Star Odyssey

Chapter 4753: Do something big

"How did you do that just now?" Lu Yin was curious.

The blind man smiled, "Is this the sincerity you asked me to show?"

Lu Yin nodded, "That's understandable. I can let you talk quietly."

The blind man breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, then I can tell the little friend that it is in line with the laws of the universe, good or bad." .??.

Lu Yin found that many biological patterns were incomprehensible without explaining the situation.

What impressed me the most was the Red Man's absoluteness, and the blind man's obedience and rebelliousness were not so easy to understand.

"To put it simply, I can change the order in which the enemy attacks. Of course, it's not about forcibly changing the enemy, but changing the attacks that have already been made. After the little friend's archery skills are fired, I can make every arrow return to its previous route. So many The arrow always has a trajectory that intersects with the child's next arrow after being shot. As long as you find this intersection, you can change the direction of the arrow and let the child's own arrow collide with his own."

Lu Yin exclaimed, "Very strong ability."

"My dear friend, I am exaggerating. This is my sincerity. I am exchanging my secret for a chance to speak. Do you agree, my dear friend?" the blind man asked.

Lu Yin put his hands behind his back, "Okay, let's talk."

Probably seeing the blind man's strength, Lu Yin was not sure of solving him, so he had to stabilize him first.

The blind man made an invitation gesture, and Lu Yin boarded the awning boat and sat opposite him.

He picked up the teapot and poured tea for Lu Yin.

"It's not easy to have a drink with a friend."

Lu Yin picked up the teacup and took a slow sip. "It's not bad."

The blind man laughed and said, "Little friend, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"There's no need to talk nonsense, just say what you have to say." Lu Yin put down his tea cup and said directly.

The blind man nodded, "Then I'll get straight to the point."

"Have you ever heard of the Eternal Consciousness Realm, little friend?"

Lu Yin's eyes moved and he looked at the blind man, "I mentioned it when I introduced Xing Zhui, and I have heard it before. The reason why Chu Mian was able to lead you to the Jade Universe battlefield was the eternal consciousness world."

The blind man said, "Whoever can master the eternal realm of consciousness can become the master of consciousness. This is a fact recognized by Fang Cun Di."

"The master of consciousness has disappeared. No one knows whether he is alive or dead, but the eternal consciousness is still there. For countless years, many living beings have been looking for it. Even other masters and masters have been looking for it, but they have not been able to find it." At this point, he said Looking up, the blind eyes seemed to open, and the voice slowly flowed out, "I know where it is."

Lu Yin was shocked, "Do you know where the eternal consciousness is?"

The blind man's mouth curled up, "Not bad."

Lu Yin stared at the blind man, "Where is he?"

He knew that the eternal realm of consciousness was only a small distance away. Could it be that the blind man also knew it?

The blind man is so funny. "Such a big secret, little friend, maybe you think I will tell it easily. You know, this secret can be exchanged for everything."

"Is this why the Lord doesn't chase you?"

"Of course not, it has nothing to do with the Lord. If the Lord knew that I knew the location of the eternal consciousness, how could he let me go? Now, only you, my little friend, know this secret."

Lu Yin's expression changed, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't know."

The blind man smiled, "I don't know now, but I will definitely know in the future."

Lu Yin's tone was cold, "You told me that you knew the location of the eternal consciousness, but you didn't tell me where it was. You planned to use this to threaten me so that I wouldn't tell anyone."

This is the method of the blind man. If Lu Yin tells the outside world that the blind man knows where the eternal consciousness is, others will look for the blind man, but they will also look for him, because they all think that he also knows.

Therefore, the blind man could safely tell him this matter, and he would not be afraid of him spreading the word.

The blind man said, "If little friend has no intention of harming me, how can he threaten me?"

Lu Yin picked up the tea cup and took another sip. "What exactly do you want to do?"


Putting the tea cup down heavily, the blind man said with a serious expression, "Let's do something big."

Lu Yin was stunned, "What?"

The blind man said, "I want to do something big."

"What's the meaning?"

"The eternal consciousness world is a great temptation, just like the appearance of the Lord Death. However, the eternal consciousness world is safer than the Lord Death, because the master of consciousness is missing. If you want to replace the consciousness master, you only need to control the eternal consciousness world. That’s it, this knowledge is the premise, then, under this premise, how many living beings are trying to find the eternal consciousness world?”

"How many creatures want to become the new master? Including the master itself, don't they want to master stronger power? The power is endless, there is no invincible creature, and the master also wants to master more."

"So, I want to use the eternal world of consciousness to leverage the master."

Lu Yin stared blankly at the blind man and said, "Pry the Lord's way?"

The blind man said, "I know it is difficult, even impossible, but it is not impossible for the Lord to pry it. Even if there is only a slight chance, it will be enough to pry out a gap."

"Are you out for revenge?"


"Just you and me?"

"You and I are just the planners. Those who enter the game are all the creatures that covet the eternal consciousness. They are the competitors. No matter how strong they are or how high their status is, in front of the eternal consciousness

They will all kill each other, and this is our chance. "

Lu Yin was puzzled, "Why do you think I will help you?"

The blind man said bitterly, "I wanted to threaten you at first, but now I guess the threat is useless, so let's make a deal. I will help you control the eternal consciousness."

Lu Yin smiled, "Do you think I'm an idiot?"

The blind man said, "Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I won't try myself. Compared to you, I have a greater chance, and what you get is just an opportunity, but you have to understand that this opportunity is something that countless creatures can't even dream of."

"Besides, I will never tell anyone about your secret, and I also promise to do something for you, no matter what."

"Of course, if I can't do it, I can't force it."

"When the Eternal Consciousness Realm appears, the Overlord will definitely snatch it away. Do you think your plan can succeed under the Overlord's eyes?"

"Little friend, why do you think I am doing this now?"

"Lord of Death?"

"Yes, for those masters, it doesn't matter who takes away the eternal consciousness, because no one can control it in a short time, it is simply impossible. As long as they know where it is and whose hands it is, it is enough. If they want to , it’s not as simple as coming out to snatch it.”

"The Lord will not appear immediately. The Death Lord will appear at the same time. They will only guess whether this is the Death Lord's conspiracy. Similarly, the Death Lord will also guess whether other Lords are plotting against it, and even deeper. Levels, they all have scruples, scruples about the missing master of consciousness.”

"For the main sequence, everything in the universe belongs to them. Since there are scruples, they will not end up immediately. Otherwise, what are the main sequences doing to support them?"

"Why did the master of consciousness disappear? Why did the eternal consciousness world appear? Do you think the master who is already standing will not consider it? Compared with the eternal consciousness world, they want to see clearly the secret of the disappearance of the consciousness master."

Lu Yin touched the table with his fingers lightly, thought for a while, and looked at the blind man, "You seem to think that I will definitely help you, just for the sake of the place in the eternal consciousness world."

The blind man smiled and said, "Isn't it enough?"

"Enough, provided that this eternal realm of consciousness is real."

"Does it mean that my little friend knows that there are other eternal realms of consciousness?"

"I have heard more than one news, and I know where the eternal consciousness world is, but in the end they are all fake. Blind man, how many eternal consciousness realms are there?"

The blind man laughed dumbly, "Of course there is only one."

"So how can you guarantee that the eternal realm of consciousness you mentioned is true?" Lu Yin asked.

The blind man was silent.

Lu Yin was not in a hurry, took a sip of tea and waited quietly.

\u003eTo prevent Lu Yin from revealing his secret, you can use Lu Yin's secret to threaten him, but if you want Lu Yin to help plot the master plan, threats will obviously not work. Lu Yin must be allowed to help sincerely.

Lu Yin didn't believe that the blind man didn't consider this, but he never said it. Either he didn't think that Lu Yin could escape from his previous layout, and he hadn't thought of a suitable way to seduce Lu Yin, or the method he originally thought of was later found to be inapplicable.

Regardless of the possibility, it would be difficult for him to impress Lu Yin now, unless he could prove that the eternal consciousness he knew was true.

Lu Yin knew where the Eternal Consciousness Realm was and had been there, so the blind man was still lying to him. But Lu Yin wanted to see what the blind man was trying to do by lying to him. It was really just to plot against the Lord, and he was happy to do so. He asked for help because he was afraid that the blind man wanted to harm him.

Having had previous experiences, Lu Yin had to be on guard.

The main reason is that the blind man is too powerful, and Lu Yin is not sure about solving it, otherwise he would not be allowed to plan like this.

Lu Yin could hear the scheming voices in his head.

After a while, the blind man poured tea for Lu Yin, "Young man, you don't want to deal with the Lord?"

Lu Yin smiled, "Are you trying to kill your heart?"

"The position is unanimous."

"To put it in perspective, let me introduce the Lord of Death to you. The Lord of Death wants to deal with the Lord even more."

"The Lord of Death is unattainable, and I am not qualified to meet him. However, as a human before, there must be blood hatred between humans and the Lord. Now that he has joined the Lord of Death, there is also hatred. In fact, if I give up revenge, I will be dealing with the Lord. Along the way, you should be more active."

Lu Yin raised his eyes, "Humans, what kind of blood feud do you have with the Lord?"

The blind man frowned and turned his head slightly, "My little friend, you don't know?"

"Tell me about it." Lu Yin neither admitted nor denied it.

The blind man exhaled, "It turns out that the Wang family deceived the Lord. There is still a living human civilization outside the trunk of this mother tree."

"Then, I don't know much about human civilization and the Lord. I only know one thing, and I am absolutely certain of it, and that is." At this point, he raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yin with his blind eyes. It seems that I can see the same thing: "In the main rule, there are only two human beings."

"One is the Wang family."

"One, in the refugee camp."

"Other than that, there shouldn't be a third kind of human being."

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes, "Aren't you the third type?"

Moreover, the unknown belongs to the main group. How could he not know that human civilization existed in that small area before? It was only the situation that the main group knew, and the outside world could not understand it. At this point, Lu Yin knew more than the blind man.

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