Star Odyssey

Chapter 4690 First

Some distance away from the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou, the two immortal realms belonging to the Jade Universe are also dueling with two eternal beings.

It is equivalent to saying that five eternal beings suddenly appeared on this battlefield.

Where did it come from?

Lu Yin walked out of the bloody clouds, and the boss just arrived. "I was looking for you, and five immortal realms suddenly appeared on the battlefield."

Lu Yin looked solemn, "I know, let's go and have a look."

In the distance, the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou is surrounded by three immortal realms. Those three immortal realms are obviously not from the same race, but they cooperate with each other very well and attack the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou at the same time.

However, their attacks flowed into the sea just like Lu Yin, and had no effect at all. Instead, he was oppressed by the endurance.

The Nine Tribulation Heaven Sufferers simultaneously oppressed the three realms of immortality, pressing them directly downwards. .??.

Among the three immortal realms, only one could barely withstand it, but it only landed less than 10,000 meters. The other two were directly pressed to an unknown distance below.

It's much worse than the fourth and fifth.

"These five eternal realms are the most common. You can enter by restarting the universe. Even the one that can barely withstand a sinking is only slightly stronger." The boss said solemnly. It can see far away.

Lu Yin stared at the immortal realm that was the only one standing in front of the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou.

Watching it continue to fight against its own experience, its waist becomes more and more bent. I was like this at the beginning. This pressure is really unbearable.

Seeing the two ends of the white cloth of the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou clasped together, a soft sound brought about the fall of the immortal realm. As expected, the immortal realm fell.

At the same time, Lu Yin stood there, staring at the white cloth, and the soft sound kept lingering in his ears.

One after another.

He seemed to see endless brilliance flashing in an instant. At this moment, time and space seemed not to exist, and the experience of life was only a moment, a moment of experience, and a moment of endurance.

The boss was about to speak when he saw Lu Yin like this and stopped hastily. Did he have an epiphany?

Isn't this human talent so good that you have an epiphany when you see something?

Is what he sees different from what he sees?

For a moment, it was a little jealous of human beings' talent for cultivation.

The Seven Treasures Heavenly Toad must be much stronger than humans when they are born. This can be seen from the numbers of both parties.

The weaker the civilization, the greater the number, while the more powerful the civilized creatures are at birth, the smaller the number. Even humans themselves cannot avoid this law.

But the upper limit of human civilization is extremely high.

Scary high.

So far, the upper limit of human civilization is nine bases.

The ninth base is an existence that can confront the Lord together, which is equivalent to standing an entire square inch away.

The boss is helpless and envious


It glanced downwards and disappeared.

When he came back, he had already captured a realm of immortality and brought it back for interrogation.

Five realms of eternal life appeared at once, and it was impossible to say there was no problem.

Lu Yin's epiphany didn't last long. When he woke up, he saw the boss sneaking back to the realm of immortality.

Within the bloody clouds, Pingfeng was desperate, very desperate. He didn't know what he had done wrong to deserve such retribution.

It was surrounded by a group of toads. Judging from the grinning look of the group of toads, they were not going to eat themselves.

The key is that there are actually several eternal beings in this group of toads.

Why didn't that guy say there was such a terrifying clan on this battlefield?

No matter how you look at it, this clan is more powerful than the rest of us put together, and they can't defeat the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou. Why should they try again if they already know this?

"Say." Xing Toad shouted sharply, startling Ping Feng. This was a toad at the level of surviving hardships, but judging from his posture, he seemed to be quite powerful. He couldn't be a rogue.

Xing Chan glared and pointed his steel fork directly at Ping Feng, "Why are you staring at me? Tell me."

Pingfeng said anxiously, "What did you say?"

"Who are you? What's your name? Where are you from? Where are you going? Tell me everything." Xing Chan shouted.

Pingfeng looked around, took a deep breath, and had no intention of hiding anything. "My name is Pingfeng. I come from Mian Shen Palace. I am a divine envoy of Mian Shen Palace. The current battlefield looks like a jade cross star from the outside." , suddenly appeared in the area of ​​​​Wamian Palace, the Lord of the Palace asked us to find out the situation in this place."

"Originally, only one divine envoy entered, but after not going back for a while, we came in. And just in case, four divine envoys came in directly, but we still couldn't win the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Suffering and couldn't escape."

The toads looked at each other.

The boss came closer, and the pressure made Pingfeng fearful. This was an extremely strong man, and the pressure was not at all inferior to that of Senior Jianwu.

"Shrine? Lord of Time?"

Pingfeng's eyes lit up, "Yes, Lord Suiyue, do you know?"

"What order is your Lord of the Shrine?" A voice came from behind. Pingfeng turned around and saw a skeleton walking slowly. He was stunned. Skeleton? Wait, this form?

"Are you human?"

Lu Yin stopped and stared at Pingfeng. Do you understand humans?

"You know humans?"

Pingfeng nodded, "Senior Jianwu, the first divine envoy of our shrine, is human and has the same form as you."


Tell me. "

"say what?"

"What you know about the human condition."

Pingfeng said, "I only know that human civilization exists, and that is the civilization of Senior Jianwu. I don't know anything else. Senior Jianwu is indifferent and doesn't say anything."

Lu Yin looked at it deeply and said, "Is this all there?"

Pingfeng said, "That's all. Please believe me, if you know more about human beings, you can kill me at any time."

Lao Wu sneered, "It's not easy to kill you. I'm so smart and I know how to use intelligence to save my life. Your brain doesn't seem to be very good, but it's not much worse than Lao Wu. You will also have some backup options." ??.

The fourth child agreed, "I will definitely have a backup plan. Wait, why are you comparing yourself to me? The fifth child, you deserve a beating."

Pingfeng said hurriedly, "I really don't have any backup plan. Are humans special? I don't know. Senior Jianwu doesn't say anything. Please believe me. I really don't know anything. If I know something, I will tell you." of."

Lu Yin did not dwell on this question: "What order is your Lord of the Shrine?"

Pingfeng answered "First."

Lu Yin was secretly surprised, "First?"

The boss was also surprised. He heard Lu Yin talk about the divine palace and the situation of the main sequence of years.

First sequence?

That's quite extraordinary.

Although the sequence ranking does not represent strength, if you may become the first in the sequence, it will not be bad no matter what. In this position, strength and luck coexist.

"The master of your shrine is the first in the series of master years?" Lu Yin confirmed again.

Pingfeng said, "Yes, Mian Sequence, the first sequence of the Master Years. He is an existence that conforms to the pinnacle of the two laws of the universe. He is unsurpassed at the same level. He has powerful power and has twenty-one divine envoys under his command. Overwhelming all the sequence of years, the library of years has the reserve of over ten thousand tributaries of the long river of years, and the master of the years can always look at them."

Lu Yin didn't expect to encounter the first sequence.

Twenty-one divine envoys, this is really a terrifying number, almost the same as the death universe.

It surpassed any civilization or force he had ever seen.

However, the realm of conforming to the peak of the two laws of the universe was beyond his expectation. There must be old monsters conforming to the laws of the three universes under the command of the Lord. After all, almost all fishing civilizations can touch this level. It is unknown that civilizations such as Xian Ling will be more advanced. There is more than one, how could there not be one?

Could it be that the old monster that conforms to the laws of the three universes is the legendary main sequence?

Next, Lu Yin asked Pingfeng a lot about the situation of Mian Shen Palace, and came to the conclusion that it was much stronger than the three other shrines, not to mention the combat power of Mian Sequence itself.

He, just the twenty-one divine envoys under his command, including Jianwu, who are in compliance with the two laws of the universe, can surpass the three major divine palaces. As for the scope, it must be much larger than the three major divine palaces. many.

The most direct thing is the storage of years, which actually has more than ten thousand tributaries of the river of years.

What an exaggerated number.

There are only more than a thousand in the other shrines, and there are only a few hundred in the Zuiling shrine and Lindao shrine.

This is not a gap in quantity, but a gap in level.

No wonder Lord Yiyi often looks over, probably not looking at the sleeping sequence, but at the tributaries of the long river of so many years, which is an extremely huge wealth.

Lu Yin was a little frightened. If the other palaces had been replaced by the Mian Palace, he might not have dared to touch those tributaries of the Long River to prevent the main one from being lured down.

"The remaining four eternal realms now belong to the Sleeping God Palace."


"Sleeping Palace suddenly lost five immortals. What will happen next?"

Pingfeng Mouding said, "Senior Jianwu will come in."

Lu Yin looked into the distance, Jian Wu? It would be great if a human really comes in.

"This place is obviously a fishing civilization. No fishing civilization should be underestimated. Even if the master cares about it, some shrines are not rivals of the fishing civilization. Although the sleep sequence is very strong, the ability of the first sequence of the sleep palace must be preserved. There can be no more losses.”

"Senior Jianwu will definitely come in next." Pingfeng analyzed.

The boss asked, "What if the sword can't get out?"

This is not an if, but a necessity, because the boss can't get out either. Facing the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Suffering, he can only withstand four sinkings. Even if the sword is no longer strong, it will not exceed much, and he will definitely not be able to get out, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to get out. Can't surpass the boss.

Eyes fell on Pingfeng.

Pingfeng thought for a while, "I don't know. So far, there is no situation that Senior Jianwu can't handle."

Lu Yin nodded, "Yeah, we'll see."

Pingfeng's disappearance made the other four immortal realms uneasy. The envoy who had been staying on the battlefield and hiding the strength of the immortal realm silently revealed the Qibao Tianchan clan.

It knows about the Qibao Tianchan clan.

The Qibao Tianchan clan is a powerful clan in the immortality realm in this battlefield, and there is more than one powerful clan in the immortality realm.


"You mean Pingfeng was captured by those toads?"

The divine envoy said, "Don't underestimate those toads. One of them must reach a level that complies with the laws of the two universes."


"What else? Just tell me."

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