Star Odyssey

Chapter 4728 Daqian Civilization

Other creatures don't understand either.

"Actually, all of you who have been able to cultivate to this point are the protagonists of your own lives. There is no shortage of luck, but it will be difficult to move forward. Many creatures determine their heights based on luck. Do you know why Qingshan Wang has repeatedly saved danger? "



"Because it has a good father who has helped it many times in its most critical moments. Of course, it doesn't know this. Looking at the distance, there are only a few people who know this secret, and I am one of them."

More creatures around are attracted, and there must be a realm of immortality among them.

This storyteller knows what he says and dares to say it. Of course, he just doesn’t know whether what he says is true or false.

"Then tell me, who is the father of Qingshan Wang?"

"Hehe, this is a secret, you can't tell it casually." The storyteller said proudly.

Just as it happened, the creature collecting money began to walk in circles again, and anyone who walked in front of it would be given money.

No one resents it, because it’s not about giving time, and things like cause and effect are not easy to get, so just give them casually.

But this time is different, the rules cannot be the same as those given before.

Lu Yin thought for a while and threw out the super crystal, which was the currency of Chaos. He still had some here and thought he would never need it.

After finishing the circle, the storyteller began to say, "It seems that you really want to know who Qingshan Wang's father is. Let's talk about it first. After all, don't spread it casually. Otherwise, you will have to do it yourself." It’s taken care of.”

After saying that, under the expectant and doubtful eyes of many creatures, he slowly said, "Yu Ting."

Yu Ting?

Lu Yin was surprised. He had heard this name before, and it came from Mian. Mian told him all the sequences of years that he knew, including Yu Ting, because Yu Ting was the third sequence of years.

"Yuting sequence?"

"How can it be?"

"Third in the years, Yuting sequence."

"It turned out to be him."

"Is he the father of Qingshan Wang in the fifteenth year of his life?"

"One course and two sequences?"

The surrounding creatures screamed.

The proud storyteller said, "The secret has been told. Everyone, please be careful. This Yu Ting is very narrow-minded. The secrets he regards as secrets are now known to you. The road ahead may not be so easy."

"Why do you say that Yu Ting's sequence is Qingshan Wang's father?" A creature questioned.

The storyteller said, "Although the price is low, children are innocent. Storytelling is just like buying and selling. What you say is true is true. You need proof."

Its voice suddenly became louder, "More money is needed."

Without waiting for the creature collecting the money to move around, the surrounding creatures threw the money directly at the storyteller, which was different from before.

Lu Yin also threw it away. It was the currency of the three monarchs' time and space. He had too many of these things.

Countless amounts of money were thrown at him, making the creature that collected the money immediately busy.

The storyteller said happily, "Okay, since you are so sincere, I will provide you with evidence, and it will be worthy of your money." As he said this, he didn't know what he was trying to do, so he kept searching under the brand, and finally found a photo.

There are two creatures in the photo, one is awake and the other is unconscious. The unconscious one is seriously injured.

The appearance of the two creatures is completely different, and it is impossible to tell that they are of the same race.

"Yu Ting sequence?" Someone recognized that the one who was awake was the third sequence of time, Yu Ting.

So, since it is said to be evidence, does it mean that the comatose creature is?

"Hehe, this comatose person is the fifteenth sequence of years, Qingshan Wang, you all also recognize the Yuting sequence, does this count as evidence?"

"Nonsense, of course it doesn't count."

"Treat us to be idiots."

"Get any photo you want and use it as evidence. I'll get a hundred of them for you right away."

The storyteller said, "This is a real photo taken. It is definitely not fake. If you don't believe it, you can ask a being from the cause and effect to come over and verify it and check the authenticity of the photo."

"Let's go. What this guy said is all lies. We can't ask the cause and effect."

"Hmph, it's a waste of time."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the money I gave you was left behind by a certain extinct civilization in the past. It has no use and is just thrown away as waste..."

Some creatures left, some remained, and Lu Yin also stayed. Looking at the photo, he was quite speechless. Even on Earth, this photo could be fake, let alone here.

But, just listen to the story.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, what others are listening to is Yu Ting and Qing Shan Wang, and what he is listening to is the local customs. Even if the storyteller is making up stories, the stories it makes up must be generated by its cognition, and through these cognitions, it can Know something.

Anyway, there is no need to rush to the giant city. God knows when the Lord will be able to find the dead universe.

You can't practice here yet. Those who are in retreat are either sleeping or thinking.

Otherwise, these creatures would never have time to go shopping.

For the next time, Lu Yin listened to the storyteller. He talked about the sequence of years before, and then started to tell the legendary story of two practitioners of fixed cause and effect, and then told the history of a certain civilization from its rise to its demise.

Needless to say, there are always a lot of creatures gathering here. The busiest ones are the storyteller and the one who collects money. He walks around every once in a while and has no time to spare.

"Sad, deplorable. Times make heroes, but times can also destroy them.

Heroes, in this era, their deaths have made countless creatures understand a truth. "

"In life, it's better to keep a low profile."

"You're dead again. Do you know how to make up stories?" A creature was dissatisfied.

The storyteller said, "Who said I made it up? This is a legend that really happened. Everything I told is true."

"Who can prove it?"

"Why should I give you proof? Just based on the three melons and two dates you gave me?"

"I have more. If you have the ability, you can provide evidence."

"Then you give it."

"Just give it, take it."

"Okay, you don't believe it, right? Let me tell you, after the death of these two people, their fixed horoscopes are now in this giant city."

The surrounding creatures were shocked, inside the giant city?

"You think so? I also said that the main sequence of cause and effect is within the giant city."

"Yes, I also said that the master of death is in the giant city."

Lu Yin was furious, don't talk nonsense, some old guys are really capable of doing this kind of thing.

The storyteller sneered, "Okay, I can show you the evidence and you will pay me ten times the amount."

"Just give it."

"I say ten times as ten different kinds of money."

"Looking for it, I don't believe it can prove that the causal life chart is in the giant city."

Lu Yin didn't believe it either and silently gave the money.

"Look, I'll bring out the evidence right now." The storyteller pointed to the sky, and all the creatures looked up.

"Look at this."

All the creatures looked at it again and saw that it was holding a life chart in its hand.

Many creatures…

Lu Yin blinked and looked at the life chart in his hand. It was really there.

"Did you see it? Look at this, this, what is this?" The storyteller became even more proud and full of arrogance.

A creature was shocked and asked, "Why are you here?"

“It’s really a horoscope.

"Hey, time and fate, there is nothing we can do. I helped them collect the corpses."

"You couldn't have killed him, right?"


"I think it was you who killed him."

"And this life chart is in your hand, you can use it to help us."

"Just say it or not." The storyteller yelled.

The quarrel that followed was very lively, and Lu Yin kept his eyes on the storyteller.

A birth chart is not a simple thing. If you want to get it, you need not only strength but also luck. This storyteller creature is definitely not simple.

It could take out the life chart, and Lu Yin suddenly believed everything it said before.

"Do you want to sell this horoscope?" There is a biological forbearance.

Keep talking.

In fact, many creatures have been added to the surroundings. These later ones are not simple. There must be more than one immortal realm among them, so the creatures who were making a fuss around the storyteller in front did not dare to speak.

They don't want to get the birth chart, but they know that they are not qualified.

Now the truly qualified ones are here.

To be able to ask this kind of question must be eternal life, or maybe it is a sequence.

The scene was silent, and all eyes fell on the storyteller.

The storyteller shook his birth chart, which was so dazzling in the sun: "I heard what you asked, this is a relic of an old friend, how can I sell it?"

"Make a price." Another creature's voice was low and hoarse, like a knife cutting, very recognizable. Immediately, some creatures slowly backed away because they recognized it.

Lu Yin heard a creature whispering. This creature seemed to come from a powerful civilization, named Daqian.

"I just happened to meet this strong man from the Daqian civilization before I came to Jucheng. His voice is so recognizable. He is not easy to mess with."

"I heard about it too, let's go, be careful of getting into trouble."

Lu Yin looked at the creature that spoke. The mark was very ferocious, like a giant beast. Coupled with the sound, it was indeed frightening.

The storyteller shook his head helplessly, "I promised not to sell it. This is a relic of an old friend."

That's what he said, but the birth chart showed no intention of putting it away.

"Just make an offer." The Daqian civilization creature spoke again.

The storyteller said, "Stop talking. Do you still want to listen to my story? If you do, I'll give you money. If you don't, I'll get rid of you." As he spoke, the creature collecting money began to walk in circles.

The creature from the Daqian civilization stepped forward, stood in front of the creature collecting money, and threw a bunch of things over, which should be money. "Make a price, I want the life chart."

Storyteller's dissatisfaction "I can understand your desire to buy a horoscope, but I still don't want to sell it. Please don't embarrass us. We are just telling some stories to make a living."

The Daqian civilization creature did not move and continued to block the money-collecting creature.

"I must buy the birth chart. If you really don't want to sell it, I can guarantee that you can get out of the giant city alive, but you won't be able to leave the surrounding area alive."

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows and sounded so arrogant. This storyteller was not simple at first glance. After all, he could get the horoscope, so he dared to talk wildly.

Is Daqian civilized?

There are as many civilizations as stars within a square inch, and some civilizations are extremely powerful, comparable to or even surpassing the shrine. This Daqian civilization must be a fishing civilization, otherwise it would not be so crazy.

The storyteller chuckled, "Businesses cannot be done with justice, are you trying to buy or sell by force?"

"The things that our Daqian civilization values ​​​​have not been lost yet." The creature spoke directly and announced its home, causing many surrounding creatures to retreat.

Lu Yin did not move, which was quite conspicuous.

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