Star Odyssey

Chapter 4717: Rebellion

Haha, the old guy saw it, guessed it, and immediately chased after him. However, Wang Chenchen and Mian were also extremely difficult to deal with, making it impossible for him to completely pursue Xue Taohua.

Xue Taohua knew that her chances to take action were limited, so she took action with all her strength to fight for control.


Lu Yin's arm shook. He had lost his right arm, and now his left arm was also shaking. This was due to the control power generated by Xue Taohua with the help of the entire Linlang Heaven.

What is the old guy doing? It actually gave Xue Taohua such strong control. .??.

Lu Yin knew it was a blood peach blossom without having to guess.

That's the case.

The dry body suddenly recovered, and the accumulated strength of the world was completely released. With a sudden force, he grabbed the mirror bead.

The whole body of the blood peach blossom shattered in an instant, revealing its true body, which turned out to be a leaf, a pink leaf, and eyes and mouth appeared in the void above the leaf.

In order to control the duel on this alternative battlefield in Linlang Heaven, it was actually beaten out of its prototype. This was something it did not expect.

At this time, the old guy's main force, the River of Time, swept in, broke through Mian and Wang Chenchen, and blasted towards the Xue Peach Blossom.

Xue Peach Blossom looked back, No Hatred No Sacrifice and Wanrenshan rushed out. It would continue to fight. Even though it was knocked out of its prototype, it didn't mean it had lost.

Lu Yin's sight suddenly expanded a lot, and he could almost see the entire Linlang sky. He immediately saw the white unknown, the heaven and earth lock, actually entering the portal.

White Agnostic didn't break free from the Heaven and Earth Lock, and it couldn't break free in a short time. Instead, it changed its approach and kept sinking into the portal. At the same time, another portal appeared behind Lu Yin grabbing the mirror bead. White Agnostic, now body.

Lu Yin looked back. Bai Aoshi couldn't see him, but he could sense that he was here.

The moment it appears, it illuminates the realm of years.

Lu Yin couldn't avoid it, because he was competing with Xue Peach Blossom to reach the sky. He was suddenly illuminated by the light and couldn't move.

This feeling is not that he is unable to move. He seems to be able to move at will, but he cannot get rid of time. This is not a fixed self or a fixed space, but a fixed time. No matter how he moves or what he does, this period of time is like being trapped. Crucified in the long river of time.

Looking up, a white unknown palm fell.

Grasping the mirror bead with his left hand, his right arm was useless. Lu Yin watched as the white unknown palm fell, and it was the incarnation of the outer pupil again, with black armor blocking the front. This time, it was not one piece, but six pieces.

He overlapped all six pieces of black armor that were close to him, and held on to the palm.

This was an attack that Bai Anzhi tried his best to reach and hit, and Lu Yin didn't want to bear it himself.

And this is also its last chance to compete with itself.


Pong Pong Pong

The black armor pieces were broken inch by inch, six pieces, all broken, and the palm power remained.

It even hit Lu Yin. Lu Yin's back was facing Bai Yizhi, and he used his back to hold up his palm with force. He vomited blood, raised his hand, and the fifth needle of Yanmen dropped from his right palm, barb.

Although the right palm is disabled, it can still move.

As the fifth needle of Yanmen pierced the palm and healed the injury, this needle allowed the right arm to move.

Lu Yin turned around, and the power he had just accumulated from Bai Agnostic was released immediately, and he struck out with one palm. Bai Agnostic also struck out a second palm at the same time.

The violent power spread out in all directions. Although it was not as good as the previous palm duel, it was still shocking enough.

The storm caused by the aftermath of the power once again made the mirror in Linlang's sky tremble.

The Lord, who was dragged down by the old guy Hehe, was swaying. He pushed Xue Taohua and other masters to clear the surrounding area.

Lu Yin's right arm was more seriously shattered, and Bai Agnostic was also knocked back with a palm.

Compared to Lu Yin, it was much better. However, Lu Yin smiled. The palm he just struck was not to defeat the white unknowable, but to bring it to the extreme.

This is what Kuzu has forcibly comprehended in the mirage domain for many years. He guides out the power that is impossible to counterattack, giving the enemy a state where things must be counterattacked, allowing the enemy to fight against this power that is impossible to counterattack, and this power that is impossible to counterattack, very soon Obviously it is the Lord of Time.

No one is closer to here than the River of Time.

At the moment when the extreme state of things was driven into Bai Agnostic's body, the long river of time suddenly expanded, as if he smelled something, and the expanding river suddenly pressed against Bai Anonymous.

No one expected this.

The Lord of Time actually attacks on his own?

Haha, the old guy was shocked. He obviously pulled it down by himself, so why did he lose control?

The white unknowable is even more unbelievable. Watching the Lord's long river of time fall down, he hurriedly retreats to the door and his body disappears.

Lu Yin looked into the distance and had already fixed his gaze on the direction of the blood peach blossom. When Bai Aozhi returned to the door, he struck out with a palm, not forgetting his merits in this world.

Only the person who received this palm could know what was going on. Others could not see it, let alone no one. Because no one could see Lu Yin, there was no way he could clearly see this palm.

A palm hit Xue Peach Blossom from afar, making Xue Peach Blossom stunned.

At this moment, Lu Yin grasped the mirror bead tightly, and in an instant, he completely expelled the control of Xue Peach Blossom, and disappeared in a teleport.

The rest of the people couldn't react in time. When they came to their senses, they saw the dark starry sky around them, the green color was gone, and they were all separated from Linlang.


In other words, Linlang is gone.

Xue Taohua was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses, she was dumbfounded, she was gone?

What power makes you stunned? What kind of power can take Linlang away to the sky in the blink of an eye? What kind of creature is it?

Neither hating nor offering, Wanrenshan froze in place, trying to find Linlang in the sky, but how could he find it?

Wang Chenchen looked around, his expression solemn as never before. This invisible creature was an extremely expert. It not only withstood the white unknown attack, but also snatched Linlang Tian from the hands of those creatures and disappeared so quickly.

This method of disappearance cannot be the legendary teleportation.

Wait, where is Mian?

Haha, the old guy and the blind man stood opposite each other. It didn't expect that Lu Yin could really snatch away Linlang Tiantian under the hands of Bai Agnostic. This kid had many weird tricks, especially in the end, Lord Suiyue Changhe actually took the initiative to attack Bai Anzhi. Bai Anzhi must think that I did it myself.

But it really has nothing to do with me, even though I want to do it. .??.

What did that kid learn?

In the distance, inside the portal, White Anonymous walked out. As Lu Yin teleported away, the heaven and earth locks around it naturally dispersed.

It looked directly at the old guy.

Haha, the old guy stared at it, "It has nothing to do with old age."

The unknown white eyes narrowed and looked into the distance. Who is it? It is not an existence that conforms to the laws of the three universes, but it is an extremely master, with unparalleled power, cause and effect, life energy, recovery method, power of time, and the speed and scope of departure.

It also thought about teleportation, but the way to get away from here in an instant is not only teleportation. There are also ways to do it in the method of time. Those who understand space and even understand luck can do it.

As for the Lord of Time attacking it, it really didn't think it was the old guy, and it seemed like it just wanted to get an answer.

It was impossible for Purple to attack it, and at that moment, a certain state appeared on itself. It couldn't explain that state. It seemed simple, but it also attracted the feeling of the master, and it had a sense of rebellion.

What is the power?

The blood peach blossom broke out, Linlang Tian was snatched away, and it wanted to snatch back the jade crosshairs.

Hehe, the old guy took a look and said hello to the blind man, "I'm glad to meet you, I look forward to meeting you next time."

The blind man smiled and said, "I am also very happy to meet you. See you next time."

Haha, a jade crosshair appeared under the old guy's feet and moved directly to Bai Aoshi's side. At the same time, a portal appeared in front of Da Mao. "Wait, where is Chen?"

A white unknowable voice came: "If you don't find it, you may die."

Okay, let's go first. "

Da Mao was unwilling to give up, but he had no choice but to leave first.

There is no need to fight with masters like Xue Taohua now.

Although it does not increase the constraints of cause and effect, White Agnostic hopes that through these experts, it can track the location of Linlang Tian. It is certainly not willing to have Linlang Tian taken away from under its eyes. The most frustrating thing is that it does not know who snatched it. .

Really disgusted.

"Where is the holy bow?" Wang Chenchen shouted sharply, looking back at Bai Yizhi, "Which of you has captured the holy bow?"

The holy bow is definitely not dead, otherwise anyone can see the mark of cause and effect.

But Sheng Gong is not here, he was obviously caught.

The white agnostic does not care, disappears into the door, and leaves.

With the old guy Hehe and Da Mao.

Although the Blood Peach Blossoms wanted to stop them, they couldn't. They were inherently weaker than the White Agnostic.

Now only Wang Chenchen is left in the same place, the blind man still has the bloody peach blossom, don't hate it, don't offer it, Wanren Mountain.

Mian also disappeared.

He was clearly here just now.

Far away, Lu Yin teleported again and again, as far away from his previous location as possible.

He didn't know the extent of the range that White Impossible could perceive, and he didn't even know if there was any tracking portal left on him, so he could only stay away.

What happens next is none of his business.

It was worth it to get Linlang Tiantian, grab the Holy Bow and the Nine Tribulations Tianshou, and see clearly that the white color is unknowable.

I hope that Jade's crosshair is really snatched away by the old guy Hehe. In this case, it may still be in his hands in the future. I am happy just thinking about it.

Just as he was thinking about it, his expression changed, and with a wave of his left hand, Linlang appeared in the sky.

The Linlang sky at this moment was very small, just a mirror.

And inside the mirror, there is sleep.

The moment he left, he took Mian with him. The purpose was very simple, to find Mian Shen Palace and find the way back through Mian Shen Palace.

But this Mian is not easy to deal with, and now he has been hit hard again.

Seeing the ripples on the mirror, Lu Yin's eyes flashed and he entered.

In the green space, Mian kept releasing sharp blades, coming from the void, no worse than Jianwu's slashes, trying to break the mirror.

When Lu Yin entered, he was still invisible, but in a duel with each other, Mian could naturally detect where Lu Yin was, just like Bai Yinxuan could find Lu Yin's position just now.

"Who are you?" Mian was alert. He knew he was taken away alone, but he didn't know why.

Obviously, Linlang Tiantian has changed his master. This creature must be an invisible strongman fighting against the white agnostic.

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