Star Odyssey

Chapter 4695 Internal and external confrontation

Lu Yin was surprised, wouldn't he cooperate?

"What do you mean? You don't want to return to human civilization?"

"Your human civilization has no sense of belonging to me." He said, looking at the toad boss, and then at Lu Yin, "Same race does not represent a position."

The boss toad narrowed his eyes and said, "Have you not figured out the situation yet?"

Jian Wudao: "I can help you constantly test the endurance of the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou, so as to help you escape from this battlefield. It will not be good for you if you catch me or kill me."

Lu Yin stared at Jian Wu, this guy regarded them as enemies.

Why is this happening?

We are all human beings and this shouldn't be the way we recognize each other. .??.??

After leaving the three universes, he found several human beings. Even the most ruthless Xingxia Hongyi was willing to integrate into the three universes.

This sword should be like this.

"What do you think? Let me test out the power of this Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou for you." Jian Wu said and looked at Lu Yin.

Lu Yin said, "You really don't want to return to human civilization?"

Jian Wu shook his head, "It's useless to talk more."

Lu Yin looked at him and suddenly thought of Wang Wen.

Wang Wen also does not admit that he belongs to human civilization.

What is going on inside this mother tree?

He really wanted to take Jianwu back and use cause and effect to pry into the past, but the Liuying sign was extremely glaring.

If I do this, what difference will there be between being with the Lord?

Jian Wu left, heading towards Jiujie Tianshou.

The toad boss asked, "What's going on? This guy doesn't even recognize his fellow humans?"

Lu Yin looked into the distance, "He has his difficulties. Human beings can have traitors, but human beings' own nature determines that they will move closer to their own kind, and he is no exception."

"How to do it?"

"have a look."

In the distance, Jian Wu challenges the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou.

Pressed again and again, falling again and again, he fought against various strong men one after another. His body was continuously severely injured, but he was still eager to challenge the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou.

Lu Yin looked calmly.

Are you testing the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou for them? No, he was testing for Mian.

He said that Mian cannot be defeated here.

Was it Mian who bought him from Liuying? Are you grateful?


The sword fell down hard and a mouthful of blood spat out.

Shadows shrouded, Lu Yin came over, "Don't take action again, otherwise you will die."

Jianwu stood up and rushed out stubbornly. Soon after, he was pushed down again. His eyes were red. He rushed out again and again, and was hit hard again and again, and his body was on the verge of collapse.

"What exactly did Mian do to you? To make you so desperate?" Lu Yin asked.

Jian Wu lay on the ground and gasped, "Mian, we can't lose here, this universe must be destroyed."

"It's up to you

Can't do it. "

"Even if you risk your life here." After saying that, he rushed out again, but was suppressed by Lu Yin.

Under the bone palm, the skin was torn open, and Jian Wu rushed out dragging his blood-stained body.

Lu Yin took one step and said, "You don't need to test me. I will receive it from Heaven in Nine Tribulations. It belongs to me."

Jianwuwang Lu Yin rushed out and froze in place. That familiar figure on the back was definitely human. He also longed to find human civilization and was eager to be surrounded by similar people. He spent endless years in endless loneliness and longed to find similar people.

But, no.

He has something to do.

Eternal life? No matter how high the realm is, it is not as simple as losing freedom, or being unable to integrate with the same clan.

This is the cruelty of the universe.

In the distance, within the blood-colored clouds, the boss looked away with a group of Seven Treasure Heavenly Toads.

"Lu Yin is going to challenge again? Is he sure?" Xing Toad was surprised.

The fourth child said, "Impossible. How could he win against Nine Tribulations Tianshou in such a short period of time? The boss didn't even win, and the gap seems to be huge."

The boss slapped it hard on the head and said, "You don't have to say the last sentence."

The fourth child grimaced in pain.

Lao Wu shook his head, "I'm so smart that I can't think of a way, and he can't do it either. Humans are so stubborn."

The battlefield is still fighting.

But those fights are too far away from here.

Lu Yin stood high in the sky, looking at the slowly emerging white cloth, "No need to test, just take action."

Baibu took action, and the pressure fell hard. Lu Yin's body was shaken. Although he had endured it once, he was still a little unaccustomed to enduring it again.

He resisted the pressure, raised his right hand, palm down, a needle appeared, pierced the palm, and with a wave of his hand, it went away.

The fifth needle of Yanmen, the five-needle soul-breaking needle, is also the Lu family’s Ksitigarbha needle.

Just like before, this Nine Tribulations Heaven Suffering has no intention of avoiding it.

Let the fifth needle prick.

Whether it is the first or fifth needle, it does not need to penetrate the body; it just needs to hit the target.

The moment the fifth needle of Yama struck the Nine Tribulations Heaven Shou, the white cloth trembled visibly to the naked eye, and its height also dropped a bit.

Lu Yin's eyes widened, as expected.

In the distance, the toad boss stared wide-eyed, what the hell? What did this guy do?

Jian Wu looked up and saw the abnormality of Jiu Jie Tian Shou. He was shocked. What did this man do?

The two ends of the white cloth are folded together, and the two paths sink.

Lu Yin's body was under heavy pressure again, and a needle pierced his palm at the same time.

This one

The needle pricks towards the Nine Tribulations Heaven, just like before.

The body of Jiujie Tianshou also fell a little at the same time, the shock became more obvious, and it itself was also under pressure.

This is the fifth needle of Yanmen. It can not only bring out the injuries in the body, but also bring out the enemy's power to attack the enemy in reverse.

Lu Yin wanted to see how many sinkings this Nine Tribulations Heaven Sufferer could withstand.

As the third wave of sinking landed, Lu Yin's body fell. He couldn't bear it, but at the same time, he also shot the fifth needle of the gate of hell to test the limit of the nine tribulations.

The Nine Tribulations Heavens were oppressed at the same time, no matter how you looked at it, they were just like Lu Yin being oppressed, and they kept falling.

After many years, the toad boss finally saw the hope of defeating this Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou.

Until now, there has been no way to deal with the Nine Tribulations, but now, there has been a change.


Lu Yin was defeated.

The hope on Boss Toad's face hasn't fully bloomed yet, so he's defeated?

Lu Yin fell into the blood-colored clouds and couldn't bear it anymore. He could only endure three sinkings. Of course, the biggest change from before was that he could endure the Nine Tribulations.

However, the other party's tolerance is obviously much higher than mine.

There is no other way. After all, the other party is an existence that conforms to the pinnacle of the two laws of the universe, and his ability to withstand it naturally exceeds his own.

The toad boss came over and looked at Lu Yin with a big face, "Is it over?"

Lu Yin nodded, "It's done."

"Are you so confident? Is this the end?"

"Oh, you misunderstood, this is just the first wave of challenges."

"What's the meaning?"

"Try it and see how much the opponent can bear. How many rounds do you think this Nine Tribulations Heaven Suffering can withstand?"

The toad boss was speechless, "No matter how many rounds it can withstand, it will definitely surpass you anyway. You finish playing first."

Lu Yin patted the black robe and said, "Yes, this method won't work."

On the other side, Jian Wu went up and then fell. The toad boss rolled his eyes, "Too impatient, no future."

Lu Yin jumped out and rushed out.

The toad boss looked at his back. He was so impatient. Is there really any way?

The first wave of challenges? So, is this the second wave?

It suddenly had doubts about itself. For many years, it had tried every means but could not cope with the Nine Tribulations Heaven Suffering. Lu Yin had only been here for a long time, but he had come up with more than one way. Although he had not yet succeeded, it obviously made the Nine Tribulations Heaven Suffering less comfortable. , much more effective than that.

This human talent is too high.

Lu Yin once again faced the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Scepter "Come again."

The pressure came. This time, the interval between the two sinkings given by the Nine Tribulations Heaven was much shorter, and Lu Yin also quickly shot the fifth shot of the Yama Gate, and with it

Unlike before, the fifth shot this time was not aimed at the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Shou, but at himself.

As the fifth needle penetrated the body, a reverse pressure blasted out from the inside out. Lu Yin groaned, knelt on one knee and looked at his feet. What does this feel like? Indescribable.

The pressure brought by experience does not cause harm to the body. Jianwu's heavy injuries come from challenges again and again. The decline of his own defense caused by enduring the limit again and again is his own destruction, and the sinking of Jiujie Tianshou will not take the initiative to bring about it. to hurt.

This resulted in two pressures that Lu Yin was under at the moment, one pressing against himself, and one pressing towards sinking. These two pressures, invisible to the naked eye and unable to even hurt himself, were colliding with each other in an indescribable direction. This direction was in Lu Yin was inside his body, but he didn't know where he was.

Where does experience exist? It exists in memory, exists in the body, and the time experienced by the entire body also exists. Cause and effect also exists. This is experience.

The result of the conflict between the pressure of self-experience and the reverse pressure of self-experience brought out by the fifth needle of Yama was that Lu Yin was confused.

He couldn't describe this feeling at all.

This is something I have never experienced before.

Human beings cannot create things beyond imagination, nor can they describe experiences beyond imagination.

He only knew that as the two pressures collided, his waist straightened up. He was forced to straighten up by the two pressures in his body. He looked at the toad with his mouth wide open. What the hell? Suddenly become energetic?

Jian Wu was shocked, what on earth did this person do?

He was well aware of the pressure of sinking, but this person actually resisted it at this moment.

This is a force that cannot be understood. How can it be resisted?

The Nine Tribulations Tianshou hit three sinking paths.

Lu Yin should be defeated by this fall.

But at this moment, as the fifth needle of Yanmen penetrated into the body, the third sinking occurred, and he held on.

He stood erect in the void, staring at the Nine Tribulations Heaven Sufferer and said, "Come again."

The fifth needle of Yan Gate brought out the previous attack. In other words, with the fifth needle of Yan Gate, he used two sinking pressures to fight against the third sinking pressure. What he himself had to bear was the extra sinking pressure. A round of pressure.

However, this extra round of pressure is not simple. The further back, the greater the extra round of pressure. Two sinkings are more stressful than one sinking. The pressure is just to endure the pressure of one sinking, while three sinkings are more stressful than two sinkings. The extra pressure of the path of sinking is the process of enduring the pressure of two paths of sinking. In other words, the extra pressure of the nine paths of sinking is the process of enduring the pressure of the eight paths of sinking.

Even with the fifth needle of Yama holding him back, Lu Yin couldn't hold on until he could withstand the eighth path of sinking.

The only thing that can be done is to use the pressure brought by the fifth needle of the Yama Gate as motivation to constantly support oneself, not to defeat the Nine Tribulations of Heaven, but to just stand still, or stay lying down, this is enough.

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