

This is a battlefield. Coming from the Jade Line Sky, he saw a lot of wars and various different creatures fighting. It was impossible to tell who was who, and it was impossible to see the distribution of forces because all the creatures were different.

The suffering creature attacks.

Lu Yin casually waved his hand and smashed it into pieces. He took a step forward and landed, penetrating through layers of scarlet clouds and falling into a certain battlefield.

He didn't join. With his strength, no one would notice if he didn't want to join.

Let’s understand this battlefield first.

There is no immortality realm, but there is the pressure of the immortality realm, and the rather unusual sense of oppression is definitely in line with the laws of the two universes.

He kept searching, and suddenly he saw a toad jumping around. Was it from the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan?

Lu Yin rushed towards the toad.

In the distance, in a battlefield, a toad jumped up and down, very happily, constantly shuttling in and out of the battlefield. No creature could harm it. It looked up from time to time, not knowing what it was looking at.


Hit something.

The toad looked up and saw a skeleton.

With a scream, Lu Yin was speechless, avoided it, and grabbed it. The toad made a spin and at the same time used the star toad eye. He focused his eyes on the top of his head and looked down at Lu Yin. He looked mighty, but the next moment, he was Lu Yin grabbed it in his hand.

"Let me go, Skull, let me go. Where are you? You are seeking death. I am a member of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan, but if you ask me about this battlefield, do you dare to offend my Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan?"

Lu Yin grabbed the toad and moved away from the battlefield, but he didn't go far. He stopped, turned sideways, and stayed in place. The steel fork pierced the void, bringing strong oppression and sweeping out.

Lu Yin kept dodging, and out of the void, a Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad walked out with a steel fork in his hand. It had a crooked mouth and slanted eyes. It was the fourth child of the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad.

The fourth child stared at Lu Yin and said, "Let it go."

Lu Yin let go.

The Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad was stunned, Huh? Just let it go?

The fourth child was also stunned. Seeing his Seven Treasures Tian Toad running back, he didn't know whether he should take action or not. The skeleton in front of him seemed to be very obedient, but was it a human skeleton? fight here

The scene is really rare.

"Let's go." Seeing that Lu Yin was a humanoid skeleton, the fourth child decided not to care. The younger generation was not injured anyway.

Lu Yin said, "Fourth, long time no see."

The fourth child was shocked and looked at Lu Yin in astonishment, "Do you know me?"

The corners of Lu Yin's mouth curled up, and his skull face looked quite ferocious and terrifying. The little Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad stepped back when he looked at it. "Boss, how are the fifth and fifth children? How are the Star Toads? I haven't seen you for such a long time. I miss you."

Blood-red clouds are the soil of the surrounding universe. Both individual life and group creatures live in patches of blood-red clouds, because only clouds can block detection methods such as sight and consciousness. On the battlefield, it is very important to reasonably conceal oneself. Yes, no matter how strong you are.

At this moment, Laosi brought Lu Yin to a huge blood-colored cloud and saw the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad clan.

The clouds are blood-colored, but under the light of those lotus leaves, they look a bit colorful.

The Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads live here one by one, and they are guarded by the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads in every direction.

Lu Yin soon saw Xing Chan, who was staring at him with curiosity and nostalgia in his eyes.

Miss it? Yes, it is worth remembering. It is remembering human civilization, because six thousand years have passed since the Qibao Tianchan clan left human civilization.

A full six thousand years.

They did not participate in the war between the three cosmic catastrophes, nor did they participate in the coming of the Lord together. They did not witness Lu Yin's breakthrough to eternal life. In their knowledge, the Emperor on the Blood Tower was still alive.

When I see him now, it feels like a lifetime ago.

"Fourth, why did you bring a humanoid skeleton back?" came the voice of Laowu.

The fourth child looked at the boss, who was also staring at Lu Yin at the moment.

"Boss, see if you can recognize who he is?"

The boss and other Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads looked at Lu Yin curiously. They looked at each other again and again, looking at each other, and finally shook their heads. "Humans all look the same, and they look exactly the same when they become skeletons. Who can recognize him, you know him?"

Lao Wu leaned over and smiled strangely, "I'm so smart, let me guess."

The fourth child is looking forward to it.

Lao Wu asked, "Are you a mistress in human civilization?"

The fourth child angrily yelled, "Go away, the fifth child, what are you talking about?"

The old five monsters shouted, "I'm not talking nonsense. Back then, you went in and out of the three universes many times without telling humans, pretending to hook up with your mistresses, and you didn't dare to let the girls see you. Tell me, what will happen if those girls see you like this?" Think? Have a nightmare, hahahaha."

"Go away, I'm just making friends, don't talk nonsense, something will happen." The fourth child became anxious.

Xing Toad rolled his eyes, "Fourth Uncle, don't worry so much. Mr. Lu is not here. What are you afraid of? Even if he is here, I dare to say who I, Mr. Xing Toad, have taken a liking to and asked him to pull strings. What's wrong? Do you dare to refuse? Give it to him." Face."

Lao Wu gave a thumbs up, "Well said, this is the man of my Qibao Tianchan clan."

The fourth child covered his face and said, "What, boss, I want to challenge Fuyun Baiyi and give it a try."

Lao Wu exclaimed, "You're crazy. Boss can't win against that floating cloud in white clothes. How dare you go?"

The fourth child said silently, "It always feels safer than this."

"Okay." The boss said, looking at Lu Yin, "Who is your Excellency? Tell me your name."

A group of Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin looked at the eldest brother, then at the fifth eldest brother, Xing Toad and the others, "Long time no see. Everyone, Lu Yin, do you still remember?"

There was silence.

You can even hear breathing in the blood-colored clouds.

A group of Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads looked at Lu Yin stupidly, thinking they heard wrongly, Lu, Lu Yin?

"Lu Yin?" Xing Toad exclaimed.

The boss's pupils shrank sharply, and he stepped forward to less than one meter away from Lu Yin, staring at him, "Who are you?"

Lu Yin looked at the boss and said, "Boss, it's been a long time."

Many strange things happen in this universe every day, and for this battlefield, unseen species appear every moment, pulled by the jade line of sky.

But no matter how strange it was, the boss and the others never thought that one day they would encounter Lu Yin, and what they encountered would actually be a skeleton.

Lu Yin looked at the boss and the others with a smile on his face, but his skull face looked so charming.

Star Toad rushed up and stared at Lu Yin, "Are you Lu Yin?"

Lu Yin looked at Xing Toad, "Well, your cultivation has improved and you have reached the ultimate combat power under immortality. It seems that you have contributed a lot on this battlefield."

"Impossible, how can you be Lu Yin? Where is your flesh and blood?" Xing Chan didn't believe it.

Boss, they can't believe it either.

Lu Yin calmly named all the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads he knew, and also pointed out the past events that had happened with the Star Toads. "Do you still remember the first time we met?"

"Eternals, Eternal Realm."

"You were hired as a thug. At that time, you never thought about what happened later, Star Toad."

Xing Toad still didn't believe it. "It's impossible. You know that these may come from cause and effect. You also understand cause and effect, right? You are definitely not Lu Yin."

Lu Yin thought for a while, "By the way, Mie Wuhuang asked you to customize a batch of "De" flags. You took the money but didn't deliver the goods. Everyone went to Tianshang Sect to complain."

Xing Chan opened his mouth wide, "Are you really Lu Yin?"\u003c


This thing cannot be seen through cause and effect.

The boss was shocked, "Are you really Lu Yin?"

Lu Yin shrugged, "Sorry, this is just a clone, to join the death universe..."

Lu Yin roughly told what happened after the Qibao Tianchan clan left, focusing on the key points. During this period, the boss and others also tested him. Lu Yin got all the answers correct, especially when he mentioned that he had found the sixth.

"Have you found the sixth child?" The boss was surprised.

Lu Yin nodded, "Lao Liu is in the Death Universe. It had a conflict with Ancestor Shan..."

He told everything about Lao Liu, plus the situation of staying in human civilization twenty-five, and then he completely won the trust of the Qibao Tianchan clan.

Because even the cause and effect cannot be seen in these situations.

Not even Lu Yin would be possible.

The boss exclaimed, "I didn't expect so many things to happen after leaving human civilization. Thank you for surviving until now."

Lao Wu lamented, "We are right to leave, otherwise we may not be able to survive the three cosmic disasters."

The boss glared at it. Although it was the truth, don't say it.

Xing Toad was happy to see an acquaintance again.

"Xing Chan, who do you like? Can I help you connect?" Lu Yin's voice was calm.

Xing Toad's body trembled and he hurriedly hid behind the boss, "What, I'm joking, I know it's you, I knew it from the beginning, right uncle."

The fourth child rolled his eyes.

Lu Yin didn't pay attention to it and looked at the boss, "What's going on here? Where is Xiao Shiba? Why didn't you see it?"

The boss said in a deep voice, "This is the battlefield through Jade Line Sky. Xiao Shiba is still caught and cannot be saved."

Lu Yin was shocked, "You can't save Xiao Shiba? How could you?"

This is the Qibao Tianchan clan. Although they have lost the ancestor of Shan, the boss also has combat power that conforms to the laws of the two universes, and is even close to the peak. Coupled with the fourth and fifth children, such strength cannot save Xiao Shiba?

The boss felt heavy. "Behind the Jade Line Sky is the Jade Universe, but it is not all the Jade Universe. In the final analysis, this Jade Universe is a battlefield, a battlefield that possesses, or in other words, is itself a turbid treasure. The one who masters this turbid treasure is called Linlang." Heaven.”

Lu Yin listened quietly as a new and powerful fishing civilization unfolded in front of him, slowly unfolding like a scroll.

The Jade Universe battlefield is divided into three parts, and there are no less than five immortals. There are two immortals in the battlefield where Qibao Tianchan is located.

This is nothing, it is easy to solve for Qibao Tianchan, because the two immortal realms are not strong.

What really puts the Qibao Tianchan clan in trouble is the eternal being from Linlang Heaven, who is called Floating Clouds and White Clothes, Nine Tribulation Heavenly Sufferers.

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