Star Odyssey

Chapter 4708 Nine Arrows

After hearing what Sheng Gong said, Wang Chenchen said indifferently, "Be careful if he drags you down to use you as a target again."

The holy bow stared at her, "Are you admitting that you knew he regarded me as a target and deliberately shot the previous arrow?"

Wang Chenchen said, "I just cursed you."

The holy bow sneered and said no more. The arrows changed from one to two, and then to three, and the three arrows were fired in volley.

Wang Chenchen frowned and shot three shots as well.

The six arrows shrouded it, which was like a rain of arrows to Lu Yin. Ever since he broke through the immortal realm, even his clone had never been so embarrassed, being teased like a mouse by these two.

With a squeak, the leg bone flashed across, and with a flash of sparks, he was shot. Immediately afterwards, his arms, back, and even neck were occasionally shot. Lu Yin tried his best to avoid it, but he was facing two extremely powerful people. Master.

In particular, the holy bow's calculated archery skill has been improved from one step to two steps. In addition, the number of arrows increased to three, so he had to choose to resist its arrows to offset it, otherwise he would be easily hit by more arrows.

With a bang, Lu Yin was pressed into the ground by the arrow with huge force.

Above his head, six arrows fell rapidly.

Lu Yin jumped up and dodged every step. Only one arrow could not be avoided. The Holy Bow calculated the second step and hit Lu Yin's body, but the arrow was deflected away.

High in the sky, the holy bow was surprised, it actually deflected the arrow of cause and effect? How did you do it?

Lu Yin had been hit several times before, leaving traces on the skeleton's body, but now he was able to swing away, so why didn't he do it in the first place?

It became more and more curious and continued to ejaculate.

Wang Chenchen also saw it and narrowed his eyes. The better Lu Yin performed, the more she wanted to kill him.

I'm sorry, but I can't help it.

Please die.

From a distance, six arrows shot at the same time.

Lu Yin looked around and rushed in one direction. That direction was the Seven Treasures Celestial Toad clan.

Just when Sheng Gong and Wang Chenchen were chasing Lu Yin, the powerful enemy faced by the Qibao Tianchan clan was Si. Si was in the sequence of years. Although he was ranked lower, he was not as good as Lin Dao. He ordered them, but it did not mean that Its strength is inferior. After all, it is the main sequence, which is in line with the peak of the two laws of the universe. Its full combat power is comparable to that of Toad Boss.

Now that Toad Boss's causal restraint is complete, every time he takes action, his combat power is weakening, just like the original Shan Patriarch.

And the fourth and fifth brothers couldn't hold Si together.

The Qibao Tianchan clan is in crisis step by step.

If it weren't for Jian Wu's support, they would have suffered losses long ago.

But after Jianwu was discovered by Mian Sequence and ordered to leave the Jade Universe, the situation of the Qibao Tianchan clan took a turn for the worse.

Lu Yin had already discovered the situation. On the current battlefield, Qibao

The Tian Toad clan is the weakest, so he avoids arrow attacks every step of the way and approaches there. However, it is not obvious at first glance, and it will not be easily seen that he is deliberately approaching the battlefield of the Seven Treasures Tian Toad clan.

At this moment, he suddenly rushed towards Si.

In the distance, Si sneered and flicked open the steel fork, throwing the fourth child out casually. The black gravity came, and it stared at the toad boss. "How long can you fight after your karma has been restrained?" As he said this, gray time passed, and the fifth child behind him attacked. Coming to kill, the steel fork pierces into the gray time, and the decay is visible to the naked eye.

Although in the face of existences such as Wang Chenchen, Si and Zhongta are somewhat weak in these years, that is because they are too powerful. Now they have shown their own power, which is the ability to compete for the eternal consciousness.

I don’t dare to come here even if I don’t have any ability.

Si turned around, and gray time wrapped around the steel fork like a spirit, spreading towards Lao Wu.

"Lao Wu, let go." Boss Toad shouted.

Lao Wu decisively let go.

"It's too late." Si blinked and appeared next to the steel fork, grabbing Lao Wu.

At this moment, Lao Wu could not escape.

The fourth child's eyes were cracked.

In the starry sky, Jian Wu clenched his fist. He had helped the fourth and fifth children resolve crises several times before, but now he was in the starry sky and could not take action.

At the critical moment, Si suddenly felt cold, raised his head, and narrowed his eyes, "What the hell?"

call out

The arrow fell.

Si Jian avoided it again and again, watching the arrow almost grazing his scalp and piercing the ground, piercing the universe. He broke out in a cold sweat for a moment. He raised his head angrily, but looked at Wang Chenchen and held back the words he was about to curse.

Lu Yin kicked Lao Wu away and circled Si.

At this moment, another arrow fell.

Si was shocked. This time it came from the Holy Gong. It didn't dare to scold him. He was the dominant clan. He had no choice but to avoid it.

Lu Yin was eyeing it and used it to avoid the arrows of the Holy Bow and Wang Chenchen. Si was angry and attacked Lu Yin, but it was far inferior to the Holy Bow and Wang Chenchen. In addition, Lu Yin had fought against the Time Sequence With experience, it is easy to avoid its attacks.

And it itself can't attack with all its strength, because it also has to avoid the rain of arrows.

So for a moment, Lu Yin used Si as a shield and got a chance to breathe.

Si was miserable. He was hit by arrows more than once and was directly injured. In desperation, he just wanted to escape far away, not caring about the Qibao Tianchan clan, let alone Lu Yin.

No matter how Lu Yin takes advantage of it, it will never fight back and run away.

That's right.

It didn't want to die in frustration under those two people.

Seeing that Si Mentou escaped far away, Lu Yin turned to focus on Zhongta. Zhongta was fighting with Da Mao at the moment. Da Mao was struggling. After all, he only conformed to the laws of the universe. Although there were two invisible worlds, he could face Zhongta. Tower still suffered a loss.

Zhongta is very interested in Da Mao. To be precise, he is interested in the unknown and the small distance between him and the unknown.

He kept questioning Da Mao and kept his strength.

Even though the final tower did not exert its full strength, Da Mao was still constantly being consumed by his divine power and was quite exhausted.

At this time, Lu Yin came and brought arrows. The final tower was used as a shield. In Lu Yin's eyes, it was no different from Si.

Da Mao breathed a sigh of relief: "Chen, hold it and kill it."

Zhongta roared angrily and was hit by two arrows in a row. He had to choose to escape like Si and stay away from Lu Yin. No matter how Lu Yin provoked or used him, just stay away. Fighting was impossible and meaningless. .

Lu Yin turned his eyes and stared at Linglong.

Linglong's opponent is Old Guy Hehe, and the battle with Old Guy Hehe won't be too fierce, because this old guy is good at delaying, so he has time to look around.

Lu Yin glanced at him.

Lingling's heart sank. She saw the tragedy of Si and Zhongta with her own eyes. She didn't want to be targeted by Lu Yin, so she retreated decisively.

Lu Yin just glanced at Linglong and looked at Si again when he saw Linglong retreating.

Si Ben wanted to deal with the Qibao Tianchan clan again, but he stopped when he saw Lu Yin looking at them again.

It was afraid.

High in the sky, Holy Bow's voice was cold and cold, "They are actually using us."

Wang Chenchen said, "It depends on his ability, he can survive without dying."

Sheng Gong stared at Lu Yin's body, "What method can actually deflect our arrows? Without this method, he would not have been able to survive until now, let alone take advantage of us."

"You can go and see for yourself." Wang Chenchen said.

Sheng Gong snorted coldly, "I've had enough fun now. Even if the next arrow can't kill him, it will still make him unable to move. Wang Chenchen, let's see if I can capture him first or you can kill him first." As he spoke, the two qi of heaven and earth circulated and merged into the arrow. The arrow of cause and effect, the arrow of calculation, was also the arrow of heaven and earth.

Wang Chenchen's eyes flashed. This person would definitely not be able to catch the next arrow from the holy bow, and she was not sure that she could kill that person before the holy bow caught him. After all, that person was not weak, and his survival instinct would be brought into full play. What she was facing was not a holy bow.

That's the case.

There is no need for this battlefield to exist anymore.

Below, Lu Yin looked warily at the sky. The reason why he could resist

Archery relies on the Taiqing Formation.

He had no choice but to carve the Taiqing formation on his body and use this formation to deflect the arrows. Of course, this move could only be used against the Holy Bow, because Wang Chenchen's arrows were too powerful and could not be deflected by the Taiqing formation. However, enough.

The Holy Bow's arrow calculation is quite troublesome, so don't bother with it and just fight it head on.

However, at this moment, the holy bow released the Qi of Qian and Earth, making Lu Yin uneasy. The next arrow was absolutely extraordinary.

He went to the old guy.

Haha old guy "??"

"Are you trying to use me to block arrows for you?"

Lu Yin said frankly, "Yes, please help me, senior. I will definitely not be able to catch the next arrow."

"Haha, it's true." Halfway through his words, he turned around and ran away. Lu Yin also suddenly looked up into the sky.

I saw incense burning in front of Wang Chenchen. This scene was too familiar to Lu Yin. When the Lord came together, there was a life sequence burning incense outside the three universes.

Burning incense is a means of mastering life.

Wang Chenchen belongs to the main life path.

As the smoke slowly rose, the number of arrows in Wang Chenchen's hand increased from three to nine, and an indescribable chill fell on everyone's hearts.

This is why the old guy turned around and ran away.

The holy bow's Qiankun Qi arrow is still within the range that can be resisted, but Wang Chenchen's arrow is a bit weird. The target is obviously Lu Yin, and it doesn't want to resist forcefully.

Lu Yin stared blankly at the sky, how much grudge do I have against you? Do you want me to die so much?

Sheng Gong also looked at Wang Chenchen, "You want to break this entire universe."

Wang Chenchen's voice was cold, "There is no eternal consciousness here and there is no value, so just crush it." After saying that, he let go, and the arrow soared into the sky, crossing an arc and falling towards the entire Jade Universe.

Lu Yin's pupils shrank, her target was not herself, but the entire universe.

"Run quickly." Damao shouted.

Lu Yin looked at the Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads, and the Toad Boss rushed towards the starry sky with a group of Seven Treasures Heavenly Toads.

Si, Zhongta cursed secretly, this crazy woman.

Linglong was the fastest and ran almost at the same time as the old guy Hehe.

Outside the universe, Mian Sequence and the old blind man stared blankly. This Wang Chenchen really dares to attack. There are many immortals on the battlefield, half of whom are from the Sequence under the command of the Lord, and they are not afraid of offending.

The old blind man lamented, "This girl is still so crazy, please step back, otherwise this girl's next attack will cover us."

The holy bow retracted the Qiankun Qi and stared at Wang Chenchen fiercely. This crazy woman directly destroyed the entire battlefield, making it unable to even find its target. There was no need to take action again, if the skeleton creature could survive.

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