Star Odyssey

Chapter 4737: Silence Kung Fu

die? He could die, he was already in the giant city, but why not give it a try? I am the morning, the morning that leads the path of death, the morning that is transformed into an abyss by a thousand opportunities, the morning that can become an abyss.

He is a creature under the command of Lord Death.

Why did the Lord of Death want to kill himself?

It just says something to yourself, nothing more.

Lu Yin thought over and over again in his mind that it was just a word, just a word. It was the Lord of Death, an existence that he could rely on. It would not kill him, so why should he be afraid? Where does the fear come from? Death is brought to others.


There was an explosion in Lu Yin's mind, and the darkness faded away like a tide. When he opened his eyes again, the battlefield was still the same battlefield, filled with blood, shrouded in darkness, and the sounds of fighting gradually came to his ears.

And he is still where he is. .??.

The fall just now was like an illusion.

Lord of Death, did you speak to yourself?

“The eyes look at the heart, and the heart looks at the mouth.”

"Heart and mouth are one."

“Minds and minds are united.”

The Death Lord's voice reached Lu Yin's ears again. Lu Yin didn't know what the Death Lord meant, but he instinctively followed the Death Lord's words.

"Looking at the silence of death, there is no inner trace, and watching the darkness of the outer world..."

"It's not difficult to look up to someone, but it's easy to suppress it..."

As the voice of the Lord of Death fell, the world became dark again, but this time, Lu Yin had no fear, no despair, and no fear. All he had was the familiar warmth, which was the power of death. This darkness was not outside. , but inside.

He followed the words of the Lord of Death, and actually formed a dark cycle of the power of death in his body. This cycle started from the entrance of his heart, from his mouth to his eyes, from the dome of his eyes, and from the top to his heart, as if there was an extra darkness in his body.

This feeling was very similar to that of the starry sky in the heart when I first practiced it. The difference was that this darkness only had the power of death. At this moment, Lu Yin's mouth seemed to be glued to this power and he could not open it. His eyes were open. Open it, you can see the battlefield, and you can also see the closed darkness.

As the darkness circulated, I heard endless chatter in my ears, an indescribable completeness, and it seemed that there was an extra soul that was constantly matching him.

What is this power?

"Little guy, have you ever heard of the silent-mouth technique?"

Lu Yin couldn't speak. He wanted to open his mouth, but his instinct stopped him. He couldn't, and he failed when he opened his mouth.

"For all living things, it is easy to speak, but difficult to shut up. The mouth is the release of speech, the source of food, and the beginning of life instinct. When the mouth cannot speak or open, life has ceased to begin, and then death will be regarded as the beginning. The source of life, the cycle begins, this is the Shunkou Kung Fu."

"When you are completely silent for the first time, how much you can increase your power of death depends on your talent."

"The longer you keep silent,

When he lets go, the power of the Deathly Silent Eruption becomes stronger. "

"Looking forward to your performance."

Lu Yin stared at the battlefield blankly, silently? In an instant, he thought of Qianji Guiyan. How could Qianji Guiyan not be able to speak? Yes, it must be because of his ability to keep silent.

He was also unable to speak at the moment.

Does it become more powerful the longer it remains silent?

Why did the Lord of Death teach him?

Looking at the seven abyss in the past, only Qianji Guiyan has learned the art of shutting up.

The importance of this skill may not be as important as the Three Death Techniques, otherwise Qianji Guiyan would not have expended so much energy to learn it.

The Lord of Death gave it to himself at this moment, and his meaning was self-evident.

In this feast of death, all the creatures in the giant city are dancing to see who can dance to the end.

The final tower heads into the distance.

Lu Yin looked at its back. It seemed like a long time had passed since the contact with the Death Lord, but in fact it was only a moment.

There is a sense of unreality.

He really came into contact with the most amazing existence in the universe today.

It is also the ultimate existence that destroys the ninth base.

Lu Yin stood there, the Three Death Techniques still releasing the power of death and silence, constantly blending with the power of death and silence of the Lord of Death.

The dead silence power of the Lord of Death is fundamentally different from him. Any dead universe creature that blends its own death silence with the death silence of the Lord of Death is like a transformation. However, this transformation can only last for a short time, and even if it transforms, it will only last for a short time. Just rising to a higher level of strength may not necessarily lead to decisive abilities.

At this moment, Lu Yin could use Chen as his clone to fight Zhongta without exposing his full combat power. He even injured Zhongta, but it was not enough to kill Zhongta.

It depends on when the mouth-closing skill is completed.

He stood there quietly, because of the previous killings, no creature dared to provoke him.

Lu Yin just stood there.

Few creatures in the giant city paid attention, but many creatures outside the giant city occasionally looked at him, wondering why he stood still.

"It must have been hit by the creature with a head like a tower just now."

"That's the final tower, the seventeenth sequence of years."

"The sequence of years? No wonder, with the method of years, it is normal to be able to freeze the skeleton in place. No need to pay attention to it. He has stopped here. After all, he picked the wrong opponent."

"That skeleton is very strong, but it can still only lose when faced with the sequence of years."

"The main sequence of Zhongyi is also in the giant city. This master dies, and the master cannot

Come on, is there really something that can kill Zhong Yi's main sequence? "


"Hey, look, what is that?"

"To dominate a clan, cause and effect dominate a clan."

"And over there."

"That's the clan that dominates life."

"There are also those who dominate the clan. If all life in the giant city dies, it will really poke a hole in the sky."

"It's normal for the Lord Death. They inherently represent death."

… .??.

In the giant city, Jie Dang opened his eyes to the creature in the Immortal Realm, turned his head and looked into the distance, and saw Lu Yin standing there, why didn't he move?

He raised his feet and was about to rush over, but was held back by another immortal realm creature.

At the same time, the Dead Sea Dark Pressure also looked at Lu Yin. It did not want Lu Yin to die in the battle. Now that the Seven Abyss had lost more than half, it urgently needed to be replenished. Especially at this juncture, if there were too few in the Seven Abyss, they would only be oppressed by the Death Lord clan.

Although Lu Yin is not in the realm of immortality, his combat power is comparable to that of the Abyss, and his absorption of the power of death is even more exaggerated. In its view, the upper limit of a cultivator's power of death is the amount of absorption of the power of death.

Once Lu Yin breaks through immortality, he will definitely be an extremely powerful person in its perception.

The stars still keep falling bones.

The Lord of the Dead doesn't care at all about the loss of these bones.

Under the blessing of the deathly power of the Lord of Death, the combat power of these white bones has been raised to a higher level. It is obviously a dark world, but the white color has become an irresistible color, but the white bones are very vicissitudes of life.

One by one the creatures died.

Nowadays, in the giant city, the creatures under the Immortal Realm are almost extinct, and only the Immortal Realm can exist.

There are more than twenty realms of immortality, which is quite a terrifying number. This is based on the fact that a lot of realms of immortality have been lost.

You can imagine how many realms of immortality there were at the peak of the giant city.

The final tower keeps scanning the giant city, constantly shifting, and absorbing time at the same time. No matter whether it is attacking itself or not, time will be absorbed.

The more the better.

Only with enough time can it penetrate the power of death and connect to the outside world.

There is a realm of eternal life moving closer to the final tower.

"Get lost." Zhongta shouted. It didn't want to be noticed. The more obvious the target, the less likely it was to escape.

"The final tower sequence, where the juniors are floating around, is an alternative sequence and wants to follow the seniors to escape."

Zhongta's eyes turned red, "Get out of here."

Not far away, another person from the Immortal Realm arrived: "This junior is also an alternative sequence. Please ask the Final Tower Sequence to take us to escape together. Only by joining forces can we have hope."

The final tower hates it

Gotta kill them.

Wait, it looked hard and said, "Give me your time and I will take you away."

The two alternative sequences looked at each other in surprise.

The final tower shouted: "Do you want to leave alive? Give me all your time, I promise to take you away, and at the same time help you enter the sequence of years. There is no limit to the number of sequence of years. There are hundreds of rivers of time in my palace of the final tower. The tributaries are enough for you all to enter.”

"You should be clear when you have cultivated to this point. Despair is accompanied by vitality. This is the closest you will get to the sequence of years in your life. Don't make mistakes, otherwise you will die."

There is nothing I can do about the two alternative sequences. I can only grit my teeth and take out the tributaries of the Long River of Time and hit the final tower.

Zhongta's eyes widened, great, it didn't bring a few tributaries of the Long Time River with it on this trip. It wanted to use them at the critical moment. These two guys came just in time. As long as there are more tributaries of the Long Time River, they can definitely escape.

Even the main sequence can't stop it.

It is impossible for the Death Lord to deal with it personally.

has hope.

Suddenly, a darkness shot straight into the sky. It was clearly in this huge city shrouded in darkness, but this darkness was purely terrifying.

Many creatures looked subconsciously.

Seeing only the distance, Lu Yin slowly raised his head, and within his body, pure darkness flowed upstream, breaking through the starry sky, connecting to the endless sky, and actually dispersed the dead power of the Death Lord.

His black robe rose up, and in his hand, the dead silence turned into a pure black blade. He slowly raised it and suddenly stared at the final tower. At this moment, the indescribable coldness crossed the long distance and reflected in the final tower's heart, making the final tower tremble all over. .

How can it be?

How could this skeleton erupt with such deep and cold deathly power?

At this moment, the Dead Sea Dark Pressure, the Black Immortal Hell Bones, etc. were all shaken. The deathly power that Lu Yin exploded at this moment gave them the feeling of meeting the Lord of Death.

This deathly silence is closer to the death master clan, that kind of darkness, with bone-chilling coldness and the depth of death.

Those who practice with them are different.

How did you make this humanoid skeleton?

Lu Yin feels great now. He didn't expect that completing the first internal circulation of the Shunkou Kung Fu would actually bring such a sense of pleasure. It feels more comfortable and freer than being manipulated by Qian Ji to increase his potential. It's like swimming in the Dead Sea. , as if he should be like this.

This is the true power of death, derived from the power of the Lord of Death, one of the most powerful beings in the universe.

This power is not so easy to break.

He slowly bent his legs, jumped out, and turned into a black stream of light. He did not rush straight towards the final tower, but turned along the way. The black blade flashed, and along with the dark monster transformed from the power of death, he directly transformed into an immortal realm. engulf.

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