Star Odyssey

Chapter 4742 Another kind of treasure

The Death Silence Arrow kept shooting out, and Ming Lu kept dodging. The Death Silence Arrow was very fast, but it was still ineffective against Er Er Sheng Bu.

Lu Yin didn't care about the consumption. Anyway, the death power used to cast the Death Arrow came from the Lord of Death, not himself.

Ming Lu discovered this after dodging for a while. The Death Arrow was too weak to hurt it. In this case, there was no need to dodge.

Lu Yin put down the Divine Bow of Time, it was enough.

The next moment, you can see the condensation of the power of death appearing in all directions of the dark giant city. If you look carefully, you will find that these condensed points are the void crossed by the arrow of death. As the power of death condenses around the giant city, it finally forms a huge original treasure array. Law. .??.

This original treasure formation is the Taiqing formation carved on the surface of the bone by Lu Yin.

The Taiqing Formation can isolate the influence of certain external forces. Previously, it could also isolate the absorption of cause and effect by the bottle in the palm of the Holy Bow. Although the formation was too weak and could not last long, it still means that it is effective. Then, it may be able to control the destiny. Lu also produces effects.

No matter how bad it is, it can still hinder Minglu's movement.

Ming Lu raised her head and looked up into the void, the original treasure formation? Why does this skeleton know all this?

Lu Yin waved his hand and used the Taiqing formation to drag down the power of death that filled the entire giant city. For a moment, the power of death that had completely sealed the giant city was attracted by the Lord of Death, and turned into a huge spear and shot at Minglu.

From the sky, black spears kept falling.

Ming Lu hurriedly dodged, her speed was too fast, and she hit the Taiqing formation directly. Although she was not stopped by the Taiqing formation, she was restrained for a moment. What Lu Yin wanted was this moment. A moment's mistake was enough. Breaking its mobile thinking.

Plus the previous observations.

Lu Yin was chasing Ming Lu while falling down the death spear. His movements were also weird. He was not specifically heading towards Ming Lu, but he was getting closer and closer to Ming Lu.

In the end, she collided head-on with Ming Lu. Ming Lu gritted her teeth and said, "You are looking for death." As she said that, her round arm condensed white light into a sword. The sword light was soft and not sharp at all, but this sword made Lu Yin horrified.

He successfully approached Ming Lu, but what he faced was this sword.

Everyone underestimated Ming Lu, or in other words, underestimated the Shengsheng Zhandian. Shengsheng Zhandian not only had fingering and footwork, but also had killing moves.

The sword penetrated Lu Yin, and even though it was a skeleton, it shattered the bones in his chest. The white light exploded in his body, consuming the power of death with his life. Lu Yin groaned and hit Ming Lu with a palm.

Ming Lu let go, and the white sword suddenly exploded, turning into a burst of life force and rising into the sky, breaking nearly half of Lu Yin's skeletal body. This was the most serious injury Lu Yin had suffered since he participated in this war. , almost shattered him.

Ming Lu couldn't believe it, could she survive this?

It didn't understand how Lu Yin could hold on. From the beginning

It is running away, creating the illusion that it is not good at killing. In fact, its killing methods far exceed those of the Holy Painting. Otherwise, the Life Master Clan would not let it come to the giant city to participate in the pursuit of the Lord Death.

It has never cared about the existence of holy paintings and other things, and this sword can be said to be used perfectly. Logically, even the old monster that conforms to the laws of the three universes should be crushed. Why doesn't this skeleton exist?

Lu Yin admitted that he underestimated Ming Lu and was almost crushed to pieces, but Ming Lu also underestimated him. His body was not an ordinary skeleton. The periosteum was divine power and the bone marrow was death. It was precisely because of the existence of these two forces that the sword could be delayed. If it explodes, you will really die.

This Ming Lu had planned it from the beginning, in order to survive this death feast.

Lu Yin's body flew upside down and hit the ground hard.

Ming Lu was knocked back by a palm, but she was not injured at all.

Outside the giant city, many creatures are not surprised. The defeat of the skeleton is certain. The main life force has never been weak. Their tenacious vitality does not mean that they have no means of killing. Looking at this war, Ming Lu is definitely second only to Zhong Yi. The deepest hidden masters are much more powerful than the few who besieged the Dead Sea.

It can only be said that the skeleton picked the wrong opponent.

Being able to kill the Holy Painting does not mean that you can kill Minglu.

He was lucky that the skeleton didn't die.

Ming Lu looked deeply at Lu Yin, "The dead master will definitely return to the mother tree after he recovers. Stop pestering me. See you in Yunting." After saying that, she turned around and left. The third day was almost over.

After taking a few steps, she suddenly paused. Ming Lu lowered her head and looked in front of her. There was a triangular mark in the position where Lu Yin's bone palm was hit.


The next moment, the entire giant city shook. Between heaven and earth, countless forces of death converged on the triangular sign. The first ones to bear the brunt were those spears of death that fell into the earth.

One spear after another stabbed at Ming Lu.

Ming Lu was horrified and hurriedly avoided it, but it was useless no matter how much it avoided, the dead spear still hit the triangular mark.

The imagined injury did not appear, and the Death Spear was completely submerged in the triangle symbol.

Ming Lu was surprised. Next, all the dead spears, even the Taiqing formation that arranged the void, rushed towards the triangular mark.

Opposite him, Lu Yin stood up slowly, his wounded body still surrounded by white light. He was using his deathly strength to dispel it, but his eyes were fixed on Ming Lu.

"What did you do?" Ming Lu was confused.

Lu Yin grinned and kept silent, unable to speak. He underestimated Ming Lu and let him suffer.

Chuang, in terms of true combat power, even if he did not underestimate it, Chen's clone would not be Ming Lu's opponent. The vitality contained in Ming Lu was unfathomable, even if he used divine power.

He can't win.

But this is a giant city with endless power of death, coming from the Lord of Death.

Although these dead powers cannot cause damage to Ming Lu, they can be absorbed by the Three Death Techniques.

At this moment, the Three Death Techniques were on Ming Lu.

Lu Yin asked himself that he couldn't defeat it, but the one who had to fight it was not Lu Yin himself, but the power of death in the world. .??.

More and more dead power poured into the triangle, and the entire giant city was swaying.

Ming Lu was uneasy and kept rejecting the triangle with her life force. The triangle was just a force that could be rejected.

It's useless. Even if it attacks with all its strength at the beginning, it may not be able to peel it off, because the Three Death Techniques already contain the majestic power of death and silence belonging to Lu Yin, and now as the power of death and silence increases, the death and silence gives three deaths. The power of the spells pressed against Ming Lu became more and more. Ming Lu's body was filled with majestic vitality, fighting against the three death spells.

Two forces, one black and one white, are burning inside and outside the triangle, consuming each other.

Ming Lu's uneasiness became more and more intense, because there was too much dead silence power, and there was endless dead silence power in the outside world. How could it possibly compete with it? She just hoped that this combat skill could contain less dead silence power.

No matter how much death power there is outside, as long as it can absorb less here, it can be suppressed.

As Death Silence continued to be absorbed by the Three Death Techniques, and Ming Lu's confrontation continued, Lu Yin took action, striking out with one palm, not forgetting his merits in the world.

Ming Lu was unable to avoid this palm, as her attention was focused on the Three Death Techniques.

As the World Not Forgetting Kung Fu hit, its pupils blurred and it was stunned for a second. Lu Yin raised his hand, condensed the divine bow of time, and shot the arrow of death.

An arrow shot out.

Ming Lu stared at Lu Yin, the incense that was originally lit was extinguished, and it lit another incense in front of her: "You are looking for death."

There are two states of burning incense, one is to pay tribute to the Immortal Star Chart, burn the incense, and counterattack the enemy's life; the other is to pay tribute to the Immortal Star Chart, burn the incense, and protect one's own life.

Before, Minglu was trying to protect itself, because it had to survive until the end, and the enemy it would eventually face must be the Lord Death, an existence that conforms to the laws of the three universes, but now it had no time to think about that much, it just wanted to deal with Lu Yin as soon as possible, because of the distance The three-day period has come to an end. If even Lu Yin can't solve it, how can he survive it?

A stick of incense burns slowly and reaches the stars. Even the deathly power that covers the huge city cannot suppress it.

Let the incense penetrate the dead silence and go to who knows where.

Ming Lu stared at

Lu Yin: "Go to hell."

Lu Yin made no move.

Ming Lu blinked, "??"

Lu Yin stared at Ming Lu, then looked at his body. What happened?


Ming Lu was stunned, and suddenly remembered that death was a life, and wasn't their life the power of death?

The main life is counterattacking, and what is counterattacking is life, but other people's life is the power of death, and the power of death is everywhere around here, how to counterattack?

By the way, I thought of this at the beginning, so I never used life as a counterattack. At most, I just cut off the lifeline, but now I have forgotten it.

Outside the giant city, creatures looked at each other. They didn't understand what was happening, but it seemed that Ming Lu was at a disadvantage.

what happened?

Only the dueling parties know what happened.

Lu Yin used the death power of the Lord of Death to permeate the entire giant city to consume Ming Lu's vitality. The Three Death Techniques were the breakthrough. It was impossible for Ming Lu to counter-kill Lu Yin. Now it was Lu Yin's turn not to approach it.

Ming Lu thought of this and rushed towards Lu Yin. As long as she killed Lu Yin, the triangle mark would disappear.

Lu Yin would not give it a chance and kept avoiding it.

The Three Death Techniques crazily absorbed the power of death. In the eyes of other creatures, Minglu, who clearly belonged to the main life path, was actually shrouded in the storm of death. What did it do? Could it be that he is absorbing the power of death? No matter how you look at it, it is like this.

But can the master of life practice the master of death?

No matter what the outside world thinks, they can't figure it out.

Until the white light around Minglu continues to dim, and its vitality continues to be consumed. So what if it is twenty-seven months? Faced with such a majestic power of death, no amount of vitality can withstand the consumption.

In desperation, he could only burn incense again and pray to the Immortal Star Chart in order to save his own life.

But here, under the eyes of the Lord of Death, the power of the Lord of Life cannot protect it.

The Three Death Techniques were still absorbing the power of death. Ming Lu's vitality was completely consumed. Darkness enveloped the whole body. Its snow-white body was filled with death. Its wings rotted and the body fell. Looking up at the stars, "Don't kill me, Lord of Death, don't kill me." ."

No matter how many life-saving means there are, they are useless in the face of the power of the Lord of Death.

Lu Yin was far away and watched quietly, not approaching.

He will no longer underestimate Ming Lu. God knows what other abilities the life masters have.

"Lord of Death, don't kill me, don't," Ming Lu shouted, her whole body submerged in darkness and she couldn't see anything.

The third day is almost over.

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